In terms of size, this mutated abyssal python can already beat most species in the wild of giant beasts.Even with my physique, the caliber of its mouth can easily swallow me in one gulp.

But to face the "ancestral heroic spirit" floating behind me, its physique doesn't have much advantage.

Although its nine heads attacked at the same time, there is still a sequence.The first one approached was the largest head of the central trunk, and I controlled the "ancestral heroic spirit" to give it an ax to its chin, which forced it to close its mouth and fall backwards.

Then I let the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" swing his arms towards the remaining eight heads, and immediately chopped off four heads, and by the way, cut the rest to a bloody mess.

The abyssal python rolled in pain, but it was obviously not injured.It quickly regained its posture and crawled towards me again. The attraction of my blood to it completely aroused its ferocity.

This time, it not only dragged its own torso, but also used the remaining four heads other than the trunk to open its mouth and use its fangs to cling to the ground to speed up its progress, like an octopus crawling with its own arms and legs.

Except for the head of the trunk, the rest of its head seems to have grown out during the demonic mutation, like an appendage, even if it is cut off, it will not hurt its life.

I noticed that the red lines on its body became brighter, and at the same time, the wounds on its body stopped bleeding quickly. Not only that, new tissues began to grow on the necks whose heads had just been chopped off—— It is healing itself quickly, and demonization endows it with stronger vitality.

It seems that it would not be a wise choice to fight a protracted war with it, you have to find a suitable time to kill it with one blow.

The most suitable way is to aim at the head of its trunk, and open its ladle with an ax on the top of its head.

But this is not as simple as thinking about it. During the demonization process, a hard bone shell grew on its head, and this shell gave it a considerable degree of protection.Otherwise, the slash of the "ancestral heroic spirit" just now should have chopped off its head, chin and skull.

Why don't you try "that trick" again, and treat it as an exercise.

I let out a long breath, and began to greatly mobilize the fire of life to inject into the "ancestral heroic spirit", and at the same time use my spirit to call out the elements.After absorbing more dragon blood, I awakened the ability to manipulate dragon flames, then, in the depths of my soul, there should also be elemental spirits of flames, as long as I use shaman spells to call...

Fierce heat surged up from the depths of my body, and I felt my whole body burn quickly.That familiar feeling came, scorching blood ran through my veins, and the Berserker coat of arms that had been activated by the blood became even more shining.

A bright flame rose behind me, dazzling like a sunrise, and the magic power of the "ancestral heroic spirit" turned into a blazing red flame in an instant. I named this trick "Dragon Flame Blazing Soul".

It worked, exactly as I expected.Since I have been practicing spells continuously, I have more or less a little understanding of drawing inferences from one instance.

The abyssal python suddenly stopped its menacing march, and retracted its neck vigilantly.Its eyesight is not very good, and I poked it blind in one eye, but it can sense the heat source, and the blazing "Dragon Flame Blazing Soul" completely attracted its attention.

I didn't let go of this gap, this time it was replaced by me striding towards it.

It hesitated for a moment, and finally launched an attack in accordance with its ferocity—it was still the same attack mode, with several heads attacking at the same time, and the action mode of this kind of creature with no IQ is often relatively monotonous.

I controlled the "Dragon Flame Blazing Soul" and waved it casually, splashing a large group of flames like water in a basin, and pasting a few snake heads.

This guy was really afraid of fire, so he immediately stopped attacking and shrank his head.Then I seized this opportunity to aim at the head in the middle of it to control the "Dragon Flame Blazing Soul" and smash it down with an axe.

The ax cracked its bony shell, but didn't cut through it-but it didn't matter, and at the moment of the cut, the flames of the blade of the battle ax of "Dragon Burning Soul" burst into flames. Get up, surround its entire head, and pour high temperature into its interior.

This is equivalent to hitting its brain with a soldering iron, and the entire body of the abyssal python twisted in excruciating pain, like a towel that was wrung dry.

After only a few seconds of roasting, it lowered its head, collapsed to death on the ground, twitched a few times before becoming stiff.

