It seemed that he was persuading Arsena on a resolution.

To my surprise, besides the two of them, there is an unexpected guest in this room—the queen who is still young is sitting on the bench prepared for the guests in this room, drinking black tea with nothing to do .

"Hey, Bullock." The queen noticed me and greeted me with a tone like the owner of the room, "Stop standing at the door, come in and have a cup of tea with me."

"Mr. Bullock..." Arsena noticed me now, and put away her stern face a little.

I looked back and forth at the people in the room, and finally fixed my eyes on Wikas: "This is... what happened?"

Wikas looked at me for a while, then said quietly: "Your Excellency came here on purpose, probably because you know what happened on the front line?"

I nodded.

Then Wikas glanced at Arsena with her head down, and explained to me: "Your Highness wants to ask His Majesty the Dragon Queen to send her to the capital immediately, please help persuade her."

"Things have developed to this point, can I even go to see my father?" Arsena raised her head abruptly.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, it's really hard for me to let people feel at ease in your current state." Wikas sighed, "What's more, Her Majesty has not recovered from her injuries, and your actions will also make her die. risk..."

"I don't care, anyway, I've already made up my mind to fly there first tonight." The queen said suddenly, picked up a saucer and poured all the refreshments on it into her mouth.

"What?" Wikas was caught off guard by her.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty!" Arsena patted the table excitedly after receiving the other party's support.

"It's just a ride for you." The queen waved her hand with a relaxed face, "I'll have ten more snacks."

Wikas winked at me with some distress.

I nodded and turned to the Queen to persuade me: "I agree with Wikas, the situation is unclear now. The enemy has now moved to the opposite bank and is out of our intelligence range. One of you is the supreme commander of this force, and the other is The strongest combat power here, you should consider the risks more when you act."

"You don't seem to understand at all..." the Queen said, jumping off the chair, pacing to me, and said in a serious tone, "Listen, Brock."

When she said this, she suddenly frowned and waved at me: "This height difference, it makes me uncomfortable when you look down on me like this, lower your head."

"..." I was left speechless by her, but I still bent down temporarily.

"No, it's still a bit high, just wait a moment." The queen was still dissatisfied.

She turned around, moved the tea table over, then put the chair on it, and then stood up, making herself half a head taller than me before giving up.

"Listen up, kid." She pinched my cheeks with both hands, looked down at me condescendingly, and said imposingly, "It's the first time I've been hurt to this extent since I was born. Died outside this city. Do you think you can just forget about this vendetta? Now that my enemy is doing something, of course I can't stand by and watch."

"That's what I said, but it's just the two of you acting, so the risk is too great." I continued to persuade.

"Then everything will be fine if you go with me?" the queen said with a matter of course.

"Don't make me sound like some kind of amulet." I frowned.

I always feel that you look too high on me...

"You're my man, where I'm going, how dare you not go with me?" After she finished speaking, she patted my face, "That's it, we're leaving at night, you pack your luggage quickly. "

Devil's Reign

Can you feel a little nervous (1)

Under the Queen's insistence, I finally had to agree to fly to the capital with them.

Although it is a bit risky for the Queen, who is still injured, and Arsena, who is the leader of the coalition forces, to leave the base camp so casually.But right now we have no means of crossing the river quickly. Apart from the queen who can fly around with a pair of wings, the only thing that can immediately support the south bank area is the Helgia airship full of hundreds of people.However, no matter how fast the airship is assembled, it will take half a day. Letting the Queen go to the south bank area first is to some extent the only way we can effectively support the Royal Capital.

Within two hours after receiving the news that the enemy had crossed the river, we made the following decisions: First, I will accompany Alsena and the Queen to the capital to meet the king and learn about the battle situation in the south bank area.

Then Saidian's support troops, including those girls, will gather on the airship with the third knight order and head to the south bank area-with the maximum load and take-off and landing efficiency of the airship, they want to fly in a short time. It is unrealistic to move all the troops of White Lake City there in time, we can only make a choice.

