"Of, of course!" Feilan put on that arrogant and domineering look unnaturally, "This, this is an opportunity to step on you, how can you let it go so easily!"

Does this count as stepping on me?This girl is really childish.

"Hey, you can do whatever you want." I shook my head.

But at this time, Anfi Lisa over there suddenly raised her hand and said, "I'm doing my best, how about showing me something?"

"Huh?" Feilan frowned and turned to stare at her, "Why are you joining in the fun?"

"I want to drink something red." Anferisa was taken aback by her fierce attitude, and then grabbed the ends of her hair, "Look, I feel nourished by the little magic power you supply recently. I can't keep up, my hair is split."

"Hmph, I got it! I'll turn you into a rabbit and give you some carrot juice. It's red and very nutritious!" Feilan said viciously.

"I just want to fight for basic treatment, why are you so angry?" Anfi Lisa was at a loss.

Take it by surprise, take it by surprise (1)

Facts have proved that the enchantment we worked so hard to set up did indeed have an effect. That night, the enemy finally hit the top of the fort so impartially and was successfully blocked by the enchantment.

At that time, the violent shock wave was transmitted along the entire barrier to the ground, causing everyone in the fortress to feel a slight earthquake.But when the soaring black flames dispersed, the barrier was still intact.

This miraculously combined the ancient spells mastered by the patrol naga, the blood of the dragon queen, the magic power of the abyss lord level demons, the high-level secrets of the blood clan, and the magical enchantment of the money power accumulated by the royal family of Helgia, finally It lived up to expectations and defended against the long-range attack of the level of the devil-this fact undoubtedly gave reassurance to the soldiers of the fortress who had been flustered by the enemy's bombing, and also made the fortress oppose our use of heresy spells Less down.

On the surface, it seems that with this enchantment, we can sit back and relax completely.

But afterwards, at the high-level meeting discussing tactics, Roland gave an uneasy fact: "...No matter what kind of spell, the strength and casting distance are definitely inversely proportional. If the enemy summons the corpse of the demon king to If the city is attacked within 300 meters, even this enchantment may not be able to hold it.

"If you can't hold on to this, the devil must be strong?" I couldn't help but widen my eyes.

I was just surprised by Roland's judgment, and I didn't doubt it very much. After all, she and Tolivia were the only two people who had seen the Demon King with their own eyes.

"At that time, there were 3 Saidian troops on the expedition to the Demon Realm, and basically everyone could cast spells." Tolivia glanced at me indifferently, "At that time, the mage troops used rituals to arrange an unimaginable defensive barrier guard His Majesty the late king fought, but in the end the barrier still failed to hold back the onslaught of the demon king, causing heavy casualties to Sai Di'an's troops, nearly [-]% of the soldiers died, and His Majesty the late king also died in battle."

"But Helgia's troops didn't suffer such a big loss..." Alsena, who was in the same column, showed a surprised expression, "It is said that although King Leonus was also injured, he finally returned without incident. .”

When I talked about this, I subconsciously pricked up my ears. There are not many opportunities to listen to the person talking about that legendary battle.

We orcs did not directly participate in the decisive battle against the demon king, but there is no doubt that this battle is of great significance to us orcs. The fall of the demon king marks the true liberation of the orcs.

It can be said that the elves, humans and dwarves who killed the demon king can be regarded as benefactors of our orcs to a certain extent.

Moreover, regarding the current battle situation, re-understanding the details of the original battle may help us deal with the power of the Demon King now.

"That's because the demon king regarded the elves' troops as the main target at that time. In terms of the ability to deal with magical attacks, elves are stronger than other races. However, in that decisive battle, the casualty rate of Saidian's troops was almost higher than other races. Double." Tolivia breathed a sigh of relief, "No one knows why the elves attracted such strong hatred in that decisive battle. This is still an unsolved mystery."

"To be honest, if the Demon King is so strong, how did you win in the end?" I couldn't help but have such a question, so I asked it outright.

If you think about it carefully, this is really an incredible thing.

70 years ago, the southern countries were all dying from the massive southward invasion of the devil, and it was not until the orcs raised the flag of rebellion against the devil that they got a chance to breathe.In a short period of time, the coalition forces of the various countries assembled to expedition against the Demon Realm - this can be regarded as their desperate fight at that time. Gathering the remaining forces to fight a decisive battle with an unpredictable outcome in the away game is basically a last resort A gamble for it.

But even with so many unstable factors, the southern countries that bet all their fortunes still won this gamble.

