Have you seen my little bear (3)

"What do you want me to do for you?" Angelica tilted her head.

"Actually, there is not enough herbal medicine for trauma in the army. Saidian's army has accepted the division of labor for purchasing herbal medicine. So in the morning, we went out to collect some herbs. But Helgia's side Herbal medicine is a little different from Saidian's, and not many people know how to identify it. I remember that Angelica knows how to identify herbal medicine, right?"

"Well, my mother used to be a pharmacist in the village, and I learned about herbal medicine from her." Angelica nodded.

"Then, can I ask Angelika to sort out the herbs we collected?" Princess Alisa put her hands together and asked her.

"The demand for the size of the army can be met by collection alone?" I was a little surprised.

I have also led a team, and I know how much a unit needs medicine.Even ordinary training and hunting are easy to fail. Trauma herbs often need to be purchased in large quantities on a regular basis, or even set up a small field for planting. It is simply not enough for a small team to go out to collect wild herbs.

"No, the herbs we collected are not used directly, but for planting." Princess Alyssa shook her head with a smile, and then clapped her hands as if remembering something, "By the way, Can Classmate Bullock come and help too?"

"Okay, no problem." I immediately agreed, "but I only know a little about herbs."

"It's okay, I just want to ask Brock to help with the collection after planting."

"Then leave it to me."

Physical labor is my area of ​​expertise.

"When will the doll be made?" The queen who was listening on the side frowned slightly.

"Wait a little bit, I will start when I finish the work at hand, don't worry." Princess Alisa persuaded softly.

"...Little girl, can you stop touching my head every time you talk to me?" The queen said expressionlessly, her brows twitching slightly, "That little girl over there is different, her mind hasn't degenerated."

"Then, please come with me for a while." Alisa hugged Feilan with ease, and then waved to Angelica and me.

We followed Princess Alisa, and she led us to an artificial field surrounded by bricks and tiles and filled with soil near the barracks. Some plants were planted in the field, but it was not farmers who worked in the field, but More than a dozen elf mages.

I noticed that their planting process is like this: sprinkle the seeds in the soil, then water them, and finally cast the spell, and soon sprouts will appear in the soil, and then the green shoots will quickly grow into plants.

Although I've seen Roland use spells to manipulate plant growth before, I've never seen one use spells to grow plants, so I can't help being a little dumbfounded.

"Your Highness, what exactly is this?" I couldn't help asking.

"This is the use of life-type spells to speed up the growth process of plants. The main purpose of the herbs we collect today is actually to collect the seeds and roots that can be planted, then plant them in the soil, and use spells to promote growth before harvesting." Ai Princess Lisa explained to us.

"Isn't this too convenient? Using this method to grow grain, how many catties per mu can be produced in a year?" I couldn't help but marvel.

It's a pity that the elves in Saidian don't engage in agriculture like humans, otherwise Saidian would definitely become a big agricultural country.

But Princess Alisa shook her head: "No, this is actually a very magic-consuming spell. It is actually overkill to invest high-level mages in this kind of thing, and it will overdraw the vitality of the earth element. It will only be used in certain situations.”

It is true that using this method to temporarily harvest some economic crops such as herbs and grains is a very practical means for marching troops.

"So that's it. What Angelica has to do is to identify the herbs that have been picked and sort them into categories. Then I'll be responsible for helping to harvest the herbs that have already grown, right?" I finally understood the content of the job. .

"Yes, I will help plant it too, please both of you." Princess Alyssa nodded with a smile.

"Well, then I'll take care of this little doll." The empress standing aside glanced at Feilan who was in the arms of the princess.

Feilan glanced at her, then turned her head and buried her face in Princess Alisa's arms, expressing her rejection clearly: "No!"

"Your Majesty, why did you come here?" I couldn't help asking the Queen.

"Because..." the queen raised her hands and put her hands on her hips, "I'm very free."

Don't speak so righteously about this, okay...

But after the battle in White Lake City, she really has nothing else to do except to concentrate on recovering from her injuries, so letting her idle would be more helpful for her recovery.

