Without thinking twice, I inserted the handle of the battle ax into the belt around my waist, and stretched out my hand upwards.

Vanessa appeared in the black mist, hugged my arm, spread her wings and flew up.

Annihilation (8)

"Woo... so heavy!"

Vanessa started to complain as soon as she was in the air, but she still pulled us up into the air steadily.

Although it is not as dense as the ground, there are many winged demons flying in the sky. Some of them are afraid of Vanessa's power and dare not approach, while others are willing to take risks and come closer, but they are intruding and lingering in Vanessa. The surrounding mass of black mist quickly melted away.Some smarter demons tried to use long-range means to attack. Various forms of magic bullets shot into the black mist from all directions, but they were all absorbed by the mist.The black mist released by Vanessa has the same magic-absorbing properties as the Fog Demon, and it builds a perfect barrier for us at this time.

Having said that, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the mysterious abyss lord who disrupted the battle situation, Vanessa might not have had the opportunity to rob us in the chaos surrounded by so many demons.

I looked down and saw that the abyss lord was still fighting among the demons, and the other demons began to focus on it.Demons don't have companion consciousness, but that's all they can do in this situation.Under the influence of the law of the abyss where the weak eat the strong, the weak demons evolved the instinct to besiege the powerful demons together in melee.Only by taking care of the top predators and carve it up, will they have a chance to fight for the tens of thousands of chances of surviving in the melee. If they can't be dealt with, all the demons will become the food of the strongest.

At that time, the abyss lord had a chance to eat us, but it turned its target to other demons, cleared the space for us, and Vanessa found a chance to break in.

It is impossible for a real demon to have such kindness to help us. The only explanation is that someone restrained its actions in some way of using the demon.

I can figure out what's going on - it was Feilan who summoned the abyss lord with the demon ring, and everyone on the airship came to rescue us.

The thunderous sound of the engine not far away confirmed my thoughts. I turned my head to look, and the airship wrapped in the crystal red enchantment came into my vision.

There were many demons flying around the airship, like flies attracted by the smell of food, but they couldn't get into the barrier, and the mages and archers standing on the deck shot them down one by one.

Feilan was standing at the bow of the boat, stretching out her left hand wearing the devil's ring. The ring was shining with a strange purple light.

Her figure was already much shorter, her little face was tense, and she seemed to be working hard.

Summoning and using abyss lord-level great demons has great abilities and is often fatal to the caster.If it wasn't for Roland's anti-growth technique as an insurance measure, her body would have already started to melt.But in order to save me from the hordes of demons, she still used this dangerous summoning technique.

After a while, she lost her strength, and suddenly she closed her eyes and fell backwards. Princess Alyssa, who was standing behind her, hurriedly reached out and hugged her.

Vanessa took us to the airship. When we approached the barrier, the crystal red barrier automatically opened a hole for us to pass through. After we passed, the barrier quickly closed.

Vanessa led us to make an emergency landing on the deck, then immediately retracted her wings and knelt on the floor: "Ha... I'm exhausted!"

Soon people surrounded me, and I lowered the queen from my shoulders. At this time, she was unconscious, and lava-like blood flowed from the wound on her abdomen.

"She's badly hurt! Quick!" I yelled up.

Roland squatted down next to us, stretched out his hand to check in the air, and gasped: "It's a very serious curse, the magic power of this intensity can curse and kill thousands of people..." She immediately turned around. Looking at the group of elf mages behind, "Prepare for the highest level of purification ceremony, hurry up!"

"I'll do an emergency first!" Arsena also came over, stretched out her hand and summoned a holy light to shine on the wound on the queen's abdomen.

The wound didn't show signs of healing immediately, but the bleeding stopped slowly, and the Queen's breathing became a little more stable.This level of holy light is not enough to dispel the powerful curse brought by the demon king's blow, but it is better than nothing.

"Principal, classmate Feilan...she...has passed out." Princess Alyssa hurried over, holding Feilan who had turned into a child wrapped in a robe in her arms.

"Feilan is fine for the time being, and she will pass out because of the insurance effect of the spell. If she continues to drive a demon of that level, her body will grow backwards until it collapses, so she will be forced to enter a temporary dormancy." Roland comforted, " Take her to the room to have a good rest, I still need to maintain the barrier, can I leave her in your care temporarily, Your Highness?"

"I see." Princess Alisa nodded, then looked at me again, "Student Brock, you..."

I shook my head to her, indicating that everything is fine, don't worry about me, just take care of Feilan.

