"Um, but that's not what I was thinking." I had to correct him.

"What?" Wacker looked at me in astonishment, "Brother, aren't you nervous because you want to confront the Demon King?"

"What's there to be nervous about?" I answered casually.

In the final analysis, no matter whether the powerful enemy to be faced is a demon king or a peerless lich, there is only one thing to do-take an ax and hack it to death, there is nothing to be confused about.

That's right, the Demon King is nothing compared to what's disturbing me right now.

This is what made me, who used to push forward with the belief of only doing what should be done, not know what to do.

Hearing my answer alone, Wacker couldn't help showing a shocked expression, and then his expression gradually changed from shocked to thoughtful, and then from thoughtful to enlightened: "Understood, I really deserve to be a big brother." Ah, the realm of thought is different from ours.”

"What do you understand?" I frowned.

From what I know of Wacker, I'd bet five coppers that this guy has absolutely no idea where he's going.

With a serious look of "I understand you", Wacker pressed my shoulder, looked into my eyes and said, "Brother, you want to say that there is no need to worry about rubbish like the devil, right?"

"...No, I didn't think so."

I'm not so high and thick to that extent, hey.

"Brother, I understand, don't be humble." Wacker patted me on the shoulder heartily, "When I was taking literature classes in the tribal school, I always got full marks in reading comprehension!"

"When did our tribal school have a literature class?" I was amused by his joke.

I thought about it, and finally decided to take out the things in my heart and discuss with him a little bit.

"Wack, I want to ask you something." I said to him cautiously.

"Brother, you don't hesitate to ask me anything, and I'll tell you everything." Wacker said without hesitation.

"Actually, this is a matter of a friend of mine..." I always felt a little embarrassed to say it bluntly, so I wanted to start it in a different way.

As a result, this kid immediately interrupted me: "Hey, brother, which friend are you talking about? I know almost all of your friends, so there's nothing to hide... Hey, wait a minute, brother, what friend are you talking about?" Is it just—"

"Okay, okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay." I hurriedly stopped the kid from getting to the bottom of it.

Bastard, how can you continue talking about this topic?

Forget it, why not just turn around and ask him about his situation, maybe it can be used as a reference or something.

It's just that I don't have much hope, to be honest.

"Let me just say it straight." I coughed dryly and started the conversation again: "Well, Wake, do you have someone you like?"

"Woman?" Wacker raised an eyebrow at me.


"Yes." Wacker answered very smoothly.

"Really?" I was taken aback immediately.

Although I asked this question, to be honest, I really didn't expect him to give an affirmative answer.

Wack actually has someone he likes, let alone know about this kind of thing, I have never even noticed the signs.

"Of course it's true. You know that man too, Shalka, don't you remember?"

"Of course I remember, the horn shop's daughter, you're actually interested in her... I didn't see it at all." I said with a look of surprise.

Wack and I often go to that butcher shop. As skilled hunters, we don’t really need to buy meat. It’s just that the prey in the Wild of Giant Beasts is very big. Many times when we go out hunting and the prey can’t be eaten by ourselves, we need to buy meat. Go to the butcher's to change money.Sharka is the daughter of a butcher shop owner and a pretty good huntress, often there to help with prey.

"Why can't you see that I often chat with Sharka." Wacker slapped his thigh suddenly.

"Aren't you a good talker with everyone?" I complained calmly.

But to be honest, if he thinks about it carefully now, he did talk more than usual when chatting with Sharka.

"Brother, have you forgotten? She was there when I asked you to go hunting near the Baishan snowfield last year." Wacker reminded me.

"Yes, so you invited her specially." I nodded.

But Wacker shook his head: "No, she actually invited me."

"Isn't that a great thing... Wait a minute, why did you invite me again?" I was stunned for a moment.

At that time, I didn't think much about going because I had other arrangements. It was Wacker who kept pestering me and begged me to go with him.

"At that time, Sharka told me that she had never hunted the white-hoofed oxen in the snowfield, and wanted to find a good hunter to go to the snowfield with her. I told her that she had wrapped it on me, and she was very happy at the time."

"Then you came to find me?"

"Yeah, after all, brother, you are the most powerful hunter I know. After all, it is Sharka's request, and I will definitely do my best to fulfill it. Do you think I am not sincere enough?" Wacker shrugged at me .

"Although this seems to be the reason..." I thought about it carefully, "but I always feel that there seems to be something wrong."

In retrospect, Shalka seemed quite surprised when he saw me appear, and the way he looked at me when we were hunting together was a bit weird.

That day we finally managed to hunt the white hoof, which is rarely seen. Wacker and I were very happy, but Sharka didn't seem to be enjoying himself very much.