Most of the ground troops, including the reinforcements from the Bloodaxe Clan and the Hunting Clan, as well as the army of the Kingdom of Helgia, temporarily stayed in White Lake City.We issued an assembly order to the Marquis Territory Army led by Bridget who marched separately from us, as well as the orc corps of the four major clans.The large troops will gather in White Lake City first, and wait for the kingdom defenders in the south bank area to send a ferry to help them cross the river—of course, the premise is that the south bank area can withstand the enemy's offensive.

That night, the queen took Alsena and me to take advantage of the cover of night and set off. With the high speed of the queen's flight, we arrived near the royal capital of Helgia in less than three quarters of an hour.

In order to avoid causing panic, we landed on the outskirts of the city and walked a few miles in plain clothes before arriving at the gate of the capital.After that, Arsena revealed her identity to the defenders stationed at the city gate, and soon we were led into the city and all the way to the palace.

In front of the king's bedroom, Catherine, the leader of the Second Knights, came out to greet us in person. When she saw Arsena, she embraced her with open arms: "Your Highness, it's better than anything else that you are safe and sound!"

"Miss Catherine, how is Father?" Arsena asked straight to the point after hugging her.

The royal capital of Helgia is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is a city fortress garrisoned by Marshal Mutafa leading an army on the periphery.The enemy troops have just arrived at the south bank area where the capital is located, even if they advance non-stop, it is impossible to reach the capital within a day or two.

But this does not mean that they will not be tempted by other aspects - in most wars, capturing the thief first is always a very efficient move.There is no doubt that the moment the enemy's troops arrive at the south bank area, the possibility of King Filiant's assassination will be greatly increased.

After asking this question, Catherine hesitated a little: "Your Majesty, he..."

"Father, what happened to him?" Arsena noticed her abnormal reaction, and immediately lost a little blood on her face.

"Uh, Your Majesty is fine..." Catherine quickly waved her hand to explain, but her expression was still quite unnatural, "It's just that Your Majesty has been working hard on the war recently, and now he has rested, why don't you see him later Right... Eh, Your Highness, Your Highness!?"

Arsena rushed into the bedroom before Catherine finished speaking.

"Please wait a moment, Your Highness." Catherine didn't bother to greet us, and followed Arsena's back.

The queen and I looked at each other and followed in together.

We followed Arthena through the hall and went directly to the deepest room on the second floor.

"Please wait, don't open the door!" Catherine tried to stop Arsena.

Everyone could see that when Arsena asked about the king's condition just now, Kadelin's expression was a little unnatural, and she was probably hiding something.

Could it be that the king had been attacked during the hours when the enemy was crossing the river, and was therefore lying in bed wounded?

Or is it because they are overworked for the war these days and are sick in bed?

Arsena pushed open the door without hesitation.

In the room, a well-built middle-aged man was shirtless, with his clothes casually draped over his shoulders, sitting on the edge of the tea table, flipping through a book with a glass in one hand and a book in the other.

The cover of the book reads "The Bizarre Adventure of Cavalier Joe", which is obviously a story work for entertainment.

Arsena's biological father, the supreme leader of Helgia, King Filiant, the king of the strongest kingdom of mankind, was neither injured by assassination nor overworked He fell ill, but was shirtless in his room, drinking a small wine, leisurely reading an entertainment novel, and humming a ditty.

By the way, there is a wooden basin under his feet, and the hot water in it exudes dense heat.

Yes, this product is still soaking feet.

Of course, he was slightly taken aback when Arsena suddenly pushed the door open and walked in. He subconsciously shifted his gaze from the page to the door, and then froze in place.

Arsena also maintained the posture of pushing the door and froze in place. The father and daughter looked at each other awkwardly for a few seconds, and Catherine rushed forward in time to close the door again.



After a few seconds of silence, I turned to Catherine: "That, just now..."

"You are mistaken." Catherine turned her head and stared into my eyes, and replied without hesitation.

I haven't asked anything yet...

"..." Arsena was silent for a while, and finally pushed the door open again expressionlessly.

