But I pulled her back straight with my arms with a blank face, and then lifted her to Tilawa by the back of her collar: "Tirawa is still relatively inexperienced in combat and needs someone to lead. I'll go Here, my strength can take care of myself. You two go over there, and the two of you can take care of each other."

This relentless woman really can't relax for a moment...

Because I was completely reasonable, Miria could not stalk me in front of Tilawa, but a look of dissatisfaction flashed across her face for a moment, and she let out a "tsk".

"You give me a familiar. You can contact me through the familiar. Once you find the enemy or lose it, go back here to meet up. There may be traps left by the enemy on the way. Be careful, is there a problem? ?”

After explaining in this way, I took up a route by myself, and temporarily separated from the two of them.

It's great, I'm finally separated from that pervert, and I don't have to worry about her making trouble anymore, perfect! !

——Such a naive idea, unfortunately, I will not have it.

After so many troubles and baptisms, I am no longer the old me.

Miria, that is a veritable troublemaker.

Might she just let it go just because she parted ways with me?

At her level, she can give ten thousand reasons for leaving Tilawa where she is and sneaking to my side by herself.

So you must not be careless, and you must not relax your vigilance, I remind myself in my heart.

Then, at this moment, the beast soul walking in front suddenly let out a low growl in warning, obviously discovering something unusual.

Immediately, I took a battle ax from my back and held it in front of my chest. I carefully pushed aside the grass and approached. A slender figure lying on the ground appeared in front of me, wearing a patched traveler's cloak.

After hearing the sound of my approaching, the other party reacted a bit, groaned in pain, and then called out to me angrily: "Is there... any kind-hearted people passing by? Please, help me .I am a refugee from the neighborhood... I was attacked by a group of monsters..."

It was a young woman who heard the voice. She seemed to be seriously injured in this state. She didn't even have the strength to look up at me. It seemed that there was no time to delay the treatment.

As usual, I would definitely step forward to rescue her first and talk.

But right now, because of Miria's matter, I have been in a state of vigilance and vigilance, so naturally I have an extra heart in my heart at this time.

Although it is not surprising that there are displaced people in the south bank area due to the enemy's surprise attack across the river.But this is where the enemy's main force passed by. With the enemy's scorched-earth tactics that don't even spare the corpses, the chances of ordinary humans surviving encountering them are very slim.

So I quickly thought of a bigger possibility—that fellow, Miria, really took action.

Just this traveler's cloak covering the whole body is too suspicious.

I glanced at the bird-shaped familiar made by Miriah's magic on his shoulder.

If it's that guy who's messing around, it's useless even to confirm with her.

"Get up! Stop pretending!" I still shouted over there.

"I don't know what you're talking about, please...help me first..." The other party just repeated.

Sure enough, it's not so easy to admit it, why don't we just plan it first.

After thinking about it for a while, I approached him first and started talking to him: "What's the matter with you?"

"I feel... I may be dying..." the other party replied in a low voice.

"I only know a little first aid, can you let me take a look at your injury first?" I said, stretching out my hand, grabbing her shoulder and preparing to turn her over.

"You are such a good person..." The other party thanked softly, "Please allow me to express my thanks to you..."

Then just when I slowly turned her over and was about to see her face, her limp body suddenly exerted all her strength without warning, and rushed straight towards me, moving swiftly like a carnivorous beast: "like this!"

"Climb for me!!!" Being prepared, I grabbed her by the collar and lifted her over her head, then threw a death throw towards the ground.

This time, I controlled a little bit of strength, but it was still a pretty heavy blow. Ordinary people would definitely hurt their muscles and bones, but I reckoned that with Miriya's physical fitness, it should only hurt for a while.

Then I put my hips on my hips, lowered my head and preached to the person lying on the ground: "Hmph, let me teach you a lesson so that you don't learn a little...huh?"

I froze suddenly.

The person wearing the cloak is not Miriah, but a pale "human", with dead gray eyes and face full of stitches, it is not a living person at first glance.

"Dead body?" I couldn't help being stunned.

In front of me, this seems to be a corpse driven by necromancy. At this moment, I have broken the bones of this weak corpse, lying on the spot and convulsing, trying to crawl but unable to get up.

I noticed that she was holding a dagger in her hand.

I recovered from the shock and analyzed it carefully.

In other words, this guy is a dead body left here by the enemy that has been set in an action mode by necromancy. It is specially used to pretend to be a victim to trick the scouts who tracked here and then wait for an opportunity to kill him.

Just thinking about it makes me sweat...

At this moment, the familiar on my shoulder suddenly made Miria's voice: "Brock, we found the enemy's troops, what's going on with you... um? What's the matter with this corpse? It seems It looks like a flesh and blood puppet made by a necromancer."

"You... are you serious about investigating?" I asked dryly.

"Or else?"

"No, nothing..."

Cross-border chat, the most deadly (3)


When I rushed over to meet Tilawa and Miria, they were squatting in the grass on a high ground and looking into the distance.

The moment I first saw them, I shivered subconsciously, because in my field of vision, a huge mass-produced synthetic beast in the shape of a dragon and lion was squatting behind them.