"That, I said, why is that there?" Angelica suddenly pointed to a small patch of green plants not far away with a complicated expression.

"That's it?" I looked over and suddenly felt that this plant seemed a little familiar.

"Mandrake." Angelica replied blankly.

I froze for a moment, and immediately remembered that the shape of the leaf is indeed a Mandrake.

"What are you guys doing planting this?" Angelica turned to look at Princess Alisa.

"Well, it's the dean's suggestion. The essential oil extracted from the leaves of the mandrake can treat coughs, and it also has pain-relieving effects." Princess Alisa replied with a wry smile.

This reason alone is indeed very legitimate, but it always feels very wrong to be brought up by that guy.

"So, do you want to collect those too?" I pointed to those Mandrakes with some reluctance.

"Yes, mandrakes with magical powers will scream and run around, so handle them with care."

"Don't worry, I know what to do." I sighed helplessly.

After all, it was learned in Potions class at the academy.

The mandrake planted by Saidian is different from the outside world, and it has magical power.The roots of mature mandrakes take on the shape of a human being, and they will emit piercing screams when they grow up. Most people will feel dizzy when they hear their screams, and may even faint.If they fall to the ground by mistake, they will scurry away on limbs made of roots and find other places to re-root.

Therefore, there are skills in collecting Mandrakes.

I went over and reached out and pulled out what looked like a mature mandrake.

As I expected, the root of this mandrake has taken on a relatively complete human shape, and several deeper folds at the root form a human face.

As soon as this mandrake was raped, it reacted and opened its mouth to scream.

At this time, I grabbed the stems and leaves on its head with one hand, and slapped it in the face with the other hand.

Have you seen my little bear (4)

With a "snap", the orc's broad palm slapped hard on the "face" at the root of the mandrake, and the mandrake that just opened its mouth fell silent instantly.

Then I shook the mandrake to make sure it was still.

This is the trick of collecting demonized mandrakes - the moment you pull up the mandrake, slap it with a slap, and slap it until it loses consciousness, so that it can neither bark nor run around .

So in the Potions practice class of the college, I was basically the best and most efficient one in the collection of the mandrakes involved in the few classes, because my slaps were always ruthless and harsh. Yes, basically it can be solved at once.And those elf girls rarely have such courage and strength, and some of them were scared to jump the moment they pulled it up.

But at that time, I was misunderstood by those female elves, so the teacher who taught potions never praised me. Instead, he described me in the report to Roland: This gentleman has produced a lot of mandrake roots in class. He has a great interest, and it is necessary to follow up and supervise him to prevent him from doing anything wrong.

...Apparently, so far I have only seen elves misuse such things with ulterior motives.

Now everyone is starting to perform their duties. Angelica took a basket of herbs picked by the elves and carefully sorted them. Princess Alyssa put Feilan down and talked with the elves. Together, the mage sprinkled the grass seeds of the herb into the soil, and then cast a spell on it to promote its growth.

I threw the collected mandrakes into the basket, and then I caught a glimpse of the queen standing beside me and reached out to grab another mandrake: "This thing looks interesting, let me try it."

"You have to be careful. If you pull it up, give it a slap immediately, otherwise the sound it makes will make you faint."

"Joke, I will be fainted by the roar of a grass? Are you underestimating me?" The queen glanced at me dissatisfied.

"I mean we're going to pass out." I correct her blankly.

The queen pulled up the mandrake immediately, and the root system of this plant was more developed than the one I just harvested.It slowly opened its mouth as if it had been disturbed from sleep, and a terrible scream was brewing inside its body.

But at this time, the "person" who killed it made a cry first—no, to be precise, it was the dragon's roar.

That's right, the Queen didn't choose to slap the Mandrake's face with a paw, but instead yelled at it first.

Not to mention the mandrake, even the elf mages who were working in the field were quite frightened, and some people sat down in the field.Princess Alyssa was so frightened that her hands trembled, her spellcasting was also affected, and the plants in front of her suddenly grew wildly.Angelica overturned the basket at hand, and Feilan screamed "Wow" in fright, and threw herself into Princess Alisa's arms.

