"...Are you qualified to say that?" I unceremoniously gave her a white look.

"You seem to be in a bad mood... What happened during the day?" Roland stroked his lips and smiled lightly.

"Don't act like you have nothing to do with yourself. Hey, if you didn't mess up what happened today, I'd dare to cut off your head and give it to you as a ball." I stared at her and complained, "Is the pile of things that Miriah brought out? Didn't you do it for her?"

"It's too much, I just kindly suggested that she can recommend some interesting things to you, maybe it will become popular among the orcs and form a new fashion." Roland shrugged relaxedly, "Other people around If people see it as normal, it might make you a little more accepting of it."

"In other words, you are trying to use subtle means to lower our lower limit to the same level as yours..." I stared at her and complained, "Stop your polluting behavior, won't your conscience hurt? ?”

I don't want my brothers and clansmen to be gradually defiled in contact with these unscrupulous elves.

"Don't make it so serious, what we really want to loosen is your lower limit." Roland still looked unrepentant.

"Forgive me." I scratched my head helplessly, "Is it really so interesting to play tricks on me?"

"Yes." The smile on Roland's face became wider, "Tricking you is one of my three pursuits in this world."

"Your pursuit of life is a bit too distorted, isn't it? What are the other two? Eating and sleeping?" I spread my hands.

"You, can't you think about some tall things?" Roland smiled wryly.

"I think these two things are far superior compared to teasing me with dirty jokes." I said seriously.

"If you want to talk about my goal in this world, you should know a thing or two, don't you?" Roland squinted at me, "After all, it was you who helped me realize one of my lifelong wishes."

"Help the orcs and elves settle their old feud? Is it really appropriate to put this seemingly selfless lofty ambition together with your private interest in playing tricks on me?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh, the selfless lofty ambitions... I still have such a noble side in your heart." Roland pursed his lips and smiled, then withdrew his smile slightly, turned his head and glanced at the distance outside the city, "But, to be honest In the final analysis, improving the relationship between orcs and elves should be considered out of my own selfishness. In the final analysis, I just want to express my gratitude to Azak who saved me in the past in this way."

Seeing that her tone became serious, I didn't answer, but just listened silently.

As he spoke, Roland turned his gaze back, stared straight into my eyes and said with a smile: "In the end, you, Brock, helped me realize this wish, and I have no regrets about it. "

It's a little uncomfortable for this old and unscrupulous guy to show his sincere side occasionally.

I was a little embarrassed by her direct stare, so I pretended to turn my head to look at the scenery outside the city, and quickly changed the subject: "Okay...then what is your remaining pursuit in life?"

"There's only one left..." When it came to this topic, Roland lowered his gaze for a moment, but the next moment she continued in a pretended relaxed tone, "It's revenge."

"Hey, I'm serious." I just thought she was joking.

I can't imagine that this smiling woman can get involved with such a heavy topic of revenge.

But this time Roland looked into my eyes seriously and smiled, "I'm serious."

"What revenge do you have?" I froze for a moment.

"Oh, have you forgotten?" Roland walked over, stood on the edge of the battlements, and looked into the distance through the black crystal-like barrier, "Feilan and I... our father, was in the process of holding on to the city. I died in battle. In fact, I am the same as that child. I also have revenge for the death of my father. In terms of the time spent with him, I have been longer than that child. My spells are basically He taught."

I blinked: "Uh, but he's not..."

"It was killed by the orcs." Roland squinted at me, "I am different from Feilan in this. I did not attribute this hatred to you orcs. I put this account on the enslaved orcs who attacked Saidian. On the body of the Demon King. When the Abyss War ended, I used to feel that the great revenge had been avenged. But until now, I found out that a name was missing from my revenge list."

"Mudar..." I came to my senses.

According to the information provided by Azak, who once peeked at Mudar's memory, and Mudar's self-report before us, it was Mudar himself who had defected to the Demon King at that time—— Either because of the order of the Demon King, or because of selfish desires that exiled his own country out of revenge.To some extent, he was one of the black hands who indirectly killed Roland and Feilan's father.

Feilan didn't have a deep understanding of this matter yet, but Roland knew it, and this was probably what she was thinking about now.

After all, it would be extremely difficult to kill Mudar, who has now inherited the power of the Demon King.

