So I patted the queen on the back and persuaded patiently: "Your Majesty, although it may be a bit over the top, this is the most straightforward tactic I can think of... If you continue to fight like this, it will be very difficult to get rid of that monster." It may be a lose-lose situation, so please be patient."

"Idiot! How can this be as simple as surpassing?" The Queen's tone sounded a bit weird, "I said you, did you really only think of this method?"

"Sorry, that's all I can think of for now."

This is the only way to quickly reduce the distance to a position within the reach of the "ancestral heroic spirit" when inducing the opponent to attack, and so fast that the opponent has no time to counterattack with breath.

"That's all..." After a long silence, the empress let out a long breath as if a little discouraged, and then replied to me in a suppressed voice: "If you miss, I will roast you!"

If this tactic fails, I who was thrown towards the Mirror Demon will either be bitten to death by that guy, or I will be bombarded to the point where there is not even a scum left...

Anyway, since the queen is willing to compromise, let's give it a go.

Before getting close to that guy, you have to use up its countermeasures first.

If it really copied the Queen's ability perfectly, then it should be able to perform that all-round and non-dead-angle domain attack - if you don't force that move first, approaching the past rashly is no different from suicide.

When the queen turned to the direction of the mirror demon approaching, I immediately began to summon the beast soul, making the blood mist gather into the appearance of a thunder eagle, first at the two ends, and then after a few breaths, I summoned again to let the beast soul The number increased to four.I have seen the difference in power between Lei Sculpture and the Empress with my own eyes. If you want to induce the Mirror Demon to fight back with unique moves, you must not hold back.

I controlled the beast soul to form a formation, and rushed towards the Mirror Demon from four different directions. I knew very well that the queen's wings could also fan out flame attacks, so I deliberately controlled the beast soul to attack from the two dead angles above and below. .

Before the beast soul was about to hit the Mirror Demon, the Mirror Demon let out a threatening dragon roar, and the crimson domain expanded like an explosion centered on the Mirror Demon. In an instant, it burned like a lit match, and then instantly dissipated into a blood mist.

Dragon Kings Clash (4)

Very good, forcing out its trickiest counterattack method.

"Sell it a loophole now, and when it is induced to come over, use your tail to throw me behind it!" After I explained this, I immediately turned around and quickly crawled along the queen's back to the direction of the tail .

The dragon's tail became thinner as it got closer to the end. It was fine at first, but at the end I had to slide down with the tail in my arms. But when I hugged the tail, the tail suddenly swayed twice.

"Hey, don't throw it up now!" I was unprepared, almost dropped my hand, and couldn't help shouting.

The queen let out a low growl of unknown meaning from her throat, and drooped her tail a little to make it easier for me to slide down.

I quickly slid to the end and looked in the direction of the mirror demon.The queen was close enough for both sides to attack.The field that the Mirror Demon used was her trick, so she was very good at controlling the distance. Near the edge of the expanded field, she suddenly turned around as if to avoid an attack, exposing her side to the Mirror Demon.

Just as I expected, the Mirror Demon, who was eager to find an opportunity, thought he had caught a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and immediately rushed over here with wings flapping.

The queen immediately released the domain, and the red and black light arcs were pushed towards the mirror demon. With the protection, I only felt a blazing warm wind enveloping my whole body.

But in the face of such a high-temperature field that can instantly burn the lightning sculpture to ashes, the mirror demon has no intention of shrinking back—it has the same shape as the queen, so it can naturally withstand this kind of damage.At this moment, the queen is facing it sideways, and it can bite the queen's wings as long as it rushes over, tearing them apart completely.

But the domain released by the queen is only to influence its sight.

At this moment, she flicked her tail violently, throwing me over the mirror demon.I let go of my hand at the right time, and my whole body drew a throwing line in the air like a stone thrown by a trebuchet, and landed on the back of the mirror demon's neck.

The Mirror Demon hadn't expected this surprise attack. Although it caught a glimpse of me, it didn't have time to react.This angle made it impossible for it to counterattack immediately. When it turned its head in a hurry and wanted to counterattack me with its breath, I had already summoned the "ancestral heroic spirit".

I didn't make any reservations, and hit that guy's head with all my strength.

Before the Mirror Demon opened its mouth to prepare for a surprise attack, the battle ax in the hands of the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" hit it heavily on the top of its head.

Such a blow that splits mountains and rocks, even if it hits this body, although it is not enough to cut open the skull, it is still enough to cause considerable damage.The Mirror Demon's head was slammed down, and the dragon's scales and bones were unreasonably hard, but the shock of the heavy blow was still transmitted to its brain.

This blow made him dizzy for a moment, and his movements were obviously sluggish.

Such a flaw is enough to tell the winner.