This time, King Filiant was dressed in formal attire, with neat military boots, and sat behind the table in a well-groomed manner, studying a military map on the table with his brow furrowed.

In just ten seconds of opening and closing the door, his image changed from a lazy middle-aged uncle to a rigorous and meticulous leader. on earth is this done?

"Father." Arsena called him.

King Filiant seemed to have just noticed that someone had entered the room, slowly raised his face, and then opened his eyes slightly "surprised" at Arsena: "Serna, my child, why are you back?"

It was as if the previous scene had never happened before. If Arsena hadn't been keeping a straight face, I would have wondered if I had some strange hallucinations by myself just now.

"Father..." Arsena remained expressionless. After a pause for a few seconds, she pointed a finger at the corner of the tea table, "You forgot to put the wine bottle away."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." King Filiant smiled awkwardly.

"Oh." Catherine sighed and covered her face.

Can you feel a little nervous (2)

Helgia, a powerful country known as the country of gold, at the moment when Saidian has not fully recovered from the abyss war, it can already be regarded as the most powerful country in the entire continent, excluding the "oasis" where the dragon lives. country.

Therefore, the king of this country can also be regarded as the person standing at the pinnacle of power in the entire continent to a certain extent.

But now, in front of our eyes, this man standing at the pinnacle of power is sitting upright on a chair with an awkward smile on his face, being reprimanded by his own daughter.

"Your general and your daughter are leading the army on the front line. As a king, you are sitting in the capital, can you feel a little nervous?" Arsena stood in front of him with one hand on her hip and the other hand on the tea table, angry at her father. He scolded furiously, "The enemy is almost advancing to the capital, and you still have the time to drink and read novels at the same time?"

"Ahahaha... there's something unreasonable about it." King Filiant scratched his head in embarrassment,

"Only a little?" Arsena patted the table again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." King Filiant nodded his head at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then glanced at Catherine who was standing next to me with her arms folded.

"Don't look away! Are you really reflecting?" Arsena stared at her father and clenched her fists.

King Filiant hurriedly apologized and nodded in agreement.

It was only natural for Arsena to be so angry. The enemy's army broke through the natural danger and approached the capital, and she was worried about her father's safety to the point of fidgeting.But when he came over, he found that not only was the old boy safe and sound, but he also didn't care about the outside things at all!

"I think this human being has a great future. He is calm in front of landslides, and he can calm down when the army is overwhelming. This is what a leader should look like."

The queen suddenly appeared at the tea table at some point, and moved a chair to sit on. She reached out to grab the bottle of wine on the table, but her hands were still a bit short for her figure.

"Miao Zan Miao Zan." Sudden unexpected support, King Filiant seemed very happy, and quickly reached out to help the Queen pick up the wine bottle, took a new glass and poured wine for her, "Come and taste, This is my treasured ouzo."

The queen took the filled wine glass, and King Filiant held out his wine glass with a smile. The two clinked the glasses harmoniously, and then drank down at each other.

"Are you the king of mortals? You have a good bearing, and I am very optimistic about you." The queen nodded to King Filiant, like a senior applauding a junior.

"Haha, thank you, thank you." King Filiant, who was praised, poured another drink to the Queen eagerly, then smiled and stared at her for a long time, and finally asked the question, "By the way, who are you?"

... Shouldn't this question be asked from the very beginning?

"I come from the 'oasis' in the western desert. I am the queen of the dragon clan. I came here because of some personal grievances. I can be regarded as your ally." The queen replied calmly.

"Ah, I've heard about the battle report. There is a giant dragon helping us. I didn't expect it to be the ruler of the legendary dragon kingdom." King Filiant grinned, poured himself wine and turned to the queen Picking up the wine glass, "It's a kind of fate to fight side by side no matter what. If you have fate, you should have a drink. I respect you."

The queen also picked up the wine glass wordlessly, and the two clinked glasses again and drank it down in one gulp, as if they had been drinking friends for many years, and there was no violation at all.


This natural harmony left us stunned.

After coming over for a while, I couldn't help but tilt my head and whispered to Catherine: "Is your majesty drunk?"

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