"Hmph, I have to work overtime again. I really can't help you." Daisy shook her head helplessly.

"I told you not to flirt there, okay?" At this moment, Li Fulu's scream suddenly broke in, "Save Miss Ben first!"

Hitting the Vulnerable is an Assassin's Specialty (6)


Hearing Livlu's cry for help, Daisy immediately took out the dagger and threw it over.As a result, the dagger flew over Lifru's head, which was thrown back and forth by the Shadow Demon's claws, and seemed to cut off a bunch of hair.

"Hey, you almost killed me!" Lifru screamed immediately.

"I said Livlu, try to maintain a good posture and don't move around, okay? This way I can aim more accurately." Daisy took out the dagger again with a blank expression.

"Bastard! Tell me not to move around, where are you going to aim!?"

"Of course it's your throat. Don't worry, I'll let you go in an instant, and you won't suffer too much. You have to trust your sister's skills." Daisy responded while aiming at her with a dagger.

"You want to take this opportunity to kill me again? You're never finished, you! You, your conscience won't hurt?" Li Fulu was so anxious that her voice was crying.

"It seems that you wanted to kill me first?" Daisy snorted indifferently.

"You are enough! I don't want to steal it from you, can't I? I don't want to be the heir!!" Li Fulu broke down suddenly, and cried loudly, "I was caught by the orcs and used as a coolie again! Being caught as a hostage by a white-skinned elf, and finally being caught by this kind of monster, after chasing you out, nothing good happened! I can't take it anymore! I want to go home!!"

"Hmph, I'm still the same useless crybaby as before. I have no strengths other than being cruel and merciless. Do you think that if you kill my mother, you will take a fancy to me? Forget it, anyway, there is my curse on her, It doesn’t pose a threat to me anymore.” Daisy put away the dagger to herself, and then turned to me, “Brock, please go and save her.”

Killing each other for a while, and asking me to save them for a while... The relationship between this pair of sisters is really strange enough to make people completely incomprehensible.

I carefully looked at the Lord of Shadows in front of me—or its body being manipulated by necromancy.The Lord of Shadows, who had regained his ability to move, didn't seem to have any self-awareness. He clapped his hands on the ground and roared with his head raised.In the shadow below its body, there were many claws of Shadow Fiend sticking out to surround it, and one of them happened to be grabbing Livlu's foot.But the Shadow King himself didn't seem to notice that he had caught such a prey at all, and catching Lifru seemed to be just some kind of instinctive reaction of it.

After becoming an undead creature, the demon lord seemed to have become much duller, perhaps easier to deal with than when he was manipulated by Mudar.

I rode the beast soul and charged towards it. When I got close to its body part connected to the Shadow Pool, the claws of the shadow demons surrounding it reacted, stretching out and rushing towards me.

I don't even need to dodge this level of attack. The "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" flew his battle ax with both hands, and these vine-like long claws broke off one after another.

I quickly got close to the claw that was holding Livru, carrying my beast soul and jumped up, and then the battle ax in the hand of the "ancestral heroic spirit" slashed across, easily cutting off The shadow demon claw.

Livlu, who had been being held by the meteor hammer for a long time, was finally freed from her claws, probably because she was dizzy from being held. When she broke free from her claws, she didn't adjust her posture in time like the previous time. It was about to fall heavily to the ground.

I was the first to land on the ground, riding the warg towards her landing point in time, reached out to catch her, and let her lie on the wolf's back.

"Dead orc, stinky orc, why didn't you come and save me sooner!" Lifru, who survived the escape, cried to me sadly.

"It's clearly your own death just now, I've already reminded you... Now I'm kind enough to save you, let me be a little grateful." I took her to ride a wolf and started away from the shadow king.

At this moment, the Lord of Shadows, who had been acting like an unconscious zombie, made an unusual move. He lowered his head and turned his face to me, like a jackal suddenly found a rabbit passing by.

