Then Wikas swiped his claws, directly broke his neck, lifted it up and threw it down like trash, and immediately other werewolf knights rushed to make up the knife-there were a considerable number of liches among these elf sinners, It is not enough to inflict fatal injuries, but also to completely destroy their bodies.

The synthetic beast that lost control of its master immediately went mad, shaking its body in place, trying to throw Wikas off its back.But Vikas immediately got down on the ground, firmly clung to its back with his claws, and quickly moved to the top of the synthetic beast's head, stabbed his claws into the giant beast's eyes familiarly, and then pounced on its other head, After a few moments, the synthetic beast wailed and fell down.

Although the other werewolf knights couldn't be as powerful as him, relying on the tight cooperation of a group of several people, they also produced quite good results.

The dwarven goat cavalry rushed on both sides of the team, throwing explosives at the surrounding enemies heroically.Their low stature makes it difficult for the huge synthetic beasts with too high vision to catch them. Only the ghouls wandering at the synthetic beast's feet can lock them.

But the fighting power of the ghouls is not enough to pose a threat to them, and the dwarves are also a race that can compete with the orcs in strength.They were clad in mail armor of such skill that the ghoul's claws could not hurt them at all.And as long as they waved the axes and hammers in their hands, they could easily smash the heads of these monsters with their strong arms.

The combat power of the werewolves and dwarf cavalry is indeed fierce, but the main reason why this team can make such great progress is that there is a ghost card in the team that can exert the strongest combat power on this battlefield.

The figures of several four-legged beasts quickly passed under the synthetic beast's feet, and came directly to the rear of the enemy's main formation.The orc wolf cavalry on that side subconsciously thought they were enemies, and raised their weapons nervously.As a result, those beasts ignored them at all, bypassed them, and rushed straight to where the Demon King and Mudar were. The purple lines on their bodies glowed in the dark night.

"Don't be nervous, those 'wolves' are on our side!" My comrades shouted from high altitude to the ground.

"What?" Mudar over there also noticed the pack of wolves that were chaotically entering the rear battlefield, raised his hand and summoned several spears of the dark curse suspended in mid-air, and then aimed at the pack of wolves running towards him diagonally. projected over.

Immediately, the demon wolves were pierced by the spear of the dark curse one by one, nailed to the ground, and then quickly dissipated.

"A wolf-shaped... demon? It looks a bit like a night demon spider in its action mode. It dissipates after death. It's a man-made demon again." Mudar muttered a few words, narrowing his eyes, "You're going to use your axe."

I glanced at the advancing flank troops again—an army of hundreds of demon wolves was surging in the enemy's main formation.They besieged the synthetic beasts by virtue of their numerical superiority, biting the huge bodies of the synthetic beasts, and injecting poisonous curses into their prey with their sharp claws and fangs.

Those are the "familiars" created by Angelica. The poisonous curse she obtained from the night mother spider queen can not only be effective on living things, but also on undead people like ghouls. It is used to clean up miscellaneous soldiers. A must.

It didn't take long for the synthetic beast to fall down. At this time, Angelica appeared from behind the wolves and gave the synthetic beast its last claw.After a few seconds, the synthetic beast's body began to melt, and black smoke rose up, gradually gathering into demonic wolves one after another. They all trombone towards the night sky, and then followed the pack of wolves to pounce on the next prey.

This chain reaction was uncontrollable in the enemy's troops. As more and more targets were hunted by Angelica, the combat power of the assault troops snowballed rapidly, making their advance even more unstoppable.

"Even my limelight has been robbed, where did I get such a convenient ability?" I heard Vikas shouting over there, "I really want to get one for my whole team!"

That kind of ability is really rare. The only way known so far is to be poisoned by the poisonous curse of the evolved night mother spider queen, and then drink my blood to detoxify, so that the curse of the werewolf and the poisonous curse can be safely released. Fusion... To give this kind of ability to the entire Wolfclaw Knights, I'm afraid I have to drain my blood.

"So that's how it is..." Mudar also noticed the huge movement from Angelica's approach, "It's planning to surround me little by little and trap me to death, so we have to plan ahead."

After understanding his current situation, he immediately manipulated the demon king's corpse to raise a claw, and a large amount of magic power gathered on the claw, turning it into an extremely huge "Spear of the Dark Curse"——it actually did something for himself. A weapon was drawn.

