On the other side, just relying on this kind of simple physical attack, it can actually make the physical defense circle of an entire city crumble.

"The city wall is destroyed!" Uta yelled loudly, "The city wall will definitely collapse if it is smashed like this! Without waterproof and antifreeze treatment, the strength is not enough, you guys are unreliable in the shabby projects! If we were to undertake the construction—"

"Just kidding, even if it's an ally, the city wall on the border doesn't matter, how can the defense circle of the capital be left to outsiders to design?" Vikas fought with the dwarf unwilling to show weakness, "Besides, you dwarves, even if it is to build a toilet The quotations are so expensive, who dares to keep hiring you as contractors?"

"What do you know? Architecture is an art. If you don't invest money in it, where will it go?" Uta waved his arms excitedly.

"Why the hell am I arguing with you about such meaningless topics? The problem we are facing now is that this wall is about to be collapsed by the opposite side! If you can't figure out a way, just shut up that complaining mouth! "Wickas looked like he was going crazy.

"Hmph, of course I have a solution!" The dwarf replied disdainfully.

His words made everyone present subconsciously focus on him.

"You have a solution?" Wikas was dubious.

"Look at you idiots, let the dwarves teach you how to fight!" Uta raised his hand confidently, "Offense is the best defense, even if I don't know much about spells, I can It can be seen that the ghost cover of that guy can only defend against magic attacks, as long as we use strong enough physical means to fight back now!!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand high: "The Iron Cannon Team is ready!!"

I turned my head and looked around, only to notice that all the iron cannons on the city wall had turned their muzzles to the position where the devil was standing—probably when the enemy moved the corpse of the devil to the front, they had already deployed Well, get ready to fight back.

"Haha, what an idiot! To put the most important strategic weapon within the range of the artillery!" Uta smiled triumphantly.

Hey, this way of speaking is not good...

"Unfortunately, I think it's just the artillery shells that can't handle the Demon King." Roland glanced at Uta.

"And the tone of your speech just now is like a third-rate character in a third-rate novel who is ready to be slapped in the face at any time." Tolivia satirized seamlessly.

"That's because you haven't tried it! During the Abyss War, there was no artillery with such good performance! Take a good look at it!" Uta responded dismissively, then raised his hand and waved it down, "Fire! Fire all the bullets! !"

His voice was as loud as our orcs, and the dwarves on the wall received this order without anyone else calling.

All the cannons roared almost at the same time, and the muzzles of the cannons fired at once, and the shells precisely hit the body of the Demon King—there was no reason for such a tall target to miss.In an instant, the demon king's upper body was completely submerged in the explosion's smoke screen.

"Haha, let's kill it! Even the legendary demon king can't resist the power of technology!" Uta clenched his fists excitedly, convinced that the opponent had been dealt with.

That's enough, don't say this kind of line anymore, isn't this the line that those small characters who were killed in the bard's story often say?

A gust of wind blew across the battlefield, blowing the cloud of smoke away.

The Demon King was still standing on the spot unharmed, and a strange barrier like a black film appeared around it. Not only that, countless black claws sprang out from the shadow under his feet, which seemed to be the protection of this layer. The barrier blocked the shells for it.

This enchantment is quite familiar to me. It is the ability of the high-level demon of the shadow demon system, the shadow king of the abyss lord - the protection of the shadow demon.

The ghost shield probably cannot defend against physical attacks, but the protection of the shadow demon can.

"..." Everyone looked at Uta blankly again.

"Uh..." Uta coughed in embarrassment, "On the bright side, at least we have found out one of its tricks."

Roland sighed: "The demon king is the king of demons. He is an existence that has swallowed countless demons in the abyss and evolved to the peak of demons. Those abyss lords—except for rare species such as ice demons and mirror demons, the demon king may have swallowed them all. Passed. Of course, it can also use the abilities of other abyss lords."

Indeed, in simple reasoning, since Vanessa can continuously strengthen and gain their abilities after devouring those abyss lords, there is no reason why the demon king who evolved to the abyss throne by devouring demons has not eaten those common abyss lords and controlled them. ability.