I immediately pulled out two tomahawks and was about to rush out when I suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The synthetic beast was completely relaxed, completely unprepared for any ambush.And such a big monster, no matter if it is Tilawa or Miriah's level, it is impossible not to detect it.

I took two steps closer in doubt, but when the synthetic beast saw me, it turned around and roared at the two people over there.

It's amazing that this monster is actually helping the two of them guard the rear.

Miria and Tilawa turned their heads and looked over.

"Master Bullock, this way!" Tilawa waved at me.

I walked over and saw a large camp under the high ground where the grass was, with several bonfires burning.A large number of herds gathered in several places, and figures in black robes walked around the camp.

It seems that the enemy's camp did not run away, and the enemy is stationed. This is tantamount to a godsend opportunity for us who are preparing to attack.

Go back and call all the brothers on standby.

"What's the matter with this synthetic beast?" After looking at the camp for a while, I pointed to the synthetic beast and asked them both.

"It was used by the enemy for early warning, and now I have tamed it." Tilawa raised her hand, with a little pride on her face.

"Taming?" I froze for a moment.

Synthetic beasts created by the enemy are manipulated by certain spells, so they cannot be easily tamed as usual.

"I controlled it with the hypnotic noose made by Dean Roland." Tilawa saw my doubts, and pulled a rope from the ground to show me.

It was only then that I noticed that the synthetic beast had a noose around its neck.

"Are these monsters so easy to control?"

"The consciousness of these synthetic beasts is very chaotic, and they don't have the willpower to resist spiritual spells." Miria came around behind me at some point, "Most of the time the enemy made them was designed in this way, for the convenience of manipulation."

As soon as the words fell, a rope loop fell from above, and it just wrapped around my neck.

"Huh? Teacher Miria, why did you put the rope you just wanted from me around the neck of Mr. Bullock?" Tilawa said in surprise.

I turned around blankly, and met Miria who was holding the rope in my eyes.

Miriya stared at me for a while, then turned her head to the side: "It doesn't seem to have any effect..."

"That's no nonsense!" I glared at her, "What are you trying to do with my neck?"

In the past, this thing might have a starting effect on me, but now that I have the blessing of the "ancestral heroic spirit", it is difficult for me to be affected by ordinary spiritual spells.

Facing my questioning, Miriya stretched out her hand and straightened the noose around my neck without changing her expression: "I want to see if you are suitable for wearing a scarf."

"Can't you find a better excuse, take a piece of hemp rope as a scarf for me?" I couldn't help but turn black.

It's a little bit more believable to say you're fucking trying to strangle me with this thing so you can grab my gear.

"That...Master Brock, Mr. Miria, we are going to investigate now, right?" Tilawa timidly raised her hand and interjected, "You... don't you really have a good relationship?"

This made me startled.

In the end, the most serious person in this mission turned out to be Tilawa, who had the lowest qualifications. It really made me feel like I had no place to put my face.

No, you can't just entangle with this pervert. If this continues, it will inevitably delay the business.

"Hey, we have a little conflict... just wait a moment, I have a few words to clarify with her." Throwing this sentence to Tilawa, I pulled Miria into the small woods behind.

"I'm serious with you, can you stop for a while? It will be a waste of time!" After pulling Miriya to a secluded corner, I discussed with her solemnly, "Look at Tilawa, That child is so serious at such a young age, don't you feel ashamed to compare with her?"

Miria was silent for a while after listening to my words, and finally nodded: "Well, it's really not good to go on like this..."

"Ah, thank goodness you're still sane—" I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand in relief.

Just when I was rejoicing, Miria continued: "...So why don't you just deal with me now, right here. I promise to be safe and sound when I'm satisfied, how about it?"

After she finished speaking, she looked up expectantly.

"—I'm such a pighead for having such expectations of you!" I rolled my eyes instantly.

"It's okay, if you move faster, it shouldn't take too much time..." She was still trying to persuade me, "Two minutes should be enough, right?"

"...Are you fucking trying to fight?" I felt my forehead burst out with veins.

After being "educated" by her and Roland for so long, I'm not completely ignorant of this kind of thing.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that orcs seem to last longer." Miriya caressed her flushed cheeks, "That's even more exciting."

"Don't, again, tell me nasty jokes!" I stared at her fiercely and said, "In short, from now on, no more troubles are allowed, that's it!"

In order not to make Tilawa feel uneasy, after hastily explaining, I took Miria back to the investigation site.

"Okay, the explanation is over, let's get down to business." I waved my hand pretending to be relaxed.

But Tilawa looked at us with a look of embarrassment, hesitating to speak: "Well, Mr. Bullock, you... were in the woods just now, did you really just want to say a few words?"

"Why do you ask that?" I saw that her cheeks were flushed, and something seemed wrong.

"Well, on the way just now... Teacher Mi Ruiya told me..." Tilawa said hesitantly, then shook his head again, as if he couldn't say anything, "No, it's nothing..."

Without saying a word, I stretched out my hand and pressed Miria's head, and turned my head to cast a stern look at her: "...Say, what did you say to her."

"She talked to me about the works that some female elves and some female students in the academy showed her, and asked whether those things are really common in Saidian." Miria replied calmly, "I thought she was interested , I chatted with her about that topic, and talked about a work I like more."

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