Because it was made inside the Wall of Shadows, we have no way to interfere easily, so we can only be on guard.

It's just that I feel a little strange. Based on my own experience, "Spear of the Dark Curse" is a spell that targets a single target. Even if it is enlarged like this, it is the same, but it is more suitable for attacking larger targets.

But whether it is the orc wolf cavalry or the advancing werewolf and dwarf goat cavalry, they are all plural groups, and it is impossible to fight the queen and Vanessa flying in the air with this method.

I noticed that the devil slowly turned his head, and immediately followed its eyes, and suddenly found the real target it locked on—Hergia's airship was still far away and the enemy's flying troops dogfight.

Moving Fortress (2)

At this moment, I suddenly realized that Mudar was thinking further than I thought.

The approach of the Werewolf Knights made him realize that we are gradually closing the encirclement, nibbling away at his strength, isolating him and then defeating him in one fell swoop.

But he did not try to destroy the approaching werewolf knights and dwarf goat cavalry, but further considered that the Helgia airship that suddenly appeared on the right side of the main formation was also part of the encirclement, so he turned his target to the airship empty boat.

This is a very smart decision. The devil's attack method is powerful but not flexible enough. If he attacks the nimble werewolves and dwarf cavalry who have advanced into his main formation under our interference, it will not only be like attacking orc wolf cavalry Sometimes it has little effect, and it is very likely to accidentally injure your own troops.

But the airship is a very suitable target for him to attack. Compared with people and troops, the attack method of the devil is more suitable for targeting solid but immobile targets like city fortresses.

The airship is currently in a state of low-speed suspension. As a fortress in the air, it can steadily cope with the siege of the enemy's air forces. As long as you choose a long-range attack method with a relatively fast ballistic flight, it is easy to target with a little prediction.

Unlike the Yinhui Fortress, which was protected by Roland with the enchantment shield, the enchantment outside the airship can barely cope with flying arrows and normal-level magic. The spear, not to mention crashing, would be cut into two pieces on the spot.

A sense of crisis rushed down his spine, and Mudar had already aimed at the position of the airship, and it was impossible to interfere with his sight like just now.

The airship had to be alerted immediately, but at this distance, it was impossible to cross this noisy battlefield even with the loud voice of an orc.

"Your Majesty, if that guy wants to attack the airship, he must warn the other side!" I hurriedly said to the queen, "! Please throw a fireball over there and use the dragon roar to attract their attention."

As soon as the words fell, the corpse of the demon king started to move, raising the spear high in the wall of shadow to make a throwing motion.

The queen moved after hearing my words, threw a fireball in the direction of the airship, and let out a dragon roar at the same time.

The deafening majestic roar of the dragon overwhelmed all the voices on the battlefield, and at the same time, the fireball exploded near the airship, and the dragon flames that exploded swallowed several synthetic beasts and killed everyone on the airship. attention attracted.

At the same time, the huge spear of the dark curse was also thrown out of the hands of the demon king with all his strength. At this moment, the time seemed to be stretched suddenly.

With just a few seconds of reaction time, we can barely do what we can.Watching the Spear of the Curse flying straight towards the airship, I felt my heart in my throat.

There are still many people on that airship, Princess Alyssa, the elves led by Miria, and the paladins and dwarf craftsmen who volunteered to support us. Once the airship crashes, almost no one can Fortunately, even if someone can barely survive, they will be besieged by the surrounding enemies until the entire army is wiped out.

While I was praying desperately, the airship suddenly made a huge roar, and accelerated at full power while deflecting the direction, trying to avoid the dangerous cursed spear.

It's a pity that the time is still too tight, the airship is not small, and it can fly at full speed very fast, but it takes time to accelerate, and the cursed spear still hit the airship.

Even though the airship barely deflected its position, so that the Spear of the Curse did not cut off the hull, but rubbed to the stern, this heavy blow still severely damaged one-fifth of the airship on the spot.

The airship suddenly made a huge noise like an anvil hitting the ground, and flames burst out from the damaged stern.The entire airship did not lose power, but tilted slightly, and at the same time, the altitude was rapidly dropping.

I gasped for breath, but immediately calmed down—the airship did not fall like a free fall, but lowered at a relatively fast but even speed, which indicated that it had not lost power. a forced landing.

The combat power on the airship is still relatively sufficient. If the airship that was forced to land is used as a cover, it should be able to last for a long time even in the face of the siege of synthetic beasts and demons.

