"No, I think, it should be placed far behind. From the situation of the abyss war in the past, the attack spells of the devil king can maintain the maximum firepower within one kilometer. Of course, the enemy will not put their lifeblood on A place within our reach." Roland provided professional advice, "Our familiars can't detect the situation behind the enemy's formation, after all, there are many magic masters there."

"The timing of the attack is carefully chosen." Wikas looked up at the sky.

It is quite understandable to attack in the dark. Synthetic beasts have night vision capabilities, while demons and undead creatures are more or less affected by the sunlight during the day, and night is when the enemy's combat effectiveness is the highest.

"Ma'am, based on your estimation, how many attacks can this enchantment withstand?" Mutafa asked Roland for professional advice.

"This is..."

Before Roland finished speaking, Wikas suddenly widened his eyes and shouted: "Here we come! Be careful everyone!! Prepare for the impact!!"

People around quickly reacted with alarm.As a werewolf, Wikas has a unique night vision ability, and he obviously saw the trajectory of the attack earlier than others.

Soon we all saw the huge ball of fire that crossed the parabola from a high altitude and struck directly above the barrier—it was the spell of the Demon King, but the scale was more terrifying than anything we had ever seen, almost like a mountain When it hit the barrier like that, it shook the mountain in an instant, and the impact was transmitted to the entire fortress.

No wonder the orc army led by Igna was wiped out in one blow. If this kind of attack hadn't been for this barrier, the fortress would have collapsed by half on the spot.

He made a big move as soon as he came up, and the other side didn't seem to have much reservations.

Mutafa slightly raised his eyes, and immediately took the warhammer to the ground, and a holy shield immediately enveloped our heads—this old man's holy light attainments are really powerful.

However, the holy shield was useless in the end. When the earthquake-like impact gradually subsided, we looked up and saw that the barrier was still covering our heads well.

Wikas whistled, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Not bad, it seems that the strength of this thing is really good, even the magic of the devil-"

As soon as the words fell, we heard a crisp sound like an egg cracking suddenly, and a crack meandered on the enchantment.

As expected, the situation is still not very optimistic. Indeed, as Roland predicted, this enchantment, which has been painstakingly created, cannot completely defend against the magic of the Demon King at close range.

A sinister smile faintly sounded in my mind. At this moment, I could imagine the sinister and crazy smile of Mudar who was proudly casting this kind of spiritual spell behind the formation.The enemy's next attack is probably already ready to go.

"Damn!" Wikas' cheeks twitched.

"If it weren't for the shortage of manpower now..." Mutafa glanced at him coldly, "I would have smashed you, you crow-mouthed brat, by now!"

"It seems that you don't need to ask, this enchantment can't last a second time." Tolivia glanced at Roland and shook her head, and turned to the human side seriously, "Please warm up the airship first, I can talk to you You stick to this city, but I hope you can send our Highness and those children away as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry." Roland suddenly said at this time, "Although I haven't had time to tell you because it's still in the experimental stage... But in fact, I have been researching this enchantment these days, and I have asked the patrolman countless times. Ka, have found a possible solution to defend against the devil's spell."

"Are you serious!?" I suddenly widened my eyes.

"Of course." Roland replied affirmatively, looking at Mutafa, "Can you please allow me to provide some command suggestions?"

However, this method needs to see the opponent's attack trajectory in advance to judge the drop point of the spell, and it can only target the spell of the devil. "Roland said calmly.

"Then all members of the Third Knights, including me, will be your eyes. I will send someone to the watchtower now..." Wikas immediately replied.

"It's okay, I've already asked a child to help." Roland smiled slightly and pointed to a nearby watchtower.

I turned my head and saw Angelica, who had grown animal ears, standing on the top of the watchtower, looking out of the city vigilantly.

When she noticed the sight here, she looked over and waved to me.

"You asked her?" I looked at Roland.

"Yes, I asked her to act as my watchman temporarily, and established a connection with her through telepathy." Roland explained to me, and then glanced at Mutafa again, "Next, I will concentrate the enchantment on In one place, there may be a chance to defend against the demon king's attack. But doing so will inevitably make the barrier's defense no longer able to cover the entire fortress."

Mutafa immediately understood what she meant, and turned to a paladin next to him: "The barrier will be opened next, and the enemy's troops may take this opportunity to ascend the city. Order all troops to prepare to defend the city wall!"

At this moment, Roland suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Here we come!"

She immediately raised her hand, and the enchantment array arranged in the city suddenly made a strange sound. I turned my head and saw that the mercury in the ditch was bubbling like boiling.Then, accompanied by powerful fluctuations in magic power, the barrier covering the entire fortress gradually shrunk around a point, and finally a huge shield was condensed around that point and suspended there.