Princess Alisa understood, and ran towards the cabin with Feilan in her arms.

When she walked away, I glanced at Feilan who was resting her head on her arms. Feilan closed her eyes tightly and was unconscious. It should be a burden for her to summon the abyss lord.

Roland looked at me: "It's a good thing you can hold on. When I saw you fell into the pile of demons, I thought you were really going to die there..."

"I didn't do anything." I lowered my eyes, looked at the queen who was still seriously injured on the ground, and said dejectedly, "I was only protected by her, and I was saved by you in the end."

"No, if you hadn't persisted and attracted most of the demons away, it would be impossible for my barrier to stop this number of demons, and the troops on land would have been able to avoid being besieged and wiped out. Don't underestimate your own efforts." Roland said seriously.

"But we lost." I looked up and shook my head.

This time Roland did not refute.

After narrowly escaping from the dead, the warm blood that regarded death as home just now slowly receded from my body, and an indescribable cold emotion spread in my chest.

The name of this emotion is frustration.

I turned my head to look at the rear of the airship. The airship began to leave the battlefield at full speed from the time we received it. Now we are two or three kilometers away from White Lake City. Most of the demons failed to catch up with us. All of them were dealt with by the ship's long-range firepower.

But the White Lake City in the distance was still shrouded by innumerable demons, as if several layers of black veil had wrapped the entire city.

In the battle of White Lake City, we failed to capture the target, and more than half of the siege troops on the ground were lost. Tens of thousands of demons descended on White Lake City, and then began to spread to the surrounding area.

In this campaign, we were defeated.

Touching the head to help you regain your strength (1)

It was night, we withdrew to a garrison where the troops had a brief rest yesterday, and we settled down temporarily.

I stood on the slope beside the camp, listening to Wacker report to me about the situation of the team.

"Brother, thirty brothers are gone. Seventeen from our tribe, thirteen from the Shouya clan, and 37 people were injured, but most of them were relatively light, and only two were seriously injured." Wacker's voice was very serious. It is dignified.

After listening tiredly, I nodded after a while: "I see..."

In a team of 120 people, more than half of them were killed or injured.There were not many seriously injured people, because in that kind of harsh battle situation where demons are everywhere, it is difficult for seriously injured people to find a chance to get out of trouble.

We don't even have a chance to collect the bodies of our dead brothers.

But in comparison, the situation on our side is actually quite good.Compared with our orcs, who are good at physical fitness, the casualty rate of human soldiers is much higher. Excluding the third knight order that was maintaining the airship at that time, the combat power of the Helgian Kingdom Army in this mixed force Already broken in half.

Most of Saidian's troops were archers and mages. At that time, the long-range troops were arranged on the airship, and the overall casualties were the lightest.But at that time, the knight team led by Miria was also among the ground troops. Under the siege of the demons, except for the leader Miria and a few elf knights with better skills or luck, everyone else was either killed or injured.

But the biggest loss in combat power was that the queen was seriously injured.

In that chaotic battle, Mudar, who was possessed by the Lich, poured a blow from the Demon King that was enough to destroy the airship or wipe out most of the ground troops on her.Roland summoned mages who are good at purification to dispel the curse on her body. Although as long as the curse is dispelled, the queen should be able to heal the wound with her strong physique, but the curse is too deep. Until now the queen has not yet regain consciousness.

Feilan was also in a coma since the morning. In order to rescue me from the desperate situation surrounded by thousands of demons, she once again used the dangerous demon summoning technique, using an abyss lord to create a chance for me to escape.But she didn't wake up after that. Roland said that there was nothing serious, but she needed a little time to recuperate. Princess Alisa has been watching her.

The entire camp was almost dead silent now. Although most people fell asleep because they were too tired, even the soldiers in charge of night watch and patrol were dead, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Since the beginning of this war, we have been almost invincible, and this defeat was like a blow to the head, which destroyed everyone's morale at once.

"It's my fault..." I said this sentence unconsciously.

"Brother? What are you talking about—" Wack was a little taken aback, and immediately wanted to refute me.

I shook my head and interrupted him: "No, it was indeed my fault. I actually noticed something was wrong during the reconnaissance, but I failed to deduce the enemy's intention..."

And I was the first to see Mudar possessing other liches and using the magic of the Demon King. I should be the one who most thought that Mudar might use this to ambush our troops.