"It seems that this guy's head is really popular. If you want to kill him, you probably have to line up." I shrugged, "Well, when I chop off his head, I will remember to leave a knife for you."

"It's easy to say, from the professional point of view of a mage, with the power he has now, it is almost impossible to kill him." Roland shook his head.

"This... I never thought it would be so complicated. Although it sounds a little unambitious, to be honest, I have never had any lofty goals in life." I scratched my head, "If I have any pursuits, I have always just Just doing what I feel I should do, that guy is damned, so I'm going to kill him, that's all."

you are my hero (2)

After hearing my answer, Roland turned his head to look over, and suddenly smiled: "It's unexpected that a narrow-minded person like you is wiser than a thoughtful 'smart person' like me, maybe this is what you can do to me." It must be the root cause of things that I have never been able to do. Every time I see you going forward like this, I always feel that I am an idiot who is looking forward and backward..."

"Hey, are you complimenting me or hurting me?" I was confused by what she said.

"What do you think?" Roland turned around, stared at me meaningfully and smiled.The cold silver light shone from nowhere, making her long silver hair shimmer.

I was stunned for a moment and didn't have time to react.

"Oh, fascinated by watching?" Roland didn't miss this opportunity to play tricks on me.

"Huh? Hmm..." I couldn't find an excuse for a while, so I nodded subconsciously.

As a result, Roland was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "You don't play cards according to the routine, but people are caught off guard."

"Huh?" At this moment, I suddenly realized—where did this silver light come from?Now the entire fortress is covered by a black crystal-like barrier. During the day, sunny days are covered like cloudy days, and at night, even a little moonlight cannot be felt. How can there be silver cold light at this moment?

I turned my head and looked around, slightly taken aback.

Silver-white fluorescent "butterflies" are flying around in the fortress. When the butterfly wings open and close, there are dots of shimmering scale powder flashing on their flight paths. Countless flying butterflies seem to be blown by the wind. The petals rose slowly like the flowers, turning into a sea of ​​silver flowers, which is quite spectacular at first glance.

These things are obviously the creation of some kind of magic - I have seen Feilan perform similar tricks before.

I wasn't too nervous seeing these things. After all, the enchantment covering the entire fortress could even block the long-range spells of the Demon King. Naturally, such a small trick could not be done by the enemy.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? It was made by the elf mages in the camp. At the beginning, someone just made a few random ones to play with, but when others saw them, they followed suit. There were so many of them before they knew it." Roland gave I explain.

"Is it really okay to relax so much at a time like this? Obviously, the battle situation is still not optimistic." I was a little worried.

"If your nerves are too tense, it will break." Roland smiled indifferently, "It is at this time that we need to use some means to boost morale. Everyone was shocked by the enemy's attack before, although Zhang Zhang We opened this enchantment to protect the fortress, but this enchantment is also constantly absorbing the vitality of everyone, and the state of the soldiers will be more or less affected. We need to let everyone relax, so that everyone can feel a little hope of winning .”

"Okay..." I scratched my head.

I glanced around, and suddenly found that there was a touch of gold in the silvery sea of ​​flowers—it seemed that a sorcerer made golden flying butterflies uniquely.

"It's that girl Feilan, she likes to show off more than others." Roland also noticed it, and smiled.

Not long after, there was movement in the camp farther away.A huge soft beam of light rose from bottom to top, and a noble and elegant statue of a goddess appeared in the beam of light.The goddess casted by the holy light held her hands high and sprinkled the holy light in her hands to the surroundings. The little golden raindrops fell around her, as if she was blessing everyone.

"This is the handiwork of a paladin. After seeing our spells, you must have a sense of resistance." Roland laughed.

For such a powerful spell, there should be several paladins gathering together to cast the spell and pray, right? It took so much effort to compete with the special effects of the elf mage?

This group of paladins who usually look serious have such a playful side.

At this moment, most of the fortress was enveloped by gentle light, forming a gorgeous sea of ​​lights, as if a festival was about to start, probably only missing bonfires and fireworks.

There were really fireworks rising slowly, and huge flowers of extreme splendor exploded under the bleak enchantment.

It doesn't take much thinking to know that this must be the gang of dwarves not to be outdone, after all, they are masters in this area.

"It seems that you will be compared. Is it really okay?" Roland raised his eyebrows at me.

It's true that we orcs are neither good at spells nor fireworks, but this little scene doesn't bother us.