Fairy Fight (2)

With only a one-second delay, the opponent's next attack hit the newly formed "shield".Suddenly, thunder rumbled, and black sparks flew everywhere.

The terrifying power of the explosion set off a gust of air waves, almost making it impossible for the people on the city wall to stand still.

But fortunately, when the sparks dissipated, the shield that concentrated all the power of the barrier was unscathed.

"Awesome!" Wikas praised loudly when he saw this, but then he said thoughtfully, "But this shield is only so big, if we accidentally miss the attack, wouldn't we be wiped out? "

"You're still the same as you were when you were young. If something happens again, His Highness won't be able to keep you!" Mutafa glanced at him and paused the hammer in his hand.

"Here, I can only ask you to give your life to me for the time being." Roland replied calmly, "The survival of this city is related to the safety of the entire continent. I will do my best to block the attack of the devil king, and leave the rest to Here you go."

This is a confrontation between top spellcasters, and the scale of casting spells has directly risen to the strategic level of a war.Mudar, who is in control of the demon king's corpse, can destroy the fortress with just a flick of his finger. At this moment, the lives of all of us depend on Roland's control of the barrier.

There were dots of flashes in the enemy formation in the distance, and soon dense magic bullets and enchanted arrows flew over.

"Holy Shield." Mutafa said solemnly.

The paladin who followed him immediately raised his hand and summoned a shield made of holy light in front of him. As a signal, the paladins placed on the city wall quickly responded in the same way.A whole row of holy shields appeared on the battlements of the main city wall, taking all the long-range attacks from the opposite side.

Because of the distance, only a relatively small part of the attack reached the city wall.We have all noticed that the attacks tend to be concentrated here—to be precise, they seem to be concentrated on Roland's position.

The enemy's reaction was quick, and they obviously grasped the point of this siege battle—since a top mage here has come up with a strategic spell that can defend against the magic of the devil, as long as he kills that mage, the The fortress will naturally be taken down smoothly.In order to adjust the position of the "shield" in order to be able to cast spells in time, Roland could only stand at a place where he could see the enemy's attack in time—that is, on the city wall.

"Send five more high-level paladins here to protect Ms. Roland." Mutafa sensed the enemy's intentions and immediately gave an order to a knight.

"I didn't charge the whole army right away, but used spells to test it out. Is it because we want to see what we can do next?" Tolivia squinted her eyes and looked into the distance, "Be very cautious."

At this moment, we saw dozens of black shadows soaring up from the opposite side and flying into the sky, accompanied by sharp birdsong.

"It's the Storm Eagle. They plan to attack the city with those things?" Wikas told us what he saw.

The giant storm eagle that humans in the south call is the Thunder Eagle that we orcs call.In fact, it doesn't need him to say, I can tell that it is a Lei Sculpture just by the sound and outline of the shadow, but I really don't understand the enemy's intentions.

This is completely different from the time when we used a small team to deal with the biological disaster of Saidian in the past. When it has developed to a scale of [-] people, the combat effectiveness of a creature like the Ray Sculpture is not enough.After all, synthetic beasts that are worse than it can beat are already gone everywhere. Thunder carvings and the like... are no longer as good as dogs.

Several thunder eagles gathered above, and soon the clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, and at the same time, thunder and lightning began to thunder.

"This is...preparing to launch a lightning strike?" Arsena raised her head in doubt.

"The lightning spell is not threatening, and the Holy Shield can handle it." Mutafa looked very calm.

"No, it doesn't feel like..." I murmured and shook my head.

After entering the battle state, I have already cast shaman spells and established a spiritual connection with the surrounding elements.

Now I can clearly sense the elemental fluctuations in that thunderstorm cloud. At least from the current point of view, the atmosphere in that cloud is relatively stable.

I guess the enemy will not launch a lightning strike in this way. Unlike the shaman spells of the orcs who guide natural elements, the elemental spells of the elves are elements that are simply manipulated by consuming their own magic power.If they want to guide a large-scale lightning strike from the thunderstorm cloud like the orc shaman, they need to consume a huge amount of magic power, which is not efficient as an attack method.

They obviously have other plans, because I can still clearly feel that there is magic controlling the elements-but it is not the atmosphere, but the water element in the clouds.

Are they... begging for rain?

As soon as this idea flashed through my mind, it came true immediately. After a few thunderclaps, the sky suddenly seemed to be pierced with a hole, and heavy rain fell down.

"Damn it, which one is this playing?" Wikas cursed displeasedly, in order to make full use of his night vision ability, he is now in a transformation state, and his fur is instantly wet under the rain Thoroughly.

"It's just a bit of water on the fur, do you need to care so much about such a small matter?" Mutafa glanced at him, "Are you considered a knight?"

