As she said this, a Condemned Knight who was following behind stepped forward holding a long sword in both hands—it was the magic sword "League Commander" that Jaron used before, and Mudar's remnant soul was recovered. The heart of the devil king, but did not take the devil sword away.

This is easy to explain. First, they have mastered the method of opening the gate of the abyss and summoning demons on a large scale. The power of this sword is no longer of great help to them.Secondly, Mudar controls the body of the Demon King in his hands, and these magic swords made of the horns of the Demon King can't pose any threat to him—not to mention that the power of these swords will backfire against the master.

"It feels like a delicious magic power, but it's completely sealed inside." Vanessa leaned over, sniffing around like a puppy.

...Now that all the three existing magic swords are in our hands, there may be other ways to use the power of these things.

"Okay, let's take this back, and we'll handle it properly." I reached out and took the box containing the magic sword.

"Hey, orc." At this moment, Hillier suddenly said.

"What else?" I raised my head subconsciously.

Hillier hesitated for a moment, then cleared her throat: "If you have time in the future, remember to come to our place to have a look. I owe you favors this time, and we will entertain you well next time."

"Okay." I nodded with a smile.

hang you all on the wall (3)

The first thing to do when we return to the White Lake City stronghold is to find Roland, and report to her what we have encountered outside the past two days, and by the way, solve the hot potato pushed to us by the Convicted Knight—Segmana the Wanderer, Mutant Werewolf Koffett, blood prince Anferisa, if Roland hadn't made a guarantee with the Convicted Knight in advance, I would never have escorted these dangerous elements back to the base camp.

Therefore, after the report, I led Roland to the interrogation room of the cell, where the three prisoners were tied up and sat on chairs.The werewolf Kofet was bound with thick iron ropes. Besides being bound with the special rune rope made by the elf mage, Amphierisa was also affixed with several sealing charms. As for Segmana, she was bound by ordinary The rope is tied, but every finger of both hands is tied up with wire. It is said that this guy can find a way to break the rope even with his own fingernails.

According to the condemned knight, these restrictive measures can only control the three dangerous prisoners for a while, as long as they are given even the slightest flaw, it is possible for them to have a chance to break through the containment.

I don't know how Roland can restrain these people.

"That's right, I really didn't expect to have the opportunity to study the top dangerous creatures imprisoned in the Inquisition." Roland glanced at the three of them and nodded with satisfaction.

"Heh, white-skinned bitch, don't slap me in the face!" The dark elf Segmana was the first to express dissatisfaction when she saw her, "Believe it or not, I will find you the first time I have a chance to escape. Peel off your skin whole!"

"Oh, Brock, this dark elf actually threatened me, what do you think should I do?" Roland looked at me pretending to be scared.

I glanced at Sigmana habitually, but Segmana immediately fell silent.

When she escaped from prison last night, I directly beat her into shock, which seems to have left her with a psychological shadow.

She didn't dare to continue yelling at Roland anymore, so she could only stare at her fiercely.

"It seems that you are still dissatisfied, so I can only think of a way to cure you." Roland smiled calmly, then picked up a collar and handed it to me, "Come on, Brock, help me put this on her let's go."

"This?" I froze for a moment, and cast a questioning look at her.

Could this be the same necklace I wore back then?

Roland just smiled secretively, and signaled me to follow suit with his eyes.

I stood behind Sigmana with the collar and forced her to put on the collar. Although Segmana was reluctant, she was still a little afraid of me and didn't make much resistance.

"Hehe, this thing seems to have some spells sealed in it... What do you want to do to me with this toy?" Sigmana sneered, "Will it make me feel pain or control me to become this orc?" A plaything? This method also wants me to submit? Don’t underestimate people, I am a follower of the blood snake Flakat!"

From her muddy and crazy eyes, it can be seen that this guy does have a lot of patience for ordinary torture.

"Oh, how could I do such a cruel thing?" Roland smiled at her, "What I sealed in this collar is just a simple life spell, which cannot directly harm people..."

As she spoke, she took out a crystal and began to inject magic power, and the crystal soon turned red.

"Hmph." Segmana looked at her, her face full of righteous disdain for a scar that was just as big as a bowl.

But within a few seconds, she frowned for some reason, and then began to twist her legs uncomfortably. After a while, her eyes suddenly widened: "You... what did you do to me?" ?”

As soon as the voice came out, everyone present, including herself, was stunned for a moment—her voice changed, and it became a little hoarse and rougher than before.

