
Both Tilawa and I were stunned.

Two seconds later, I frowned: "No, no matter how you think about it, it's not appropriate."

"Isn't it suitable? I thought you would clap your hands. After all, didn't you, Brock, let those children stay in your dormitory when you were in college? Besides, you and her were never in Arsena's dormitory." Have you lived here for a while?" Roland raised his eyebrows meaningfully.

"No, this is completely different from being in the dormitory of the college." I folded my hands seriously, "Here, a man and a widow live in the same room, so I don't mind, Tilawa's reputation will be affected."

"Eh? Actually... I don't mind that much." Tilawa waved her hands repeatedly.

This girl is just too well-behaved, she should think more about herself.

"Oh, didn't you live happily with that Queen before? Didn't you consider other people's reputation at that time?" Roland pestered him again.

"No, that's a different matter. To be precise, it's just that my house was taken over by her like a bully, okay?" I sighed.

It doesn't feel like this at all...

"Lord Brock." At this time Tilawa spoke to me in a low voice, "Actually, I have an idea."

"Huh? What's the idea?" I turned my head and looked over.

"Let's take Quilo and go camping outside the fortress." She pointed in the direction of the main entrance of the fortress, "It's like group hunting."

"You... don't mind if you live outside?" I looked at her and asked.

Living outside the fortress... I don't care, after all, camping is as natural to a hunter as breathing.But in terms of living conditions, there is obviously a big gap between sleeping in the wild and living in a camp in a fortress.

"No problem! I like hunting very much. When I was in the tribe, I used to hunt and camp with Lord Igna outside." Tilawa said excitedly, "Isn't there a small forest near the fortress? We can go and live there for a while, and you can guide me in hunting."

I thought about it seriously, as long as there were enough prey in that forest, with my hunting ability, it would not be a problem to live in that kind of place for two or three months.Tilawa also has a considerable level of hunting, and it can be seen that she really likes it.As for Quirrell, the kid's physical condition is actually pretty good. If we take care of him, there shouldn't be any problems.Even if something happens, we can rush back to the fort at any time.

"Okay, then I'll go and prepare the tent and the necessary equipment. How about we set off when everything is complete?" I didn't hesitate, and immediately stood up from the chair.

"Well, I'll trouble Mrs. Bullock...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tilawa's voice just fell, and Quirrell, who was pillowing her thigh, suddenly turned over in his deep sleep, and was about to fall off the bench, terrified. She let out a cry of surprise.

I hurriedly rushed up, leaned over and supported the restless little ghost, lest she fall to the ground.

This kid is also amazing, this situation doesn't mean to wake up at all, he is still dreaming soundly.

"Huh..." Tilawa and I breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Roland looked back and forth at us, and suddenly laughed softly: "Oh, it feels like the two of you are becoming more and more like the parents of this child."

Fake Parents (4)



"It's done."

"Bonfire pile!"

"It's done."

"Prey Disposal Rack!"

"It's done too."


"No problem at all."

"Okay, it's finally finished." I stood with my hips akimbo in front of the camp that had been finished, and nodded with satisfaction.

Tilawa was also standing beside me, in the same posture, with the same smile on his face.

After a whole night of preparation, what finally appeared in front of us was a newly built hunting camp with complete facilities. Not only that, there was also a freshly slaughtered and bled prey on the prey shelf—a medium-sized elk, which is We hunted by the way when we set up the camp. When we selected the camping site and set up traps nearby, I found fresh animal droppings, so I summoned the wolf beast soul to track it down and hunted down the elk.

The newly set up camp and new prey, this is a scene that every orc hunter will smile knowingly.Hunting occupies an irrefutable and important position in the survival of our orcs and the history of civilization development. At a low level, hunting has already been carved into the instinct of every orc. At a high level, this matter is closely related to our culture, and can even be rise to the level of art.

It’s like people from the same region gather in a certain tavern in a foreign country, and then see the authentic hometown dishes from their hometown on the adjacent table. With a simple eye contact and knowing smile, they can understand Each other's thoughts, and then invite the waiter to order that dish.Tilawa, who is also an orc like me, can fully understand my feelings without words, just by looking at her shining eyes.

"It's a pity that the prey is still a little small. It would be great if I could swing the hooves." Tilawa looked at the elk that had been bled and treated briefly on the shelf, and said with some regret, "My favorite thing is hunting. During the ox festival, we hung hoofed oxen on the prey rack, and then lit a fire on the side to roast them, and the roasted oxtails are really delicious.”

The larger the prey placed on the prey rack, the better, and this is also the consensus of all orc hunters.

"I prefer the mountain beast." I also nodded, "No way, the prey in the south are so big, none of them can be eaten by the whole village."

"A mountain beast... how big is the shelf to fit it?" Tilawa looked longingly, obviously she had never hunted prey of that size.

Prey racks are generally used to spread out and hang up the whole prey, which is convenient for the hunter to skin, dismember and cut the flesh.

"Of course that kind of prey doesn't need a prey rack, just dig a big hole and put the prey in, and then everyone gathers around to deal with it." I explained to her.

"Master Brock has hunted a woolly mammoth before, right? Did he handle it that way?" Tilawa looked over with reverence.

I shook my head: "No, that time was a coming-of-age ceremony, and I was the only one. I couldn't bring back so much meat, so I cut off a calf and carried it back. The rest can only be used to save the nearby worgs."

"Eh? What a pity. Although mammoth meat is tough and fatty, the upper brain and tenderloin are both delicious."

Only she and I can talk about topics like this here. This is probably the sense of identity brought about by the same race and the same culture.

While we were chatting like this, a small figure crawled out of one of the two tents—it was Quirrell, we wrapped her sleeping in a blanket yesterday I packed a straw sleeping bag in a circle, put it on my back together with the luggage, and set off for the woods.