"Master Marshal, please don't use the holy shield to cover yourself from the rain while saying this, okay?" Wikas shook the water on his body, "If possible, I really hope you can take care of your former subordinates."

"You bastard, don't splash the water on His Highness!" Mutafa glared at Wikas, then turned to Alsena, "Your Highness, do you need the old man to help you out of the rain?"

"No, I can solve it myself." Alsena also summoned a holy shield for herself, and then turned to me, "Mr. Bullock, you need to..."

"I don't care." I raised my hand and declined, "It's just a little rain, it's okay."

That's right... It's just a little rain. This method can't cause any decent damage at all. What is the enemy trying to do?

Want to use heavy rain to affect our vision?

No, this is the same for them who want to aim, and this level of heavy rain is not enough to affect the werewolf's eyesight.

If you want to suppress the field of vision, the best solution is to use fog demons to surround the entire army to cover yourself like when Azak led the army to attack the city in the past.But the enemy obviously can't use this kind of plan. Even the King of Mist at the Abyss Lord level should not be able to withstand the huge magic power of the demon king's attack spells.

Is it just trying to affect our morale by such a small means?No way, such a large-scale water elemental magic was launched just for such a trivial matter?

The answer to this question came quickly.

"Mr. Bullock, do you feel that it's getting colder?" Arsena suddenly leaned over and asked me.

It seems that there is indeed a point, the surrounding temperature drops a bit unnaturally... Wait, could it be——

Just when I realized something was wrong, a biting cold wind rushed over my face.

Fairy Fight (3)

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding temperature dropped below freezing point, and I could see the moisture adhering to the leather armor frosting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the downpour directly turned into a blizzard mixed with hail.

This is the purpose of the large-scale rain-seeking spell they spent so much time on—because of being soaked in water, the clothing's ability to keep out the cold immediately disappeared.

The severe cold covered the entire city wall directly from the front of the enemy's formation, and the soldiers stationed on the city wall were suddenly devastated.

Roland immediately raised his hand and summoned two huge firebirds around him. One of them surrounded himself with its wings to protect him from the cold, and sent the other to the top of the watchtower to cover Angelica who was in charge of watching her. cold wind.

"I said Master Master, don't you think that such a good thing should be bought one by one?" Wikas shouted with his arms folded and his shoulders shrunk.

At this moment, the black fur on the knight commander's body was completely covered by a layer of hoarfrost, and a few strands of hair were frozen into ice edges. The severe cold pierced through his drenched fur like a sword, and he stood there shivering. trembling.

But even in this embarrassment, he still stood upright in front of Arsena, using his tall body to shield her from the wind.

"I don't have the energy to manage you now, just to keep you from being blown to death by the devil's spell..." Roland manipulated the barrier intently, blocking the black fire ball again, "...it's already trying my best For other questions, I can only ask you to ask for blessings."

"Sneeze! I'm going to be frozen like a dog!" Wikas sneezed solidly.

"You look like a dog after transformation." Mutafa said blankly.

"Order, Marshal, just let me lead the team to rush out and tear up that white demon." Wikas said fiercely.

"Can you see it from here?" I turned my head and asked him, and at the same time I reached out to the nearby brazier and used shamanic magic to make the flame inside burn hotter.

"Of course, it's in the opposite formation, so you can see it clearly." Wikas shook off the frost on his body, and the warmth of the flames made him feel a little relieved.

"Is it possible to fight from here?"

Wikas shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work, the distance is too far, there are still many warlocks around, and the opposite side is not stupid."

This kind of powerful spell is obviously because the enemy used the ice demon they robbed from the Ironthorn Prison before—we should have thought that they would not only use that thing to cross the river, this large-scale freezing spell is applied on the battlefield The value is far wider than we imagined.

"Hey, hey, I said, the situation is a bit dangerous!" The dwarf general Uta suddenly trotted over with a tomahawk in his face. He was supposed to be commanding his iron artillery team on the other side of the city wall.

"Anyone can feel it, okay? People are freezing to death!" Vikas yelled at him.

"Who cares if you freeze to death!" Uta yelled back with a louder voice, "I'm talking about the city wall!!"

"What happened to the city wall?" Mutafa turned his head and asked.

"You idiots don't understand at all. If the water freezes, the volume will increase... Think about it, this city wall is poured by rain, and the water seeps into every crack, and then freezes suddenly, All the cracks will be squeezed by the ice to become longer and wider, and the wall will become fragile." Uta gestured with both hands, trying to convey the dwarven architectural knowledge to us, "Simply put, the city wall will be cracked by freezing .This city wall was not built by us dwarves, I guess you haven't done much in this regard, have you?"

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