"The theoretical basis for this life-type technique is to reversely stimulate the vital signs, temporarily return the life state of the cast object to before the development of sexual characteristics, and then change the key elements that determine the sexual characteristics, and then catalyze it to the post-development Status..." Roland began to give an extremely academic explanation.

"Speak human words to my old lady!" Segmana interrupted her angrily after hearing this in a daze.

"To put it simply..." Roland smiled gracefully, "This spell can turn you into a man."

Segmana's expression changed immediately.

Even I couldn't help but stare at Roland.

"You are a fanatic of the evil god Flakat, right? I remember that the Flakat cult that spread in the dark elf society seems to only accept female believers. Why don't you change your belief as soon as possible?" Roland teased Segmana .

"You...white-skinned bitch! I—" Segmana was about to curse immediately.

But Roland just shook the crystal in his hand: "It seems that you are very satisfied with this spell, how about I help you speed up the process? Let me remind you in advance that this spell is still in the research stage and is only in the process of changing." Reversible, when you completely become a man, I don't guarantee that you will have a chance to change back."

With just a few words, Segmana swallowed the obscene words in her mouth, her cheeks twitched and she changed her words: "I...will cooperate."

It can be seen that the loss of faith due to being forced to change gender is not a small deterrent to this dark elf fanatic.

"Very good." Roland nodded with satisfaction.

"Pfft! Hahaha!" At this moment, the werewolf Kofit, who was tied up beside Sigmana, couldn't help laughing, and his eyes were full of sarcasm when he glanced at Sigmana.

"Put it on him too." Roland suddenly took out another collar and threw it to me, pointing at the werewolf Kofet unawares.

Taking advantage of Cofitt's stunned time, I quickly tied the collar around his neck.

Coffett lost his smile on the spot.

"I have already activated your collar, and the spell inside has similar effects." Roland took out another crystal to infuse it with magic power, and said to Kofit calmly, "This spell will first work on the body physically. Inhibiting your masculinity - simply put, a slow castration of spells

Cut, probably within a week, you will be transformed into a female through this technique. "

"This time——" Cofete was about to swear, but he managed to stop, "Wait, wait, I didn't say anything about not cooperating! Why am I treated the same as that dark elf bitch? "

"Spell experiments always have control groups in different directions. Of course, there must be men as well as women." Roland said with a face of course, "This spell is very inhumane, and it can only be used on the heinous death row prisoners. Unfortunately, here Only you are a man."

"Are you a devil!?" Cofete was shocked.

hang you all on the wall (4)

"Since you came in, you have been scanning my whole body with obscene eyes. Of course, I have to pay you a little back." Roland smiled and stared at Kofit, but the smile was not warm, "The Condemned Knight provided me with your Experience, you are not the strongest of the three, but you are the most vicious. Their main crime is murder, but you are committing all kinds of crimes, rape and robbery. The sum of the people they kill is not as good as the Chiya Mountain you created A fraction of the Thieves Group, if it weren’t for your mutated physique to be of research value, the Inquisition would have sent you to the guillotine long ago. The Convicted Knights specifically told me that you can play badly at will, and of course I don’t need to be soft on you.”

"Smelly bitch!" Cofete turned his face on the spot, "Do you believe that as soon as the news that I was sent out of Ironthorn Prison got out, someone would come to rescue me immediately, and when I get out——"

"I advise you not to count on your bandit group. It's been almost a month since they were wiped out, and the grass on the grave is almost up to your waist." Roland interrupted him calmly, "Meet the orcs behind you, His name is Brock, and he led the team to wipe out all your bandits."

"What!?" Cofit turned to look at me.

I nodded at him.

Cofete was shocked for three seconds, and then froze in an instant.

After finishing the two prisoners here, Roland slowly shifted his gaze to the last prisoner on the scene - the blood prince Anfi Lisa.

"...If you want to put on a collar, put it on for me. Anyway, I have no way out, and I will cooperate with you."

Completely different from the other two, Anferisa was surprisingly honest.

"That couldn't be better." Roland smiled at her calmly, and then took out a collar and gave it to me. "The rumored vampire is more accommodating than I thought."

I took the collar and put it on for Anferisa, she didn't resist.

"After seeing their end, I won't be foolish enough to be your enemy." Anferisa replied calmly, "Female elf, I can see that you are a very powerful mage. For thousands of years, there have been many The sorcerers who think they are very powerful want to subdue me as a powerful familiar, but none of them can go back alive. But you are different. I have a proposal. If you don’t dislike me as a dark creature, I can sign a blood oath with you , to be your faithful servant."