Obviously, it's after me.

At this moment, I realized that the necromancy that Mudar applied to it might not be as simple as making the corpse move. The guy even gave an order to the zombie made by the demon lord to kill me.

Its target is only me, so it only reacts to me, and doesn't care about Lifru who grabbed it casually.

It slowly stretched out its hand towards me, as if it wanted to grab me, but its movements were unusually slow, completely incomparable to what it was in life.I dodged it easily, then turned to Daisy's direction and ran a few steps, grabbed Livru who was still dizzy from a distance and threw her towards her: "I'll leave this to you first!"

However, Daisy didn't intend to reach out to pick it up at all, she moved a few steps to the side like a flash, and let Lifru fall to the ground.

"It hurts! Daisy, won't you pick it up for me?" Lifru immediately sat up from the ground and shouted aggrievedly.

"It's good that you didn't fix the knife, what else do you want?" Daisy frowned and glanced at her, then looked at me, "Hey, Brock, what do you need me to do?"

"This monster is coming for me, just take care of yourself this time, and I will get rid of it!" I didn't stop, and ran away on my wolf.

The action of the Shadow King was just as I expected. After I ran away from Daisy and the others, it made another trombone sound and moved after me.

The shadow king's body has only the upper body and no legs, and looks like a giant that has been cut off in half.I've never seen it move, but this time when it moved, I actually found that its moving speed was not slow.Its two hands grasped the ground alternately as if crawling on the ground, and the large black shadow connected to its body moved quickly on the ground with it, ignoring the uneven ground and roadblocks such as railings. Just like a real shadow.

I'm going to draw it away and tackle it in a wider area.But I can't lead it out of this farm, there are towns nearby, and innocent people must not be involved.

And on the other side of the manor, the farmer who was stunned by me was lying in it. Although it was confirmed that the guy had colluded with the elf sinner, he still couldn't just let him die before handing him over to Arsena for trial, let alone All the elf sinners we captured are gone, and now he is the only source of information left.

Then I can only lead this monster to the pasture. I quickly made a decision, riding a wolf over the wooden railing, and ran from the farmland area to the pasture with cattle and sheep.

Hitting the Vulnerable is an Assassin's Specialty (7)

Soon, I led the King of Shadows to the pasture where cattle and sheep are grazing. The mobility of the warg can be brought into full play in this open area. To deal with such a relatively large prey, speed is the first element.

I looked back at the Lord of Shadows, and suddenly found that the guy's appearance had changed during the process of chasing me. A rotten dead air began to linger around it, and its body began to melt a little bit. , the asphalt-like liquid dripped from its body into the shadow under it.The weirdest thing is its face. Originally, its face had no facial features, but at this moment, on that face, where the mouth should have been, there was a huge, exaggerated mouth full of blood. Black fangs.

"Why does the image of this dog monster start to develop into a thriller novel?" I spoke to Roland.

"Probably during the process of being resurrected by necromancy, the body was also contaminated by the decay and death attributes of necromancy. After all, the body of a demon is made of magic power. The barrier on its body has now become a strong dead body." Qi, once the creature is contaminated, it will be eroded." Roland replied calmly.

At this time, the shadow king who was chasing after me passed the cowshed where the cows were raised, and beat the cowshed to pieces.It grabbed a half-sized cow from the stall, and the cow died without struggling a few times in its hands, and then decayed into a pile of bones at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, it threw the bone towards me, and I controlled the beast soul to run in a continuous sharp turn, and easily dodged it, the skeleton of the cow fell to the ground and fell apart.

"Will I be like that if I'm caught?" Looking at the cow that was instantly killed by the entangled death energy of the Shadow King, I couldn't help shivering.

"Don't worry, it won't. Leaving aside the dragon's blood in your body, the ghost floating behind you alone can perfectly resist that level of necromancy erosion. Don't forget, Azak can At the cost of my own soul, I transferred more than half of the power he obtained from the 'Silent Tombstone' to you, so you must have confidence in yourself." Roland encouraged me.

