"Leave the miscellaneous fish around to her, let's just keep an eye on the devil!" I said to the queen.

After polishing off the enemy's large forces, the fighting style is completely different from the previous one.Fighting a war of attrition now is a hundred disadvantages to us. If we want to suppress casualties, we must do our best to fight quickly.

"Hmph, you don't need to remind me of such a trivial matter." The Queen fired a fire bomb at the wall of shadow of the Demon King, and ignited all the demons lying on it by the way.

Roland and Tolivia also continued to stare at the demon king with firepower and bombarded them, completely handing over a large number of trash fish demons to the frontline infantry. They, who had personally participated in the abyss war, could naturally grasp the key points of this battle.

The intensive attack quickly made the shadow wall around the demon king full of holes, and the demon king also began to fight back vigorously, summoning a black fireball in his palm and throwing it towards the most densely populated place.

This time it was no longer surrounded by flexible wolf cavalry. Although the troops pointed at by it tried their best to evacuate, the black pillar of fire that shot up into the sky swallowed countless soldiers in an instant, leaving a gap in the encirclement for a moment.

But we don't have time to mourn for those people now, nor to hesitate that the next second may be our own death.

"Go up! Keep going up! Don't stop!" The command of Mutafa, the supreme commander, sounded on the battlefield, "Victory is close at hand! Don't be afraid! I will be with you!!"

He took the lead and rushed to the place bombarded by the black flames, and used the holy light to disperse the remaining flames.

Inspired by him, the soldiers rushed forward fearlessly, filling the gaps in the encirclement again.

Everyone demolishes the stage and dies quickly (4)

This is destined to be the most tragic battle of this war. We are repeating the decisive battle of the abyss war in the past, fighting against the strength of the devil with numbers, and winning victory with the awareness of sacrifice.

This is completely different from ordinary wars. The enemies we have to face are not of the same magnitude as mortals. Even if the devil just moves his finger, thousands of people will be wiped out.

Those who were affected by the demon king's destructive blow probably sacrificed before they had time to come up, whether it was regret or the idea of ​​heroic success.

Ordinary people will feel withdrawn when they come into close contact with that death.The orcs who have been living in a harsh environment and infiltrated by martial arts can overcome it with the willpower they have cultivated for a long time, but not everyone in other races living in peaceful times can face this fear directly.

What we are facing now is a battle that cannot be retreated.The reason why the wolf cavalry were able to use the hit-and-run tactics around the devil just now was to delay time.But now our task is to cause enough damage to the devil, only by maintaining enough firepower can we win this battle.

Mutafa knew this very well, so he directly took the method that could best motivate soldiers to fight, that is, to rush to the most dangerous place by himself.

It's not that he did this kind of thing recklessly. In the end, the battle has been confined to such an encirclement, and there is not much room for tactics to play.

For the remainder of the battle, morale plays a more prominent role than strategy.To put it in more easy-to-understand terms, it's all about being reckless now.Whether they can win or not depends entirely on whether the coalition forces are reckless enough.

A raging soldier, a raging nest.At this time, it is better for the general to take the lead and lead everyone together than to plan strategies behind.

As long as the morale of the soldiers is aroused, even if someone sacrifices, the rest will consciously fill the position of the deceased and inherit the will of the deceased.The role of the commander will be weakened. Even if the commander is sacrificed, the next commander will take over, and the remaining soldiers will continue to fight the devil.

It can be seen that Mudar also seems to be aware of this. Now that he is no longer persistent in sniping the leaders of the coalition forces, killing more talents as quickly as possible is the most profitable strategy for him.

So he began to control the devil to launch a fierce attack on the most densely populated infantry, but no matter how he tried to kill, the troops continued to replenish. Under the cover of the Holy Knight's holy light, the infantry closed the encirclement and pointed directly at the barren halo. Within the range, the firepower of long-range troops has not been reduced at all.

In the end, even he himself couldn't help cursing: "Damn! This is the most annoying thing about bugs, and they can't be killed cleanly!"

At the same time, the situation on the Demon King's side was not that good. Under the bombardment of the coalition forces regardless of the cost, the shadow wall summoned by the Demon King shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The queen is also constantly hitting the wall of shadows. Whenever she hits the wall of shadows with her ignited dragon flame claws, I will control the "ancestral heroic spirit" to make up an ax at the same place as before.

The barrage of the coalition forces was so dense that I, who was carried by the queen and successfully rushed up to fight close combat, occasionally worried whether I would be hit by the long-range attacks of my own people.

In fact, in just a dozen seconds, I felt magic and arrows at least five times, and even dwarves' powder kegs passed me by.

Fortunately, the Queen's superb flying ability perfectly copes with this, allowing me—

"I go!"

Suddenly a fireball brushed past my head, making me feel a burning sensation on the top of my head.

