"Why are you so interested?" I couldn't help wondering.

"It seems that you have no intention of touching me because of these worries. We can get down to business sooner by getting rid of these trivial matters." Miria said with a determined face.

"Even if I don't have something on my mind, I wouldn't want to touch you!" I couldn't help but rolled my eyes, "And why do I have to tell... people like you..."

In the middle of speaking, I suddenly stopped.

Wait a minute, haven't I just been troubled by the fact that there is no one to discuss with other than orcs?

But is it really appropriate to discuss with this guy?

Don't wait, I remember that Roland seems to have said before that this guy is very popular with Sai Di'an, and those who want to pursue her can line up from the gate of the academy all the way to the palace—whether male or female.

Perhaps unexpectedly, she knows a little more about this kind of thing?

Thinking of this, I suddenly hesitated a little. I glanced at Miria, and found that she was still staring at me with her arms folded, looking very patient.

Forget it, try a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Okay, then I'll just chat with you casually." I scratched my head, then thought about it, and changed to the standard beginning with some embarrassment, "This is about a friend of mine--"

"Is that friend you're talking about you?" Miriya interrupted me without changing her expression, "Okay, it seems a bit inappropriate to puncture it like this. Just now doesn't count. What's the matter with 'your friend'?"

Hey, does it still make sense if you puncture it all?

...In other words, this way of starting is simply useless, anyone can see it.

"Forget it, let me ask something else." I sighed helplessly, "Well, I heard that you have many people chasing you in Saidian, is it true?"

"If the people who sent me love letters and showed love to me in person are serious, then this is indeed true." Miria said calmly.

This is not surprising. From my point of view, as long as the perverted hobby is hidden, this guy is one of the best in terms of appearance and temperament. As a female knight, his image in front of people can be said to be almost perfect of.

Maybe I can really ask some useful reference opinions from her.

"Then...how did you deal with those people?" I asked cautiously.

"If you have a direct statement, you will reject it, and if you don't express it, you will ignore it." Miria replied without hesitation.

It's really decisive and not dragging its feet, which is quite admirable.

——As soon as I thought about it, this guy raised a finger and added: "I'm not interested in elves and humans at all. Even if I'm not an orc, I must be a monster race that can be included in the book."

...I appreciate this guy's view on mate selection, I'm really out of my mind.

"But now that I have met a high-level object like you, I am no longer interested in other things." Miria suddenly stared at me with the eyes of looking at the prey, and licked her lips, "Human, After all, you still have to be positive, you have to pursue something.”

"What kind of positive is this? It's completely depraved!!" I retorted loudly.

It's hard to be happy to be judged highly by a pervert for her pervert aesthetic.

Wait, this guy is only interested in me now?Could it be...

Well, why not take this opportunity to ask her.

Anyway, I don't need to have any scruples about this pervert, I can ask it outright.

"I said you're only interested in me..." I looked into Miria's eyes and asked, "Don't tell me you like me?"

"Like you? Are you talking about being in love?" To my surprise, Miriah frowned her thin eyebrows when she heard this question, revealing a faint feeling of disgust.

Hey, how could it be such a reaction?

I couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "Yes... yes."

"Hmph, stop joking!" Miriah replied with a sneering tone, "How can there be such dirty impurities in my feelings for you? I only have extremely pure physical pursuits for you. This may be like liking you so much. ? I'm just greedy for your body!!"

"You are so dirty!!" I couldn't help shouting.

No, this guy's concept is fundamentally distorted, it's completely rotten to the bone, and it can't be used as a reference at all!

I want to do a relationship consultation (5)

"It seems that I went to the doctor in a hurry." I sighed at Mi Ruiya, "I shouldn't consult anyone with you."

Let's stop this topic like this. I think if you continue this kind of consultation, not only will you not get any useful advice, but you may be polluted by the weird three views of this female elf with a very low limit.

But Miriya was very persistent, and began to persuade me: "Don't give up in such a hurry, haven't you even mentioned to me what you are worrying about?"

"I don't think it's necessary to mention it to you. We think our ideas are too different." I spread my hands towards her.

"Talking about your own affairs and evaluating other people's affairs are two different things. I still understand this truth." Miriya still didn't change her face, "Just say what you want, I will try my best to analyze it from the perspective of an orc. Don't worry , anyway, I also served as a psychological instructor in the college for a period of time."

"You?" I looked her up and down, "Do you give psychological guidance to students?"

Let a pure pervert give psychological guidance to students, is this college really okay?

Well, when I was first forced to enroll, the broken college was really hopeless, and I prayed in my heart that the school caught fire or exploded, which was considered routine for me at the time.

"It's a very serious one. It's just to enlighten the students' knots and give some suitable suggestions as a teacher. No matter how much I go too far, I will not force my students into my personal hobbies." Mi Rui Ya seems to have seen through my thoughts.

There is some truth to this statement, this guy's appearance in the academy has always been quite serious.

How about giving her one last chance?

So after thinking about it for a while, I still managed to bring up a topic: "Let me make a hypothesis, if... I mean, if an orc fell in love with an elf... Uh, in this case ,what to do?"

Because of the tense relationship, I not only stuttered, but also a little vague.

Sure enough, Miria immediately asked: "Male orc and female elf? Love and affection?"

"That's right..."

"As an orc?" Miria clasped her hands and thought about it seriously, it seemed that she really assumed the role in her heart.

Looking at it like this, maybe she can really give a serious answer.

I couldn't help feeling a little hopeful for a moment.

Then, Miria, who was thinking about it, raised her head and nodded to me: "To deal with this kind of problem, the first thing is to face up to one thing, and that is the difference in race."

"Racial differences..." I repeated in a low voice.