This is really an almost invincible existence. It can easily destroy the city wall, destroy the attack power of the legion, and can easily block the spells of the Dragon King and the defense power of the dwarf artillery. I have heard of the power of the Demon King, but no matter how many times I hear it, that power is still just a vague concept to me.

But now that this kind of "strength" has been fully quantified and put before my eyes, I have finally been able to experience for myself how desperately poor it is.

There are no small tricks and tricks, just pure force suppression, pure...powerful!

It is really hard to imagine that the southern countries in the past could join forces to eliminate this monster.

"Resistance in vain... Mantis arms are like carts, I can't describe you very well." Without any warning, an uncomfortable hoarse laughter suddenly sounded, echoing on the battlefield like a bell, making it impossible to distinguish the source of the sound position.

...oh, that disgusting voice, I'll bet two gold coins that the tattooed lich is talking to us.

"It's the ethics of a puppeteer not to appear in front of the scene when doing a puppet show. Is it really okay to be so unprofessional?" Roland also heard it, and said contemptuously.

"The puppeteer can also speak narration." Roland seemed to hear the voice on the other side, and continued directly, "You are not the audience who stay out of the matter, but the cannon fodder in this puppet show. I regret to announce your The script has been decided - all the characters have to die, but now I can give you a chance to modify your destiny - open the gate, surrender to me, I can spare you from death. I think I have shown enough , you have nothing to do with my puppet, can you?"

It turned out that they were here to persuade them to surrender...Of course, it may also be a trap to shake the morale of the army.

But anyway, after showing the sheer disparity in power, the timing of his utterance was spot on.

pure power (3)


I can already hear a little commotion in the city, the city wall was easily smashed, and everyone can see that we are at an overwhelming disadvantage.

Not everyone on the battlefield upholds a passion or a firm belief. If even sacrificing their lives becomes meaningless, many people will naturally be shaken by the temptation to live on.

At this time, Mutafa paused heavily on the hammer in his hand, and said loudly: "Enough, don't waste your words! We have seen your methods. Under your offensive, there are already several The town has turned into scorched earth, and you have the blood of tens of thousands of innocent civilians on your hands. None of these people have offended you, and you still haven't let them go. You have no bottom line, and you are not trustworthy at all. What's more, you just hold It would be too naive for the demon king’s corpse to threaten us. We were the ones who won the Abyss War. How can the victor be afraid of the dog? The Southern Alliance once killed the demon king. Of course we don’t mind doing it again. Kill it once!!"

Mutafa's speech had an effect. The paladins took the lead in responding to the leader's call, raised their warhammers, and shouted like a tsunami. Their passionate fighting spirit soon infected the entire army.

The other side also fell silent, but after tens of seconds of silence, Mudar let out a chilling laugh: "Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey..."

The crazy and sharp laughter lasted for nearly 2 minutes, and at the end Mudar laughed and shouted: "Hey...you defeated the devil? You really put gold on your face! Now, you really believe that It was you who defeated the Demon King? Hahahaha! A bunch of idiots, let me tell you the truth—back then, you were able to successfully kill the Demon King because I tampered with the Demon King’s technique.”

"What?" I was startled on the spot.

"Your history books should have recorded the details of the final battle—at a certain moment, the power of the demon king suddenly weakened, and the coalition forces found an opportunity to launch a counterattack to defeat the demon king. Aren't you surprised? Why did the demon king The power will suddenly weaken, why did I still find the corpse of the devil and get it when you threw the corpse of the devil into the magma?" Mudar said in a sneering tone, "Back then, the devil who had to conquer the battlefield himself ordered a A sorcerer made a position spell for it to strengthen its power, and that person was me. I planned everything from the beginning, so the corpse of the devil king fell into my hands!"

Shocked, I turned my head to look at Roland, only to find that Roland was just silent with a dignified face.

Although it is unbelievable, Mudar's narration does match the details of the abyss war mentioned by Roland before, and solved those doubts.

In that fierce decisive battle, the strength of the Demon King was indeed weakened without warning, and Mudar took the initiative to join the Demon King's command. It is not impossible for him to make strengthening spells for the Demon King and do something in it.

