At the moment when the mind flayer let out a strange scream, I rode the warg forward again, swooped and slashed to send it a skull.

"Okay, there are two." I swung the ax again and turned to look at Livru, "You are the only one left."

As the trump card, the two-headed mind flayer said nothing, and Lifru was so nervous that she didn't dare to play another one.

When I rode the beast soul and continued to approach her, she suddenly put the scimitar in front of her body and stammered, "You, don't come here!!"

"Aren't you the one who found fault first?" I turned the tomahawk in my hand and fixed my eyes on her. "If you kill someone, you must have the consciousness of being killed."

"Tsk!" Lifru gritted her teeth, clenched the scimitar in her hand, and assumed a desperate posture.

In the next instant, her figure disappeared like smoke drifting away.

It's this weird dark elf's movement again, but I've watched it a few times and I have a little bit of experience in dealing with it.I predicted the timing of her attack, turned sideways on the back of the wolf, and just when I turned my head, I felt the blade wind passing by my ears-this guy used this body method to go around behind me and jumped up, Holding the scimitar, he slashed towards the place where the back of my neck was originally located.

Lifru, who was flying and slashing, leaped into the air, and quickly did a somersault to jump over the warg.Then when she landed on her knees, I, who fell off the back of the wolf, immediately commanded the beast soul to pounce on her.

The wolf's bite was very fast, but Lifru's reaction was also very fast. The moment she landed on the ground, she rolled on the spot, easily letting the wolf pounce into the air.Then she rolled back and got up, quickly pulling away from us.

"What's going on, how can an orc be so strong?" She held a scimitar and said unwillingly.

As she spoke, she stretched her hand towards her waist, as if she was about to dig out something.

Darts and throwing daggers...or some spare weapons and enchantments?

I pulled out the other battle ax on my back, and put on a fighting posture together with the beast souls beside me.

But in the end Livru just made a fake move, she didn't take out anything, but took the opportunity to cast a spell, she spread her five fingers and waved in front of her, suddenly a cloud of black mist emerged centered on her, covering her And everything around her disappeared.

"Farewell!" She yelled, and when the black mist cleared, she was gone.

I said that these dark elf girls are all in the style of immediately oiling the soles of their feet when they see a bad situation...

However, Livru couldn't escape in the end.

The moment she disappeared from my sight, Daisy's figure suddenly flashed past my eyes.Then I heard the sound of metal clashing from the side. I followed the sound and saw the figures of Daisy and Livlu intertwined, stepping on the thick branches and waving the weapons in their hands, fighting fiercely .

It seemed that the moment Livru set off to escape, Daisy saw through her escape route and waited for an opportunity to catch up.

"It's not easy for the sisters to meet again. It's a bit disappointing to leave now. How about letting my sister give you a good hug before leaving?" All of a sudden, he regained his position and attacked with great momentum, beating Livru back steadily.

"Stay away from me, bitch! If this orc hadn't messed with you, you would have died by my hands!" Livru parried a few times with her scimitar, then swayed and jumped towards another tree, trying to shake her Drop Daisy.

However, Daisy also immediately chased after her, sticking to her like brown sugar: "When I was in Nitrilan, if I wanted to, I would have to deal with you little sluts at any time, because I didn't want to do it for the sake of being a sister." It's too terrific... I never thought that you would even use such indecent means as raising mind flayers in order to kill me!"

"The rule of the dark elves is that the weak prey on the strong! As long as you can't be discovered, it's justified. How dare you say you haven't done something similar?" Livru argued loudly while parrying.

The relationship between the sisters is too bad...

I watched in silence.

In the end, they fought and fought from one tree to another, and then from tree to tree, and even got ahead of me again.

Their figures crossed again, and with a clang, the dagger and the scimitar collided again, and then they confronted each other with their respective weapons, all panting.

There is still no winner, and Daisy's skill seems to be slightly better in comparison, but when she was chased by the mind flayer and ambushed by Lifru just now, it seemed that she hadn't slowed down from some attack, and her movements were compared Usually lagging behind, he didn't win the opponent for a while.

"Hey, don't just look and help! Let's pinch her together now!" Daisy suddenly shouted at me.

"Tsk! Why did you, an orc, help this stinky bitch? Did she pay you? I'll double what she paid, ten times!" Livru saw the situation. Not good, hurry up and try to win me over.

"No...we're not in that kind of relationship." I denied it bluntly, and raised the tomahawk at her, "Unfortunately, no matter what, I still have to let you come with me."

The two elf sinners I was going to capture were played to death by this girl for no reason. If I want to dig out any more information, I can only ask her.

"Haha, how could Brock be won over by you with a few pennies? He is always on my side, right!" Daisy smiled smugly and winked at me.

Hey, don't look at me with that "we are good friends" eyes, we are not considered a group from the beginning to the end!

A good assassin is always bloodless (5)

5 minute later.

Daisy stepped on Livru's back, and tightened the rope tied to Livru's body.

"I told you to take it easy! Are you going to strangle me so tightly?" Livlu complained dissatisfied, her body kept twisting.

"Be honest, old lady! If the tie is loose, what should you do if you use the bone shrinking technique to escape?" Daisy tightened the rope without hesitation and tied the knot, "Hmph, this time you finally fell into my hands!"

"Why don't you rely on the help of the orc... Hmph, I thought you were sleeping with this orc, right?" Lifru turned her head and sneered.

"Stinky girl, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll cut your tongue!" Daisy stomped on her back angrily.