It's just that the airship that was forced to land cannot move. If they stick to the airship, it will be difficult for them to move here and join us at the right time as planned.

And if Mudar controls the Demon King and makes up another spear, I'm afraid they won't be so lucky to survive.

"Break its shield, don't let it have another chance to attack!!" Seeing that the airship finally slowed down and landed in the enemy's formation, I immediately shouted loudly.

The queen immediately rushed to the wall of shadow again, and I also summoned the "ancestral heroic spirit" to make up the knife where she smashed.Vanessa also showed up and launched a fierce attack, and soon large and small cracks appeared on the wall of shadow.

At this moment, the Werewolf Knights led by Wikas finally pierced through the enemy's left wing troops from the mountain on the left and all the way to the rear.When the last row of synthetic beasts from the enemy's left wing fell, hundreds of magic wolves poured out like a flood that broke through the gate, followed by werewolves galloping in the form of wolves, and the dwarf cavalry rode goats in no hurry. follow at the end.

The wolf and the werewolf quickly narrowed the distance between them and Mudar. The cursed werewolf is immune to the damage of the necromancy curse, and the wolf made by Angelica is a pure magic creation, so naturally it will not be affected by the magic of the devil. The effect of the aura of desolation.

"A bunch of damn beasts!" Mudar summoned countless cursed spears in disgust, and let them fall like a rain of arrows, but they only hit dozens of demon wolves, and couldn't catch them at a faster speed. Wolf cavalry is faster than werewolves.

As soon as Mudar was distracted from dealing with that side, we found a flaw on our side. The queen hit a crack repeatedly, and shattered the wall of shadow again.

"Okay, dinner is ready! Hahahaha!!" Vanessa also excitedly added a scythe on the other side, widening the crack on the other side, and the entire wall of shadow was instantly shattered.

At this moment, Angelica, who was among the werewolf knights, uttered the trombone, and the remaining demon wolves howled and gathered towards Mudar. The queen and Vanessa also tried to attack the corpse of the demon king.


Faced with such a siege, Mudar cursed and raised his hand high.

Under his call, the entire body of the Demon King gradually transpired and atomized, and the terrifying black mist spread in all directions.

He is quite flexible in using the corpse of the devil, and at the critical moment, the whole body of the devil is atomized. Although his attack methods will be reduced in this state, he can successfully make us unable to attack. In this airtight environment Fighting for his own respite during the siege.

In this state, we really have nothing to do with it-unless there are paladins who can summon the holy light to join the battle.

"Your Majesty... please let me go." I said to the Queen in a deep voice, "I have to move the people from the airship over here."

Moving Fortress (3)

"Aren't you going to help me beat this guy up?" the queen turned to me and asked.

"That has to be done." I looked at the billowing black mist below and shook my head. "Unfortunately, we don't have enough manpower right now."

This time Mudar directly transformed the Demon King into a black mist, and the black mist gradually spread in all directions, and the surrounding wolf cavalry had to do their best to run around to avoid being swallowed by the black mist—those transformed directly from the Demon King’s body Fog magic will undoubtedly carry a deadly curse.

The werewolves who had just approached the Demon King were engulfed by the black mist for a while, but they were resistant to curses. With their super high mobility, they escaped from the black mist in time without incident.

Only the dwarf cavalry had a little more difficulty. Although the goats they rode could walk like flying in the mountains, they didn't have much advantage on the flat ground.Some of the dwarves who were closer were contaminated by the black mist. Although they were born with magic resistance, they would not be killed on the spot, but their goat mounts did not have such a strong endurance.

Just a little bit of contamination, those goats fell down on the spot, and the cavalry riding on them fell off their horses immediately... No, they fell from the sheep.

These cavalrymen had to continue to run hard on their own legs, and the black mist behind them was like a rushing flood.These black mist will not kill them on the spot, but they can effectively capture their vision.

Mudar was still standing in the black mist, and his vision would not be affected in the black mist. In other words, anyone caught in the black mist would become a prey that could not escape his attack.He will not hesitate to kill the target that comes into his range, so that the atomized demon king can absorb the soul of the dead to replenish his magic power.

The dwarves frantically took off their helmets and shoulder pads as they ran, so as to lighten the load and run faster, but they never threw away the easiest weapons to throw away-it was obvious that they hadn't given up the fight.

