"Strange dream?"

Oh, by the way, there are conditions for Vanessa to become other people, and she needs to ingest the body fluids of the subject, or dream about it.She can now look like Princess Alyssa, probably because she just sneaked to Princess Alyssa and used the ability to capture dreams on her.

Then when Vanessa ran to my side, Princess Alyssa, who had a strange dream, came out alone to relax—that’s how it happened.

"Well, what dream did you have?" I asked casually.

After asking, I felt a little regretful, because Princess Alyssa immediately showed a nervous expression: "This... this, I dreamed that I met classmate Bullock under the tree..."

"Met me?" I blinked in surprise.

Isn't this exactly the same as the current scene?

"Then what then?" I asked further.

"Then...then...ah!" Princess Alisa said nervously halfway, she suddenly woke up and covered her mouth, and then looked away, "I'm sorry, please forget, I, I can't remember .”

"That's it... sorry." I realized that I shouldn't ask further, and then I thought of another thing at the same time, "Didn't you bring your guards when you came out?"

"Ah, this..." Princess Alyssa suddenly became even more flustered, "There was originally a knight watching the night, I just think that this fortress is safe enough, if you want to stand under a tree and enjoy the moon alone, then Let her stay nearby, there is absolutely no other idea!"

Um?What are other ideas?

Well, no matter what, with the nature of the "succubus", you can have ghosts in any normal dream. This situation is really embarrassing, and the key point is that I can't get to the bottom of it.

Blame that girl!

I looked in that direction again, and Vanessa was walking towards this side without knowing it. The distance was not enough to hear the conversation here.

"Huh? Why does Bullock look there from time to time? Is there anything?" Princess Alisa also noticed my gaze, turned around and poked her head out from behind the tree.

Then she exclaimed subconsciously: "Hey——"

I immediately covered her mouth with my hand, preventing her from fully uttering her voice.

When she looked at me with wide eyes and panic, I made a quiet gesture to her: "Please calm down first, don't disturb her. I will explain to you later, we will wait here , and grab her!"

Miss Succubus wants to be liked (5)

We hid behind the thick tree trunk and watched Vanessa, who turned into Princess Alisa, walking towards this side without knowing it.

"Student Bullock, what is that?" Princess Alisa asked me in a low voice in surprise.

"That's Vanessa. Wait until I catch her, and I'll explain to you later." I stared at the target and pulled my head back.

Tracking down this girl is difficult, but ambushing her is another matter.

Vanessa approached unnoticed. Although she deliberately stepped lightly, we orcs often struggled to distinguish the footsteps of those beasts who are good at concealment when hunting in the Wild of Beasts, not to the extent of Angelica. Its level cannot escape my ears.

This girl's body is constructed of magic power. She has the talent of a mage and knows how to manipulate this magic power to make her body atomized and deformed. Physical means can't catch her.

In the past, I would definitely be helpless against her, but now...

Vanessa got closer and closer to us, and finally finally appeared beside us.

"Ah!" She caught a glimpse of us, turned her head suddenly, and was stunned on the spot.

Before she could react and run away, I reached out to her from a distance of nearly five meters.Naturally, my arm can't reach this length, but the "ancestral heroic spirit" can.

While waiting, I was already ready to summon the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit". When I stretched out my hand, a huge ghost appeared behind me. With my movements, I stretched out my thick arms and used my huge palms like catching mice. Hold Vanessa's body directly.Of course I controlled my strength so as not to hurt her.

Vanessa, who was caught, subconsciously wanted to atomize her body and escape from the hands of the "ancestral heroic spirit".But in the end, her body was only blurred for a moment, but she still couldn't break free from the grasp of the ghost. On the contrary, her transformation technique was lifted at this time, and she suddenly changed back to her original appearance.

"Huh? Why?" She panicked all of a sudden, and tried to twist her body but it didn't help.

Sure enough, as I expected, the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" is a dead ghost body built by the fire of life, that is, magic power, which is essentially the same as the magic rope shot by Feilan with the ring.Its grip also has the effect of magical restraint, which can work on magical creatures like Vanessa, and its restraint is far stronger than Feilan's rope.

