When I saw my grandma lying on the bed with a cloth covering her face the next day, I, who should have been mentally prepared, had the thought of "this is a dream" for a moment-the one who saw me would squint her eyes I smiled and called my grandma in my native dialect, but I never saw it again.

My grandmother was kind to people all her life. When I saw the obituary later, I read the usual compliments on it, and found that none of them were exaggerated when she was alive.However, God still did not favor such a good person, and took her away from us in such a way that cannot be called peaceful.

After that, it took a lot of work to prepare the funeral, which caused the skylight of this book to be opened for quite a while. Here, I solemnly apologize to all readers, and I am really sorry.

At present, most of the things have been handled properly. If there is no accident, the update should be gradually adjusted. Thank you readers for your patience.


talk later

The demolition team raided in the middle of the night (1)

I'm Brock, and it's nightfall, and I'm back in my dorm, ready for bed.

Which dormitory?Of course it's my dormitory in the college.

That's right, after a long time, I went back to Saidian's Central Academy again.

In fact, until three days ago, I was detained in an unknown cave by the queen... Hestalia.

It’s okay to just live in a cave. After all, when I was hunting in the past, I often slept in the wild.

The only thing that doesn't suit me is that Hestalia often asks me to help her apply medicine. Every time I'm at a loss, she will take the opportunity to mock me.

She sleeps on her golden bed most of the day, and sometimes I sit outside the cave to enjoy the scenery, and occasionally summon a Thunder Eagle to ride out and fly around twice.But I didn't dare to fly too far, after all, I promised to take care of the queen until she recovered from her injury.

After living in this cave for two days, I actually had a faint sense of leisure in retirement.

This kind of secluded life stayed in the afternoon of the day before yesterday, when Hestalia, who was dozing on the coffin bed, suddenly woke up inexplicably.Just when I was about to ask her, she ordered me to stay in the cave with a sullen face and never go out, then rushed out of the cave and flew into the distance.

I stayed in the cave for a few minutes in a daze as I said, and then I heard rumbling shocks and explosions from afar, and black smoke rising from a mountain.

Just when I couldn't sit still and wanted to go over to see what happened, the queen flew back from that direction.

When she came back, her complexion was even uglier than when she went, her hair was a little messy and dusty, and she looked a rare embarrassment.

This posture looks like he just came back from a fight with a hundred legions.

As soon as I opened my mouth to ask her, she threw back a sentence: "I'm going back."

"Huh?" I froze for a moment.

"I said we have to go back to that academy." Hestalia replied impatiently.



"Why in such a hurry?"

"Because they just made such an agreement, they want me to send you back first."

"They? Who are they?"

"Idiot, shut up!"

In the end, she squinted at me and gave me a sideways look, preventing me from asking any further questions.

Not only that, but I also heard her murmuring to herself: "Little girls, you really took advantage of my illness to kill me...and that bastard with pointed ears, who dared to play tricks on me..."

At that moment, I could see that she was in an extremely bad mood, and if she asked more questions, she might be beaten up.

So I was sent back to the academy just like that, and as soon as I landed at the gate, I saw everyone gathered there waiting for me, even Arsena, who was scheduled to give me a commendation ceremony in Helgia, also came.

I don't know how they knew the news of my return.

A simple welcome, I was re-enrolled in the academy, and everything seemed to be back to the way it was before.

back to the past?

No, it seems that you can't say that.

In the past, my days in the academy can only be described as jumping around.

And now...

More settled down than before?No, it should be said that it is more insane than before.

Because of my relationship with them, it has become a little different.

I turned off the spar lamp and lay down on the bed.

The quality of my sleep has always been okay, and it didn't take long for me to feel my consciousness sink.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that I seemed to be getting heavier, as if something was pressing on it out of thin air.

The intuition cultivated by hunting opened my eyes for the first time.

Then I saw two ghostly lights floating in front of my eyes.

Relying on the orc's night vision ability, I vaguely recognized who was sitting straddling my quilt in front of me.

"Angelica?" I frowned.

"Good evening, Brock." Angelica nodded to me, and moved her wolf ears on her head twice.

It was a matter of course, as if she was the master who lived here.

... No wonder I couldn't hear any movement, and I didn't feel something was right until she pressed on me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her blankly.

