It seems that he doesn't have the concept either.

"It's an orc!" I corrected his pronunciation, then pointed to my face and explained to him, "Just like me, I'm an orc, understand?"

"Name... the name of the orc..." He looked up at me for a while, as if thinking about it, then nodded, "That's fine, too."

"Ah? You, you really want an orc's name?" I didn't expect him to accept it, so I couldn't help being surprised.

The kid nodded again, indicating that he was serious.

How strange is it to think of an orc name for an elf...

But although the name is called by others, it is still my own thing in the final analysis. If the person insists on it like this, I have no reason to deny it.

"Then it's up to me to think about it." I folded my hands and thought briefly, "How about Quirrell?"

I have never named anyone else. This is a relatively common name among young orcs. Let's see what he thinks first.

"Quirrell... Quirrell..." He repeated several times mechanically like reciting, and finally nodded, "Well, this is fine."

"Okay, that's the name then." I didn't drag my feet, so I settled the matter like this, and then turned to Princess Alyssa, "Then, Your Highness, from today onwards, he will be called Quirrell. Is the child staying here under your care for a while?"

"Of course it's no problem." Princess Alisa squinted and smiled.

"Then, why don't you just stay here for a while, they will take care of you." I turned my head and said to Quirrell.

But Quirrell grabbed my clothes and kept shaking his head: "No..."

"Don't worry, they're different from the elves you've seen before." I tried to reassure him.

Princess Alisa also turned around and took a snack from the dining basket on the table and handed it to him: " that right, are you hungry? Do you want a snack?"

Seeing the pastry she handed out, Quirrell swallowed his throat, but then he showed a vigilant look and took two steps back.

"What's the matter with you?" I think there is something wrong with his reaction.

"In the past...those people gave me this kind of hurts..." he said while shaking his head.

Could it be that those elf sinners deliberately poisoned the food and fed it to him as an experiment?

"Then what did you usually eat?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"Beasts... corpses... meat, they threw it to me, and I ate it..." he said slowly.

I suddenly took a deep breath and understood.In the past, the elf sinner fed him raw meat like a wild animal.Naturally, in his state, he couldn't eat that kind of thing. His previous feeding was done in the state of synthetic beast.

Princess Alyssa covered her mouth lightly, obviously shocked by his answer, just a few words like this are enough to understand how Quirrell was treated in the past.

I was silent for a while, and stretched out my hand to Princess Alisa: "Your Highness, give me that."

"Eh? Good." Princess Alisa froze for a moment, then handed me the snack.

I took the piece of cake, squatted down in front of Quirrell, and then, in front of him, broke off a piece of cake and threw it into my mouth, chewed it carefully, and swallowed it.

After a pause of two or three seconds, I handed him the remaining pastry: "Okay, eat it. You see, I ate it too, and it will be fine."

Quirrell looked at the cake, hesitated for a while, and finally stretched out his hand cautiously, took the cake, and slowly moved it to his mouth. After a few seconds of delay, he finally opened his mouth and took a bite of it.

He chewed and ate it, without saying anything or showing any obvious expression, but his eyes did light up, and then he stuffed the whole cake into his mouth in two bites, his cheeks were a little bulging, but it was just Chewed a few times and swallowed.

After eating, he didn't even wipe his mouth, just nodded and said: "Sweet...delicious..."

I was surprised to find that the corners of his mouth were raised slightly. This was the first time I saw this gloomy kid show "happy" since I picked him up.

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

When I turned my head, I saw Feilan standing behind me with her arms folded, frowning slightly and looking at this side: "Huh? What's the matter with that brat?"

Orc's Elven Parenting Handbook (4)

Feilan looked up and down Quirrell suspiciously—of course, she must also be very surprised that a elf kid suddenly appeared in such a place.

"His name is Qi Luo. He was picked up outside. It was from the enemy. It seems to be an experimental product made by the enemy with alchemy. In short, it is under our care for the time being." I briefly explained to her. .

"Hey, I picked it up... At first glance, I thought it was your illegitimate child." She teased me.

"He and I are not of the same race, okay?" I stood up and turned around, raising my eyebrows.

"At first glance, it looks like father and son." Feilan turned her face away with a "hum" as she spoke, "Also, you are a person who hooks up with a female elf every now and then, who knows."

I shook my head, and I didn't want to continue with this rambling teasing. I started talking about a serious topic: "Anyway, since he's going to stay here, I'm going to put him here to take care of him for a while."

"Hey, there are enough brats here! And they are still increasing. Don't add to our workload." Feilan turned her head and glanced at me.

You could tell she really didn't like the job very much.

"What kind of workload, when I walked over, I clearly saw you sitting there doing nothing, only Princess Alisa and others were busy." I pointed at the chair she was sitting in the corner and complained.

But Feilan showed disapproval on her face: "Don't talk nonsense! I'm not lazy. I'm in charge of a lot of things right now. In addition to distributing snacks, I also have to wash the tableware left by these brats after eating."

"How do you sit there and complete these tasks?" I frowned slightly.

Then at this moment, three human little ghosts who looked a little older ran over from a distance, gathered beside Feilan and stood upright, and then the leader said loudly: "Elder sister, tableware!" We've already washed it!"

