Arsena specially arranged an extremely luxurious and spacious room for her in the mansion, not only that, but also transferred two female entourage knights to take care of her food and daily life. At this moment, one female knight was rubbing her shoulders, and the other Mingzheng combed her long hair with a comb, and paired it with the coffin full of gold that she brought to sleep, the scene looked extravagant.

However, judging from the great contributions she has made in assisting us, it is completely understandable to enjoy this kind of treatment.It would be better to say that with such a reliable combat power like hers, even if she traded the entire city, it would be worth the money.

"Well, I'm sorry, I have to trouble you again..." I was entrusted by Arsena to beg her and I nodded.

"It feels like you people are calling me around a lot lately." After hearing this, she frowned slightly, as if it seemed a little troublesome.

"I have caused you a lot of trouble recently, but this time I really need your help..." I carefully persuaded, "The demon standing on the enemy's side is a great threat to us, we must catch it Time to eradicate it as soon as possible.”

"Enemy... Get rid of that misty monster. Recently, all you have settled are some miscellaneous fish. It's not interesting at all." The queen stroked her chin with her knuckles and thought for a while, then replied: "How about this?" , now you come to serve me, if you can satisfy me, I will promise you."

"Ah? Serving?" I froze for a moment.

The queen gestured to the two knights who followed her: "That's enough, you guys go out first."

The two female knights looked at each other with complicated expressions for some reason, and finally left the room obediently, and closed the door intimately.

There were only the two of us left in the room, and I looked at the queen sitting on the chair in a daze: "Well, what do you want me to do?"

"Help me rub my shoulders." The queen gestured to her shoulders, "Flying around these days, my shoulders are already so sore, you don't know how much a pair of wings will bring to your shoulders. .”

"But, didn't someone rub it for you just now?" I was a little puzzled.

"The strength of human beings is the same as stroking with all their strength. Compared with the maids of my tribe, it is really far behind." The queen said and hooked her fingers at me, "Your words may be of some use."

"Uh, well..."

If pressing her shoulders can make her willing to help, I really have no reason to refuse.

So I walked over and walked around behind her. At this time, as if to cooperate with me, she gathered her long pale hair with her hands and put it on the back of the chair, revealing her fair neck and collarbone, showing no intention of defense at all.

Well, with her defensive power, it seems that there is no need to fortify...

But at this time, I looked at her seemingly soft neck and shoulders, and raised my hand but didn't know where to start.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up?" She turned her head and urged me.

I had no choice but to follow her wishes and carefully placed my fingers on her shoulders.

The gauze dress transformed from her dragon scales was very thin, and the warm touch from her fingertips made me a little nervous.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down.At the same time, I reminded myself in my heart: Calm down, there is no need to be nervous, she usually flies around on her back, now it is normal to give her a shoulder massage, it is the same as brushing a wolf's hair with a brush, eh!

Lao Tzu is a good hand at grooming in the tribe!

"Huh? Why are you combing my hair all of a sudden?" The Queen suddenly turned her head in doubt.

"Oh, I'm sorry I made a mistake!" I quickly put down the comb that I unconsciously took in my hand, and started to press her shoulders instead.

But the queen turned her head again and complained: "Hey, is this strength different from that girl doll just now? Haven't you eaten?"

"Okay." I quickly added a little more strength.

That's right, you can't just look at how weak her shoulders are. She is a dragon after all, so it should be very difficult.

"Strength!" The queen was still not satisfied.

I tensed my shoulders this time, pouring strength into my entire arm.

"Put in a little more force!" But the queen was still dissatisfied.

Tsk, this doesn't work?Don't blame me if it hurts!

This time I simply gritted my teeth and squeezed desperately.

"Ah!" A groan suddenly leaked from the queen's mouth, which made me withdraw my hand suddenly in fright.

"What's wrong? Did it hurt you?" I asked worriedly.With my current grip strength, crushing the skull of the beast just now is not a problem

"Why stop, the strength just now is just right." The queen snapped her fingers and ordered, "Don't stop and continue!"

To reach this level, this female dragon's body is really strong enough...

I had to continue to pinch her shoulders with the same force just now. This time I was not so nervous, because this feeling is not so much a massage, it is better to say that it is completely exercising the strength of the upper arm. Within 2 minutes, I felt my own My hands were almost sore, so I had to stick to it with perseverance.

"Well... that's the place! It's a little... sensitive."

"Strength! Use more strength!"

"Ah! Move a little faster..."


After 15 minutes, the queen finally shouted, "Well, let's stop here."

I took a long breath and relaxed my whole body.

Both hands feel almost completely numb...

The queen stood up and stretched her waist: "Well, yes, I feel much more comfortable now. I haven't felt so relaxed since I came out of the palace."

"It's great if you're satisfied, the thing you asked for just now..." I lowered my arms tiredly and asked her out of breath.

"Ah, okay, I'm also very reasonable. I'll make preparations first, you can wait for me outside." Seeing that she was in a good mood, the Queen readily agreed.

Thank goodness the female dragon finally nodded.

I shook my hands and walked out of the room. As soon as I opened the door, I saw the two accompanying knights nervously pressing their ears to the other half of the door. Both of them were blushing.

