Daisy swung the dagger aggressively at me, but just as the dagger was about to fall on me, an invisible force suddenly restrained her whole body, forcing her to freeze—because the magic Due to the contract, she can't hurt me at all.

"Why did you go crazy all of a sudden?" I was a little taken aback by her actions.

"Shut up, whore! Don't think I can't kill you!" After she finished speaking fiercely, she suddenly turned her wrist and aimed the hilt of the dagger at her throat.

"Why am I going to you?!" I was so frightened by her action that my hairs stood on end, and I quickly reached out and clasped her wrist.

"Don't touch me!" Seeing that I was grabbing her wrist, she simply put her neck on the dagger, as if determined to die.

I had to wrap my other hand around her neck and force her to separate from the short sword: "Why are you looking for life and death?"

"What's so good? You beast, you keep saying you won't do anything to me, but you do this to me when I'm drunk!" She gritted her teeth and vowed to eat me alive , "I don't believe that the 'Deadly Curse' is useless to you. Let go! My old lady is going to drag you to die with me today!!"

"Calm down, I don't understand what you're talking about at all, okay?" With overwhelming strength, I easily restrained her.

"You pretended to be stupid after doing that kind of thing!" She yelled angrily with tears in her eyes, "Why did you change my clothes if you didn't do anything? You were happy when you took off my mother's clothes abnormal!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's Her Highness Alisa who changed your clothes, okay?" I immediately argued with her, "Isn't it because you just wanted to drink with her on the spur of the moment, and you vomited yourself in the end. I will carry you When you came back, you smelled like you were fermented in a garbage dump, so of course I have to change your clothes!"

"Then what are you doing in my room? Looking at the moon from the window?" She looked disbelieving.

When I mentioned this, I couldn't help getting angry: "Fucking hell, an assassin came into your room yesterday and tried to kill you, but I bumped into it. I saved your life! I even guarded you all night, and it turned out You are about to commit suicide when you get up, can you respect the labor of others?"

"Then, how do you explain the blood on the bed? Strawberry jam?" She asked another question.

"That's the assassin's blood, okay? I threw the ax and scratched her. Isn't there a mark on the wall?" I simply grabbed her and turned to the direction of the bed, so that she could see the ax on the wall next to the bed. cracks.

"Huh?" Daisy froze suddenly.

1 minute later.

I sat on the chair, Daisy, who finally calmed down, was sitting on the edge of the bed facing me, and asked seriously: "So, you really didn't do anything out of the ordinary?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can ask Princess Alisa and the guards here." I said with certainty.

She raised her chin at me: "Swear a poisonous oath."

"Lie to your dead parents." I answered very smoothly.

Even though my parents passed away a long time ago, I'm not lying at all.

She squinted her eyes and looked at me for a while, then said, "Then let's sort it out... First of all, yesterday, I was drunk, right?"

I nodded: "Well, you should have an impression yourself, you forced Her Royal Highness Alisa to compete with her for wine, but you reaped the fruit of your own, stealing chickens and throwing stones at your feet, pretending to be coercive is not enough -"

"Don't change the way you emphasize!" Daisy, who realized that I was deliberately hurting her, patted the bed board angrily, "Go on! Then after I passed out drunk, you carried me back, and the white-skinned princess changed it for me. Clothes, is that so?"

"Of course, otherwise where can I find this kind of clothes?" I pointed to the dress she was wearing.

"And then?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Then we left. After I sent Her Royal Highness Alisa back, I found that I left your ax when I brought you here, so I came back to get it. Then I saw the thief enter your room and opened your The quilt is ready to stab you with a knife, but you are lying on the bed, sleeping like a dead pig without knowing anything—”

"It doesn't matter how I sleep! Don't describe details that don't need to be described!!" Daisy interrupted me by patting the bed board in embarrassment, and then asked, "So, what does that thief look like?"

"I didn't see it clearly. The guy was wearing a cloak and covered his face, but he could see a woman. I threw an ax at her and scratched her, but in the end I let her slip away. Oh right!" I suddenly thought Get up, "That man's posture is quite similar to yours."

