"Is this normal?" I vaguely felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously clenched the tomahawk in my hand.

"Impossible, no matter how powerful the magic power of the devil's heart is, it is still a dead thing in the final analysis. To trigger the magic power, there must be external interference!"

"Isn't that guy dead yet?" I looked around subconsciously.

"No, I can feel that his magic power is now in a state of laxity, which means that his soul has become fragments, and it is impossible to have the ability to cast spells, unless..." Roland's voice was a little surprised, "He left 'Haunting Curse'."

"What the hell?"

"A kind of necromancy. The caster leaves a spell somewhere at the cost of a great sacrifice. This spell cannot be used by anyone while the caster is still alive, but once the caster dies, it will be destroyed." Triggered, the ancient archmage used this spell to take away the person who killed him, or curse the tomb robber who desecrated his tomb... It should have been completely lost!"

So it turns out that there are indeed many legends about trespassing on the tombs of ancient mages, and then being cursed and dying in a daze, probably because of this lost spell.

It is indeed in line with Mudar's style to restore this insidious spell for his own use.

It's really not safe to die...

"Then destroy it as soon as possible!" I grabbed the pitch-black battle ax in my hand, and was always ready to rush up to mend the thing with an axe.

"Don't go there! The devil's heart is not so easy to destroy. And... I feel that its magic power is not working properly, don't approach it casually!!" Roland's voice was rarely disturbed.

Her warning was correct.

As soon as the voice fell, the devil's heart levitated, and at the same time, several circles of runes appeared around him. Strings of runes were entangled with each other, like a closed iron chain.

Then, these "iron chains" suddenly broke together, and the purple light emitted by the devil's heart quickly became stronger, and even gradually became dazzling in the end.

It floated right in front of the Demon King, vibrating violently and making a thunderous sound at the same time.

Huge magic power burst out from this spar, and I even had the illusion that the entire space was vibrating.

I felt that the flow of the surrounding elements was disturbed, not only was it disturbed, but also started to go berserk - I tried to call the "spirit" in the elements at first, so as to guide the elements to attack the heart of the devil, but to no avail.

The magic power emanating from the devil's heart is too great, and the influence on the elements cannot be saved by personal efforts. Even if the shaman spell can achieve the effect of four or two thousand catties, if there is a power difference of tens of thousands of times, it will not be able to exert it. produce any effect.

An astonishingly large-scale magic storm erupted centered on the heart of the devil, and the remains of Mudar's body were sucked into the storm and smashed to pieces in an instant.

Such a terrifying magic vortex, if I approached it rashly just now, I am afraid that I would have been directly corroded to death by this terrifying magic power.

Now even I can see what's wrong with the demon king's heart - its magic power is starting to run rampant.

If magic power is compared to a barrel of fuel, normal use of magic is equivalent to pouring out the fuel bit by bit, but now someone directly pokes a torch into the fuel packaged in the barrel, and all the fuel is used at one time. It was ignited, and it was about to explode.

That spell left by Mudar is that kindling.

"There was an irreversible self-destruct spell inside..." Roland murmured.

That crazy lich actually transformed the devil's heart into a bomb that would be triggered once he died.

It is almost impossible to stop the magic power of this scale from getting out of control, and no mage's magic power can reach that scale.It is impossible to touch or even get close to it. The magic power of the Demon King exploded and even eroded the queen's dragon scales.

In other words, once this self-destruction is triggered, there is no possibility of interfering and stopping it.

Just standing near this storm, I can feel that the "ancestral heroic spirit" behind me is almost washed away by the magic wave emitted by the devil's heart.And Roland's familiar became a little more transparent, and the magic power was escaping from it, and it seemed that it might disappear at any time.

So that's the case, is that Lich trying to use this method to die with me?

As an orc who has been indoctrinated into the idea of ​​a warrior who must fight until his death, it is not impossible to understand this guy's method, but no matter what, it is absolutely impossible for me to let him do what he wants.

Realizing this, I no longer cared about whether the remaining magic power was enough, and began to pour life's fire into the battle ax with all my strength.

As long as he opens the space crack as soon as possible and escapes from here, as long as he leaves here and returns to the present world, even if he wants to blow up the entire plane gap, he can do whatever he wants.

That invisible abyss has returned, mercilessly devouring the little fire of my life left, almost draining my soul dry.

The "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" suspended behind me quickly collapsed, was taken back into my body, and then quickly flowed towards the pitch-black battle axe.

The magic power soon bottomed out, and the sudden sense of exhaustion that emerged from the depths of my soul made me half-kneel down and use Azak's battle ax to support my body.

But even then I dared to let go of infusing the magic of the black battleaxe, because I knew very well that I was running a race against death.There is only one chance. If the heart explodes and I fail to open the space crack, I can only stay here and be buried by that lich.

"B... Locke..."

Roland's voice came intermittently. Because of the magic power burst out from the devil's heart, her familiar's body almost collapsed, which affected her transmission spell.

But even so, I could hear the uneasiness in her voice.

"The...side!" she reminded me.

When I looked up, I was surprised to find that there was a small space crack slowly opening under the devil's heart.

I see you hit the missing ax (4)

Space crack?Why does it want to open a space crack?

I was a little confused for a while.

It is not difficult to understand that the devil's heart has the ability to open space cracks. The devil already has that ability. As long as Mudar leaves a spell to open space cracks in the "Haunting Curse", it should be possible in principle.

The question is why Mudar left this spell, and where does that space crack... lead?

"This side." Roland murmured.

"What?" I still haven't reacted.

"His target is at this end." Roland's voice came intermittently, "Here...you can observe that space crack."

A huge trembling surged from the depths of my body. The other end of the crack was connected to the battlefield near the Yinhui Fortress, where the devil's heart was scheduled to explode!