In addition, in the Abyss War, Saidian's troops once particularly attracted the hatred of the Demon King, and thus caused more casualties than other races.If it is said that Mudar, who was an elf, betrayed the Demon King, made the Demon King furious, and vented his anger on the elves that appeared on the battlefield, all this would make sense.

If Mudar used the magic formula arranged for the devil to bury some kind of mark or magic formula on the body of the devil king, after the coalition forces threw the devil's body into the magma, he would certainly have a chance to recover the devil's body.

Mudar's speech continued: "Believe it or not, you can't shake the hard facts. Tear up your history books, mediocre people who don't know anything. The hero who really killed the devil is not the elf king, Not the kings of humans and dwarves, but me! If you want to worship heroes, you might as well worship me! Hehehehehe..."

The fact that the enemy is in possession of the Demon Lord's corpse greatly strengthens the credibility of Mudar's statement.Even though most people were unwilling to believe it, the morale here was shaken a little, and there was another commotion in the city.

"Damn, if you are really capable, do you still need someone else's hand to kill the Demon King?" At this moment, I couldn't help it anymore, and interrupted the ugly laughter with a loud roar, "Lie down on the Demon King!" You spent your life as a dog slave before, only to find a chance to bite the devil from behind, and dare to attribute the merit of killing the devil to yourself? You really dare to put gold on your face!"

"Ah, it's you, little mouse." Mudar recognized me, and continued, "Don't you understand? During the war in the abyss, I arranged the killing of the demon king. You think you killed the demon king The heroic deeds are just that you chess pieces are dancing on the chessboard I have set up long ago, but all these seem to be difficult for you, a simple-minded orc, to understand."

"That's right, then you are so ingenious, didn't you think that the simple-minded orc you said would chop up one of your phylacteries two months ago? Look, this is the ax that did it - passed by Azak Do you remember my battle axe?" I raised Azak's battle ax and shook it, taunting him without showing any weakness, "I heard that the phylactery is the key to you dog liches, you always You have to desperately protect your phylactery, just like wild beasts always have to desperately protect their testicles from being bitten by natural enemies... Ah, sorry, I forgot that you have already been cut into an egg, poke Did it hurt you?"

There was a sudden burst of heroic laughter in the city, coming from the orc queue - Wacker and other orc brothers suddenly started clapping and applauding.

The others around me focused their attention on me because of my speech, and after a one-second delay, Arsena suddenly applauded me with admiration.

"Your Highness, don't mislead him!" Wikas put his hand on her shoulder worriedly.

Tolivia frowned, not hiding her dislike for my vulgar speech, but she didn't say anything.

"Pfft!" Roland covered his mouth with a dignified expression and couldn't stop laughing, to the point where he hilariously wiped his tears, "You're such a genius..."

"During the Abyss War, you led an army to invade Saidian, and never expected that the orcs would revolt. When the battle situation took a turn for the worse, killing the devil with the help of the alliance was probably just your second best plan. In fact, you I have been defeated twice by an orc, and that orc's name is Azak." I stared into the distance and said loudly, "Don't pretend to be a mastermind behind the scenes, you are just a beast that was castrated by orcs. It's just a wild dog with eggs!"

"Lowly orc..." Mudar's deep voice floated over like a ghost, and everyone could hear the uncontrollable anger in his voice.

Not bad, finally broke this guy's composure.

pure power (4)

The turmoil in the city gradually subsided. It is true that overwhelming the opponent in the battle of scolding can indeed temporarily stabilize the morale shaken by the opponent.

It's a pity that the body of the demon king can't disappear from the battlefield just by playing tricks. If it can't be solved, the fortress and even the king's capital in the rear are still in jeopardy.

After being irritated by my words, Mudar did not carry out that meaningless persuasion to surrender again. He once again controlled the corpse of the demon king and acted again, using magic power to create chains wrapped around his arms, and threw four more Come here with the iron ball.

"Get down!!" Vikas yelled loudly.

We all fell down together, and the terrifying impact was transmitted to the entire city wall in an instant. This time, an arrow tower was also hit, and several archers fell down together with the rubble.