"Hello!" I was the only one who was not affected. Seeing that her voice completely disturbed the people around me, I couldn't help complaining for them.

"Oh, sorry, I just wanted to try."

The queen smiled casually, and the mandrake she was holding in her hand had completely passed out after eating a dragon's roar at close range.If those elf girls who were always scared by mandrakes in potions class saw this scene, they might have relieved their anger and thought "you have today too".

For some reason, after leaving the academy, I would occasionally suddenly think of the time when I was still in the academy. It was obviously not a particularly pleasant memory, but now it makes people feel a little nostalgic for no reason.

"'Oasis' doesn't have such a thing, can this thing be eaten?" The queen shook the mandrake in her hand again.

"No! Absolutely not!" I hurriedly withdrew my hand and took the mandrake in her hand and threw it into the basket, lest this casual guy turn around and take a bite of it.

It's not that this guy has never drank the medicine made of mandrake before. Although the medicine will not make her lose her composure because of her strong physique, it will make her fall into an inexplicable state of excitement.

I continued to gather mandrakes, but within a few minutes, I suddenly found another figure not far away.

I turned my head and saw that I was almost scared out of my wits. Feilan ran to the mandrake planting area when no one else was paying attention, and followed us to pull up the mandrakes.

I saw her trying to grasp the stems and leaves of the mandrake with both hands, and her small body was struggling to lean back, trying to make up for the lack of wrist strength with all her strength.This method is effective. When I turned my head to look over, the mandrake in her hand had broken through the ground.

I rushed over quickly, and the moment the Mandrake left the ground, I grabbed the Mandrake, pressed its "head" and slammed it to the ground, and then I breathed a sigh of relief.

It was so dangerous that it almost caused an accident.

"Don't move around, this is very dangerous." I reached out and grabbed Feilan's collar, and carried her to Princess Alyssa, "Follow Your Highness Alyssa, be good."

But as soon as I stepped back, Feilan turned to me again, as if planning to follow me.

"Come on, don't run around, look this way." Princess Alyssa tried to attract Feilan's attention, and took out a raspberry and shook it in front of her eyes—it was probably picked by the way when picking herbs. .

Feilan's eyes lit up, and she reached out to take it.

But Princess Alyssa didn't give it to her, and shook her head at her: "Wait a moment, and watch my sister do a trick for you."

She planted raspberries in the soil and cast a spell on them.

Under the guidance of the life spell, the seeds in the raspberry fruit quickly germinated and grew into a large cluster of plants. In just a few minutes, the fruit grew and matured quickly.

Feilan was so happy now, she clapped her hands while dancing, then reached out to pick up ripe raspberries and stuffed them into her mouth.

Halfway through eating, she suddenly realized something, picked a raspberry, and imitated Princess Alisa's appearance just now and put on a posture to cast a spell on it.

It seems that she thinks that the fruit will grow like just now, and then bear a lot of fruit.

This matter should allow her to spend a little time, so I turned around with peace of mind and continued to work on collecting herbs.

But within a few minutes, I suddenly heard a rustling noise from over there, so I turned my head to look.

As a result, I saw that the ring in Feilan's hand was emitting a faint purple light, and the piece of soil where she cast the spell was emitting black air.

I gasped suddenly, this girl...unexpectedly used her magic power unconsciously in such a state, triggering the power of the demon ring.

Then the next moment, a black plant suddenly broke out from the place where she planted the raspberry, and quickly grew wildly.

Have you seen my little bear (5)

Affected by the magic power emanating from Feilan's demon ring, the raspberries planted by Feilan unexpectedly grew rapidly.It's just that this growth process is obviously a little abnormal. The grown plant completely exceeds the height of a normal raspberry in the blink of an eye. It is as tall as a person and a half, and the whole body is black, exuding a very strange feeling.

Princess Alyssa, who was on the side, was also frightened, she was a little too late to hug Feilan, and stopped her from continuing to cast spells.

But this demonized plant has already grown, and it has also produced a huge distorted fruit. The color of the berry is gray-black, and there are strange patterns on the surface.

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