Fortunately, some werewolf knights discovered their predicament in time, turned around and rushed to pick them up and ran away, taking them out of the range of the black mist.

For the situation in front of us, we are completely helpless. In this state, the demon king's physical attack methods are completely ineffective against it, and it can also completely absorb all magic attacks with a lower magic power level than it and rebound them.Mudar, who is hiding in the black mist, is also safe. He can also use his necromancy to attack outside the black mist.

The only good news is that in this state, the demon king has lost his entity, and there should be many restrictions on his attack methods.

Roland and I's plan is to drive Mudar to the end of the road, and when he tries to open the plane crack to escape, use the power of the "legion leader" to surprise Mudar's horcrux with a fatal blow. We can actually take the life of this lich, but we are obviously still one step away from that dead end.

If the atomized form of the Demon King cannot be resolved, naturally it will be impossible to force him into the space crack.

For this reason, we need to send paladins to the rear of the battlefield. The first knights led by Mutafa who are counterattacking in the fortress have to push the enemy's main force to get here. Those on the airship have volunteered to help our paladins.

"Then I'll go with you, I'll make a move for you, and I'll make a way out for you right away." The Queen suggested.

"No, please stay here. Mudar made the demon king like this just to regroup and drive away the troops approaching him. If the equidistance is enough, he will definitely make the demon king change back to his original form to fight back. You still need your strength to restrain the devil here." I calmly analyzed, "Open a path among the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers, just leave this trivial matter to us."

After a few rounds of fighting just now, the queen has gradually adapted to the knack of fighting the devil. With Vanessa on the side to assist, and the werewolf knight joining the battlefield, the situation is stable enough even without me.

"Okay, since you are so persistent." The queen was finally persuaded by me, "Then you..."

"Just throw me over there, I'll kill myself." I said lightly.

"If you have the guts, let's go!" The queen suddenly turned around, grabbed my arm around her neck, and threw an over-the-shoulder far away in the air.

I felt my body turn around, and then fell into the air.

I could see myself falling fast along a flat parabola, and the cold night wind howled in my ears.

I concentrated my attention, cast the summoning of the beast soul, made a thunder sculpture out of the blood mist, grabbed its claws with one hand and circled around.

I scanned the ground and found Wacker's figure, and shouted at him: "Wake, you lead the team to the right wing! Rescue the people on the airship!"

"Understood!" He yelled forcefully.

Then I thought about it, and simply climbed onto the back of the Thunder Carved Beast Soul, controlled it to fly directly to the location of the airship, passed through the enemy's right wing troops at low altitude, and flew over the heads of countless synthetic beasts and demons Pass.

As I expected, there were not many obstacles to this process. In the air battle just now, the airship has almost wiped out the air force on the enemy side. The remaining ground forces are now concentrating on besieging the airship that was forced to land. Lei Diao is also a monster that exists in the enemy's army. I lay silently on Lei Diao's back, praising myself for my quick wit in my heart. The beast soul covered my figure with its body, and no one noticed that An orc lay on its back, fished in troubled waters, and approached the center of the siege.

The falling airship soon entered my field of vision, the stern was still burning, obviously it fell into the enemy's siege all of a sudden, the people on board hadn't freed up their hands to put out the fire, and the fire wasn't too big.

Synthetic beasts and demons are scrambling towards the airship, and elf knights and human paladins have already arrived outside the airship, using their bodies to build a defense line to repel monsters trying to approach the airship.The leader of the elf knight was Miria. I saw her swing her sword and use magic to freeze the synthetic beast's feet, then smashed the ground with her foot, jumped up to a whole person's height, and pierced the synthetic beast's eyes with her sword.

The paladins are led by Alsena, who mainly deal with demons and undead.Arsena commanded the high-ranking knight to use the holy shield to block the enemy's impact, and then waited for an opportunity to counterattack with the holy light.

The mages and archers gathered at the bow of the ship, pouring firepower around them, and I saw Princess Alyssa and Feilan among those people.At the same time, the dwarf craftsmen on the airship are also using the few remaining artillery pieces to pin down the enemies in the distance.

As I expected, they can last a long time, but they don't have the energy to push back as planned.

So I controlled Lei Diao to dive towards the bow of the ship, ready to help them.

Just as I was about to shout out, a dwarf craftsman on the deck suddenly saw me first—to be precise, he should have seen the Thunder Eagle Beast Soul I was riding, and didn't notice that there was me on the back. Such a big living person.

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