"Sixteen players with special skills are selected by the professor's council, and they participate in multiple competitions to obtain points and rankings. The other students just participate in the solidarity and watch the competition."

"So you mean?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I invite you to participate." Roland continued to smile.

"No." I replied without hesitation.

"Okay, then I'll register you now..." Roland said as he was about to write my name on the document.

"Listen to me!" I patted the table.

"Why refuse, this is a great opportunity for you to express yourself." Roland began to persuade me, "You are a famous figure in the academy now, if you participate, you will definitely stir up the atmosphere of the sports meeting."

"I'm serious, don't you want to play tricks on me again, okay? I've been exhausted lately, okay?" I sighed.

"Why do you miss me so much?" Roland spread his hands helplessly.

"You have a lot of criminal records, why can't I think about it that way." I retorted without hesitation.

Roland began to persuade me with full firepower: "There are many benefits to participating in the Star Game, there are medals and prizes awarded by Her Majesty the Queen herself..."

"Not interested in!"

Anyway, the elf queen has always had a bad impression of me.

"I can also take a week off, and get a week's residency at Saidian Lake Island Resort..."

"so so."

"The champion of the star game can designate a person to date during this semester. The designated person cannot refuse, and must date the other party at least three times..."

"Why do I feel as if I saw similar things in other novels?" Because of the strong sense of déjà vu, I couldn't help frowning.

"This is a tradition that our college has always been recognized by teachers and students. It has been followed until now, and it has basically never been broken."

"But you've basically only had girls left since 70 years ago!!"

"This is not a problem, the key is that you now have the opportunity to get all the benefits..."

"I still refuse."

"But Miria has signed up."

"That's nothing...wait what are you talking about?" I suddenly widened my eyes.

"I said that Miria has also signed up, and she's already on the star game list." Roland said with a smile.

"Isn't she a teacher!?"

"I didn't say that teachers can't participate." Roland added as if suddenly remembering something, "By the way, she has won three consecutive championships in the past, but her purpose is to win bonuses and vacations, but this If it's just once...but maybe it won't happen."

Roland looked over meaningfully.

I suddenly felt a chill behind my back.

As for Miria, who uses magic to strengthen her body, competing with ordinary students in this academy full of thin elves is tantamount to beating a child.

"Since you don't want to participate, I can't help it. We will choose someone else." Roland nodded suddenly, and was about to make a decision.

"Wait a minute!" I quickly stopped her.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Roland looked over knowingly.

"I want to." I sighed.

"A wise choice." Roland happily registered my name, "If you win the championship, what are your plans?"

What else can I plan, I mainly want to prevent Miria from winning the championship.

But if you have to say...

"If you think about it carefully, it would be nice to be able to stay in a resort for a week..." I muttered casually.

Recently, I can't even sleep peacefully in the academy, so I can just go to recuperate.

That's right, now I really need to recuperate.

I, Brock, 20 years old, born in the Blood Axe clan, unmarried, I study abroad in the Central College of Saidian Kingdom, and I have to review every night until 10 o'clock before I rest, I quit smoking and drinking because someone wants to get me drunk and plot against me I dare not drink, and sleep less than three hours a day at most.Before going to bed, I must set up traps in the room and patrol around the dormitory with the beast soul for [-] to [-] minutes. When I go to bed, there will always be someone coming to attack at night, so it is basically impossible to sleep. The next day is full of fatigue and stress , the teachers in the infirmary said it was a miracle that I didn't die suddenly.

Looking back now, I must have lost my mind for thinking about the noisy life in the academy.

After being tortured for half a month, I just want to live a peaceful life, even if it is only for a short period of time.

Well, let's do it.

"What about the third reward, you can invite anyone on a date." Roland said quietly, "Even if I am invited by you, I can't refuse..."

"No." I flatly refused.

"Huh?" Roland raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "No way, you don't want to skip me and invite other people, do you?"

"No one will invite me. I want to take a vacation alone. All I want to pursue now is a stable and peaceful life like a plant." I said with a confident face.

"What!? Wait a minute, are you kidding me! Are you going to give up such a good opportunity?" Roland suddenly froze, as if he didn't expect me to give such an answer at all, "Even if it's a vacation... don't you Should you at least take me?"

"Absolutely not, if you are here, it is impossible to take a safe vacation!" I refused very rationally.

"What do you think of me?" Roland made a sad expression artificially, "Oh, I'm so sad, I thought you would be blushing, shy, and stammering to invite me A date is coming, I have been looking forward to it for a long time..."

Who would do that? Hey!

"But..." She suddenly laughed meaningfully again, "The premise is that you have to win the championship."


