But when she stood beside the queen, Feilan suddenly stopped. After hesitating for a while, she turned to me: "I don't like this person very much, or Brock will come."

Don't make trouble, I will die! !

I was so frightened that I shuddered, and quickly coughed dryly: "It's important to save people, it's better not to treat them differently. She is actually a good person, please save her."

"Alright then." Feilan tilted her head and agreed.

She leaned over and kissed the Queen on the cheek.

Then...the queen didn't even get up.

"Huh, it's useless?" Feilan was very surprised, and cast a questioning look at me, "What's wrong with her?"

I was also very strange, staring at the queen for a while, and then suddenly realized something.

"Hello, Your Majesty?" I leaned over and pushed the Queen's shoulder.

The empress still didn't move, only the sound of even breathing responded.

This guy... actually fell asleep when he lay down!

Miss Elf's Revenge (1)


Sure enough, what was supposed to come would still come—two days later in the morning, when I saw a female elf with long golden hair in the distance on the training ground, I naturally had this idea.

It's Feilan, since the Battle of White Lake City, she summoned the Night Mother Spider Queen in order to save me from the siege, causing her body and mind to go back to her childhood.After so many days of recuperation, she finally recovered.

But now, she was rushing into the training ground aggressively, looking around looking for something.

You can imagine with your toes that she came for the matter of the day before yesterday.

At this time, I am leading the brothers of the orc army to gather here for morning exercises to prepare for the next battle.

After seeing Feilan, I stretched out my hand expressionlessly and patted the shoulder of Wacker, who was standing next to me and assisting me in supervising the scene: "Wake, please."

"What's the matter, brother?" Wacker asked me casually.

"You continue to take the brothers to do morning exercises. After the morning exercises, they will be dismissed according to the original arrangement. I have something to do and I have to leave for a while." I replied calmly.

"What are you going to do?" Wacker was at a loss.

At this time, Feilan's eyes finally swept to this side, and she just met my eyes.

For a moment, a nostalgic embarrassment appeared on the girl's face.After locking on to me, she walked straight towards me quickly, with the aura of killing people with a sword.

"...Write a suicide note." After a moment of silence, I replied to Wacker.

"Huh?" Wacker looked even more confused.

At this time, Feilan was full of murderous aura, the demon ring on her hand was shining with a strange purple light, and the black misty magic power visible to the naked eye lingered around her.

I turned around without saying a word, and walked quickly to another unused training ground.

After turning around, I could hear Feilan quicken her pace behind her.

I picked up the speed as I walked, and Feilan gradually picked up the speed after me.

Finally, I started to run in big strides, and Feilan also started to run.

"You bastard! Stop, Miss Ben!!" Feilan's roar came from behind.

You are chasing after you with the appearance of wanting to eat people, which stunned young man would be willing to stop?

But the moment I jumped over the fence at the junction of the two training grounds and came to another training ground, I heard Feilan chanting a spell behind me.

Feeling the crisis, I reflexively rushed to the side and lay down, and then I saw a lightning arrow flash past where I was just now.

"Hey, as for bombarding me with spells?" I hurriedly waved at the girl.

Although this lightning strike was not life-threatening, lying on the bed for a day or two should be unavoidable.

"Stop talking nonsense, stand there obediently and let Miss Ben blow your head off!" Feilan stood there, pointing at my nose with blushing cheeks, "Even so, actually took advantage of me at that time and tricked me into taking advantage of me!" , I can't spare you!!"

"Hey, coaxing or something, I think this statement is biased..." I tried to reason with her, "Is it okay not to shout too loudly?"

At this moment, the brothers in the training ground over there can still see this side. I can see that although the speed of the people who are running the circle has not slowed down, their heads are turned to this side in unison.

"I don't care, I don't care, tell yourself, did you lie to me at that time?" Feilan asked me.

"Well, this one is indeed a trick, but—"

"Then it's over!" She raised her hand to condense the black magic power in her hand, "Be obedient and die."

This is too unreasonable, right?

But, what happened before, in the final analysis, developed into that way because of my idea, so I can't completely shirk my responsibility.

What's more, I still owe this girl the favor I had before.If she hadn't summoned the abyss lord to create a gap for us, we might not have survived the rescue at all.Even when I fell into a slump afterwards, it was thanks to her that I got back up again.

I scratched my head, and finally threw up my hands: "Okay, okay, if it makes you angry."

Feilan, who was originally full of anger, was stunned when she heard what I said, "What are you doing?"

"During the siege before, it was thanks to you that I saved my life. I owe you a favor. This time I made you angry. In the final analysis, it was indeed because of me. It is only natural to let you calm down." I said frankly said.

"Why did you become so honest all of a sudden?" Feilan probably never expected that I would accept punishment so simply, and she was a little at a loss for a while.

"Don't worry, just come." I raised my hands and stood upright on the spot.

"You! Do you think I still feel sorry for you and dare not hit hard?" She mustered up her strength and raised her hand to me.