Under the joint attack of Daisy and I, Lifru was completely powerless to fight back, and had no chance to escape. In the end, she could only raise her hands and surrender, and was captured without a fight.

Once you've subdued her, it's time to ask her about the two elf sinners.

After Daisy tied up Livru, she found a tree, wrapped the rope that bound Livru's hands that were cut behind her back, around the thickest branch, and handed the rope to me.

"Why?" I didn't respond for a while.

"Hang her up." Daisy said with a matter-of-fact look, "I'll interrogate her."

Do you mean to leave the hard work to me?Worth mentioning...

I tugged on the rope, hoisted Livru up, and tied the rope around the tree trunk.

The pain from hanging her hands by the rope made Livru's face tense.

"You don't feel good." I put on a stern expression, put psychological pressure on her, and started the interrogation, "If you can answer the questions here honestly, I will let you go. Then tell me now—"

"Tell me honestly, where did you hide those [-] gold coins?" Daisy suddenly asked ahead of me.

"Hey, let's ask the business first, okay?" I glanced at her helplessly.

"Is there anything more important than this?" Daisy actually gave me a blank look, "[-] gold coins! Those two white skins will definitely prepare a bounty for joining me today. Since they were This little bitch is playing to death, she must have swallowed the money and hid it somewhere."

"What fifty thousand and one hundred thousand gold coins, I haven't seen it! Even if I saw it, I wouldn't tell you this bitch!" Livru turned her face away with a stubborn face.

"The mouth is quite stiff. It seems that you won't get better if you don't suffer a little bit." Daisy patted her face with a smirk, and then waved to me, "Brock, come on! I Remember that you orcs are masters of torture, so torture her well!"

Um?Why does this guy know that our orcs have better torture techniques?

I always feel that after rescuing her from this crisis, this guy inexplicably developed a sense of companionship towards me... No, it seems more appropriate to say that she is an accomplice to her current villainous face.

Forget it, since Livlu didn't cooperate with the answer, it is true that some torture methods can only be used appropriately. If those two elf sinners really prepared a huge bounty for my head as promised, it is still necessary to take it back. Five Ten thousand gold coins is indeed not an amount that can be ignored casually.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Bastard Daisy!! How dare you treat me like this!? Let an orc torture me—" Livlu panicked.Then when I stood in front of her and covered her with a tall figure, she suddenly held her breath.

", what do you want to do to me!?" Lifru's voice trembled with nervousness.

I didn't answer her, just spit on the palm of my hand, raised it up to Livru and was about to swing it down.

"Hey!" Livru closed her eyes in fright when she saw my posture.

"Wait for me! What are you doing?" Daisy was also frightened, and hurriedly raised her hand to grab my arm.

Feeling baffled, I glanced back at her: "You said you were going to torture me."

"That's right, then what are you doing?" Daisy also looked puzzled.

"Beat, since torture is going to be done, shouldn't you beat me up first?" I said with a straight face.

"Eh?" After hearing my words, Daisy and Livru made a surprised voice at the same time.

Then Daisy frowned slightly and asked me: "What is the torture process for your orcs?"

"Beat me hard first." I clenched my fist and made an empty swing.

"Then... what if you don't recruit after you get beaten up?" Daisy asked tentatively.

"Continue to fight until the server is served." I replied lightly.

"Huh?" Daisy blinked suspiciously, and then continued to ask, "Then if you still can't ask?"

"Then get on the torture tools."

"What instruments of torture?"

"Pegboards, hammers, spikes, maces, soldering irons, etc." I gave some random examples.

"That's it?" Daisy's eyes widened.

"That's it, what else do you want?" I didn't quite understand her reaction.

No matter how exaggerated the means are, even us orcs can't stand it.

Daisy and Livru, who was hung up, looked at each other in surprise, then Daisy looked at me and said blankly: "It always feels... different from the orc torture method I know."

"That's right." Livlu actually followed suit.

"...Then what kind of torture methods do you know about the orcs?" I frowned, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in my heart.

"Shouldn't it be first... strip off the clothes of the tortured subjects, and then humiliate them severely?" Daisy said seriously.

"Whether male or female." Lifru who was tied up also added seriously.

I suddenly felt my face twitch.

"We won't do that kind of thing!" I tried to calm myself down and denied it sternly.

By the way, what the hell are men and women?

How terrifying are these dark elves' perception of us...

"Huh? What about this..." Daisy was very surprised, "If the tortured subject is still unwilling to obey, the orcs will put a collar on the tortured subject and force the tortured subject to lie on the ground and bark like a dog—"

"Who would do such a ghostly thing!" I tried my best to suppress the twitching eyebrows, and interrupted her with a cold voice.

"If the tortured object disobeys, they will be tortured, such as the most commonly used triangle horse—"

"Ghosts use that kind of thing!!" I finally couldn't help but shouted out.

"Since this is the case, it seems that the statement that 'if the orcs don't even use torture tools, they will pray to their tentacles god to summon tentacles to train and torture their subjects' is also false?" Daisy asked again.

"Nonsense! Which plane of orcs know how to summon tentacles... Wait!" I suddenly calmed down after complaining fiercely, "It seems that I will."

A good assassin is always bloodless (6)

Hearing what I said, Daisy suddenly took a step away from me with disgust on her face: "I didn't believe in the thing about orcs before, but I didn't expect it to be true..."

"Let me tell you that this has nothing to do with me. It's just a mage with bad taste who forcibly designed this enchantment spell for my weapon." I hurriedly rectified myself and all the orcs.

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