"Like me? That's the unique skill of our dark elves..." Daisy frowned, lost in thought, "The female assassin... wants to kill me... Huh? No way, those bitches

Son, as for..."

It looked like she had some eyebrows about it.

So I asked her, "What did you think of?"

"This is none of your business." She seemed to be in a bad mood and gave me a blank look.

This girl's attitude is quite irritating, clearly I saved her life, but she still has a stinky face that I owe her money.

"Why is it none of my business? An intruder with unknown details has sneaked into this fortress. Of course we have to find out her identity!" I lowered my face and gave her an order directly, "Give me what you know. explain!"

"Woo..." The power of the contract was activated immediately, and the coercive force of the contract made her frown slightly, "Hmph, well, there is nothing inconvenient to say, I think, the one who sneaked in yesterday and wanted to kill me was probably one of my sisters Bar."

"Your sister?" I froze for a moment.

"Didn't I tell you? I was established as the heir by the family, but I actually have five sisters. As far as I can confirm, at least three of them want to fight for my inheritance. Those bitches

My son wanted my life not once or twice, but he never succeeded.Tsk, if you weren't drunk yesterday, how could you give that kind of trash a chance? " Daisy said dismissively.

"Is the political environment of the dark elves so dangerous?" I felt a little surprised.

"The more powerful the family, the more troubles there are. I couldn't bear these things, so I went out to travel by myself." Daisy fiddled with the ends of her hair with a troublesome expression on her face, "It didn't work out. Thinking of chasing here... This kind of thing can't be handed over to others, I guess that guy ran out in person. Huh, everyone, why can't they weigh their own weight and like courting death?"

You don't have the right to talk about others—I thought with a dark face from the side.

It's a shame that this girl survived such a vile political struggle with her constant death style.

A good assassin is always bloodless (1)

"So, do you have a way to track down who killed you?" I asked Daisy.

"Now? I'm afraid it won't work. It's been a few hours since she slipped away, and it's enough for her to clean up the traces a dozen times." Daisy shrugged, "Forget it, don't worry about her."

"Don't care about her? Maybe she will come back and kill you." I was a little worried.

"So what? None of my sisters can beat me in this aspect, so I won't let them take advantage of it. If she dares to make another move, I will deal with her properly." Daisy didn't care.

"You almost died yesterday, okay?" I reminded her coldly.

"It was just an accident!" She argued unwillingly, "That guy would choose such a time, doesn't it mean that she dare not attack me when I am in good condition?"

"I advise you not to be too confident, and be careful of capsizing in the gutter." I advised her.

"Okay, that guy's target is me and not you, I'm not in a hurry, what are you worrying about?" She replied impatiently.

"Well, it's up to you..." I have nothing to do with her.

Although I really want to rule out the factors of instability, there is no place to track down the female thief from last night right now. In comparison, we have more important things to do.

"By the way, don't forget, we have to meet your employer at noon today." I reminded her.

"All right, all right, I know." She waved her hand at me, then pointed out, "Here."

"Huh? What's wrong there?" I looked along, but didn't see anything.

"I told you to go out!" She glared, "I need to change clothes now!!"

Time turned to noon that day, and we came near the woods where we were scheduled to meet the two elf sinners—just the two of us.

At the beginning, when I set out, I was going to dispatch a team to Arsena to capture the two elf sinners, but Daisy stopped me.

"...don't bring other people?" I frowned.

"Well, that's right." Daisy replied indifferently, "Although those two men are weak, they still have the most basic vigilance. The last time I followed the clues to connect with them, They set up an induction enchantment in that forest. Although it is a relatively simple enchantment, people without stealth skills will be discovered if they go in, and they will also be discovered if they are forcibly removed. It will scare the snake away."

Indeed, this kind of arrest operation that invites you into the urn must not make too much noise to make the other party suspicious.Bound by the contract, Daisy cannot provide me with false information.

"If it's just the two of us going, there won't be any changes, right?" I was a little worried.