I looked at her without changing my face.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, Feilan never cast a spell.

"Tsk!" Finally, she put down her hand angrily, and stomped her feet vigorously, "You owe favors or something, don't you say that you have saved me so many times before, and I am repaying my kindness by doing this?"

"Uh, I didn't say that..." I replied awkwardly.

"Hmph, you are really... a person who bullies people when you should be honest, and acts like this when you shouldn't be honest." Feilan stared at me resentfully, and whispered in her mouth, "Playing with me on purpose." Bar."

"Then, what should I do now?" I couldn't figure out what this girl was thinking.

"Hmph, if you really want to, just be my servant for the next few days, and do whatever I tell you to do!" She replied angrily.

"That won't work." I resolutely rejected this unreasonable request, and regardless of the various responsibilities I have to perform here, she just heard an angry remark that came out of her mouth.

Feilan pursed her lips and stared at me for a while, as if she was thinking about something.Finally, he clasped his hands: "Then why not, you can fight with me."

"A fight?" I froze for a moment.

"Do you remember when we first met, I invited you to the back of the school building?" Feilan asked, pointing at me.

"Remember, you use invisibility on the sand, right?" I nodded.

"You can't remember something well!!" Feilan blushed and gave me a look, "Forget about those details!"

This is a bit difficult, and there are really not many people who can do that kind of stupid thing.

"So, you plan to..." I seem to understand her thoughts a little bit, "to fight a revenge battle?"

"That's right, I'm going to have another duel with you. Then...then..." When she said this, her speech speed suddenly slowed down, she hesitated for a moment, she blushed and raised her finger, "and then also Similarly, the loser must obey the winner unconditionally."

Miss Elf's Revenge (2)

"Unconditionally obey one thing... What do you want me to do this time?" Hearing Feilan's proposal, I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

In the past, this girl came to me for a duel and made that kind of request because she wanted to drive me out of the academy because I didn't like it, but now she shouldn't have that kind of thought.

"You, what do you care about so much, just agree!" Feilan demanded forcefully, but her face turned redder, "I've never seen you so ink-stained before."

Speaking of which, it's not easy for me to refuse. I have always taken duels seriously.

Moreover, the strength of this girl and I is no longer what it used to be. It would be good to continue the duel in the past a little bit, so that we can get to know each other's depth.

"Well, if you want to fight, I have no choice but to accompany you. How are the rules determined?" I discussed with her.


"It's almost the same as before, you can use spells, but this time you don't need weapons, okay?" Feilan folded her hands.

"Isn't it a little dangerous to use spells alone?" I frowned, "And how do you judge winning or losing?"

"Hold this!" Feilan took out a crystal and threw it to me.

I finally took a look and found that the transparent crystal was suspended with a red magic circle: "This is?"

"Try injecting magic power." Feilan pouted at me.

I tried to inject life's fire into the crystal. If I use this kind of magic tool that has already arranged a magic circle, even an orc like me can use the magic of the elves.

The spell was activated immediately, and then I watched my life fire, guided by the spell in the crystal, turn into countless shimmering dust particles and float towards me, then gradually gather together.

Um?This phenomenon seems to be... an elf's enchantment, right?

As soon as I thought of this, I watched the dust gradually gather into a human shape, and finally turned into an orc.

I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, because this orc looked exactly like me.

After a while, I realized: "Isn't this your avatar spell?"

"That's right, let me give you a little trial. You can manipulate this clone with your will by injecting magic power with that crystal. This clone can use part of your spells. How about it, is it amazing?" Feilan smiled triumphantly laugh.

I tried to operate this clone of myself, and found that this clone is indeed completely obeying my will.

Theoretically speaking, he was born with me as a template through my living fire, and he should also be partly derived from my fragments of consciousness, so he can use some of the spells I know, including beast soul summoning and shaman spells.But a power like "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" consumes a lot and is completely integrated with my soul. It should not be possible to copy the past. In addition, the enhancement of dragon blood and the ability to depend on physique such as the Berserker's coat of arms should not be available. .

"So, why are you giving me this?" I asked Feilan.

"In this duel, we just need to attack the opponent's specific clone." Feilan stretched out a hand as she spoke, and summoned a clone for herself, "It is forbidden to attack the main body, the one whose clone is scattered loses, how about it?" ? This way we can avoid accidents.”

"The method is a good method." I frowned slightly, "But the avatar looks the same as the main body, won't it be accidentally injured after the fight?"

"I've thought of this a long time ago. I have adjusted the technique. You can inject a little more magic power to change the appearance of the avatar, just like this." Feilan snapped her fingers while speaking, and then I The color of the robe on the avatar who saw her changed from purple to red.

Well, so that's the case, changing the image of the avatar can distinguish it from the main body.

So I tried pouring more Living Fire into the crystal, and looked at my double.

Then I just watched my avatar's hair slowly disappear.


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