I glanced at the leader of the little devil, and suddenly felt a little familiar - this seems to be the little devil who was scolded by Feilan yesterday and stuffed his mouth full of mud!

It's completely tamed and docile.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, you can go free now." Feilan waved at them in style.

This girl has completely become the king of children here.

It seems that they took three of the more bearish ones out of this bunch of human kiddies to work for him.

Speaking of which, she used to behave like this in the academy. Since her small group of followers was broken up, I thought she would not do this again. The result is still like the proverbs of human beings. Moving the dog can't change that...

"Hey, are you thinking about something impolite?" Feilan noticed my eyes and stared at me sharply.

That's all, it's just that this level is not bad, at least she doesn't do evil like before, and it's a feasible way to control those children who don't obey the rules.

In the end, I just shook my head and didn't respond, the group of human imps standing in line around the golden-haired girl surrounded me like newborn calves who were not afraid of tigers.

"Hey, who are you, dare to be rude to the eldest sister?" The leader bravely pushed my stomach, but he took a step back instead.

Um?What's the matter with these three brats?Even if you are brave enough to have no fear of my face, seeing that my physique is normal, I shouldn't make such a mistake.

As a result, I immediately saw another kid pointing at Feilan: "Do you know how powerful our eldest sister's spells are? She can use spells to take down monsters as big as a hundred mountains with just a wave of her finger!"

"Big sister, get rid of this ignorant idiot!" The third brat pointed at me and urged Feilan.

It turns out that these three brats are also foxes pretending to be tigers...

Silently, I turned my head and glanced at Feilan, but Feilan looked away.

Hey, is there a limit to bragging to these brats?

"Cough!" Feilan coughed in embarrassment, and said something to the three brats, "Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, so I forgive him magnanimously. It's his luck. Leave him alone, they're all gone. Bar."

Then the three brats looked up at me very stinkingly, and one of them pointed at me and said, "Did you hear that, big sister is in a good mood, I'll let you go, get out. Don't talk to big sister like you from now on .”

"It's best not to even show up in front of the eldest sister." The second said.

"Otherwise, see you and call once." The third added.

I said the three of you entered the role...

As a result, this time Feilan came forward with a bit of embarrassment, and knocked on the heads of the three of them one by one: "You three are going to die, I told you to break up, go to free activities!"

"Oh..." The three little ghosts covered their heads, exchanged glances a few times with puzzled faces, and walked away from me.

"Really." Feilan complained softly and folded her hands.

I glanced at her, and couldn't help joking with her: "Hey, you can kill a hundred synthetic beasts with just one move of your fingers, right? Next time you encounter an enemy army, I'll send you alone. As long as I have a cup of tea in the back to cheer you up, it will be fine."

"I didn't say that, it's these brats talking nonsense." Feilan hummed.

"Student Feilan, she has performed some spells for children, so some children admire her more." Princess Alisa came over and explained.

Well, it is indeed this girl's style to like to be in the limelight.

"You, did you take the girl and Tilawa out to play yesterday? It's obvious that we work so hard here." Feilan suddenly pointed at me and complained.

"It's not going out to play, it's entrusted to investigate." I corrected her.

"Just helping others..." Feilan muttered, "You can help out here this afternoon."

Princess Alisa also clapped her hands and echoed: "That's right, if Brock has nothing else to do, you can stay here for a while, and just bring Quirrell over—" She said and looked to her side, her eyes slightly widened , "Hey, where's Quirrell?"

"Huh?" I looked at the place where Chilo was standing just now, but I didn't see anyone else.

This little brat, he just turned his attention away for a short while, and then he disappeared?

No, it's just that such a short time shouldn't go far...

I glanced around, and soon saw Qi Luo's figure - he was at the edge of the open space about ten steps away from here, and the three little ghosts who followed Feilan surrounded him just now.They seemed to be having some trouble, the leader of the kid glared at him, stretched out his hand and pushed him: "Hey boy, what's the situation, I asked you something, answer me!"

Orc's Elven Parenting Handbook (5)

It seems that in the short moment when we looked away, Quirrell, who walked there on his own, was entangled by these three human boys.

This scene is really familiar...

I glanced at Feilan beside me.

"Sharp ears, don't talk, are you dumb?" The boy in the lead said and stretched out his hand to push Quirrell.

However, this time he was not so lucky. Quirrell didn't swallow his anger anymore, and reacted to his movement. He raised his hand and waved his hand away, and then pushed his palm on his chest in turn.

At that moment, his hand suddenly grew bigger, and at the same time changed its shape, showing a bit of a beast's claw.The force of the push had obviously exceeded the normal level, and the human kid flew backward two meters and rolled several times on the ground.


"Strange, monster!!"

When the other two little ghosts saw his ferocious palm, they were taken aback for a moment, then lost their composure, turned around and ran like being chased by a dog.

As for the kid who was pushed out by him, he didn't even have time to cry out the pain when he got out so far, so he also got up on the spot while screaming and running away.

And Quirrell, who pushed the man out, just looked at his hand that had turned into a beast's claw expressionlessly.

"Qiluo!" I quickly shouted at him, and he followed the sound to look over.

"Come back!" I waved to him, motioning him to come back.

Quirrell came back step by step after hearing my shout.

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