I reached out and felt it, and found a clump of hair that had been curled.

"What's wrong?" the queen asked me, she didn't even turn her face because she was focused on attacking.


Well, probably not perfect.

But no matter what, under our intensive offensive, the protection around the Demon King's body was indeed shattered at a much faster speed than before.

Finally, after the Queen's third heavy blow, I controlled the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to swing an ax on the spider web-like crack, smashing the wall of shadow to pieces.

"Break the demon king's defense! Let's attack harder!" Tolivia, who was in charge of commanding the long-range troops, raised her arms and shouted, "The lich's phylactery is hidden in the demon king's body, as long as we destroy it, victory will be ours! !"

At the same time, Roland's voice sounded in my head: "The phylactery is now in the center of its back, at the fourth spine, the body of the devil can be atomized and deformed, and Mudar can move the phylactery in the body of the devil, But it doesn't matter, I can find the location of the phylactery through the flow of his magic power."

"The weak point is in the back..." The queen smirked and gathered flames in the palm of her hand.

I wasn't the only one who heard Roland's voice, she also conveyed this information to everyone on the battlefield.

For a mage of her level, the strategic influence is indeed enough to affect an entire war.Even if she doesn't cast the god-level spells that can kill people with a single gesture like Mudar, but just uses the spells she made to support other people, it is enough to tilt the balance of victory to our side.

Under her command, the long-range firepower quickly concentrated on the Demon King's back.

As the king of demons, the body of the demon king is quite strong and not so easily destroyed. After all, the Confederate Alliance, which won the war in the abyss more than 70 years ago, had no choice but to take the corpse of the demon king.

But that doesn't mean we can't do a little damage to it, after all the Confederates did kill it back then.

The demon king folded his wings and tried to block the attack directed at the back. At this moment, a huge rock with dazzling light suddenly shot up into the sky, threw a throwing line and hit the demon king's back.

The luminous boulder made an impact that was too big to match the size, and the demon king was actually staggered by the blow, and instinctively let out a unique howl of the undead.

"What's that?" I was slightly taken aback.

Roland, who was establishing telepathy with me, caught my question and gave a timely answer: "It's a new weapon jointly developed by dwarves and paladins. It uses legendary metals to make stone bullets, engraves prayers on them and attaches Holy light is considered a big killer for the devil, the only disadvantage is that the legendary metal is relatively expensive, so there are not many of them."

There should be more of such good things, and they should be filled directly for this wicked demon king!

"Come on, it's now! Holy damn light!!" Mutafa suddenly let out a mighty roar, raising his warhammer to summon the holy light.

The high-level knights around him responded one after another, and the holy light they summoned gathered together and turned into a statue of a goddess.

"That's right, holy damn light! Don't be afraid, God is with us!!" Arsena, who was on the other side of the encirclement, also responded, and once again summoned a similar tower with the surrounding paladins. Goddess comes.

Everyone demolishes the stage and dies quickly (5)

"That's..." I narrowed my eyes as I looked at the statue of the goddess summoned by the paladins.

"The object of worship of the paladins and priests is the twin gods who endow the world with light, corresponding to the sun and the moon respectively." Roland's voice explained to me, "This is the highest level of holy light spells, not only does it require multiple high-level holy light spells Or pray at the same time, and the person who guides the spell must also have absolute piety in order to get the response of the Lord God."

Pray with absolute devotion...

Is it really okay for these two people to cast spells while swearing just now? They really won't be punished by heaven, right?

Although there was such a worry for a moment, judging from the situation in front of him, the combined effect of these two holy light spells is quite exciting. Under the holy light of the two goddess statues one in front and one in the back, the devil's whole body is covered with blood. Black steam that seemed to be scalded by flames emitted.

The effect of these two rays of holy light was not only to weaken the Demon King, they also purified the aura of desolation around the Demon King.Under the shroud of the holy light, the troops who are not resistant to the curse can also approach the demon king who has lost the protection of the wall of shadow.

In addition to the orcs and human infantry, I also saw that the beast souls on the airship that I had just transferred rushed straight to the feet of the demon king under the cover of the holy light. The elf knights led by Miriya concentrated on Lei Yu and On the back of the mammoth beast soul summoned by the two clans of Luefeng, they began to attack the demon king's feet at medium and short distances with magic sword skills such as wind blades.

On the other side, the beast soul carrying the dwarf craftsman on the airship is even more exaggerated-someone of these dwarf craftsmen actually moved the cannon from the airship and pressed it on the back of the beast soul !When the beast souls rushed towards the Demon King, they even fired at the Demon King's legs nearby. This is a... fast and powerful cannon carriage!

This is really an unprecedented tactic. When the Southern Alliance and the orcs were at war, the dwarven artillery was the natural enemy of the behemoths domesticated by the orcs.But now, combining the dwarf's artillery with the giant beast's soul summoned by the orc shaman can produce such an unexpected effect.