I walked over and smashed its scorched head with the ax in my hand, convinced of its death, and then took the "ancestral heroic spirit" back, and calmed down to calm down the surging power in the body.

Then I turned around and was just about to say "it's over" to Angelica who was hiding in the distance, but I was caught off guard and found that she had quietly stood behind me.

"Oh, oh, I was taken aback by you!" I gasped instinctively.

This girl has always moved silently, and she is one of the best at sneaking among the people I know.

But Angelica didn't answer, she just stared at my arm.

"What's wrong?" I felt something was wrong with her eyes.

"Brock, you're hurt." She murmured, her eyes still fixed.

I followed her gaze, and the wound I made myself just now was still stained with blood.

"Oh, I cut it myself, it's a small wound, just apply some saliva." I waved my hand.

It's strange, there's no need to pay attention to this little injury... And the look in her eyes always feels a little creepy - it's almost like seeing a piece of good raw ham.

As a result, Angelica actually swallowed her throat, and then came to sniff the wound on my arm.

"Angelica?" I frowned and called her.

She still didn't answer me, and then caught off guard, she suddenly stuck out her tongue and licked my wound.

"You, what are you doing!?" I was startled by her, and quickly retracted my arms behind me.

"Ah, I'm sorry." She blinked her eyes and covered her mouth, as if she had finally come to her senses, "I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a very fragrant smell from Brock's blood, and I couldn't help... It's strange, when Bullock fed my blood, he didn't feel this way."

I froze for a while, then realized a possibility.

This girl... Maybe it's because her body is a little demonized that she started to have an appetite for things with strong magic power like a demon?

"It smells really good..." Angelica suddenly leaned over and sniffed again.

I hurriedly took two steps back: "Don't make trouble, I only smell of sweat!"

Suddenly... There was a sense of crisis that might be eaten.

Get an experience to upgrade to a level (5)

The orc's body healing ability is relatively good, and scratches of this level do not need to be dealt with too much.But since Angelica kept gazing at my arm with the same eyes that appraise a good ham, I finally got out a bandage and covered the wound.

But when I looked up after dressing the wound, I suddenly found that Angelica had become interested in the abyssal python that I had killed, and began to stare at the corpse of the giant python lying on the ground with the same eyes full of appetite.

"Angelica, why are you staring at that?" After watching for a while, I tried to talk to her.

"Brock, do you know?" Angelica suddenly turned her face solemnly, "Snake meat soup is delicious!"

"...You don't want to eat that, do you?" I suddenly felt that this girl's taste was a bit strange.

"But it smells good." Angelica looked like she was about to drool.

Because I used the "Dragon Flame Blazing Soul" to kill this abyssal python with the mentality of practicing, and the flame burned its head and neck.It was a bit charred, but still had a hint of grilled meat.

We orcs have never been picky about meat.The abyssal python and other snakes that live in the wild of the beast are all on the recipe of the orcs, and they are quite popular ingredients-for example, I like it very much.

But if someone asks me to eat such a mutant creature, I will refuse, God knows if eating this kind of thing will cause anything bad.

After sinking my heart and thinking about it carefully, I still shook my head: "The body of this abyssal python has been demonized, so we should be more careful not to eat it—"

I turned around while talking, but suddenly found that Angelica was no longer by my side.When I turned my head again, I saw that she silently moved to the side of the abyssal python that was roasted alive, and used her claws to peel off the scorched snake skin on the neck, and then she was about to squirm into the roasted snake meat inside. mouth.

I rushed over and grabbed her shoulder to stop her: "Can't you listen to me carefully, girl? We haven't decided whether this thing can be eaten yet!"

"Then Brock, why don't you summon a warg to test the poison!" Angelica turned her head, with a stubborn expression, as if she was determined to use this abyss python for dinner.

"The vitality of the animals in the Wild of Behemoths is very strong, and their physiological structure is different from ours... Even if the wargs are fine after eating them, it doesn't mean that we are fine after eating them." I persuaded Angelica patiently.

The ancestors of the animals in the Wild of Beasts are said to be creatures soaked in the blood of the devil. They have a larger body and a stronger physique than similar animals in the south. This abyssal python can withstand demonization is an example.