Now that 70 years have passed, every country is no longer what it used to be.Although Saidian has not fully recovered, it is undoubtedly much better than the state of being burned, killed and looted by orcs before Azak raised his troops, not to mention that after the war, after more than 70 years of management, he has become the strongest country in the mainland of Helgia.

However, the fact before us is that even though we are fighting at home, we are still beaten back by a corpse left by the Demon King.

"This is another unsolved mystery. In fact, at a certain point in the decisive battle, the power of the Demon King has obviously declined." Roland answered my question seriously.

"Obvious attenuation?" I couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"At that time, the magic power of the devil leaked from his body, and the destructive power of the spell was also affected. Because of this change, the coalition forces that were suppressed by the magic of the devil were able to seize the opening and counterattack, gradually weakening the magic power of the devil. The paladins of the country assembled the power of the Holy Light and killed him in one fell swoop." Roland continued to reveal the details of the decisive battle.

This not only made us all fall into contemplation.

"That is to say..." After a long time, I came up with an idea, "Does the devil actually have a certain weakness? At that time, the coalition forces accidentally triggered that weakness?"

"It's possible, but the chances are very small." Roland shook his head, "As an extremely powerful and complete magic power structure, it's not easy for the devil to leak magic power due to external damage. It should be an internal change. If you want to describe it, it's like a poisoned or cursed reaction."

Roland's speculation made us all a little horrified. It sounded like someone was plotting against the demon king who was as powerful as a god behind his back.

"No matter what, we still have to focus on the problem at hand." Marshal Mutafa, who had been silent all this time, said, "The current defense force of this fortress is facing the full strength of the enemy. The offensive is not yet optimistic, we now need to determine the enemy's position."

"About this, I can give an answer." Roland raised his hand, "These days I have been asking my subordinates to release familiar detectives..."

"The leader of the enemy army is that Mudar, can he allow you to obtain information?" Tolivia frowned.

"It's very simple to just determine the location. It is true that the enemy can easily find and destroy the familiars we eliminated, so we can take advantage of this instead. I let my people release familiars in all directions, and then sense those who were eliminated. The position and distance of the familiar." Roland smiled while clasping his hands.

"The enemy's position is now?"

"To the southwest, about two hundred miles." Roland said quietly.

This is almost an imminent invasion of the army...

Take it by surprise, take it by surprise (2)

Although so many arrangements have been made, the gap in combat power between the enemy and the enemy is still not optimistic.

Once the enemy troops approach the city, it is still unknown whether we can hold on to the situation.

"It's only such a short distance, but there is no quick attack yet... and they are harassing here with long-range strikes." Tolivia folded her hands, "It's very calm."

"It's natural to be calm. They are well aware of the gap between the two sides, and they are sure that we can't give up the capital and can only stay here." Marshal Mutafa tapped the table with his fingers, "Since the prey under the claws cannot escape Let's go, naturally there is no need to rush to eat."

This analogy sounds quite appropriate. Right now, we are shrouded in the shadow of the strategic weapon of the devil's corpse in the hands of the enemy. Isn't it like a mouse being held down by a cat's paw?

Predators who hold their prey with their paws are of course the most calm. Cats sometimes play with their prey wantonly and then eat them when they are hungry.

Of course, sometimes there are accidents in this process, although most of the time the caught prey will be deeply afraid of natural enemies, only know how to run away, and then repeated again and again by predators who have already anticipated its escape route catch.

But after all, animals eat when they are poor, very occasionally, sometimes the prey will make unusual behaviors-these small animals may launch active attacks on natural enemies that are far stronger than themselves.

Then, sometimes this irrational suicide-like behavior will lead to some unexpected results-predators who thought they would run away after letting go of their claws will be taken aback by this unexpected one-handed attack, and then find The prey who saw the flaw took the opportunity to escape.

Things like this are not uncommon.

Um?Wait a moment.

The random flash of association suddenly turned into a flash of light, and a somewhat bold idea flashed through my mind.

"I have a bold idea." After thinking for a long time, I decided to tell the matter and discuss it with the people present, "The obvious fact is that because of the gap in combat power, we can only stick to it. In a fortress, it's suicidal to strike—that's what we think, and so does the enemy, right?"

Everyone present focused their attention on me.

"What if we do the opposite?" I continued, "At this time when it seems impossible to take the initiative to attack, maybe...at least we can catch them by surprise."

After hearing my words, everyone present was silent for a moment.

"Grand strategy playing this kind of death tactics is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg." Tolivia said lightly.

"But maybe it can be used as a harassment method to disrupt the enemy's position and delay time. What we lack most now is time." Roland added from my side.