She was right, I, who was entrusted with everything by Azak, shouldn't be intimidated by a mere zombie.

If I can't even kill the corpse of the Lord of Shadows, how will I be able to cut off the head of that elf mage who blasphemed my ancestor's heroic spirit in the future?

I turned around in the open pasture and charged towards the Lord of Shadows.

As soon as the King of Shadow saw his target approaching, he opened his slit-like mouth and roared. His left hand tried to stretch out, trying to hold me tightly in the palm of his hand.

But its speed was too slow in my eyes. I calmly rode the beast soul and turned to the left to avoid it, dodged the shadow king's giant hand, and then controlled the "ancestral heroic spirit" to swing an ax heavily at it. On the wrist, it almost cut off its left hand.

The Shadow King withdrew his hand, the magic power instinctively flowed to his wrist, and began to mend the huge wound.

"Continue to cause damage to its body. An undead creature without a master can only be driven by the residual magic power. Its magic power is huge, but the magic power required to repair that body is also extremely huge. When its magic power level is too low to be driven This corpse is our victory." Roland gave me a simple and easy-to-understand tactic.

I continued to run around the Lord of Shadows, repeating the same trick when it reached out to grab me with its right hand for the second time, dodging it again and counterattacking with an axe.

It is true that the dead Lord of Shadows is much more sluggish than in life, but it seems that no residual consciousness has been retained.After being counterattacked by me again and again, it changed its movements and began to punch the ground indiscriminately according to where I was, just like a beast venting its anger.

This time, it was very difficult for me to predict and avoid its attack, let alone counterattack.

I immediately changed my tactics, driving the beast souls to flee to the distance, and reopened the distance from the Lord of Shadows.

Then, I summoned the beast soul again, and summoned a beast soul of a thunder carving.

The surging blood mist formed the shape of the Thunder Eagle, and the next moment the beast soul came alive, fluttering its wings and flying to the sky, circling half a circle in the air and then floating down, I reached out and grabbed the Thunder Eagle's claws in time, letting it It lifts me up.

I quickly climbed onto Lei Sculpture's back and rode Lei Sculpture towards the Lord of Shadows.

The Shadow King immediately waved his palm and slapped it over. I controlled the Thunder Eagle to quickly flip over in the air, then passed over its shoulder, and controlled the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to cross over with an ax like a cavalry swinging a knife. Forcefully pulled out a deep gash on the dead monster's neck.

However, the black magic power immediately flowed to the wound, restoring the shadow king's form to its original state.Judging from this recovery speed, this guy is still far from the bottom of his magic power.

At this time, I suddenly realized that it might not be as easy to fight this guy in a war of attrition. The powerful spell "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" consumed Living Fire amazingly. After a few strokes, if I continue to fight like this, maybe I won't be able to hold on for a while.

How about using shamanic spells?

From the current situation, it is the most suitable tactic to continuously strike it with thunderbolts, but summoning thunderbolts is also the most time-consuming and labor-intensive method. To form an attack of sufficient scale, I have to start by summoning thunderstorm clouds of sufficient scale .The principle of shaman's elemental spells is to call the "spirit" in the elements to drive the elements, and they are not good at generating elements from nothing.

The remaining Living Fire, I'm afraid I can't afford to take such a risk, if there are other more efficient means of attack...

At this moment, a distant call suddenly came from the ground: "Hey, Brock!!"

I followed the sound and looked over there, and couldn't help but froze for a moment.

That girl Daisy... actually chased here again, holding the lantern in her hand, and waving her arms at me

"You... What are you doing here? Didn't I just ask you to take care of yourself?" I couldn't help being stunned.

Fortunately, the King of Shadows was only targeting me. It kept staring at me who was hovering in the air on the Thunder Eagle, and raised its arms to reach me but couldn't. It didn't notice Daisy who was swaying in the distance. .

