"Hmph, you can't do other things, but you can't leak water when you use your brain." Daisy frowned, kicked her, and then turned to me, "Go and dig out that money first, look at this Did the guy play any tricks?"

I nodded, grabbed the bound Lifru with one hand and prepared to carry her on my shoulders.

"Dead orcs, don't touch me!" Livru was very uncooperative, "Loosen the rope on my ankle, I will walk by myself!"

It ended up being me grabbing the rope and staring at her from behind.

We found the location of the hunter's hut, which has been completely destroyed by the two mind flayers, and there are pieces of wood all over the floor.

"The maple tree in the northwest corner... Well, there is indeed a place where the soil is newly turned. Brock, if you have the strength, you can dig it. I said Livru, you should have brought a shovel to bury this thing. ?”

"You don't need that kind of thing." I waved my hand and interrupted her.

"What do you mean?" Daisy blinked.

I didn't answer, but bent down under their suspicious eyes, put my hands on the ground, and silently sank down to call out to the elemental spirits in the earth.

About half a minute passed, the overturned soil under the maple tree shook slightly, and then the soil clod slowly rose from the center, as if something was pushed up from the bottom.I summoned the earth spirits with shamanic spells and pushed out what was buried in the earth.

Dirt shakes off the raised clods, revealing the box inside.

"Oh, not bad, you, an orc, actually know how to manipulate elements." Daisy marveled, and immediately approached the box to open it without authorization.

As soon as the box was opened, golden light poured out, and the box was really full of gold coins.

Daisy's eyes were straightened, and she reached out and grabbed a handful, waved her hand and weighed it in her heart: "Well, yes, it is indeed gold."

"Hey, don't move around casually." I yelled at her.

Then she took these gold coins and prepared to put them in her waist.

"Don't play tricks, put them all back!" I shouted angrily from behind.

"Tch, I know, I know. Just a few pennies won't do... How stingy!" Daisy curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and stretched out her hand to put the gold coin back.

However, just as she stretched out her hand, a pitch-black claw suddenly stretched out from under the gold coins in the box, and Daisy was caught off guard by the wrist.

"Hey! What is this!?" Daisy was taken aback, and immediately drew out the dagger with the other hand and slashed at the black claw, but the dagger simply penetrated the black claw.

Daisy couldn't get rid of her claws, she turned her head and glared at Livru: "Damn it! You really deserved it, and you even gave this old lady a hand!"

But Li Fulu replied blankly: "I've never done this before..."

I looked at this shadow-like paw, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

correct!This is the claw of the shadow demon. When we investigated the disappearance case in Alsena's territory and found the hidden stronghold of the elf sinner, the elf sinner used the demon ring to command the shadow demon to fight.

It was the two elf sinners!They didn't plan to obediently pay the bounty, but wanted to take the opportunity to kill Daisy, so they set some kind of magic formula in the box that could summon demons, which would be activated by taking away the gold coins inside.Originally, with Daisy's skill and reaction speed, it shouldn't be a problem to avoid this kind of attack, but she just focused on those gold coins, so she got hit.

More black claws protruded from the box. These black shadows easily penetrated the gold coins and the dagger waving in Daisy's hand, but were able to grab Daisy's body.

"Help me... Woo!" Daisy yelled to me for help, but then she couldn't make a sound, a powerful black claw grabbed her neck.

It's unlucky enough for this guy to encounter two kills against her in a row... No, to a certain extent, she is rather lucky. If she really got my head, maybe she will explain it here today Alright.

Shadow fiends can pass through entities, and physical attacks are ineffective against them.If I were me in the past, I probably wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

But now I am not the same.

A half-length giant ghost body made of living fire appeared behind me, raised the battle ax in his hand and swung it down at the treasure chest.

The box burst instantly, and the gold coins flew away. With a mournful howl, a cloud of black mist exploded under the giant axe of the "ancestral heroic spirit", and at the same time, all the black claws holding Daisy also dissipated. up.

?The "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" is built with huge magic power, so it can easily kill demons that are also built with magic power.

"It's done." I killed the Shadow Demon hidden in the box with an axe, and I took back the "ancestral heroic spirit" and shouted to Daisy, "Look, I told you not to mess around with those gold coins."

Daisy clutched her chest and kept coughing, but she didn't seem to be in any serious trouble.

Livru, who was standing in front of me, looked back at me tremblingly: "Hey, let me tell you... are you really just an orc?"

