"Why make the head a bomb?" I asked in shock.

"My impression seems to be the proposal of the previous king..." Islinati touched his chin knowingly, "After visiting the tomb, he said that he should design some secret weapons for these golems."

"So you turned these golem statues into bombs?"

"Yes." Islinati nodded, "In this way, when necessary, these golems can remove their heads and throw them at the enemy to blow them up."

She paused as she spoke, and added: "The statue doesn't need a head anyway."

It's quite casual, how crazy is it to think of converting the golem's head into a bomb for throwing?

"Not only that, these transformed golems also have other small mechanisms, such as the short knives around their waists, which can be drawn out."

Islinati spoke and cast a spell, controlling the golem to pull out the stone-carved dagger that looked like an ornament from its waist.

"They even prepared spare weapons, no different from real soldiers." I felt like I understood.

"This is just a superficial cover-up, but actually..." Islinati said and snapped her fingers.

Then the golem moved, throwing the dagger upwards.

When the short knife flew to a height of about ten meters above the deep pit, the short knife suddenly exploded, and gravel and powder fell like rain.

"...It's still a bomb." Islinati continued to Arsena and I who were bathed in the gravel.

"I have an idea, I like it!" Arsena patted the dust on her hair, showing approval for her ancestor's creativity.

"Not only that, but also the left hand of this golem, which looks like an ordinary left hand..." Islinati said, suddenly tore off the statue's hand, and then showed it to us, "Actually It's also a bomb, and it can be fired through the muzzle modified at the elbow to hit enemies in the distance. What's more powerful is their bodies..."

"Isn't it also a bomb?" I guessed cautiously.

"You are right, there are more crystals and powder buried inside the statue." Islinati patted the chest of the statue, "If the situation is not right on the battlefield, these golems can embrace the enemy and die together with the opponent."

...how much do you guys like bombs?

At this time, I suddenly thought of a question: "Wait a minute, you said that most of these golems were destroyed during the Abyss War, could it be because of..."

Islinati understood what I meant and nodded: "Yes, basically they blew it up by themselves."

"..." I didn't know what to say for a while.

After a moment of silence, I asked another question: "So, all the golems in this pit are bombers?"

To be honest, standing among a bunch of bombers really makes people feel insecure, and will these things really not hurt one's own people by throwing them on the battlefield?

"Of course it's impossible. Crystals, powders, and modifications all cost a lot of money. What are you thinking?" Islinati shrugged.

It's okay, it seems to be only a small part...

Just when I was thinking this way, Islinati added: "Probably only [-]% of the golems are like this."

"Isn't that almost all of them!?"

"All in all, the two of you don't have to doubt the combat effectiveness of this army." Islinati assured her, patting her chest.

"I'm not worried about their combat effectiveness..." I glanced at these dangerous golems uneasily, "I'm only worried about them accidentally blowing up the fortress."

"Don't worry, explosion accidents are not common, and there have only been three in the last 100 years." Islinati came over and patted me on the shoulder.

"Accidents do happen!" I said in shock.

This is completely unreliable!

The king of Hergia is also really big-hearted. He is not afraid of blowing up his ancestral grave when he puts these things.

"Then, now I will hand over the command of the army to Your Highness."

As Linati spoke, she turned to the center of the pit, raised her hands high, and muttered something.

Then, the giant golem moved, and inserted its giant sword into a groove in the center of the pit.

That groove was obviously designed specifically for this sword, and it was just the right size.The groove was very deep, and the blade quickly disappeared completely, leaving the hilt outside.

We all noticed that there was a gem set in the sword of this great sword-of course, to us, this thing is about the size of a divination crystal ball.

"Okay, Your Highness. I have unlocked the encrypted spell, please put your hands on the gem." Islinati turned to Alsena.

Arsena tensed her face, and walked slowly towards the giant sword inserted into the deep groove in the center of the pit, and solemnly stretched out her hand on the gemstone.

The gems glowed faintly, and then, from the center of the pit, the quicksilver flowing in the ditch also began to glow.

The ground shook slightly, and in an instant, all the golems moved, including the tall giant statue.They all turned to Arsena at the same time, bent their knees, and half-kneeled to salute her.

At the same time, on one side of the deep pit, a huge stone door moved open, revealing the passage inside—this seemed to be specially prepared for this army, the passage leading to the outside.

