Just as I was still hesitating, a soldier from the Shouya clan suddenly raised his hand and interjected: "Sir, let Tilawa go, she used to win the top three in the tribe's wolf riding competition, here There are not many fighters who are confident that they can beat her 100% in riding."

"Really?" I was slightly taken aback.

No, if you think about it carefully, she is the apprentice that Igna has always been very optimistic about. There is no reason not to be outstanding in my tribe. After all, I myself have been trained by Igna to become the strongest in the same generation. warrior's.

We orcs are proud of fighting on the battlefield above. If a person can prove that he is capable and willing to fight, he will not be vetoed under normal circumstances. From the point of view of the orcs, denying a warrior's courage is not considered a compliment, but rather In a sense it's a humiliation.

Although Tilawa is not an adult, she is already an outstanding hunter and female warrior, and she has achieved a lot in some previous battles. Under such circumstances, I can't take her opinion seriously.

"But, it seems that there is no extra equipment for you here..." I scratched my head.

After all, the dwarves in the workshop only have one night to rush to make equipment for us, and the quantity of all the things is only just in line with the number of people ready to act.

"It's okay, I have the equipment that Dean Roland gave me before." Tilawa replied confidently.

"Roland?" I frowned slightly, "I remember she made you a throwing dagger with runes before."

"Well, now she has made a batch of new things, and she said she wants me to try them out for her." Tilawa raised the spear in her hand for me to see with joy.

I just noticed that the spearhead of this spear is covered with elven runes.

"This is?"

"The dean said that these are the wind element and fire element runes of the elves. As long as you inject magic power into this spear, you can summon flames and wind blades to cooperate with the spear attack." Tilawa showed me a demonstration, He raised the spear high and twirled it with both hands, the flames flashed on the trajectory where the spear tip swung, drawing a fiery red circle.

Then when she swung it for the second time, an elusive wind blade flashed from the trajectory, flew out with flames, and cut a deep mark on the distant earth wall.

"Wow!!" All the orcs present were stunned, and they sighed with envy in unison.

I feel that this effect is a bit cool, and it is much more practical than the exploding spears allotted to us by the dwarves.

"You... are very proficient with spears." I was a little surprised, I thought she would only use the dagger that Igna taught her all along.

"It was taught to me by my father." Tilawa smiled happily.

That's right, remember that "Bear Hunter" Longtava seems to be really good at wielding a spear.

"Anything but this spear?"

"There are many more, such as nooses with hypnotic effects, scrolls that can summon frost magic traps, and strong light crystals that can blind the enemy's eyes but not affect themselves..." Tilawa excitedly pulled out Show me all kinds of things, as if a child is proudly showing off his toys.

People are more angry than people. Similar to those rune-throwing daggers before, Roland probably made these hunting props suitable for orcs with the technology of elves for the purpose of bringing the relationship between the two races closer, and then handed them over to Tilawa for use. .And the rest of us only have a bunch of dwarf bombs for...

"Okay, okay, it seems that your equipment is enough, then you come with me." I nodded, and then raised my hand to summon another wolf beast soul, "Warg The quantity is not enough, use my beast soul to make it up."

"It's okay Master Brock, I can do this myself." Tilawa waved his hand mysteriously, then raised his hand in the other direction.

More than ten seconds later, a blood mist sprang up, gathering into a huge wilderness bear—it was summoned by a beast soul.

"When did you learn it?" I was really surprised now.

"I learned it from Dean Roland, and I learned it after only one day of teaching." Tilawa smiled innocently, and then rode on the back of the beast soul by herself, "I saw Master Brock used it before." Since then, I’ve always wanted to learn.”

It turns out that with Roland's teaching level, it's not difficult to spare a little time for her to quickly master this spell. After all, Tilawa is also an international student of the Central Academy like me back then.

"Well, it seems that I really underestimated you a little." I couldn't help but smiled wryly. Before I knew the situation, this progressive girl had been growing steadily.

Then, I turned to the crowd, inspected a few steps left and right, watched everyone ride my mount one by one, and then checked the time.

"Okay, it's time, we're about to start, everyone should be ready, then..." I glanced at everyone, and then raised a fist high, "Brothers, let us follow the glory in our hearts, let's go together Fight a beautiful victory and come back!"


Um? 32 people?

The 30 people I chose ** plus Tilawa, there should only be 31 people, right?

By the way, I just summoned an extra warg, who got rid of it?

After scanning around again, my eyes stopped on an unusually slender figure.

All eyes followed and focused on the past.

"Get down for me!!" After a delay of two seconds, I rushed up and tore Miriah off the wolf's back.

Take it by surprise, take it by surprise (6)

"When did you sneak in here!" I shook Miria, who appeared at the scene at some unknown time, and blew my beard and stared at her.

"Just now." Mi Ruiya seemed relatively calm, "I was just passing by, and I happened to see you gathering here. It seemed that there was a mission, so I stopped by to help."

"It's past four o'clock in the morning, and you told me that you just passed by the gate of the city?" I didn't believe it at all.

"It's okay, I happen to be free, so you don't need to thank me." Miriya replied in a wrong way.

"I'm not thanking you! Well, we have enough manpower here, don't bother you, please go back where you came from."

I said coldly and put her down, pushing her shoulders to turn her around.

"I can come in handy." Miriya turned back stubbornly, "With my strength, adding me is only good for your actions. If you want to refuse my kindness, please give me a reasonable explanation."

The reason is very clear to you, you bastard!

"Why don't you let Teacher Miriah go, Master Brock?" Tilawa, who was riding on the back of a bear not far away, looked over puzzled, "I heard what Master Igna said before, Teacher Miriam But if she can draw with her, her strength is guaranteed."