"Of course, what else could it be?" I replied, frowning.

Miss Assassin, I have your name (2)

"Cough, cough... Phew!" After coughing for a long time, Daisy finally recovered, and then looked at me with a complicated expression, "I didn't expect that I was saved by you twice a day..."

"It's the third time including yesterday's share." I replied flatly, "Okay, let's pack up the gold coins first."

Because of my slash, the gold coins were scattered all over the ground, and we had to rearrange the gold coins on the ground.

I bent down to pick up a gold coin, tried to fold it with my hands, and folded it in half easily.

Judging from this hardness and ductility, although the box has been tampered with, the gold coins are genuine.

Fifty thousand gold coins, even if they are relatively low-grade gold coins, should be enough to extract several hundred catties of gold—this level of funds is enough to form and support several legions or directly buy a village .

To be able to spend such a sum of money to put a bounty on my head, the amount of money the enemy can mobilize here should be several times that.

It should be unrealistic for only two elf sinners to manage supplies of this scale, that is to say, the enemy should still have a complex hidden force in this area, using espionage, There should be quite a few people involved in secret activities such as assassinations, and they may even have several secret strongholds here.

These are hidden dangers for us. If we don’t eradicate them, even if we wipe out the local troops operating in the territory, they may resurface at any time after we go to the capital to rescue them and disrupt our rear.

They had to find a way to dig out all these hidden forces, but the two elf sinners who were the most important clues were involved in the political struggle of the dark elves and were played to death inexplicably.

So right now, we can only ask the parties who played them to death.

I looked at Livru and spoke to her: "Hey, I have a question to ask you. You did kill those two male elves, right?"

"Yeah, what happened to Miss Ben? I ambushed those two white-skinned men here, paralyzed them with a dagger quenched with anesthesia, and planted mind flayer larvae on them, and then you all Here we come." Lifru replied frankly.

"So, did you hear what they said before doing it?"

"Oh? You want the information on those two white skins?" Livlu sensed my intention, rolled her eyes, and showed a meaningful smile on her face, "Well...it's not true to tell you. No, how about untying this lady first?"

This girl actually wants to bargain.

"I said, you promised to answer me earlier." I couldn't help frowning.

"Eh? Is this the case? Why don't I remember?" She pretended to be stupid with a smirk on her face.

At this moment, Daisy with a gloomy face appeared behind her, grabbed her shoulders, and said coldly in her ear: "Hey Livru, sister, I'm in a bad mood right now. I advise you to answer his question honestly."

Probably because she fell into the trap in the box just now, her mood seemed to be affected a little bit, and she even turned her anger on Livru.

"Huh? You don't care about me if you're in a bad mood? The one just now has nothing to do with me, okay?" Lifru glanced at her dissatisfied, "You were stupid enough to fall into someone else's trap!"

"Let me tell you, the antidote I gave you just now is indeed the last bottle, but there is still some laxative left." Daisy smiled and took out another small bottle, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"I, I got it! I said! Did I say it's okay? Don't bring this thing over!" Livru yelled while avoiding the bottle that Daisy took to her mouth.

"Then let's start from the beginning. Did you hear what they said when you ambush them?" I started asking questions.

"Hmm... I remember what they said, 'After we get rid of that stinky woman, we'll keep the bounty for ourselves', and 'After getting the head, we'll make a specimen and hand it over to the teacher at the next assembly "Business" and the like... that's all I remember, really. To be honest, I don't really understand what they are talking about, I started doing it within 2 minutes after they came in." Livru explained in detail come out.

I only remembered two sentences, but there is nothing I can do about it, Lifru's target is not the two elf sinners, but Daisy.

However, although there are only two sentences, some clues can be heard from them.

From the first sentence, it can be heard that they plan to embezzle the funds paid to the assassin after they finish Daisy.This shows that this large amount of money is not completely controlled by them, but is transferred by them, which means that they have at least one organization in this area that can manage this fund.

Then the second sentence is the key, they mentioned "gathering" - it seems that they are secretly operating in this area, and they will meet regularly for exchange meetings or something.Just in the near future, they will have a chance to meet. After receiving the order to find a way to assassinate me, they originally planned to take my head to hand over at that time.

For us now, this is undoubtedly an opportunity to catch them all.

It's just that we have to find out the location and time of the meeting first, but Lifru doesn't seem to have heard any more information.

"Apart from these? Did you hear anything else?" I tried to ask.