"Night attack." Angelica said, pointing a finger at me.

"Stop making trouble!!" I lifted the quilt to let her get off the bed, and straightened up, "How did you get in? The doors and windows were locked when I went out!"

I have been locking the doors and windows for the past two days, because recently I found that if I don't...my room is often invaded by different people.

"..." Angelica squatted on the ground in a wolf-like posture and looked at me without answering.

I thought about it carefully and lifted my bed up.

I leaned over and knocked on the floorboards under the bed, and there was a hollow sound coming from one of the floorboards.

I turned my head to look at Angelica, but Angelica looked away without saying a word.

I reached out and lifted the floor, and there was a brand new hole under the floor, which seemed to extend to the outside of the house.

"What's the matter with this hole?" I turned my head and asked Angelica.

"I planed it." Angelica responded calmly.

Are you a gopher are you?

"Don't open holes under other people's houses casually!" I couldn't help but educate her.

"It's okay, Brock, you'll get used to it soon." Angelica didn't show any remorse.

How can someone get used to digging tunnels and invading my room all day, and crawling into my bed in the middle of the night!

"Angelica, we have to talk about this matter again, this kind of matter can't be forced..." I raised my hand to her, and then added, "Well, can you calm down first?"

I noticed that Angelica's eyes were weird. Just by looking at her, I could feel the crisis of being face to face with a beast.

"Sorry, it's almost full moon, I'm a little...excited!"

As Angelica spoke, she leaned forward, with purple demonic patterns shining on her body, and I suddenly felt a thrill—her posture seemed like she was going to pounce at any moment.

Just as I was thinking about what to do, there was a crisp sound in the room—a throwing dagger appeared out of thin air on the floor in front of Angelica, and was deeply inserted.

Angelica turned vigilantly to the corner of the room, where a figure appeared out of thin air.

"Hmph, you are really dishonest, a werewolf, to sneak into a man's boudoir in the middle of the night." Daisy walked out from there slowly, "Fortunately, I have been guarding here all the time."

"I didn't smell you." Angelica narrowed her eyes at her.

"I made a special defense against you and applied a potion that can cover up the smell." Daisy smiled and stood in front of me, "Don't worry, Brock, with me here, I won't let her do whatever she wants of!"

Without saying a word, I raised my hand and hit her on the head with the knife.

"What are you doing?" Daisy was caught off guard and covered her head and looked back at me.

"Can you explain how you got in here first!?"

The demolition team raided in the middle of the night (2)

"Get in? What are you talking about? I usually get in like this." Daisy looked at me inexplicably.

"You've always been picking locks to get in!?" I couldn't help but glared at her.

Why can she say such a crime-like thing so confidently?

"Don't worry about it, hurry up and help get rid of this annoying werewolf. It's too bad for me to beat her alone." Daisy raised her hand and pointed at Angelica who had been staring at her dissatisfied.

Both of you are little thieves who sneak into other people's rooms without saying hello, let's not talk about the second brother.

"I'll help you, and you go back to my dormitory too!" I grabbed Daisy by the back collar and lifted her up like a kitten, pointing to the outside of the room.

When Angelica heard this, she suddenly lifted her chin proudly at Daisy: "Hmph, Brock won't help you, he knew me much earlier than he knew you!"

"You go back to my dormitory too!!" I stretched out my other hand and lifted Angelica up.

"I don't want to go back!"

"Aren't we in the same group?"

Both of them immediately protested in dissatisfaction. I ignored their voices and was about to throw these two things out of the door.

At this moment, they suddenly fell silent abnormally - Daisy raised her head abruptly, and Angelica also moved her wolf ears on her head.

Then, they both broke free from my grasp at the same time, and looked around vigilantly.

I also instinctively sensed that something wasn't quite right.

Then, we saw black smoke seeping in through cracks in windows, doors, and cracks in the wooden walls, and then gathered in a ball near the ceiling.

Vanessa appeared from the fog, and approached the bed with her eyes that were glowing red in the night: "Hey, my dear, I'm here—huh? Where's the person?"

Of course, the bed was empty.

"I'm here." I said blankly behind her.

Vanessa turned her head abruptly, stared at me in surprise, and exclaimed, "Why are you still awake!? That elf female knight clearly said that you should have fallen asleep as long as you drank!"

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