"The command of the Mausoleum Guard is once again in the hands of the royal family." Islinati announced loudly like a priest in a ceremony, and then curled up on the snake's tail and bowed to Arsena, "Your Highness, please give me instructions."

We need an Iron Curtain for protection (1)

We left the underground through the secret passage with the army in the mausoleum and returned to the fortress.

"I haven't been back here for more than 70 years. It's not a small change." Islinati said with emotion, "I remember that there is a peak in the east of the fortress. It's really different."

"No... just 70 years ago, a mountain will not disappear." I answered her with a sullen face, "There is indeed a mountain there, at least it was there before we set off."

From the direction of the disappearing hill, a plume of black smoke could be seen rising into the sky, and I noticed that the atmosphere in the fort was very tense, even more than when we first arrived.

Arsena also faintly sensed that something was wrong, so she called a paladin on duty nearby to ask him.

"...It was blown up by the enemy." After saluting Arsena, the knight replied, "Just an hour ago, the enemy's long-range attack bombarded that mountain. Everyone saw a mushroom rising there shaped black cloud, and then the mountain was gone."

After hearing this description, Arsena and I couldn't help but looked at each other.

"Then the enemy is attacking?" Arsena asked.

The paladin shook his head: "No, the fortress has entered the highest alert state when the attack was detected. But the scouting team has not found any trace of the enemy yet."

Arsena thought for a while, and ordered to the knight: "Take us to the Marshal."

Arsena and I entered the center of the fort again and returned to the command room where Mutafa was.

Arsena asked Islinati, who was following us, to wait outside, and then led me directly into the room.

The moment we opened the door, we saw Mutafa biting a pipe, pacing up and down in a limited space with his hands behind his back, like a trapped animal.The brows were tightly locked together, making the wrinkles on his face a lot deeper.

He raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw us.

"Welcome back, Your Highness." He nodded to Arsena, and forced a gratified smile from his tense face, "I just got the news that you brought back reinforcements, you really are here , to be able to pass the test that His Majesty King Leonas once passed in such a short period of time."

"This...it's nothing, thanks to Mr. Bullock's help." Alsena scratched her cheek with some embarrassment.

I also looked away a little bit.

After all, we didn't experience any serious test in that mausoleum. To be honest, we always feel a bit unable to face up to this kind of eyes full of recognition—especially in such an emergency situation.

Mutafa seemed to have noticed our different reactions, thought for a while, and nodded with a slightly enlightened expression: "It was quite a difficult test. It seems that you don't want to mention the situation at that time."

"Uh..." Arsena and I showed embarrassing expressions at the same time.

"I understand, I understand. It's about the secrets of the royal family's tomb. Presumably there are rules of secrecy. You don't need to go into details. I understand everything. Thanks for your hard work, Your Highness." Mu Tafa nodded understandingly towards us.

Stop talking, if we continue talking, we will want to find a crack in the ground to get in!

Could it be that King Leonas kept silent about the content of the so-called test of the tomb guards because he was too embarrassed to say it?

Arsena coughed dryly, and changed the topic back: "Teacher, did anything happen here while we were away?"

"I guess you saw what happened when you came here..." Mutafa said, opening the curtain in front of the window of this room, the direction was just facing the mountain that had been flattened, "The one near the fortress A mountain peak was directly flattened by the enemy's long-range attack."

Arsena and I fell silent.

Such a power, such a striking effect, there is no second possibility other than the devil's spell.

This is the power of the Demon King, who can destroy the orc army with a size of a thousand at the edge of the desert, and easily break through the impregnable fortress of the Northland, leaving the northern shore of Helgia completely helpless.With one blow, she could severely injure the Queen of the Dragon Clan, who couldn't even be harmed by Mithril weapons. Naturally, it would be a breeze to wipe out a mountain.

What makes us silent is that the enemy actually possesses such an ultra-long-distance strike capability.

With the size of this fortress and the surrounding terrain, the detection range is at least a few kilometers, but we were attacked by the enemy without even seeing the shadow of the enemy.

"However, since the enemy can strike strategically from such a distance, why didn't they attack the fortress directly?" After a while, Arsena raised a question.