Such a situation is not uncommon in the orc tribe. Some families whose main business is hunting often pack their young children and take away with their luggage when the husband and wife go hunting outside the tribe together.

I also have a little vague memory of my childhood in this regard, but it was all carried out by Igna.

I didn't expect that I would go out like this one day with a little doll on my back, but it was an elf kid made by alchemy.

This kid is really good at sleeping. From the time we left the fortress and arrived here until we set up the camp, he didn't wake up.

"Hungry..." She muttered to herself while rubbing her eyes in a daze, then sniffled, as if attracted by some smell, and slowly turned to the direction of the prey disposal rack.

Um?Did you smell the bloody smell left by the elk?

Staring at a sleepy face, she walked slowly towards the elk on the shelf, tiptoed in front of the shelf, and then... bit down on the elk that hadn't even peeled off its fur: "Aww——"

"Hey! You can't eat this!!" Both Tilawa and I were startled by her astonishing behavior, we shouted in unison and rushed over to pull him back.

This kid, when he fell asleep, he brought over his previous eating habits of eating raw meat.

"Bah! Bah!" As a matter of course, she only bit the animal fur once, and when she woke up, she wrinkled her face and spit out the animal hair sticking to her tongue. Tilawa handed over the leather water bag Let her rinse her mouth.

In the synthetic animal state, she can easily use her sharp claws and fangs to tear apart the animal's fur and bite raw meat, but in this state she obviously cannot eat like that.

"In the future, don't eat raw meat like before. If you want to eat it, cook it before eating it. Do you understand?" I told her, patting her on the head.

This kid used to live by being fed raw meat. To let her learn to live as a "human", she must first get rid of that beast-like lowly and humble way of life.

"Woo...then how can I make the meat 'cooked'?" Quirrell turned to me with a bitter face and asked me.

"Just burn it with fire." I said as I got up, and shifted my gaze to Tilawa, "Let's start a fire and cook."

"Well, I'll deal with the prey, and Master Brock will start the fire." Tilawa nodded.

Before lighting a fire, you must first prepare enough firewood.Firewood containing moisture will produce thick smoke when lit, but dry firewood is not guaranteed immediately in the woods.So when I set off from the fortress, I packed a bundle of sun-dried wood in my luggage, which was used as firewood for the first fire, and then I collected some branches from nearby and dried them for later use.

I put the log on the stump, took the ax and started chopping.

Just when I finished chopping one piece and put the second one on, I suddenly caught a glimpse of Quirrell appearing beside me with a curious face, staring at me motionlessly.

"Why do you want to try it too?" I glanced at her, "Forget it, you can't even hold the smallest axe stably, and you will get hurt if you misuse tools. You'd better sit over there, or you will be splashed by sawdust .”

Quirrell raised his head and stared at me, his eyes showed a bit of dissatisfaction: "I can... split it."

This brat... So he also has this kind of childish self-esteem.

"Don't make trouble, you can't split this wood." I shook my head at her for safety reasons, and then said, "If you split... I will eat this wood gone."

Fake Parents (5)

After hearing what I said, Quirrell didn't mean to flinch in the slightest. Instead, he took a step closer and stood in front of the tree stump, his eyes fixed on the piece of wood placed on the tree stump.

I said this kid, doesn't he really feel that he has the strength to split it?

Because there are tomahawks instead, I didn't even bring ordinary woodcutters and machetes here.The battle ax left by Azak was made for adult orcs, and it was the heavy one, needless to say, the weight, while the pitch-black battle ax was slightly lighter, but it was definitely not something such a brat could carry. the weight of.

Immediately, a picture of her holding the ax tremblingly over her head appeared in my mind, and finally she couldn't maintain her balance and fell backwards.

No way... If you give her the ax if you lose your grip and drop it, you might get hurt, so it's better not to give it to her.

I thought to myself.

But in the end, Quirrell didn't even look at me, not to mention asking me for an axe.She stood quietly in front of the tree stump, raising her right hand slowly above her head.

Um?This brat still wants to chop wood with his bare hands?

I can do things like chopping wood with my fist, but for this brat...

All I can say is that it doesn't hurt to fight back.

However, the next moment I saw Quirrell's raised hand suddenly enlarged twice, turning into a huge beast claw like the paw of a giant bear in the wilderness.

I froze for a moment.

Then Quirrell swung down the claw and slapped it hard against the wood.

She swung her claws vigorously, but unfortunately, she seemed to have missed the angle and position, and the shot was a bit off. The whole piece of wood slanted over, and instead of breaking apart steadily, it flew to the side and slipped off the tree stump. .Quirrell's paw finally hit the stump with a loud "snap".

"Not... sure," Quirrell muttered, lifting his paw from the stump.

The dent she had made on the stake was clearly visible.

Hey, it's so easy to smash that piece of wood with this kind of force.

It's over, why did I forget that this kid can use the power of synthetic beasts?

I suddenly recalled my nonsense that "if you split it, I will eat this wood", my cheeks twitched.

Damn, what should I do?

I could only watch as Quirrell trotted over to pick up the slipped firewood and put it back on the stump.

May I ask, how to cook with firewood so that it is easier to eat?What kind of sauce is better?

After the mistake just now, Quirrell became much more cautious this time.She still doesn't seem to be able to control the claw-only form, because she obviously can't control the balance and precision when only the forearm becomes a composite beast.This time, she gestured with her paws to the wood on the stump for a long time, but she didn't make a move for a long time, trying her best to split the wood successfully this time.

Damn, gotta figure something out soon, or I'll be eating wood for breakfast this morning—once it's a given that she's splitting wood, I'll have to take the bet anyway.

But what can I do in this situation, this is not a competition, and I can't change it with my own efforts... Huh?Competition... Wait!

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