"You can't escape now." I grabbed Vanessa in front of me and stared at her.

"Woo..." Seeing that she had nowhere to escape, she showed a shrinking expression on her face.

"It's really Vanessa, why did you look like me just now?" Princess Alisa covered her mouth in surprise.

"It's because I let her absorb the remnants of the Mirror Demon, and she gained the ability to transform into someone else. As a result, she turned into your appearance on the first day to lie to me." I explained angrily, "You The strange dream I had just now was because she slipped to you and controlled your dreams, and she used this as a medium to become you."

"The dream just now...was because of her?" Princess Alisa looked at Vanessa thoughtfully.

After explaining, I turned back to Vanessa: "You, it's okay to make a fool of yourself. This time, you dare to pretend to be someone else to play a prank, and you don't think that if you cause misunderstandings, you will cause so much trouble to others!"

After I finished speaking, I stretched out my hand and flicked her forehead as punishment.

"Ah!" I raised her head, and then she looked over with aggrieved eyes, "But, but my dear, you always hide from me, but treat her so well, that's why I want to be her words, You must be nice to me!"

"I hide from you because you do some outrageous things at every turn." I shook my head and sighed, "If you can be a little more honest..."

"No, I just can't hold it back." She actually got angry with me here, "If you don't listen, I won't change it even if you teach me a lesson!"

Well, if this guy can understand the rules, he won't be a headache until now.Like that golden-haired girl, this "succubus" is also the type who can't learn a lesson and can't change her nature.

"You see, you can't change your personality at all, and it doesn't make any sense to become someone else." I couldn't help but wryly smiled with her attitude that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Ugh... you just hate people anyway." Vanessa drooped her eyebrows and yelled loudly, "Even if I became someone else, I would still be hated by you! You just treat people differently!"

"Who said I hate you? You just give me a headache. It's two different things. There are too many people in this world who give me headaches." Seeing her play her temper like a child, I was amused by her instead, "Everyone is different, and so are you. Isn't it normal to have different attitudes towards different people?"

After getting used to Roland's teasing and Miria's entanglement, and the various misunderstandings of those female elves in the past that caused me troubles enough to become a dark history in my life, Vanessa's troublemaking at this level is very important to her. For me who has experienced many battles, it is really nothing.

"Don't you really dislike him?" Vanessa looked over cautiously.

"Hmm." I nodded.

"If you don't hate him, let him sleep with you!" Suddenly, her eyes lit up again, and she flirted with me.

"What kind of logic is this... no!" I rolled my eyes, "Okay, in short, you can never do things like pretending to be other people to play pranks in the future. Think about it carefully, you did it after you changed into someone else's appearance How can you take responsibility for something out of the ordinary that has damaged someone else's reputation?"

"Hmm..." Vanessa was left speechless, and just curled her lips.

"I've settled the matter just now, please apologize to Your Highness now." I pointed to Princess Alyssa beside me.

"Hey——" Vanessa drew her voice long, with a troublesome expression on her face.


"It's okay, Brock, I don't mind about it." Princess Alyssa waved her hand to smooth things over for us.

Vanessa also said in response: "That's right! I didn't cause her any trouble, you don't know, she was in the dream I made at the time——uh! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

In the middle of speaking, Princess Alisa suddenly stepped forward and covered her mouth at an elusive speed.

"Hey, what's the matter, Your Highness?" I was taken aback by her move.

"No! Nothing!" Princess Alisa suddenly turned her head and replied, the smile on her face seemed a little stiff, "For my sake, it's better to leave this matter as it is, Classmate Bullock."

"If you say so...well."

I always feel that something is weird.

Let's go hunting after a long time (1)

The next day, a group of refugees were sent to the fortress, and under the guidance and review of the guards, they lined up to enter the gate of the fortress.When I was walking near the city gate, I saw the logistics officer of the fortress pulling a whole cart of bread for the refugees who had passed the review to come and collect it.

Then I saw Alsena walking from that side to this side, as if she was patrolling. Unlike in the past, the one following her was not Wikas who was acting as the guard, but Brie who had just served as her adjutant. Strange, he was recording something with a pen and paper.