"There are two possibilities. One is that the enemy has not yet mastered the method of precise strikes, and this attack is just for testing." Mutafa said solemnly, smoking his pipe, "Second, they never thought of hitting , this is just a demonstration, it's their means to hit our morale, to pave the way for further actions in the future... Well, to be honest, no matter what the possibility is, the morale here has fallen to the bottom of his mother's ass. went."

This is a matter of course. Seeing a nearby mountain being blown up on the spot, it is natural to think that the fortress itself may suffer such a blow at any time.

Not every soldier is ready to die. He has personally experienced that the land he is standing on may be blown up to the ground at any time. The first thought of quite a few people is to leave here and escape as far as possible. the better.

Even now, it is not surprising that there is a certain scale of collective desertion riots in the army.

The current situation is really difficult. Giving up the defensive advantage of the fortress and taking the initiative to attack is tantamount to giving it to the enemy with your head raised.But if you stick to it, it is tantamount to choosing a cemetery for yourself. After all, the enemy can use this kind of long-range strike to inflict heavy damage on us at any time, and there is no risk at all.

"We...don't have the means to defend against this kind of attack?" Arsena asked Mutafa, "Would it be useful to send more paladins to set up the Holy Light Barrier?"

Mutafa shook his head: "It's not enough, maybe it can reduce the damage a little, but it's estimated that the city walls won't be able to hold. Now we can only rely on the experts of Saidian, the elves' enchantment technology is better than ours."

"Well, I advise you not to have too much hope." I talked to Mutafa cautiously, "The enchantment of the Ironthorn Prison in Helgia was also arranged with the help of Saidian, but it is only enough to last. Take a spell of the devil king, I have seen it with my own eyes."

Moreover, the one who broke through the barrier at that time was only the demonized Jia Long, who was the offspring of the demon king's power, and the attack performed by the demon king's body might be far more powerful than that.

"..." Mutafa fell silent while biting his pipe, his eyes obviously showing the confusion of "what the hell should I do?"

At this moment, Islinati's voice floated from outside: "I said, if you need a strong defensive barrier, maybe I have a way."

We need an Iron Curtain for protection (2)

"...I didn't expect that the guard of the King's Mausoleum turned out to be a patrol naga." After Arsena's introduction, Mutafa sized up Islinati who was invited into the command room, and nodded to her. Nodded, "We are loyal to the royal family, so we are colleagues."

He extended his hand to Islinati in a friendly manner, and shook hands with her: "Then, ma'am, what exactly do you mean when you said you have a solution?"

"I was created as a caretaker. When my master created me, he also gave me the knowledge to arrange and maintain defensive barriers in the treasury and workshop." Islinati replied calmly, "Among them It may include some powerful enchantment formulas that have been lost to you, which may come in handy."

"The enchantment you mentioned...can withstand a blow from the Demon King?" Mutafa frowned slightly.

"I can't say for sure." Islinati shook her head lightly, "However, I can be sure that there is a high probability that it will be much stronger than the enchantment spells of this era. Unlike other technologies, spells are not newer and more cutting-edge. Age of Gods The magic of the era far exceeds this era, but most of the magic is lost due to various reasons. Like enchantment spells, the development of magic in later generations is just a limited exploration and reenactment of the spells of the age of gods. I can teach you directly The most powerful enchantment spell I know in ancient times."

"It sounds like it's worth trying, anyway, we have no other way right now." Mutafa nodded without much hesitation, "Let's hear it."

Islinati swam to the table with her snake tail, flattened a piece of paper with two hands, held a quill in each of the remaining four hands, and began to draw on the paper.

She drew a circular magic circle on the paper, and the four hands holding the pen were as flexible as fish swimming in the water.

"To put it bluntly, this plan is to reproduce an enhanced version of the defensive barrier in the King's Mausoleum. Dig ditches in the center of the fortress to form such an array. The diameter needs to be at least 300 meters, the width of the ditches is about one meter, and the depth is about half a meter. , and then fill it with mercury until it is half full, and melt one ten-thousandth of mithril, mountain copper or pure gold into it..."

"It's impossible!" Mutafa stared at the complicated magic circle on the paper before she finished explaining, "First of all, pour mercury into such a large-scale ditch, where do you want me to do it?" So much mercury? Not to mention so much legendary metal."

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