The queen immediately rushed forward, and completely tore one side of its wing with her sharp claws. The long crack almost tore the wing in two.The Mirror Demon instinctively fluttered its wings and struggled, but it could no longer fly with those wings, so it could barely slow down its falling speed.

The Queen also chased it down, circled it with a very small diameter, and attacked it again, tearing off its other wing, and the Mirror Demon could no longer fly.

Then came the third and final attack, this time the Queen directly bit its long neck, the hard dragon teeth penetrated the dragon scales on the neck, tearing the vital throat and neck bone, the mirror demon company died I can't even cry out.This was a truly fatal injury. The Mirror Demon froze for a moment and then collapsed. The blood splashed from its wound was pitch black, completely different from the empress' bright red blood.

The queen let it go, and let it fall straight towards the ground. Its scales peeled off little by little like carved in sand, turned into black magic power and dissipated, and finally threw dust flying into the sky by the deep pool below.

I used the last bit of life fire in the air to summon a Thunder Eagle beast soul, and I reached out and grabbed its claws and looked down.The body of the giant dragon incarnated by the mirror demon collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the flesh and blood scattered little by little, until only the bronze-colored bones remained.

I manipulated the beast soul to bring me down, and finally landed next to this "keel".

"Is this considered dead?" I looked at the skeleton of the dragon and said.

"Well, the mirror demon who originally had no body has no concept of death, but the moment the mirror demon obtains the shape, the mirror demon obtains the corresponding life form and can be killed. Powerful power comes with a price. It died, that's why its body collapsed, and only the copied keel can survive for a while." Roland said slowly, "But after all, it is still the magic power of the abyss, so we can't leave it alone, and organize people to come and purify it later. "

"No need, let's hand over Vanessa to absorb this thing." I shook my head, "This should improve her combat effectiveness to some extent, and it will be very helpful to us."

At this time, the queen also hovered down from the air, landed next to me, and immediately turned into a human form the moment she landed.

"Ah, Your Majesty, we won, thanks to your willingness to cooperate with my tactics." I spoke to her happily.

"..." The queen turned to me sideways, without saying a word.

"Well, the wound on your arm... it's better to go back and bandage it." I glanced at the scratch on her forearm. Although the wound was not deep and the bleeding had stopped, it was better to deal with it. appropriate.

"..." The queen pulled her sleeve to cover the wound.

"Well, why...don't you speak?" I suddenly felt a little stiff in the atmosphere.

"... Brock." After a while, she finally spoke up.

"what happened?"

"You, come here." She beckoned to me.

"Oh..." I was just about to step forward, but I suddenly felt something was wrong instinctively.

I raised my head to observe the queen standing there like a stone sculpture, and swallowed my throat: "Your Majesty, I always feel a murderous aura, is it my illusion?"

"Come here!" she repeated.

Due to the pressure in her tone, I had to approach cautiously and stand beside her.

"Hold out a hand," she continued to order.

I raised an arm.

In the next moment, she suddenly grabbed my arm and threw me over the shoulder. The force was so great that I flew several meters away. Roland's familiar escaped from me first.

Then with a "plop", I landed in the pool not far away.

"Why?" I popped my head out of the water and looked over in astonishment.

"Let me let you go this time, and I will never let you go lightly next time." The queen standing by the pool glared at me with a face of embarrassment that I had never seen before, and then from With a snort, he turned his head away from the edge of the pool.

"...What's going on with her?" I was at a loss as I was soaking in the water.

"Hoo hoo, what a magnanimous majesty the queen is." Roland's chuckling voice came into my mind, and her familiar flew back and landed on my head.

The water in the pool blasted by the queen's breath was warm, without feeling cold at all.

Epilogue; His Royal Highness' new aide-de-camp

"Father... I'm sorry..." Bridget stood in the commander's room of the fortress, with eyes lowered, stroking the clothes belonging to the Marquis on the table.

After a long time, she sniffed and lay down on the table, suppressing her voice and sobbing.

Because of a demon, she lost her close relatives in the conspiracy designed by the enemy, and the confidant who was loyal to the lord died as a result. Countless soldiers in the territory were deceived by the false lord's order to go to the front line, giving their lives meaninglessly.

Arsena and I stood outside the door and did not go in to disturb her.

"Mr. Bullock, when you left, Miss Bridget told me that she regretted it very much. She said that if she had discovered her father's anomaly earlier, or had been tougher and determined not to compromise with the rebels, maybe things would not have turned out It's like this now." Alsena said to me softly, "When I made a mistake, if Mr. Bullock hadn't woken me up in time, I would probably have been like her. Although Miss Bridget made a mistake Choice, I still want to help her as much as possible."

Bridget is very similar to Alsena who disguised herself as a male in order to inherit the throne in the past. Under special circumstances, she chose to compromise, and finally led to regrettable results.

"Go ahead if you think so." I nodded and responded briefly.