The two of them and I met our eyes, and they stared at me, who was panting like a cow, with wide eyes at the same time.

"What are you two doing?" I asked subconsciously.

In an instant, the two girls straightened up, stood side by side, and shook their heads frantically: "No no no no!"

"Huh?" I frowned suspiciously at their abnormal reaction.

"Please rest assured, Your Excellency, we will pretend that we didn't hear anything about what happened just now!" a knight shouted sullenly.

"We have a very strict tone as knights, and we will never talk around!" Another knight shouted nervously.

"Oh, oh..." I replied blankly.

What are these two talking about?

Come and serve me (2)

About an hour and a half later, riding on the dragon's back, we could see the molten iron fortress from the air.

The people who came to play this game included Alsena, Bridget, Her Majesty the Queen, and me... plus a familiar owl sent by Roland to communicate with us—that's all, in terms of numbers The lineup is a little shabby.

Originally, we planned to arrange an escort team to go together.

"...Me, Arsena, and the marquis's daughter Bridget, there are three Helgian knights including the knight commander, and Roland, um, just seven of them." Before departure , I explained to the queen the staff who arranged it.

With her huge dragon-shaped body, it is not impossible to carry seven people on her back.

But after the Queen finished listening, she just glanced at me expressionlessly: "Seven people?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Brock." She called me suddenly.

"what happened?"

"Stick your head over here." She beckoned to me.

"Oh..." Although I didn't know what she wanted to do, I still lowered my head towards her as I said.

Then the queen raised her hand and flicked it on my forehead. The strange power of the dragon made me feel like I was punched from the front. I threw my head back suddenly, and my consciousness went blank for a moment.

"Why!?" I asked aloud, covering my forehead after recovering.

"Because you said something stupid!" She grabbed me by the collar, "Seven people... Do you think I am your side's public carriage that you can take whenever you want?"

"Eh, but, but..."

"Up to three including you, that's it, don't bargain with me!"

After she finished speaking, she flicked my forehead again.

So the lineup was forcibly reduced to this number. To persuade the soldiers in the fortress to expose the fake Marquis, Alsena and Bridget were both necessary, and then Roland added a familiar follower to provide us with support.

Wikas was not worried about Althea acting alone, and personally brought a group of escorts to rush here, but the running speed of the werewolf was still far behind the giant dragon flying in the sky. It will take about half an hour.

"That's the fortress, what should I do next?" The queen turned her head slightly and asked me who was sitting at the front for my opinion.

By the way, the order of the three of us riding on her back is from me to me—me, Althea, and Bridget.

There are two reasons for sitting like this. One is that Bridget is resolutely unwilling to sit next to me, while just the opposite.

The second is that Arsena proposed that if I, who is tall, sit in the front, I can shield the people behind me from the wind.

It wasn't until after I took off that I found out what kind of idea this girl was up to. Taking advantage of the convenience of sitting behind me, she began to reach out and touch me from time to time, and she was very happy to touch me, making "hey hey" from time to time Weird smile.

This incident made Bridget's impression of Alsena drop a lot. At that time, Arsena was so smug that she couldn't bear to look at her anymore, so she patted Alsena's shoulder and persuaded: "Your Highness, please Don't be like this...a princess of a country, touching a man's thigh casually is really a bit...I heard that you became the crown prince in public as a woman, and I have always respected you..."

Then Arsena replied in a natural tone: "I'm just interested in Mr. Bullock. Is there any problem with that?"

And then Bridget was overwhelmed by her.

"Of course there is a problem! Don't speak so righteously about your perverted fetish!" In the end, I couldn't help breaking Arsena's fingers once, and this girl was truly honest.

It feels like she has become more and more strange after studying with Miria.

Hearing the Queen's question, I began to seriously think about the countermeasures for contacting the other party.

According to intelligence, the troops deployed in this fortress are around [-], which should be enough to deal with this Dragon Queen's combat power.

It’s just that it’s better to be cautious, maybe you can land on the hill two kilometers away from the fortress first, and join up with the werewolf knights who rushed over...

But just as I was thinking about it, Bridget, who was sitting at the end, suddenly said, "Please land directly in front of the main gate of the city wall."

"What?" I turned around in surprise.

"Please land in front of the main gate, and I will persuade the soldiers here directly." Bridget replied blankly, "I know this request is a bit willful, but I really don't want to wait any longer. When I think of the enemy who killed my father now Still sitting in the fortress... I can't sit still for a second."

"Mr. Bullock, I think it's a good tactic to catch that guy by surprise now." Even Alsena also stood on Bridget's side. Her father is now at the center of this war, and it is certain that You must have a little empathy for Bridget at this time.

"Okay then, just land at the main gate, and you are ready to cast the holy shield at any time." I thought about it for a while, and finally agreed.

So the queen swooped down directly, hovering down from the air with astonishing momentum, and landed on the front of the fortress, less than 200 meters away from the city gate.

The queen's towering body was not much shorter than the city wall, and when such a colossus suddenly landed here, there was a commotion on the city wall.

The soldiers ran, the bell tower rang, the archers rushed to the battlements in a hurry, and several cannons protruded from the openings in the city wall.

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