The firepower of the long-range troops has never stopped, and they have gradually found a new doorway - the ability of the orc shaman to call the elements can be used to interfere with the elemental spells cast by others, and this interference also includes strengthening.

After realizing this, the long-range troops reached a special tacit understanding - the long-range troops of humans and elves began to concentrate on casting elemental spells with relatively strong attack power, while the orc shamans concentrated their efforts to strengthen the flow of elements around the long-range troops .

In this way, with the silent support of the orc shaman, every mage found that he could use elemental spells very smoothly, like drinking soup.

Elementary spells are strengthened into intermediate spells, intermediate spells are upgraded to advanced spells, and advanced spells are bought one get one free... Well, this statement seems to be a bit exaggerated, but there is no doubt that after they get this trick, the long-range The firepower soared to a higher level in an instant, and countless fireballs, wind blades, stone bullets and lightning strikes were poured on the Demon King.

Perhaps even they themselves have never imagined that the three major races who worked together to fight against the Demon King during the Abyss War in the past, but with the addition of an extra orc reinforcement, the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces can produce a synergistic improvement.

This point, probably even Mudar himself has not thought of it at all.

Under the joint attack of everyone, the efficiency of the demon king massacring the soldiers and then absorbing the undead to recover himself could no longer keep up with the damage.

"Bastard, it's obviously just a bunch of ants...why did this happen?" Seeing the situation taking a turn for the worse, Mudar cursed in the air.

His impression is still stuck in the Abyss War 70 years ago, and he thinks that the Confederate Alliance in the past could only barely win against the Demon King who was weakened by him after plotting, and the orcs in his eyes are even more despicable and useless.

He is conceited in his own research——by cultivating the power of the devil to achieve his so-called "road to godhood", this blind self-confidence is also projected on the corpse of the devil as the result of his research.

Even though he lost the huge army that he worked so hard to build, he was still full of confidence in the remaining corpse of the demon king, thinking that with the power of the demon king, it would be enough to easily crush the remaining coalition forces.

He hadn't carefully considered how the civilized races on the mainland would progress after so many years, nor had he thought about the power that would be exerted when the four races united, not to mention the fact that there were still battles like Additional powers like Queen and Vanessa.

His arrogance made him discard all his good cards, and let him fall into the quagmire of being besieged by "ants".

But even so, we are only temporarily gaining the upper hand.

The Demon King's Wall of Shadow has just been broken, and it is impossible to re-apply the protection of that scale so quickly. At the same time, the powerful holy light on the front and rear sides completely blocks its atomization ability—if it Turning into a black mist at this time is bound to bear several times the damage of the current state.Now it can only gather magic power to attach to the body surface and make it into an armor to barely reduce the damage.

However, the devil now has a characteristic that is more difficult than before, that is, it is immortal. There is no vital point on a creature that has been killed once. As long as it is driven by the caster, it will die before every inch of its body is reduced to ashes. Can keep moving.

The damage we inflict on it is crippling at best, not lethal.The only way to deal it a truly fatal blow is to destroy the operator's phylactery.

The trouble is that the Demon King's body is strong enough, our attack doesn't hurt the inside so easily.

At least for now, Mudar has not felt the "fatal" threat. He is still controlling the devil and the coalition forces to fight, and the number of victims on our side is still rising.

I suddenly realized that in order to completely drive the Demon King into a corner, there must be a damage that is powerful enough to penetrate the core.

In my perception, the only thing we have such destructive power here is the crimson field where the queen explodes with all her strength, and it is best to use the kind of personal attack.

However, even if he lost the wall of shadow and atomization ability, the demon king still has that magical armor.

The trickiest thing about that magical armor is that it can bounce back—it bursts out to counterattack the moment it is attacked.If the queen rushes over to make a personal attack rashly, it will be like moths to a flame.

"Your Majesty, do you still have the strength to use that trick?" I first confirmed it with the Queen.

"It can be used once. After all, I have been fighting this big guy for almost a whole night. To be honest, the consumption is a bit high." The queen somewhat understood what I meant, "I have to remind you first, the human form of our Dragon Clan is The dragon form is the liberating form if a part of the power is sealed up. To release that level of power, you must change into the dragon form."

Do I have to change into the form of a giant dragon to release it? The limitation of this trick is bigger than I imagined...

No, wait!

Maybe...we can do something about this?

An idea popped into my head.

Everyone demolishes the stage and dies quickly (6)

I immediately informed the queen of this idea, and she must cooperate with me in this tactic.

"You really have a lot of bad ideas." The queen praised me first, and then changed the topic, "But I don't like it very much."

"Ah? Is this plan okay... What's your dissatisfaction?" I was a little confused for a moment.

"You must use that kind of counterfeit?" The queen turned her head and glanced at me.

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