I asked Deputy Captain Andrew about the approximate number of demons, and Andrew gave me a number of two to three hundred, which is more realistic - in order to ensure the concealment of the raid, he cannot bring too many troops , not to mention rushing underground.And the number may be even less now, because the defensive condemnation knights have also eliminated a considerable number of demons.The reason why the defense of the Convicted Knights collapsed so quickly was not because of the number of demons, but because the demonized Jaron was too strong.

If the number of miscellaneous soldiers is less than [-], Angelica may be able to deal with it with her new ability, and then we may have the opportunity to take advantage of the situation to wipe out Jaron.

More importantly, although I still can't think of the enemy's purpose of snatching the abyss lord Oaks from the Condemned Knight, I can be sure that the enemy intends to use that demon to play a big game--that Mudar's troublemaker Ability, I have personally experienced it too many times.

So even if I decided to chase them out, I would at least give it a try, and I couldn't let the enemy ride on our faces like this and run away swaggeringly.

It's just that when I said this decision, to my surprise, Hillier actually offered to chase the demon army with us.

"I can't let the murderer who killed my colleagues off like this, and as the head of the Convicted Knights, I am responsible for the prisoner being taken away." She said to me in an irrefutable tone.

"I appreciate your fighting spirit, but I still think it's better for you to stay and treat the wounded." I glanced at the knights lying on the ground, "They need you more."

But at this time, deputy head Andrew tried to sit up, and waved to me: "Don't worry, sir, I can move now. The Holy Light Field left by Hillier will continue to heal our injuries. When I can If I stand up, I can help other people heal their wounds. I am also the deputy head of the Sentence Knights, how can I hold back here? Please let Hillier go, if you want to deal with demons, her power will definitely help you .”

When it comes to this, I can only agree in the end.

So the four of us once again formed a small team, left the dungeon of Ironthorn Prison, and pursued along the escape route of the enemy.

Demons don't have a scent, but Jaron, who is a demonized creature, does. Relying on Angelica's excellent sense of smell, we quickly locked the enemy's fleeing direction and chased after him.

Angelica, who had transformed into a beast, ran the fastest and had the best night vision. She rushed to the forefront and acted as an early warning scout.I summoned the wolf beast soul and took Feilan to follow about 100 meters behind, followed by Hillier on a horse.

We were running in the field. Although the moonlight was bright tonight, it was not enough to fully illuminate our feet. Fortunately, Hillier summoned a ball of light that floated above our heads like the sun, illuminating the surrounding road conditions for us.

After chasing for about five miles, I suddenly heard Angelica's warning wolf howl. At the same time, a ball of black fire flew across the sky and hit the light summoned by Hillier to illuminate us. on the ball and swallowed it completely.

It seems that we finally caught up with the enemy, and the enemy also noticed us, and took the most conspicuous ball of light floating in the sky as the first target of attack.

Angelica had stopped and turned back into a human form. We chased her and finally saw the group of demons standing in the field, and... the tall figure standing in front of them.

It's Jia Long. Compared with what we saw in Daisy's memory, his degree of demonization has obviously deepened, but there is still a bit of a human face on his head.

He looked at us full of hostility, and shouted at us with his sword: "Brave traitors, dare to rush to the army that I personally conquered, don't you want to live?"

I didn't expect him to talk to us so suddenly, but I was taken aback by what he said.In my impression, after being forced to accept the heart of the Demon King, this pathetic human fell into madness because his consciousness was torn apart by a force he could not bear.

But I quickly realized it, and then I couldn't help frowning: "A traitor? Are you talking about yourself? I recognize you. You are the leader of the Hergia rebel party and the former prime minister of this country, Jaron Right."

As a result, I seemed to have stepped on his tail as soon as my words came out. He suddenly swung the sword in his hand in a rage, and shouted at me angrily: "Nonsense! I am clearly the king of Hergia! The only, The orthodox, supreme king!!"

"I think you should find a mirror to look at yourself now." I replied calmly, "The king of this country is sitting on the throne now, and the crown prince is his daughter, Her Highness Alsena. It’s not your turn to be a monster like you.”

"False talk! Mudal has already told me that that damned princess was clearly killed by the 'Desolate Contract', and that damned King Filiant also died by that sword! I took that damned princess The magic sword was sent to the little boy of Filiant! I killed them! So now I am the king!!" He suddenly laughed very happily while talking, "Now I am going to the king They are all enthroned, and after I am enthroned, I will be a legitimate king, it is me! I am the one who sits on the throne in the end! I am the king! Hahahaha!!"