Now Arsena has long since abandoned her confusion, and is actually growing into an excellent leader step by step—just as she has always yearned for.

We waited outside the door, and after Bridget calmed down a bit, Arthena stepped into the room and spoke to her: "Miss Bridget, please be sorry for your father's matter."

Bridget wiped the corners of her eyes, took a deep breath, and replied slowly: "Your Highness, thank you for helping us eliminate the demon that killed my father and his subordinates. Please forgive me for the offense this time. .”

"Then, the matter has been resolved here, can I announce the disposal of the Greed family now?" Arsena asked calmly.

"Please tell me..." Bridget nodded.

Arsena cleared her throat and said, "From the clues we have so far, it can be determined that Marquis Glid was killed and replaced by a demon, and it has nothing to do with the rebellion. I am willing to believe that he is innocent. But Bridget Glid, as the only daughter of Marquis Glid, the sole heir to the title, and one of the actual power holders in the territory, although she was deceived, it is an indisputable fact that she participated in the rebellion. Given her After being captured and actively cooperating with counter-insurgency operations, I am willing to deal with her lightly. Therefore, in the name of inheritance, I pronounce a sentence to temporarily freeze her right to inherit the title and all management rights of the Glider family over the territory."

"I accept the judgment... What do you plan to do with the people in the territory?" Bridget looked over, she was obviously very concerned about this.

Arsena nodded: "Don't worry, they are also the people of Helgia, and I will handle it properly. I plan to let an acting lord take over the territory temporarily until the king's capital issues a new edict."

"Deputy lord, are you planning to take over here yourself?" Bridget seemed to feel a little relieved, "Your Highness, it will not be a problem."

She had personally seen Arsena's anger because the people of the territory were involved in the war, and she should still have confidence in the fact that Arsena would treat the people of this territory well.

But Arsena shook her head: "No, there are still rebels in my territory, not to mention preparing to rescue the capital. Now I have no time to manage other territories, I will appoint my adjutant to do it this matter."

"Your adjutant?" Bridget thought for a while, "Is that the leader of the Third Knight Order?"

"Mr. Wikas is not my adjutant, he is my mentor, and he is only serving as my guard temporarily." Arsena shook her head.

"Could it be..." Bridget shifted her eyes to the door suspiciously, exchanged a glance with me, and suddenly widened her eyes, "This orc?"

She immediately clapped her hands on Arsena's shoulders excitedly, and eagerly persuaded: "No, Your Highness! Absolutely not! Let this lewd orc manage this place, and the women in the entire territory will suffer."

"Hey, what do you imagine Lao Tzu to be!?" I couldn't help but patted the door frame with my eyes wide open.

Anyway, I avenged you for killing your father, so can't you be more polite to me?

Well, if you think about it carefully, the impression she has of me can be regarded as being shaped by me myself...

"How come?" Arsena smiled and waved her hands, "I don't even think about letting Mr. Bullock be my adjutant and follow my orders every day—" she said as if she suddenly stopped , then rubbed her chin and muttered, "Wait a minute, it seems pretty good when you think about it carefully..." She turned her head and looked expectantly, "Mr. Bullock!"

"Forgive my refusal!" I stated clearly, and at the same time reminded her, "Don't forget your original purpose, hey!"

"Well, actually I haven't appointed my adjutant yet, so..." Alsena turned her face away, "Miss Bridget, are you willing to be my adjutant?"

"Huh? Me?" Bridget was taken aback.

"Yes, the people I'm with now are basically appointed by my father when I was in the capital. After I became the crown prince, this is the first time I have personally appointed others like this." Arsena smiled, and then He said seriously, "Miss Bridget, are you willing to become my adjutant and accept the entrustment to manage the Marquis Glider's territory? Of course, you will also be in charge of the army in the territory."

"Why, why did you let me come? I indulged the devil pretending to be my father, and tried to kidnap you..." Bridget replied in a low voice, "But you avenged me instead, even if you ask me now , Imprison or exile me, take away the military power here and everything in the territory, I will not have any opinions."

"I really need troops to counter the rebellion, but I also need people to manage it. You are the daughter of the Marquis, and you are very familiar with the affairs of the territory. You are naturally the most suitable candidate for the management of the territory and the local army. Although you I made a mistake, but in my opinion, there is still a chance. Of course, this is just a whim, I have always needed an adjutant, you are a bit like me in many ways, and I quite like you." Arsena said He smiled at her sassyly, "Will you accept my commission and assist me by my side in the future, Miss Bridget?"

"I..." Bridget watched her slightly open her eyes, then lowered her head, and replied softly, "I am willing."

...Why are you blushing just to accept an appointment?

I couldn't help squinting my eyes as I watched from the side.

This turmoil of rebellion finally came to an end with the surrender of the Marquis Glider's army.

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