You have to find a way to fight back, this city wall can't stand such tossing a few more times.

"I said, during the abyss war, the demon king should also have this ability. How did you break the protection and hurt it?" I turned to Roland and asked.

"It's Holy Light." Roland replied calmly, "Holy Light can counteract the magic power of the abyss. Even the magic of the devil king can be weakened by Holy Light. It was the paladins of the human kingdoms, and the elves. The priests here sacrificed thousands of people and weakened the devil's defense with the magic of holy light, so that the coalition forces could harm the devil's body."

"It seems that we can only fight with our lives first." Mutafa suddenly seemed to have made up his mind, he took off the big mantle on his body, and turned to Arsena, "Your Highness, I will lead the Knights Charge out of the city, and then you will take over as the commander-in-chief of the fortress!"

It seemed that he was going to lead the paladins under his command to rush out first, trying to kill the demon king and use the holy light spell to break the demon king's protective shield, so that the long-range troops could effectively damage the demon king's body.

"I have to rush over? Doesn't Holy Light have long-distance spells?" I was a little surprised.

Judging from the size of the enemy formation in front of us, the success rate of this plan is very slim. It is unknown how many people can rush to the devil alive, and it is almost impossible to complete the mission and come back alive.Mutafa was obviously aware of this too, and he was going to hand over the command right to Arsena, even omitting the premise of "if something happens to me".

"The casting distance of the holy light spell cannot be compared with that of the elemental spell. It is impossible to attack a target that far away from here." Mutafa gave me a sideways glance.

"Isn't there that kind of spell? Condensing the Holy Light into a solid body and making it look like a weapon..." I remembered the previous battle in Ironthorn Prison.

"'Forged by the Holy Light' can only be used as a weapon at hand. What's the use in this situation?" Mutafa frowned.

"It's useful! Can't it be enough to make a weapon out of holy light and throw it?"

"It's so far away, who can make the shot?" Mutafa asked back.

"I can do it!!" I raised my voice, "Have any of you made that weapon?"

Mutafa looked at me suspiciously and said, "'Forge of Holy Light' is a very high-level holy light spell. Except for the saintesses of the Convicted Knights, only me and the high-ranking knights around me can use it."

"Then use it right away! Build me a weapon suitable for throwing, the bigger the better! Hurry up! There's no time!!" I looked into the distance, where the demon king was already starting his third attack.

If the city wall collapses, we will not be able to stop the enemy's full-scale assault with our heads. Once the alchemy circle in the city is destroyed, the entire fortress and even the king behind will be destroyed by the terrifying destructive power of the demon king.

Mutafa thought for a second and made a decision: "Well, for the safety of your brain, you'd better have a way!"

He stretched out his hand to summon a beam of light, and several paladins who followed him also responded, raising their hands together to inject holy light into Mutafa's palm.

In the dazzling beam of light, the weapon gradually took shape - it turned out to be a huge battle axe, the old guy was really considerate enough.

"Make it bigger! Inject a little more holy light, the bigger the better!" I commented on the side, while paying attention to the actions on the other side.

"Anything bigger and you won't be able to hold it!" Mutafa yelled at me.

"Don't worry, my 'hand' is big enough." I said in a deep voice, and released the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" I had prepared.

At the moment when the huge form of the "ancestral heroic spirit" appeared, the light-forged battle ax was just completed.

I didn't dare to waste any more time, and controlled the "ancestral heroic spirit" to grab the battle ax and swing his arm violently.

Just holding the battle ax made by the holy light, I clearly felt a strange phantom pain coming from the palm of my right hand - this was sent from the "ancestral heroic spirit". The "Heroic Ancestors" are also lethal. The light-forged weapon made by Mutafa gathered several high-ranking knights and cast spells at the same time, which is more powerful than the cross spear made by Saintess Hillier of the Convicted Knights.

But to fight against the devil, the power of the Holy Light should naturally be as strong as possible. In the end, the damage it will suffer is several times higher than that of the "ancestral heroic spirit" who only holds this weapon.

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