"There must be something I can help with, aren't we in the same group?" Daisy yelled at me as she shook the lantern without giving up.

How did this guy somehow become so clingy?What use could she be for a monster of this level?

Thinking of this, I suddenly noticed the burning lantern in her hand.

No, wait a minute!

Maybe she came just in time!

Hitting the Vulnerable is an Assassin's Specialty (8)

I immediately changed my mind and instigated the Lightning Eagle to fly towards Daisy.

"Catch!" I yelled at her.

Daisy's reaction was quick, she jumped up when the Thunder Eagle passed by her, grabbed the Thunder Eagle's paw with one hand, and was carried into the air.

"Hurry up, don't get thrown!" I reminded Daisy in advance, "Also, hold the lantern in your hand."

The Shadow King pounced on him again, clasped his palms together, and tried to shoot us and the beast soul to death, but I controlled the Thunder Sculpture to turn sideways, descend a few meters quickly and then immediately climbed to the height, and quickly got rid of the beast. Surrounded by two palms.

When fighting with the queen of the dragon clan, I gradually mastered the knack of riding this flying creature to fight. Although the Thunder Sculpture still has a huge gap compared with the giant dragon, it is also the sky overlord of the field of giant beasts after all. With the blessing of the wind spirit I summoned, it is impossible to be caught by such a dull undead creature.

At the beginning, I was a little worried that Daisy might be thrown off by this violent flying action, and I was always ready to call the wind spirit to catch her when Daisy let go, but soon I heard cheers coming from the bottom Voice: "Woo ha ha ha, this, this is really exciting!"

It seems that with her skills, she is more than capable of dealing with this kind of situation.

"You came at the right time, I just need you to help me attack." I shouted to Daisy who was hanging on the Thunder Eagle's claw.

"What do you want me to do? Do you want me to stab it with a dagger and a dart? Or stab it with a dagger?" Daisy responded.

"No, just use the lantern in your hand. When I give the signal, you throw that lantern into its mouth!" I conveyed my plan to Daisy.

Although I couldn't see the figure of Daisy under Lei Diao's body, I could still feel the lantern in its hand, and my spirit was already connected with the elemental spirit in the light flickering in the lantern.

"Lantern? What's the use of this thing?" Daisy naturally had doubts about this.

"Just do as I tell you, and leave the rest to me." I didn't have time to give her a detailed explanation.

"Okay, then you fly a little closer." Daisy didn't ask any further questions, and simply accepted my plan.

I rode Thunder Eagle flying around the Lord of Shadows, and this dull monster slowly followed me with its face turned, its cracked mouth was half-open, and magic power of a decaying nature flowed from its mouth, dripping on the ground. In the shadow pool below.

I carefully adjusted the angle and distance, and when I turned to the front of the Lord of Shadows, I shouted to Daisy: "It's now!"

Daisy immediately flung out the lantern in her hand. Her aim was pretty good. The flashing fire lantern drew a meteor-like arc in the air, and landed precisely into the mouth of the Lord of Shadows.

Then in this instant, I awakened the spirit of fire in the clump of flames.The flickering lights swelled like an explosion, and the lantern's cover instantly shattered.The blazing flame surged and overflowed from the mouth of the Lord of Shadows, turning into a torch to illuminate the entire pasture.I concentrated all my consciousness to call the flames to grow wildly, and let the flames rage in the shadow king's body.

The principle of the shaman's elemental spells is to guide the elements, instead of using magic to directly transform and use the elements like the elves' spells.I am still inexperienced in elemental spells, and I can't directly convert magic power into lightning or flames, but I can manipulate existing elements, such as the lightning in the thundercloud, or... kindling.My advantage in this regard is that the amount of living fire, or the amount of magic power, is much higher than that of ordinary mages. Even such a small flame, I can turn it into a raging fire.

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