"The battlefield here...is scattered with the magic power of the Demon King. He must have...in the last attack...left some kind of magic mark...When the Demon King's heart starts to detonate, it will move to the marked place."

The magic fluctuations in the devil's heart became more and more intense, and the interference became more and more serious. Roland's familiar could hardly maintain his figure, and the voice she transmitted became indistinct.

Only then did I realize the real purpose of Mudar's "haunting curse". He didn't just want to kill the murderer who killed him, he wanted to create a massacre after death.

I don't know how powerful the devil's heart is when it explodes completely, but it should be no problem to cover the entire battlefield plus the Yinhui Fortress. It is impossible for everyone to escape!

"The sacrifice of tens of thousands of people...he wants to rely on this...to recreate the phylactery...to repair the broken soul..."

Roland's vague voice pointed out Mudar's purpose.

It turns out that the "Haunting Curse" left by that guy is to ensure that all his phylacteries can be resurrected when they are destroyed.

From the beginning, the devil's heart was scheduled to be detonated near the Yinhui Fortress. Even if Mudar died in the space crack, the devil's heart would automatically open the space crack and move to the predetermined location.

If he attacked Yinhui Fortress regardless of the cost and was willing to give it a go, he should be able to win this war.

Detonate the devil's heart directly and throw it through the space crack. It is estimated that we will be wiped out before we even have time to react.

But he won't do that, the devil's heart is the core of the devil's magic power concentration, and the devil's heart is an extremely important strategic resource for him.

From a long-term perspective, this kind of tactic is nothing more than self-injury and one thousand enemy damage. Without the heart of the devil, the power of the devil he controls will be greatly damaged.

Even if the royal capital of Helgia was severely damaged, the other territories of Helgia still had the strength to resist. In the south, there were still kingdoms of Saidian, humans, and dwarves whose territories were still intact.Dragging the corpse of the demon king whose strength is still incomplete, his situation will be more difficult than it is now.

Moreover, his fundamental purpose is to evolve the power of the devil, and abandoning the heart of the devil is contrary to his research.

Therefore, he can only detonate the devil's heart as a last resort. When his phylactery is accidentally destroyed, the "haunting curse" engraved on the devil's heart will be activated to fight for his last resurrection Opportunity.Compared with losing everything and disappearing from this world, the loss of just giving up one strategic resource is of course much smaller.

This guy is arrogant, crazy, insidious, and inhumane, but it must be admitted that he is a very terrible opponent, even if he is defeated, he still has the ability to bite back.

Probably because of the unstable fluctuation of magic power, the demon king's heart was a bit slow in casting spells, but it finally managed to open a space crack about two palms wide and half a meter long, and began to slowly sink into the space crack.

"How to do this!?"

I asked Roland subconsciously, but didn't get an immediate response.

For a moment, I thought that the interference was too serious, and Roland's telepathy through the familiar had been cut off.

But after a while, I heard Roland's hesitant voice: "Brock..."

"Is there a way?" I turned my head away.

At this time, Roland was silent again.

While she was hesitating to speak, I felt some kind of deep meaning she couldn't express. After a short thought, I woke up suddenly.

Is there really no way?No, actually there are.

And obviously.

There is no way to prevent the detonation of the devil's heart. With such a huge amount of magic power, it is impossible to touch it or use spells to guide it. It is definitely not a scale that ordinary people can do with a little effort.

The detonation of the devil's heart is inevitable, the only difference is where it is detonated.

It opened a space rift, ready to pass to the world plane, but the space rift... can actually be stopped, as long as it closes the space rift before it passes through.

And in my hand, I happen to have the key to manipulate that power!

I subconsciously looked at the pitch-black battle ax in my hand. A large amount of life fire had been poured into it, and the runes on the blade of the ax related to space cracks had already appeared.

This power can be used to manipulate space cracks, which can be opened...then it should also be able to actively close.

I fully understood what kind of choice was in front of me.

The power of the Demon King can keep the space rift open, but if I use the same power to intervene once, it should be able to temporarily close the space rift—as long as I pour my consciousness and throw the battle ax over it.

The detonation is irreversible. The magic power of the devil's heart is close to the critical point of detonation. As long as the space crack is closed, with its casting speed, it is absolutely too late to open the space crack for the second time.

As long as I do that, I can stop it from traveling to the plane of the world, and everyone there can be saved.

However, I lost the "key" and I couldn't escape in time.

Even if I have a way to get the pitch-black battle ax back in my hands, it is impossible for the life fire that has bottomed out to drive that power again.

It is not feasible to fly directly to squeeze out the space crack before the devil's heart, and then close the space crack from the other end, not to mention that the size of the space crack is not enough for me to pass through, just to get close to the devil's heart , is enough to cause me to be corroded by that terrifying magic power and die.

And the door to the abyss leading to the demon realm that Mudar first opened has been completely closed after he was killed.

Of course, I can also choose to stand by and wait for the devil's heart to detonate in the world, and then reopen the space crack and go back.When the time comes to greet me, there will be a tragedy of corpses strewn across the field. All the people who fought side by side with me will die, and only I will survive.

It seems... there is no need to choose at all, is it?

I see you hit the missing ax (5)

After fully understanding the situation, I realized the weight of Roland's silence.

In order to push this battle to this point, and to kill Mudar who is the culprit, we have sacrificed many people.Our victory is based on countless sacrifices and sacrifices. If I hesitate here and cause everything to fall short, I will become a sinner forever.

Moreover, I can't imagine how I would feel when I survived alone, opened the space crack and returned to the world, facing the scorched earth.

That was such a shame, so shameful that I would have smashed my own head with an ax on the spot.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt completely calm.

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