"It's okay, although we can't make beautiful things, we can still make things like ostentation." I smiled confidently.

"Oh? What skills do orcs have in this area?"

"Set it on fire." I replied curtly.

"Set fire?" Roland was stunned.

"Look." I stared at the orc camp not far away.

Sure enough, with a burst of shouting, the brothers who were attracted by the lively scene outside quickly mobilized and set up a bonfire in the center of the camp with wooden stakes as thick as pillars.

With strong physical ability, our efficiency in doing this kind of physical engineering can be several times higher than that of other races.I saw that the bonfire frame was built higher and higher, and in the end even used the siege ladder to stack wooden piles up.In just a few minutes, the brothers set up a magnificent bonfire almost level with the city wall.

After replenishing the rack with firewood, Wacker climbed up the ladder and took a bucket of oil and poured it over the top of the campfire.Then, he threw the torch in his other hand into it.

The flames gradually spread on the campfire stand, and finally lit the whole stand into a magnificent pillar of fire standing in the center of the camp, reflecting everything around it in brilliance.

The brothers cheered at the same time for the feat that had just been accomplished. Someone took the opportunity to move out a huge cowhide drum, stood on it and danced a ritual war dance.The exciting rhythm infected everyone at once.

All the camps became noisy with drums and music, and now it was really turned into a celebration in which the entire fortress participated.

"That's great. It's really lucky to meet such a scene during a tryst." Roland looked at me provocatively.

"Who's having a tryst with you?" I looked at her pretending to be disgusted.

Roland looked at me with a smile, and after a moment of silence, she spoke: "Brock."


"If you can fulfill my wish again this time, I..." She looked into my eyes and said slowly.

At this moment, the dwarves seemed to be fighting.Dense fireworks rose into the sky, and amidst the gorgeous fireworks that dyed the entire fortress colorfully, thunderous explosions came and went one after another, drowning out the rest of Roland's words.

"What did you just say?" I asked her loudly when the voice subsided a little.

But Roland shook his head mysteriously: "Hmph, I only say this once."

"What are you talking about?" I couldn't help frowning.

"It's okay, you'll understand when the time comes." Roland smiled and turned around, walking towards the stairs.

As she stepped down the stairs, I heard her voice drifting faintly: "I firmly believe that you can do it, 'my hero'."

you are my hero (3)

When I watched the fireworks and bonfire alone for a while, and came down from the city wall, the whole fortress was completely soaked in the impromptu celebration atmosphere.

Probably just as Roland said, the nerves are always tense, which will eventually make people exhausted, and an overly depressive atmosphere will only encourage negative emotions.

Most of the people in this fortress are probably waiting for a chance to release their pressure temporarily like this.That's why this kind of special effect comparison between races has evolved into a carnival.

Mutafa, as the commander-in-chief, seemed to have no intention of ordering to stop this move of the crowd, but just sent a group of people to watch over the wine cellar in the fortress, lest anyone go too far and take out the wine for carnival.After all, this is still in wartime, so you still need to have some sense of how much you play around.

Do you want to go back to the camp and dance with the brothers?I just saw on the city wall that these idiots have moved all the meat out of the camp warehouse, so I don’t want to roast it all...

Alas, that's all, let's go with these bastards for now.This fortress is close to the outskirts of the capital, and Mutafa did a lot of hoarding work when he was deployed before, and there is no shortage of supplies.

As I was thinking about it, I walked back, and suddenly I heard someone calling me in the gap between the explosion of fireworks: "Brock! This way!"

I turned my head and took a closer look, only to see Angelica waving at me with two strange sticks in the distance.

Strange because I could see the ends of those two sticks shooting out strangely colored sparks, like... some sort of pocket-sized fireworks.

Not only Angelica, but also several other people who came out of the academy—Princess Alyssa, Feilan, Arsena, and Tilawa. They gathered in an open space near the elf camp, each holding a There are all kinds of pocket fireworks.

"What are you playing with?" I walked over and asked.

"The technician from the dwarves gave it to me." It was Arsena who answered me, "It is said to be a simple version of fireworks, which can be played with in your hands. They made them with leftovers from weapons. Just now The atmosphere in the camp is quite good, so I brought it here to play with everyone, and Mr. Bullock can come along too.”

The leftovers for making weapons... probably refers to the gunpowder left over from making that pile of bombs.

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