"Tsk tsk, this guy..." Feilan poked her head out from behind me, and stole a look of half disgust and half sympathy from Jia Long.

"It's completely crazy." Angelica who was standing beside said softly.

Demon Legion (3)


After seeing Jaron's reaction, I couldn't help but fall silent.

This guy, it seems, is literally crazy to be king.

After being instantly demonized by Mudar implanted in the heart of the devil, his sanity was completely torn apart, leaving only the obsession to usurp the throne in his mind.Mudar probably used some suggestion or mental manipulation to make him fall into the dream that he had successfully usurped the throne, so as to control his actions.

"Who is this crazy guy? Do you know him?" Hillier looked back and forth between him and us.

"You may not believe me, but that guy is the former prime minister of your country." I answered her in a low voice.

"Huh? Him? That Jaron on the king's arrest warrant? How is that possible?" Hillier's expression was full of disbelief.

"He was implanted in the heart of the devil and turned into a demon."

"The heart of the devil!?" Hillier was stunned.

As a law enforcement agency, the Knights of Conviction did not have much military information, and as a saint, Hillier herself was not in charge of the internal affairs of the Knights. Presumably she was ignorant of the fact that the enemy had the corpse of the Demon King.

I observed the situation on the opposite side for a while, then turned to Angelica and asked, "How many are there?"

"Get rid of him, there are probably more than 100 demons." Angelica narrowed her eyes.

"Deputy leader Andrew said that the abyss lord they robbed was sealed in a huge ice block, did you see it?" I continued to ask.

Angelica squinted her eyes and continued to look at it for a few seconds, then finally shook her head.

With Angelica's night vision ability, she shouldn't be mistaken.The number of enemies on the scene is much less than we expected, and the ice that sealed Oaks is gone...

Obviously, the enemy should have sensed our pursuers, so they let some of the troops leave with the demon lord who was in a sealed state, and then let Jaron stay here with these demons.

It can be seen that the abyss lord who was sealed in the iron thorn prison is very important to them, and no mistakes are allowed in this prison robbery.

"Hey, you thieves, how dare you secretly slander me there, how courageous!!" Jia Long suddenly became angry again, and pointed at us with the magic sword in his hand.

"This guy doesn't seem to be very smart, why don't you let me fight him one-on-one, I feel like I can kill him alone." Feilan said contemptuously.

I really didn't expect that there are things in this world that you can comment on as "bad brains".

"Irreverent thieves, I'm going to sentence you to death now! All death sentences!!!" Jia Long yelled again, and then raised his left hand that was not holding a sword.

After implanting the devil's heart, his left half of his body was completely demonized, and his left arm was wrapped in layers of black growths, turning into a thick and ferocious claw.

We just watched him raise that paw above his head, and then black flames violently surged out from his palm, converging into an indescribably large fireball—this scale was comparable to the big snake Feilan made with black flames. It's just a difference between cloud and mud, and he didn't even recite a mantra.

All of us changed our faces together.

"...Do you still want to fight him one-on-one?" I stared intently at the ball of black fire, and asked Feilan behind me.

"Who, who said that? I'm not me, I don't have you, don't talk nonsense, okay!" Feilan fiercely denied.

"Death to me!!" Jia Long howled angrily and threw the huge fireball in his hand towards us.

"Scatter!!!" I shouted, controlling the beast soul to run away as fast as possible.

Angelica's movements were faster, she ran a few steps, and seeing Hillier on the horse fall behind, she flew forward and brought her off the horse, holding her and ran at a speed far exceeding the speed of the horse .

The fireball bombarded where we were standing, and a mushroom-shaped blasting fire column rose on the spot, and the blasted black flame directly covered the surrounding area of ​​more than 20 meters.

We all just managed to avoid the spread of the black flame. When I looked back, a deep pit with a diameter of tens of meters had been left on the ground, and the black flame was still burning in the pit. The horse had disappeared, and not even the bones could be found.

Sure enough, the opposite party arranged for this guy to stay behind because he was very confident in his destructive power.

I think he is the one who used violence to break the proud barrier of Ironthorn Prison. Although the power of such a blow is far less than that of the demon king's corpse, it is terrifying enough. I am afraid that even That female dragon may not have the confidence to take a head-on blow and be unscathed.

Now I somewhat understand why Daisy was so frightened that she could speak incoherently when she came back.

"Come on, traitors! Let me personally kill you! Now I am omnipotent, ahahahaha!!" Jia Long raised his head and laughed wildly.