"You know how to calculate, and you don't hesitate to abandon the dignity of the prince and bow your head to others, but you also want to leave Ironthorn Prison?" Roland teased her, "It's a pity that my talent is all attributes, and I don't need the familiar of the dark world. The adaptability of attributes is very high, if you are interested, you can ask her, you have met before."

"So that little girl with blond hair is your sister? Well, although her qualifications are not high enough, she is the one who let me fall into her hands once, so she has the qualifications." Anfi Lisa accepted it quickly, and then raised her hand to Roland again. He raised his chin, "By the way, for the sake of my cooperation, can you undo my seal? It's uncomfortable to sit tied up like this."

I frowned slightly, this vampire is also unique in strength among the three highly dangerous prisoners, and is quite cunning, there is no guarantee that this guy will not play tricks.

I looked at Roland, and Roland winked at me, then nodded to Anfi Lisa: "Okay, you are willing to pay us a respect, it would be stingy if we don't show a little bit, Brock, let's untie her. "

After thinking about it for a while, I did as Roland said.

I can trust Roland's level. Since she said that everything is under control, there is no need to worry too much about what will happen.

So I tore the talismans, and untied the rune cords.

After regaining her freedom, Anferisa slowly stood up from the chair, flexed her stiff wrist, and bowed her head to Roland in a graceful manner: "You are so generous, Mage. In order to thank you, can you allow me to A little suggestion for your spell may be helpful to your research."

"Oh? Tell me." Roland seemed to be interested.

"The life-type spell that can be so detailed that it only changes the sexual characteristics is indeed a rather shocking research. It's just that you may not know that the life structure of different races is different. The same spell may not be effective for all races. Effective..." Anfilisa raised her face as she spoke, with a mocking smile on her face, "It's like the undead. For high-level undead like me, the spells of the life system have no effect on me except Does a little bit of minor damage and doesn't do anything else."

After she finished speaking, she jumped back suddenly, and jumped to the corner of the wall, where there was a small iron bar window for ventilation.

"Hahahaha, you're so stupid, I never thought you could be fooled so easily! This piece of shit of yours doesn't pose any threat to me at all! Of course I want to leave Ironthorn Prison, but why should I confess to you rubbish? ?” Anfilisa showed her true colors on the spot, “You are fooled, this is my mother’s escape route. In terms of wits, you rubbish are still no match for me, Anfilisa!”

The next moment, she began to transform—with the high-level vampire's ability to atomize and turn into a bat, it was a breeze to escape through the iron grille.

Immediately afterwards, the smoke around her disappeared, and the blood girl standing there disappeared, replaced by...a pink rabbit with a ribbon collar around its neck.

The rabbit hopped on the spot, as if it wanted to jump onto the bars.

It's a pity that the bars are more than three meters away from the ground, and even though she tried her best to jump up, she was only waist-high to an ordinary person.

"You've been in prison for too long, the knowledge base should be updated. The effects of life spells on the undead have long been written into the basic tutorial. How could a chief mage like me not know this?" Roland pursed his lips and smiled Laughing, "The collar you hang is different from them. It is sealed with spiritual spells, which are specially used to target monsters like you who are born with the ability to transform. This thing will interfere with your cognition when you cast the transformation. Turn you into other other creatures."

The rabbit squatted there, silent for a while, and then the mist gushed out around it again, and the next moment, Anferisa changed back to her original form, staring at Roland unwillingly.

This vampire is cunning and cunning, but after all, it is only at the level of that kind of cleverness, which is still not enough in front of Roland.

Roland admired the other party's resentment for a while, and then took out a red thing and handed it to me.

I took it suspiciously, only to realize it was a carrot.

"..." After a moment of silence, I stretched out the carrot to Anferisa, "Do you want to eat?"

"I'll fuck your whole family!" Anfilisa angrily took the carrot and threw it to the ground.

hang you all on the wall (5)

"...It feels like you were merciful to me back then."

I glanced at the trio of criminals who were sitting on their chairs, not daring to move, and looked at Roland next to me with complicated eyes.

Comparing these three people with the collars of gender conversion and species conversion, the collar she gave me back then only had lightning strikes and control movements.

"Of course, your place in my heart is very special." Roland pursed his lips and smiled.

"So, what are you going to do with these three now? Lock them up first?" I asked casually.

"I don't have time to study them, so I'll leave it to you, and you can play with them as you like." Roland smiled and handed the three crystals to me, and even gave me a wink, "You You can tune them all as usual

Taught to be your slave only. "

"What is usual, don't make it seem like I do this kind of thing often!" I corrected helplessly.

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