As the commander of the fortress, Mutafa stared at me for a long time with his sharp eyes, and then spit out a sentence: "Crazy idea."

I think so too, this old knight who has a lot of prejudice against me will probably not welcome my opinion, let alone such a risky idea.

But then he added another sentence unexpectedly: "Who will lead this death squad?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then seriously replied: "I proposed it, of course I did it, the orc wolf cavalry should be considered the most suitable unit to implement this kind of hit-and-run tactic."

In fact, the fastest speed here is a dragon queen, but it is obviously inappropriate for this strategic trump card to implement such a risky tactic, and she has not fully recovered.

"Is there anyone under your command?"

"My tribe and the Shouya clan have about a hundred fighters, and there are about thirty wargs, all on the other side of the river." I gestured my thoughts to Mutafa, "We can organize a high-level army. The mobile cavalry rushed over."

Mutafa glanced at Wikas standing behind Arsena.

With just a glance, Wikas seemed to understand what he wanted to ask: "The airship is ready to cross the river for the second time, we can arrange to bring the orc troops from White Lake City first, and we can get here within a day .”

"Just a few dozen cavalry, how much damage can it cause the enemy?" Mutafa asked me another question, "If it's not painful, it's not even harassment."

"The cavalry is just a bait to attract the enemy's attention. I hope to borrow a group of golems. When the wolf cavalry is attacking the west, the golems can take the opportunity to attack the enemy..." I explained my own tactics, " Then blow him up!"

As soon as Mutafa mentioned the word death squad, I thought of those golems, and those golems with the ability to self-destruct are somehow the most suitable death squads.

"Good idea!" Uta, the representative of the dwarf reinforcements who had been paddling in the tactical discussion, suddenly praised me loudly, expressing a high degree of affirmation of my tactics.

"You also think it would be better to surprise him?" My eyes lit up after receiving unexpected support.

"I think the idea of ​​'exploding it' is a good idea." Uta gave me a thumbs up, "If you say that the golems that Helgia ordered from Beishan Kingdom are filled with the best quality detonators Potion, the blasting power is absolutely top-notch! Young man, you really understand the art of blasting!"

No, I've never heard of the art, and never had any idea of ​​an appreciation for those explosives...

The dwarves seem to like things related to mining, such as blasting.

"How?" I brought the subject back, then looked at Mutafa and asked, "Is this an idea?"

"How are you going to send the golem to the enemy line?" Mutafa asked.

"I can use magic to summon a batch of beast souls of wargs to carry those golems, and we can disguise the golems as another cavalry team." I immediately thought of a solution.

"The golem is made of stone. Although it is hollow, it weighs at least five or six hundred catties. Are you sure it's okay?"

"It's only five or six hundred catties. It's not much heavier than an orc. An adult warg can carry two orcs. The limit load is less than six hundred catties. The power of the warg I summoned is stronger than that of an ordinary warg." Wolves are stronger."

Mutafa pondered silently. He is the marshal of the Silver Fortress. Here, apart from Arsena's opinions from the king's decree, he has the right to decide on the formulation of the strategy.

"Okay." After a long silence, he nodded, "You have the consciousness to risk your life. It would be embarrassing for me, an old man sitting in the back, to be indecisive. Don't play yourself to death, boy... "

I finally agreed, and after all, this old knight is quite reasonable in the big picture—just as I was thinking this way, Mutafa continued: "...I pre-determined your head."

... The foreword is retracted.

Take it by surprise, take it by surprise (3)

The efficiency of the Third Knights was very high. Taking advantage of the cover of night in the early morning of the next day, Wacker and his brothers were sent from the Wolf Cavalry from White Lake City to Silver Fortress.

"...Let me tell you, your wolves are so rambunctious that the person in charge of the warehouse is going crazy."

While I was standing under the airship to greet Vack, Vikas came up and complained to us.

In order to use the wolf cavalry to implement the combat plan I proposed, not only the warriors of the Bloodaxe clan and the Shouya clan were packaged and sent, but also the wolves who accompanied the army to equip the wolf cavalry, Wikas and the others. Seems to have stuffed them into the cargo hold.

"No way? These wargs have been strictly trained."

Wacker frowned slightly and turned his head to look in the direction of the cargo warehouse. The cargo warehouse was located on the side of the airship. Under the charge of the wolf cavalry warriors, the wolves were descending down the slope to the ground in an orderly manner.

Wacker stretched out his hand to beckon, and the wolf who was walking in the front trotted over. This was Duo, the wolf raised by Wacker, a four and a half year old young male wolf.

Wacker patted its head and made a gesture, and Duo sat down obediently.

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