Tsk, it's much more difficult to deal with than I imagined... Although this guy's brain is no longer good, his strength is really strong. I am afraid that apart from the mirror demon who copied the Queen's power, none of the abyss lords we have encountered in the past Comparable to this guy.Presumably the condemned knights were not wiped out on the spot because he was worried that the full attack would affect the Ice Demon Oaks they were about to rob.

Right now, the abyss lord who was taken away by them is very difficult to recover. The only hope is to defeat the demonized Jaron here.It's not that there is no chance of winning if you forcefully rush forward, but to be honest, I really don't have much confidence that I can keep everyone safe.

Should we retreat first... However, if we let him go back to the base camp, we don't know when we will have such a good chance to deal with him.

Just as I was thinking about countermeasures in my mind, the sky suddenly darkened—the gibbous moon hanging in the sky was suddenly covered by a strange black mist and became hazy.

I looked up in surprise, only to find that the black mist that appeared at an unknown time was suspended in the air only a few tens of meters above us, covering everyone present like a curtain.

"This feeling of magical power... no way, why did they summon another demon!?" Hillier, who was being hugged by Angelica, suddenly changed her face, "It's still at the lord level... No, it's not a chase now Time, we have to get out of here!"

The group of demons behind Jia Long on the opposite side suddenly became restless. The scale and momentum of this black mist full of abyssal magic power cannot be underestimated.

Jialong in front of him is already very difficult to deal with. If there is another abyss lord, it may become extremely difficult for us to even retreat.

However, I felt a familiar feeling from this black mist.

I glanced towards Jaron, and was surprised to find that he was also looking suspiciously at the black mist above his head, seemingly ignorant of it.

Could it be...

I looked up again to see the black mist.

At this moment, a girl rushed out of the black mist and fell straight towards me like a meteor: "My dear! I finally found you!!"

Demon Legion (4)

Seeing a "succubus" on my head smashing towards me at a speed no less than that of a sprinting hoof ox, the first reaction I made was...

He controlled the beast soul he was riding to move to the side.

There was only a "clang" sound, and Vanessa directly smashed a big hole in the ground in an upside-down posture.

"Where did this guy come from?" Feilan was stunned.

"...Dead?" After two seconds of silence, Angelica spoke lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Vanessa flew upside down on the ground and yelled at me with tears in her eyes: "Why are you hiding?"

"You just rushed down with the momentum, even if my head is made of iron, I will smash it open for you!" I responded helplessly, "By the way, why did you come here?"

"My dear, didn't you use the crystal to contact me this afternoon?" Vanessa took out the crystal she stole from Roland. Dear your position, I rushed all the way here!"

That's it. I remember that when Roland contacted me in the afternoon, she also mentioned that the crystals she made could be positioned with each other.

"Succubus, succubus!?" At this moment, Hillier looked at us dumbfounded, "Hey orc, what is your relationship with this succubus?"

"A love relationship!" Vanessa heard her voice, turned her head and gave a second answer.

"certainly not!"

Seeing the disgusting expression visible on Hillier's face at a speed visible to the naked eye, I hurriedly made a clarification.

"Demonized werewolves, black mages... and succubi, who are involved with so many heretics at the same time, who the hell are you?" Hillier looked at me with a complicated expression.

At this moment, a liger-like roar interrupted us: "Do you think I am air!?"

As soon as I turned my head, I immediately saw that Jaron who was standing over there started to lose his temper (although he has been in this state almost all the time), raised his hand and rubbed the fireball again.

"Look at the trick!" Seeing that the fireball was getting bigger and bigger, Vanessa suddenly spread her wings and aimed a magic bullet at Jia Long's face.

Jia Long didn't expect this at all, and his face was immediately covered by the magic bullet, and the casting of the spell was interrupted, and the black flame in his palm was extinguished on the spot.

"It hurts me to death! You traitors, how dare you commit crimes!?" He covered his face and yelled hysterically, and stumbled back two steps, as if he had suffered a lot of injuries.

But when he removed his paws, I clearly saw that there were no injuries on his face.

The individual body of demonized creatures will also be greatly improved. After accepting the heart of the devil, his physical strength may not be as strong as that of a dragon with a full body of scales, but at least he should be able to look down on more than [-]% of the creatures in the world. .

But obviously, although his physical body and magical power have been greatly enhanced, his spirit has not changed much—or rather, he has regressed a lot because he lost the control of his mind.

When he was about to throw the fireball for the second time just now, his whole body was full of flaws, which gave Vanessa a chance to do it.And obviously there was nothing serious about it, but he stopped casting spells because of the pain, and his fighting consciousness was in a mess.

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