When the queen broke through Shata City, the enemy had already guessed our movements, so they set up such a killing situation for us and waited for us.And we felt a sense of crisis because of the space cracks we found in Shata City, we pushed forward eagerly, and fell into the trap impartially.

As the one with the most clues, I'm the one who should be the most aware of this trap.

"Brother..." Wacker's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but obviously he couldn't find the right words for a while—after experiencing such a fiasco, and witnessing so many sacrifices of his brothers, his mood was impossible. Much easier than me.

"Don't worry, I'm fine..." I quickly patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "Thanks to you leading the brothers to break through this time, thank you. I'll stay here to watch the night, you hurry back rest."

"No, let me do things like the elder brother's night watch." Wacker wanted to decline.

"I'm fine from head to toe, but you're injured. Didn't you break my vigil by standing up for me? Go quickly." I gently pushed his shoulder.

This time Wake didn't say much, nodded to me and went into the camp.

I watched him go, then sat down on the tree stump beside him.

Taking Wacker away is mainly because I want to be alone.Although I'm not so disheartened by a defeat that I can't cheer up, depression is still inevitable. It clings to my heart like a lingering ghost, making me panic.

In fact, after I came back, I knew the number of victims and the names of most of them.More than half of the [-] Bloodaxe clan fighters who died were comrades-in-arms who I had dealt with with Wack, and there were even a few who were relatively close in the clan.Wacker is a rough and detailed person. He deliberately avoided this point and only reported the statistical results so as not to burden me too much.

The previous instructors once taught us that it is not difficult to be a good fighter, but it is not so easy to be a good commander.Because the soldier only needs to bear his own life, but the commander has to bear the lives of many soldiers.

The queen's injury is also my responsibility, even if I carry her to trek in the encirclement of demons, even if I accompany her to die there, so what?A little effort is not enough to repay my neglect.

I thought that I should have a thorough understanding of the battlefield by now, but it wasn't until this time that I felt a little bit how heavy the real battlefield is.

Inadvertently, my eyes saw Azak's battle ax resting on the side of the tree stump.

Azak must have foreseen that many people would sacrifice for this when he led his people to resist the devil.He once launched a coup to seize power in advance in order to save the old chief who was only a young soldier at the time. He was by no means a person who disregarded the lives of others, but he still shouldered the "death" of so many people and resolutely fought on the battlefield step forward.

He is really a great leader. It turns out that there is still such a long distance between me and the real hero.

I subconsciously sighed.

At this time, a rustling sound reached my ears.

"Who?" I subconsciously became alert, grabbed the ax and turned my head.

A considerable part of the tens of thousands of demons that descended from the sky above White Lake City spread to the surrounding areas, and it is hard to guarantee that none of the demons followed us to find this camp.

But in the end, what I saw was a little elf girl with blond hair standing not far away under the moonlight, looking at me with twinkling eyes.

"Feilan?" I was stunned.

Touching the head to help you regain your strength (2)

Has this girl woke up?How could a person come here alone, shouldn't Princess Alisa be watching her?

When I was stunned by a series of questions, I noticed that Feilan had already rushed to me.

We stared at each other for a while, and she suddenly jumped forward and hugged my knee.

Summoning the demon this time cost a lot of money, and her consciousness also turned into a little ghost mode.

Almost subconsciously, I stretched out my hand and touched her little head: "You...how did you escape? Where is Her Highness Alisa?"

"Alyssa... fell asleep beside the bed." Feilan raised her head and replied in a childlike voice, "I just ran out to play."

Princess Alisa looks after her almost all day, so it is normal to fall asleep from exhaustion.She probably woke up when Princess Alisa fell asleep next to her, and slipped out by herself.

"Don't sneak out alone, it will make people worry..." I said softly, and suddenly my heart sank again.

I am not qualified to preach to her, after all, it was me who caused her to become like this.

After a long silence, I retracted my hand.

"Huh? Hand! Hand! Hand!" Feilan was still turning her head and rubbing my palm, but she stopped doing it as soon as I took my hand away, and protested with her arms stretched out.

I had to put my hand on her head again, and she began to shake her head slowly again, rubbing my palm with her soft hair, as if she thought it was fun.

I looked at her like this, and subconsciously blurted out: "I'm sorry..."

When Feilan heard this, she just tilted her head in confusion. In this state, she couldn't even understand the reason for my apology.

Her appearance made me feel even more guilty. When I silently lowered my head and lowered my eyes, looking directly at her clear eyes that knew nothing, I couldn't help but feel ashamed.

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