"That's right, it sounds wonderful to say that love can overcome all obstacles, but it is simply unrealistic to do it. After all, it is impossible to make objective existence rely on invisible and intangible emotions. The problem will disappear." Miria said lightly, "If the one you like is just an ordinary elf, of course you don't need to consider this kind of problem. But if you are an orc, you can only face up to your own identity as an orc. Do your part to deal with it.”

Unexpectedly, she would actually give a serious and serious answer.

Racial differences - this is indeed a very worthwhile consideration.

Although I heard from Mudar before that orcs and elves are descended from the same ancestor, the huge racial differences between orcs and elves still exist objectively, whether it is appearance, physique, cultural habits, and... lifespan.

"Then, may I ask, what should be the duty... what should it be?" The tone of my questioning to Miria could not help but be somewhat respectful.

"Well, of course..." Miriam paused for a moment, then suddenly changed the topic, and continued speaking extremely fast, "Ask that female elf out, and cover her mouth regardless of her struggle and resistance, Then tie her up with a penis, and then hang her up—”

"Stop, stop, stop!!" I was almost caught off guard by this unexpected turn, and I had to interrupt her loudly, "What are you talking about?"

"It's the duty of a male orc." Miriah spread her hands.

"What kind of duty is this?" I said angrily.

"An elf sage once said that it is the duty of orcs to insult elves." Miriah said this without even turning red.

"That's what you said yourself, too!!" My voice immediately rose, "Didn't you just do relationship counseling? Why did you suddenly change your style of painting while you were talking?"

"My opinion has always been very clear. Feelings are unreliable. Only physical relationships are the most practical." Miriah raised a finger and said, "We must face up to racial differences, since they are rare To be an orc, to take the sex route is the kingly way—this is the conclusion I personally came to as a male orc.”

I held my forehead in relief after listening.

I'm wrong.

It's my fault.

I'm so dizzy that I keep talking to her about this kind of thing over and over again. As long as the orc is involved, this guy's concept can be twisted to the point where it can make the listener feel mentally polluted.

Although it is said that a dead horse is used as a live horse doctor, no matter how you say it, you can't find a butcher who kills pigs. Live horses can be cut into pieces for her.

However, just when I was completely disappointed with this product, she suddenly changed the subject: "But, if you must follow the route of pure love, it doesn't matter, although it is a bit boring in my eyes, but after all It's not my business, and it can't be done according to my preferences."

"What did you say...?" I was stunned by her twists and turns.

Why... suddenly became serious again?

"I am a person who is more interested in physical desires than so-called feelings. In my opinion, so-called love is mostly a spiritual continuation of mutual attraction of physical desires. Since the body and the spirit complement each other, simply and roughly Classifying desire as vulgar, and classifying spiritual feelings as elegant is simply nonsense." Miria said lightly. "There is a difference in the aesthetics of elves and orcs, but it should not be so big that the gap is completely reversed. I can have that kind of thinking about orcs. Orcs should also have a passionate desire for elves—"

"No, this is your prejudice!" I quickly corrected.

"But do you dare to say that you have no idea about elves?" Miriah put her hands on her chest.

"This...you can't say that." My voice suddenly dropped.

"That's enough, isn't it? Since there is a basis for physical attraction, feelings and so on can naturally be cultivated." Miriah shrugged. It can be overcome. Racial disparity is certainly a problem, but the problem is used to solve it. What matters is the motivation to solve the problem, and as long as people have desires, they can have motivation.”

I want to do a relationship consultation (6)

After listening to Miriah's set of theories, I thought about it for a while, and finally asked carefully: "Can you... put it in a more general and simple way?"

"To put it simply..." Miriam paused, "That is to follow one's own desires—just be sincere."

"You just wanted to say obey your desires." I immediately noticed that she changed her words.

"It doesn't matter, it's about the same anyway."

"No, it's obviously much worse!"

"That's why I've said it all. Relationships are based on desire." Miria said in a firm tone, "Even if I only act according to desire, if you can tie me up and hang me, If you come to the whole package from whipping to Trojan horse, maybe I will fall in love with you too."

"Forgive me for not being able to understand why you are so excited..." I replied with a dark face.

"All in all, it's not the most important thing to distinguish between liking or being greedy. It's the most important thing to be able to face up to your feelings for the other party." Miria said solemnly, "If the orc who is liked by the elf also has feelings for that elf If you feel it, let me tell you, just attack her, don’t think too much. As long as you can attract each other—whether it’s mental or physical, you can find a way to solve any problems.”

"Don't worry about it so much... But didn't you say that the problem exists objectively, didn't you? Shouldn't you think about issues like lifespan?" I expressed my concerns.

"When I said just now that I would lead a team to attack with you orcs, why didn't you refuse?" Miria did not answer my question, but instead asked a rhetorical question that seemed to have nothing to do with it.

"To make such an important decision, if it is not based on a moment of brainstorming, it requires a lot of determination. I can't do things that trample on other people's courage by rejecting others' determination to go to the battlefield for no reason." I'm telling the truth.

Miria nodded at me: "The same reason, in your assumption, an elf is willing to put aside the differences of races - including the limitation of lifespan, and entrust his heart to an orc, if not It takes a lot of determination to be overwhelmed for a while. After all, in terms of lifespan, she is the one who needs to be conscious the most."

I was stunned immediately.

"The eyes of the world, the differences in races, and the limitation of lifespan, when she said it, it means that she has already awakened to these things, and she can give up all of them in order to follow her sincerity." Miria continued to speak lightly, "If the orcs hesitate for the same reason again, it will be like trampling on her determination. If they want to refuse, there can only be one reason, and that is that they have no interest in her at all—whether physically or mentally."

After being silent for a while, I nodded my head in complete convincing, "I still agree with this. I really didn't expect you to say such reasonable things."

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