"Oh, Mr. Bullock, good morning." Alsena greeted me with a smile on her face as soon as she saw me.

But Bridget's attitude was not so good. When Arsena greeted me with a happy face, she obviously put on a serious face, and nodded to me as a greeting.

It's so strange, although I don't have a good impression of me, but at least I can be regarded as helping her avenge her father's death...

"Alsena, what's the matter with those people?" I pointed to the refugees who were receiving bread in the distance and asked.

"They are the citizens of my territory." Arsena folded her hands and turned her head to look over, "Although the situation here is considered to be under control, there are still many villages and towns affected by the flames of war. Quite a lot. It is also the lord's responsibility to appease the people in the territory. I have ordered the towns with conditions to set up relief points, but it is still not enough. Then Bridget proposed to me to transfer some people to the territory here for temporary resettlement one time."

It turned out that this fortress was temporarily opened to serve as a transfer station and checkpoint for the transfer of refugees.

"Your Highness is in need, I will do my best." Bridget stood up straight, with "I'm very loyal, please do not hesitate to order me" written all over her face.

"That's it. Is there anything I can do for you? You're welcome to tell me." I said to Arsena.

"It's okay, Mr. Bullock has been helping us before, it's good to recharge your batteries now..." Arsena smiled and waved her hands to decline.

"There are some relief supplies in the northeast corner of the fortress that need to be moved to the gate to be counted. Can I hand them over to you?" Bridget suddenly interjected with a blank expression.

"Okay, no problem." I agreed bluntly, rolled up my sleeves and walked over there.

"Then I'll go with Mr. Bullock!"

Althea suddenly got excited, and imitated me and rolled up her sleeves to follow me, but the helpless Bridget put her hand on her shoulder: "Your Highness, you still have to inspect the resettlement here."

They seemed to be getting on pretty well after the appointment of Bridget as aide-de-camp.

I left them and walked towards the corner of the fortress. When I passed a garden, I saw a group of human children gathered together. Then I was surprised to find that Princess Alyssa and Feilan were with these little ghosts. Princess Alisa is handing out pastries to the children.Although Feilan was also carrying a dining basket, she stood aside indifferently with her hands clasped with a troublesome expression on her face.

"What are you doing?" I greeted them.

These little ghosts seem to have never seen an orc. As soon as I walked over like this, some of them immediately hid behind Princess Alisa, and a small number of brave ones leaned over curiously and stared at me intently.

"Ah, Classmate Bullock." Princess Alisa looked over and smiled at me, "These children were brought here from the village in the territory of His Royal Highness Alsena, and Feilan and I came to help send them some dessert."

These children seem to have also come from villages and towns affected by the war. They probably either lost their parents or were separated from their parents, or their parents were sent here because they were sick and injured and unable to take care of them. Probably they were planning to be resettled in towns. go home.

Princess Alisa loves children very much, so it's not surprising that she would come to help, but...

I turned to look at Feilan.

"What are you looking at, I was just pushed by that fellow Roland to help me!" Feilan understood my eyes and curled her lips, "It's really troublesome."

Because of her ugly face, not many children are willing to approach her.

But after a while, a little girl approached.She was too thin to squeeze into the other children around Princess Alyssa, so she had to muster up the courage to ask Feilan for a snack in a low voice: "That..."

"Huh?" Feilan turned her head and glanced over.

"Woo..." The little girl was immediately scared away by her fierce eyes, and shrank her shoulders.

"Tch, hurry up and eat it." Feilan saw her intention, took a cake from the basket and gave it to her, then waved her hand impatiently.

It can be seen that she really finds this kind of thing troublesome, and it doesn't seem appropriate to ask her to do this kind of thing, and she doesn't know why Roland would arrange it like this.

"Thank you, thank you." The little girl timidly said thank you, and walked away with the cake.

But at this moment, an older boy who had just received the pastry suddenly saw the pastry in her hand, rushed over, reached out to snatch it, turned around and ran away.

The little girl was dragged by him and fell to the ground, her face wrinkled and she began to cry.

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