Although the beast soul I summoned is a purely magical creation, its body structure and strength are still similar to the original creature, and it cannot represent an orc or a half-elf.

But Angelica still objected: "But Brock, I'm a werewolf, and you can save people with blood alone, so there shouldn't be anything to be afraid of."

I was taken aback by what I said to her.

It seems... makes sense.

"Try it." She grabbed my wrist and shook it.

I was helpless by her, so I summoned a warg and controlled it to bite a few times on the body of the abyssal python.

We watched for nearly two quarters of an hour, and finally the beast soul was still alive and kicking.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with it." I touched my chin uncertainly.

"Alright, let's eat!" Angelica hurriedly rushed towards the abyssal python.

"Don't worry! Mr. Huo, at least roast it before eating." I hurriedly pulled her back.

We lit a fire like we used to do when hunting together in the college, and then cut the meat from the abyssal python and grilled it by the fire, the melted fat soon began to sizzle, and the aroma of the meat wafted .

I sniffed and sniffed carefully, still a little uneasy: "I don't know if it's my illusion, it feels like the smell is a bit different, or we'd better—"

But when I turned my face away, I realized that Angelica had already started eating, and half of the meat had already entered her stomach.

She noticed my gaze and glanced at me, and began to persuade me: "Brock, you can eat it too, it's delicious, it smells like roasted chestnuts!"


But this girl's satisfied expression was still somewhat convincing, I finally made up my mind and took a bite too.

Forget it, if he doesn't clean up, he won't get sick after eating, so why do he care so much?

I chewed it, and it did have a strange chestnut-like scent that is different from ordinary snake meat. Although the meat was a bit numb in the mouth and tongue, and there was a bit of bitterness in the aftertaste, but with the This strange fragrance makes people feel like they have tasted some kind of exotic spices.

"Well, don't tell me, it's really delicious." I nodded.

I glanced at Angelica subconsciously, and I saw that Angelica was biting the snake meat with a happy face, and those purple demon crests became brighter than before.

"Hey, Angelica, the patterns on your body are glowing..." I reminded her in a low voice.

"Huh, is there any?" Angelica looked at her body, "It's really... I don't know why, but I feel a little warm after eating this snake meat."

At this time, I suddenly remembered what Roland said - this girl, it seems that as long as she eats other creatures that are also demonized, she can absorb the opponent's magic power to deepen her own demonization.

Could it be that just eating these things can strengthen her strength in this area?

"Brock, do you think there are still snakes like this in this lake? Let's go catch some more." Angelica gnawed the meat skewers in her hand in a blink of an eye, wiped the corner of her mouth and looked at the snake. up the lake.

This girl, while demonizing her body, seems to have changed her senses towards other demonized animals. This demonized abyssal python obviously fits her current taste preferences right away.

"Don't eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot, this one will be enough for you to eat for several weeks if you freeze it." I took a look at this abyssal python, removed its head, removed its internal organs, chopped it into sections and piled it up I'm afraid it can be piled up into a hill.

"Do you want to share it with everyone?"

"It's okay for few people to eat this stuff..."

"Okay, then I'll save a part for roasting, a part for frying, a part for roasting shallots, and a part for soup..." Angelica thought with sparkling eyes.

This girl probably didn't think of the meaning of eating demonized animals at all, she just wanted to satisfy her appetite.

Looking at her innocent and romantic smile, I couldn't help but smile wryly.

Forget it, let her go, as long as she is happy.

Have you seen my little bear (1)

In order to bring back the pile of snake meat that Angelica liked so much, I summoned a hoof ox with the beast soul, and then tied up the best part of the snake meat that I picked out with the rope I carried with me. , hanging on the hooves' backs.

Then we returned to White Lake City on a hoofed ox covered in meat. Those who didn't know probably thought I was an orc butcher.

After entering the city, I simply moved the meat to the airship where Angelika was temporarily staying, and planned to let her handle it by herself-after all, no one except Angelica could eat these meats.

When I was approaching the airship, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a small figure rushing from the side to the front of the hoof, and quickly stopped the hoof.

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