I want to do a relationship consultation (2)

Recalling the time when the tribe was still in the northern settlement, Wack showed nostalgia on his face.

"I don't know what Sharka is doing now?" Wacker scratched his head, "Actually, before I left the tribe with the troops this time, I specifically found her and told her that I had something important to tell her after returning. "

"Really?" I nodded, but then frowned.

Wait, why do I always feel like I've seen something like this in some storybook?

"I've made up my mind!" Wacker slapped his thigh suddenly, "After this battle is over, I'll go back to my hometown and talk to her—"

I quickly waved my palm and slapped him on the head, interrupting what he was saying.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Wacker scratched his head and looked at me in bewilderment.

"There was a mosquito on top of your head just now." I coughed dryly and said, "It's a pity I didn't catch it."

"That's it..." Wack didn't become suspicious, and then thought for a while, "Where did I just say that? Oh yes! After this battle is over—"

What are you doing when you think about it again! ?

I hurriedly raised my hand to pat him again, interrupting him again.

"Brother?" Wacker looked at me in surprise.

"The mosquito flew back again." I replied calmly.

"Really?" Wacker looked around, "It's really rare that there are mosquitos flying out in such a cold day. Oh, yes, I just wanted to say, after this battle is over..."

You are never finished!

But this time before I raised my hand, the kid actually stopped talking on his own.

He seemed to realize something, opened his mouth half-opened and blinked his eyes, then looked at me and said, "Brother, isn't it unlucky for me to say such things now?"

"If you know it, don't say it!!" I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ahahaha..." Wack scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly, "Speaking of which, brother, why did you suddenly start talking about this kind of topic?"

I was silent for a while, and finally shook my head: "It's nothing, I just asked casually out of sudden curiosity."

Wacker raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, finally nodded and stood up: "Well, it seems that it is not a relationship problem that I can help with... But it seems that it is not enough for the distraction of big brother to affect I won't bother you much about the war."

Before I could react, he patted my shoulder and went back to the barracks.

I turned my head to look at his back in surprise.

Tsk, this bastard is especially sensitive at this time...

I turned my face back, and not only did things from a few hours ago reappear in my mind.

"...If you can fulfill my wish this time, how about I marry you?"

——Roland's voice still rings in his ears.

In fact, I was quite calm when I first heard it. After all, I have long been used to this female elf's mouth full of nasty jokes and molestation.

So I replied without hesitation at the time: "I don't want to!"

"Oh? Do you think I'm joking?"

When Roland asked me this, his voice became closer. I turned my head and saw her walking towards me slowly.

At that time, I was still unaware of this woman's intentions, but frowned with some doubts: "What else?"

"It seems that you have teased you too much, and if you are serious, you will not be convincing." Roland pointed his finger on his cheek, and then showed an elusive smile, "Then... how about this?"

She suddenly raised her finger and waved, and suddenly a cyclone suddenly appeared behind me.

I turned around, and out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the wind element manipulated by Roland into a long-haired goblin, like an erratic ghost.This fairy of the wind element stretched out his hand behind my back, hugged my neck from behind me, and stuck it on my shoulder.

At this moment, the strong wind pressure was on my shoulders. The force was not heavy enough to make people feel painful, but it was stable enough to make me bend down involuntarily to balance my body.

Under normal circumstances, if someone uses this kind of spell to sneak attack me, I should not be hit, but I never expected that Roland would suddenly cast a spell on me at this time. By the time I reacted, I was already bending under the force of the wind pressure He lowered his waist and lowered his head.

At this moment, Roland stood on tiptoe.

Before I could feel her face getting too close, the soft touch had already imprinted on it.

Time was suddenly dragged by an invisible force, everything slowed down in my consciousness, and my mind went blank for a moment.

The goblin of the wind element loosened his arms, and the pressure on my shoulders disappeared instantly, but my body still maintained the posture of bending over and bowing my head, as stiff as a stone statue.

Just now... what did she do?

"I know that orcs don't have the custom of expressing this kind of meaning in this way, but no matter how dull you are, you should have a little understanding of what this means to us elves." Roland pursed his lips and smiled, "So You should understand by now?"

"This..." I was stunned for a long time before I widened my eyes, "Are you serious!?"

"If you take this as a joke, you will be hit by my full attack magic." Roland narrowed his eyes, "Even if I am like this, I still have a girlish heart that I can't play with."

The word "girly heart" doesn't suit you...

Although such an idea popped up in a flash, at this moment, I would not say it even if I tear my mouth.

Because this time, I could feel from the depths of Roland's eyes that she was extremely serious about what she said.

Although the consciousness finally understood this point, my mouth couldn't keep up at all, and I couldn't even speak smoothly for a while.

"You?" I pointed at her.

"Yes." Roland nodded.

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