The World's No. 2 Games ([-])

"...The following announces the 'best player' in this student sports meeting, student Brock Bloodaxe!!"

In the applause from the auditorium of the playground, I stepped onto the podium and received the trophy presented to me by Roland.

"Congratulations, Brock." Roland smiled and congratulated me, "Do you have any comments?"

In this regard, my heart is not disturbed: "Uh... this is also the result that should be taken for granted."

Orcs and elves have different physiques, so of course they cannot be generalized.I used to hunt in a state of extreme arousal, fighting a hoof of beef for nearly half an hour, and chasing it for several kilometers before the last slide shovel pierced its vitals.An orc can probably confidently say that no one can beat a bear, but most elves and humans can't.

Except for the part of the so-called star game, the sports meeting of Saidian Central College is not much different from the sports meeting I used to know. They are divided into grades, and then send representatives to participate in different competitions on a class basis.

And I, without exception, took over almost all the competitions in our class, except for some technical events.

Then, I not only won the first number of gold medals in the school, but also broke a lot of records.

To be honest, I was somewhat surprised when I heard that the sports meeting here was mixed.

But Roland quickly gave me an explanation: "In terms of physical fitness, the gender difference in elves is not too big, so we have always competed equally between men and women in sports games."

——There is some truth to it, but let me go up and compete with a group of bean sprouts elves on the same stage. To be honest, I don't feel much sense of accomplishment if I win.

"The class confrontation part of this sports meeting has come to a successful conclusion." After the award ceremony, Roland continued to preside over the scene, "Then the next step is the long-awaited part, which we are all looking forward to——"

Then the students gathered in the playground shouted after her in unison with a deafening voice: "All-star game!!!"

Then there was a burst of cheers, and I realized that this link seems to be quite popular in this academy.

"Then without further ado, let's introduce the contestants of this star game immediately." Roland continued to host with a steady voice, "First of all, the only boy in our school, and the one who won the first place in this sports meeting, Brock !"

I was the first one to come along with the previous awards ceremony, and I was a little caught off guard for a while.

There is no one warming up in front, if it is because of my cold start, it will be too embarrassing...

But to my surprise, the students in the auditorium cheered loudly at me, and some even pulled up a banner with my name on it.

Looking at this scene, I couldn't help being a little dazed. I didn't expect that I would be so popular in this college today. When I recalled the first time I came here, I was really moved... Huh?Wait!

I suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Why does the signature on that banner say the Homosexuals of Different Species?There is also the sign with my face on it, it seems that the signature is from the Torture Club... There is also a sign that says "Welcome Brock to join the Rope Art Club"...

Looking at the smile on my face, it gradually disappeared—here, there are not a few serious people to support me! ?

This "popularity" is no different from before! ?

"The next thing is Miria, the flower of Gaoling of the Saidian Cavaliers and the defending champion of the All-Star Game!"

As Miria came onto the stage, the students in the auditorium cheered even louder, and several times more cheering signs than mine were displayed.

This guy will definitely participate in the competition...

Miria stood upright beside me, lined up with me, and then whispered in a voice that only I could hear: "This time, I will definitely not let you escape."

"I will never let you succeed!" I replied firmly.

"The next one, the wolf girl who is active on the battlefield, the new star who won the track and field championship this time, Angelica!"

Following Roland's introduction, the petite Angelica stepped into the playground from the entrance, and walked onto the stage with a tense little face.

"Angelica?" I was a little surprised.

She actually wants to participate?In this sports meeting, she will shine in the track and field events and will be a strong opponent.

"The next step is to stand up and defend this country with a bow and arrow. Saidian's well-deserved princess, Alyssa!"

Then Princess Alyssa, who entered the arena, made the audience lively again. She is also very popular in this academy. When she came on stage, she squinted her eyes and smiled at me, and waved to me quietly.

"The head of the magic branch, the former school bully who was once notorious, and after some training, finally changed his mind, Feilan!"

"Hey! Did you introduce me like that!?" Feilan blushed and complained to Roland when she came to the stage, and turned away blushing as soon as she met my eyes.

Wait a minute, look at this development, could it be...

I suddenly realized something, and suddenly turned my head to look at Roland, the host.

Roland noticed my gaze and gave me an imperceptible smirk.

really! !

"The 'His Royal Highness' who used to be a star-studded figure, wields a warhammer smartly to protect the alliance's paladin, Arsena!"

"A brave female warrior, Tilawa is the new star who is second only to Bullock in this sports meeting!"

"Challenge the dark elf hero who set foot on Sidian's land, Nitrilan's shadow flower, Daisy!"


Watching familiar faces come to the stage one by one, I realized.

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