"No, those two men are weak, even if I am alone, I can easily solve it." Daisy said dismissively, "You beat me once anyway, there is no need to be so cowardly, right?"

In the end, I thought about it for a while, and felt that there was really no need to be timid, so I agreed to her proposal.

When we got to the edge of the woods, we got off the back of the warg. Daisy rubbed her buttocks with displeasure, and began to complain: "Do you orcs all ride this kind of mount? There is so little meat on your back, it's a dead lady." And it wobbles like hell when I run too fast, and I almost fell off at least three times!"

"I suggested that you ride a horse honestly..." I turned my head and looked at her indifferently, "You saw the beast soul I summoned, so you must ride this one because it looks mighty, okay? You ride with me, and you don't want to be beaten to death."

There is a big difference between a warg and a horse domesticated by humans. Not only is the back structure not as smooth as a horse, but there will be relatively large ups and downs on the shoulders and back when running on four legs. It is difficult to ride well without a month of training.

I turned my gaze to the woods, pointing to the depths of the woods: "Is this the direction?"

"Yes, there is an abandoned hunter's hut inside, where I connected with them before." Daisy walked to a tree, squatted down to check for a long time, and sneered, "As expected, there is a conclusion boundary."

Then she got up, turned her head and waved to me: "I am walking ahead, you follow me. Remember, you are now a puppet controlled by me with a curse. Although you are alive, you have no consciousness. You can't speak, and you won't If you do any unnecessary actions, you will only follow my orders, understand?"

"Got it." I nodded.

According to our script, after Daisy defeated me, she did not kill me immediately, but chose to spare my life first, and controlled my body with a curse, and cut off my head and handed it to employer.

In this way, we can walk to the place where the two elf sinners meet in a dignified manner, and then catch them.

We entered the woods, walked in the woods for nearly half an hour, and finally saw the dilapidated hut.

Daisy turned her head and gave me a look, then jumped to the tree, then jumped from one tree to another, and finally jumped to the roof of the hut, squatted down to check a few times through the dilapidated roof. Second.Only then did she jump back onto the branch and return quietly without making a single sound during the whole process. I have to say that her stealth skills are indeed outstanding.

Then she walked towards the house, and it seemed that she didn't notice anything unusual.

I followed her blankly, dutifully playing a controlled marionette.

Daisy walked through the front door swaggeringly, opened the door and entered the house.

The two standing in the room turned their heads in response. They were the two elf sinners we had seen in the projection spell last time.

Well, the target was successfully approached, and as expected, it was just the two of them.Everything is going well, the next thing is to wait for them to relax their vigilance, and then take control of them.

"Yo, I'm here on time for the banquet." Daisy entered the room with a frivolous voice, "I brought the 'gift', it's time for me to see your sincerity."

"Gift...thing?" the short-haired elf asked back with dull eyes.

"This, this." Daisy raised her hand and gestured to me standing behind her, "You are so big, are you blind and can't see? I have already brought them. Where is the agreed bounty? ? Don’t hide it, take it out quickly.”

"Reward...gold?" The long-haired elf also looked blank.

"Hey, what are you doing? You agreed to pay the money and deliver the goods." Daisy frowned impatiently, "Don't tell me you forgot. It's doomed!"

"Forgot..." The short-haired elf sinner seemed to react to the word, blinking his eyes twice.

"I forgot, I can't remember..." the long-haired elf also began to repeat.

"Forgot...forgot, forgot...who I am...can't remember..."

"Can't remember...what happened...forgot..."

The two of them began to repeat like sleepwalking, both with dull faces and dull eyes.

"Hello, hello?" Daisy was startled by their appearance.

It feels...something is wrong.

A good assassin is always bloodless (2)

The two elf sinners in front of them were inexplicably caught up in their monologues, no matter how Daisy called them, they didn't respond.

"Hey! What are you playing? Didn't you hear me?" Daisy stretched out her hand and waved in front of an elf sinner, then raised her foot and stomped on his left foot hard, and even crushed it hard.

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