"It's gone, I can't remember anything else." Lifru raised her eyebrows.

"Come on, Livru, take a sip of this refreshing potion, maybe you will be able to remember something." Daisy, who was hugging her, smiled, and brought the bottle to her mouth again.

"It's really gone! Don't make trouble, you crazy!" Li Fulu yelled while hiding.

It seems that there is really no more information.

I thought about it, and then asked: "I said, you should have searched their things, show me."

Some clues may be found from the belongings carried by the two elf sinners.

"No, no. Those two poor ghosts have nothing on them!" Lifru turned her face away.

This guy is too bad at lying.

"This kind of thing can't be done just by asking, Bullock." Daisy sneered, raised her fingers and moved her five fingers, "Let me strip her naked and search for it."

"I know, I'm just telling the truth! I put all the useful things on them into the cloth pockets on my waist!" Livru jumped angrily, "Bastard Daisy, why do you keep helping that orc?" ah!"

Miss Assassin, I have your name (3)

By the time we found the carriage where the elf sinners carried the gold coins, loaded the gold coins and returned to the fortress, it was already evening.

Judging from the results, this time’s outing was not successful. The elf sinners who were targeted for capture died accidentally before I got effective information from them. To some extent, it can be regarded as being wiped out.But fortunately, the harvest was quite generous - [-] gold coins, and other than that... a female dark elf was captured.

I gave the gold coin to Arsena.At first she was unwilling to accept it, saying that the money was intercepted by me and it should belong to me of course, but under my insistence, she finally agreed to the proposal to use the money to relieve refugees.This war was an unprecedented disaster for the affected people in her territory, and everything the enemy looted from this land was stained with their blood.The relief that Arsena is carrying out now will undoubtedly consume a lot of money, and this money must be used where it should be used.

As for Livru who was captured by us, although she has no direct conflict with us in terms of standpoint, she once infiltrated our fortress, and Arsena used the reason of "trespassing on a military important place" to arrest her first. Imprisoned.

We recovered the belongings carried by the two elf sinners from Livru, which included some magic items, so I took these things to Roland at night and gave them to her for investigation.

"I picked up two little dark elf girls in the wild in two days. Your experience reminds me of reading a picture book of dark elves." After hearing what happened to me during the day, Roland's face appeared With a teasing smile, "I still remember the plot clearly, it's very similar to what you've experienced in the past two days."

"Sorry, from what I've experienced in the past two days, I can't feel even a little bit related to those indecent books you usually read." I frowned, "What kind of plot is that book about?" ?”

While checking the things I brought up and down, Roland replied leisurely: "The story inside is like this. A wandering orc was caught in a trap when he trespassed on the territory of the dark elves, and was killed by a dark elf when his life was dying." The female assassin met. The female assassin felt compassion for the orc, and saved the orc. But who knew that the orc coveted her beauty, and attacked the female assassin with vengeance, and then... well, you understand. And then what , the female assassin's sister came to rescue her own sister, but was defeated by the orcs instead, and in the end...you understand."

"Isn't this completely contrary to reality?" I rolled my eyes.

"After all, art comes from reality and is higher than reality. There will always be some absurdities." Roland laughed and talked about fallacies.

"Fart, what kind of art is this!" I snorted through my nose, "I think this slander is a bit too much, if an orc does something as low as sneaking up on his benefactor, it will be a shame in any tribe." will be punished.”

"After all, the dark elves are in the same line as us, and it's the same in terms of political smearing of orcs." Roland shrugged, "But, the current Sidian is different, after establishing diplomatic relations with the orc tribes , all works with such content will be taken off the shelves.”

"Thank God, those damn dirty things are finally banned." I was a little happy to hear this news, and even had the urge to applaud.

But Roland immediately corrected me: "Not all of them were banned. Only those works with obvious political and racial malice were banned. Other works were retained. After all, such books have a solid audience base. It is not in vain that I tried my best to fight for His Majesty."

"Hey, why do you want to keep that kind of thing! Do you really hope that our tribe can get along with Saidian? Are you really not sent by the enemy to blackmail us?"

"Of course I'm one of my own. Bullock, you have to understand that everything should not be viewed one-sidedly." Roland said in a half-demonstrative and half-joking tone, "Although that kind of work first appeared to blacken you orcs, but they It is also an objective fact that some elves became interested in contacting orcs later on."

"It's clearly just cultivating a group of perverts like Miria." I replied angrily.

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