Tsk, Igna, have you told her about the fight against Miriya at the Sidian border in the past...

I knew right away that something was wrong.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the other soldiers exploded.

"Can you tie with that Igna? This is really amazing!!"

"No way, just relying on such long ears with thin arms and legs?"

"But I have said so, there can be no falsehood."


When Igna was in the Bloodaxe clan, she gained fame for being the youngest female warrior. After marrying into the Shouya clan, she became one of the actual leaders of the clan with her outstanding ability and popularity.All the fighters here are from these two clans, so naturally no one knows Igna's reputation.

The evaluation of being able to share the same status with Igna instantly made Miriya gain a lot of admiration.

Damn it, this guy is deliberately asking questions in front of people. After all, if I say that this guy is actually a pervert who can make trouble, no one here will believe it.After everyone's reputation turns to her, if I can't give a reason to reject her, it will become me deliberately making things difficult for her.As a commander, you must not lose people's hearts before going out into battle.

"We are cavalry fighting, and we want to ride a wolf." I had no choice but to find an excuse, "You must have never ridden before."

"No problem, I used to practice riding...I mean, I used to practice riding for a period of time in order to be a good knight. I have confidence in my skills and waist strength. Even this kind of threat I can bear even fierce beasts." Miria replied without changing expression.

"...Why do I always think your words are weird?" I couldn't help but frowned.

And I can be sure that this is definitely not my carelessness.

"In short, please give me your advice." Miria turned to the beast soul I summoned that she had just rode in troubled waters, and reached out to touch the head of the warg, "Lock."

"Don't name it yourself, hey!"

"If you're not at ease, you can pick out a random person riding a mount to gesticulate with me." Miriya put her hand on the hilt of her sword, and proudly glanced at everyone present.

After being so excited by her, several brave men started gearing up one after another, wanting to try to see if this elf really had the same strength as Igna.

"It's interesting, brother, let me meet her!" Before I could react, Wacker was the first to be aroused to fight, and approached on a wolf with a spear in his hand.

"No, wait a minute..."

I was about to raise my hand to stop this meaningless contest, and Miriah's figure disappeared from the spot—in just a blink of an eye, she jumped up from the spot and rushed straight towards Vack.

Wacker didn't have time to react and make a defensive move, Miriah's flying kick hit him hard on the side of his breastplate.The magic-strengthened body was no less powerful than the orcs. Wake was kicked and rolled over from the other side of the wolf's back. Miriah took his place and rode on the wolf's back.

Duo-Vack's warg immediately roared, arching his back while turning his head, trying to bite the leg of the female elf who was attacking his master.

But at this moment, the long sword in Miriah's hand suddenly fell across its mouth, blocking its fangs abruptly.

"Be honest, or I will castrate you." Miriah threatened Duo condescendingly.

Duo and Miria looked at each other for two seconds, and finally were completely overwhelmed by her aura. Her ears drooped and her tail was clamped, and she let out a whining sound from her mouth.

Under normal circumstances, a domesticated warg would not be so easy to succumb to strangers other than its owner—it would probably do so because it understood Miriah's words, and elves can do simple spiritual spells and animals. communicative.

Then, without a word, Miriah raised her sword towards the others, and with this gesture declared her victory.

After a few seconds of silence, the brothers cheered like a wave, and some people couldn't help clapping their hands. Wacker, who got up from the ground, also had a convincing and frank expression of defeat.

Tsk, this guy really knows how to bring atmosphere...

Wacker, as my adjutant, can be regarded as beating a high-ranking warrior here with one blow, and he also tamed the opponent's mount. Miriah won very well, and there is no dispute. In the concept of orcs, as long as there is strength, you Earn respect for yourself, gender and race are secondary.

Only my face turned black.

It's over, it's all over now.This guy has won such popularity among other fighters, it is impossible not to bring her along.

"I'm sorry, brother, I lost. This elf is really powerful." Wacker scratched his head and smiled wryly as he walked towards me.

"Fortunately, she can be considered the best hand-to-hand fighter on the elves side, so it's not a shame to lose to her." I sighed.

Wack didn't know that he had actually fought against Miriah before - when the tribe was still in conflict with Saidian, he was once wearing a silver mask while holding a shield against the charge of the elf knights. Miriya chopped down with a sword, and I rushed to save him.

...and then I was followed by Miria.

Wait, if you think about it carefully, this time he was defeated so I can only take Miria...

"Wack..." I suddenly put my hand on Wacker's shoulder.

"What's the matter, brother?"

"When I have time in the future, let me exercise with you." I sighed.

Take it by surprise, take it by surprise (7)

In any case, as the leader of the whole team, I have always been unable to ignore the opinions of other people present.

Therefore, no matter how helpless I am in the end, I can only take Miria and our group of orcs to go forward together.

After the whole team left the city, we marched in the predetermined direction for several hours, and temporarily stopped in a conveniently hidden grove to do reconnaissance and preparations before the attack.

"Sister Miria, you came out with me by the way, you haven't eaten yet, right? Come on, there is some dry food prepared here, you can go get some." I watched the soldiers in charge of military supply not far away warmly greet Miria call.

"Thank you, but it's okay, I have prepared elf biscuits." Miriya nodded and declined.

... You even brought your own dry food and dare to say that you came out by the way?

"Sister Miriam, I'm in charge of polishing the equipment here, do you need to sharpen your sword?" Someone waved at Miriam again.

"Thank you, my sword is specially made and does not need to be polished." Miriya declined without changing her expression.

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