"Hey, what are you talking about?" I couldn't help frowning.

"Don't you believe that she is interested in you? If you don't believe me, just ask her?"

"What a joke, it will be burnt to ashes!"

Hearing what Roland said, I quietly glanced at Hesteria in the distance, and couldn't help but feel weird.

Hestalia likes me as much as everyone else?This... is unlikely.

But there are other people's examples first, and I can't help being a little shaken.

No, no, no, it still feels impossible.

"Don't worry, my goal is to let you, Brock, live the happy life described in the book." Roland's voice came again.

"Is the book you mentioned serious?" I felt deeply suspicious.

"What do you say?"

"Honestly speaking, I have never been happy after experiencing the things you arranged..."

"Oh, really?" Roland asked teasingly, "Then why did you choose to come back?"

"..." I was speechless for a moment.

"Anyway, trust me, you will win to the end." Roland said mysteriously.

After a while, the referee's stand finally announced the final event: "The final event will be Saidian's most traditional sport—bow and arrow!"

"Ah." At this moment, I suddenly realized that Roland had actually set a trap for Hestalia.


A few minutes later, I stood side by side with other players on the prepared playing field.

Ten people stood side by side on the playground, each with an archery target directly in front of them.

The rule of the game is that each player shoots three arrows, and the ranking is based on the total points of the target ring.

If there are multiple players tied for the first place, these players will have an extra match, and the target will be moved to a longer distance to re-match. If they are tied again, the target will be moved to the edge of the bow and arrow range, and the number of arrows will be increased to five.

When the game started, I immediately took a bow and shot an arrow and hit the bullseye with one shot.

The weapons and methods used by orcs for hunting and fighting are very complicated, and bows and arrows are just one of them.I'm not particularly proficient in archery, but my level is still at the professional level, more than enough for this kind of competition.

As for the others, when I shot an arrow, Princess Alyssa, who is excellent at archery, had already hit the bull's-eye with three rounds, and then contestant Alyssa No. [-], just like Alyssa herself, also quickly Three arrows hit the bull's eye...

Well, as expected of Princess Alyssa, she is so outstanding in both number one and number two bow skills.

Um?Wait... something seems wrong?

Why does it feel like there is an extra Princess Alyssa!

"Contestant Vanessa used magic to cheat in violation of the regulations, and her score will be cancelled!!" The referee stand suddenly announced.

"Why!?" Princess Avansa No. [-]—Vanessa, who was actually transformed into Princess Avansa with the ability of the mirror demon, turned back to the original, and protested to the referee stand.

Naturally, the referee stand ignored her protest at all.

So far, all the results of the Vanessa Star Competition have been reset to zero-I have to say, it is really a talent.

I continued to hit the bull's-eye with my arrows, during which Tilawa and Miriah also shot full marks without any pressure.

Then Arsena, one arrow nine points ring, two arrows eight points ring.

After that was Feilan, who hit a fifth ring and two fourth rings.

"Basically I haven't practiced bow and arrow much." She muttered dissatisfiedly, "Why can't it be better than magic shooting?"

"Why are there no traditional items for dark elves, I want to protest to the referees!" Daisy also complained beside her, "Hmph, weak elves, you have to use props to use flying props."

After she shot two quarters, she angrily threw the third arrow and hit the bull's-eye—naturally, this arrow scored zero.

As for Angelica, two arrows missed the target, and only the third arrow hit the quarter ring blindly.

"It's so difficult. It's better to hunt directly." She looked at the bow and arrow and commented.

In the end, it was Hestalia. She didn't shoot the arrow for a long time, but fiddled with the longbow, curled her lips, turned her head to look at the referee's stand, and said calmly, "Roland, you are so brave, you actually designed me."

"What are you talking about, Your Majesty?" Roland smiled and spread his hands, "This is really the most traditional and classic sport of our Saidian."

The elves have a unique talent in bows and arrows, and archery is probably the most traditional and classic project of Saidian.

And of course, it is impossible for Hestalia to be able to shoot arrows.

It should be said that she is probably not good at any weapon. The natural power of the dragon clan crushes all ordinary weapons. As a long-range attack method, the breath of a dragon is several times stronger than that of a bow and arrow. the same.

By arranging this project in secret until the end, Roland basically set up a trap for her to exploit.

Hestalia tried to draw the bow, but the bowstring snapped.

"If the equipment is broken, you can replace it." Roland reminded with a smile.

Hestalia did not reply, but raised her finger to the archery target, and a fireball blasted the archery target into slag.

"This should add up the points of each ring to me." Hestalia said calmly.

"No, zero points for a foul." Roland replied calmly.

"I will remember this." Hestalia turned her head and looked over.

Vaguely, I seemed to see an invisible spark blooming between the two.

In this way, I played two additional rounds with several other players who tied for the first place, and the final ranking became Princess Alisa first, Miria second, me third, Tilawa fourth, The rest of the rankings went down in order, and the last one was Hestalia who destroyed the archery target without getting points.

Of course, Vanessa, who was disqualified for cheating, was at the bottom.

So, after the last round of projects, my total ranking score was eight points, and I rose to the top of the list all at once.

This is the end of the star game!

I'm not that kind of orc

"Now, I officially announce that the winner of the All-Star Game is... Brock!" Finally, Roland announced loudly in front of the podium, "Congratulations!"

When I stepped onto the podium, I let out a long sigh of relief.

Thank goodness, I don't need to be entangled by Miria like this, and Her Majesty the Empress probably won't settle accounts with me again.Most importantly, you can also leave the academy for a period of peaceful life.

"Because the award presenter, Her Majesty Seretis, is busy with official duties, this award will be presented through projection magic." Roland continued to announce, "Please, our honorable Queen, present the award to the champion of the star game."

After Roland finished speaking, he paused the staff in his hand, and the figure of the Elf Queen appeared in front of the awarding platform out of thin air.

Almost forgot, Roland seemed to have said that the champion's medals and trophies were handed out by the Queen herself. Looking at it like this, it seemed that he was planning to use the projection as a formality.

Roland used spells to levitate the medals and trophies, and "put" them into the hands of Queen Seretis.

At the same time, all the Saidian elves present saluted to the queen's projection, and out of courtesy, I also saluted the orc warrior.

"Congratulations, Brock of the Bloodaxe clan, it should be very easy to use the orc's physical advantage to crush the elves." Her Majesty was expressionless, watching me hand over the medal and trophy with cold eyes, "May Saidian Prosper and prosper in union with the tribe, and live forever in friendship."

Hey, what's the matter with the prickly yin and yang feeling in these words?The obvious disgust revealed in this attitude, don't say that the friendship will last forever, look at the next moment and declare war on us, okay?

"Well, Your Majesty, can you control your expression? Why do I feel that you are still prejudiced against orcs..." After receiving the trophy, I lowered my voice and directly conveyed my thoughts to the queen.

"Don't worry, I don't have any prejudice against the orcs anymore. The tribal union is now our important ally." The queen replied calmly, "My attitude is only aimed at you."

Should I be so direct—I thought to myself.

"You wait for me about Alisa, I want to find a chance to have a good talk with you!!" The queen came a little closer and gave me a sneaky look.

"Uh..." I didn't know how to deal with her for a while.

However, at this time, as the runner-up, Hesteria appeared behind the queen and said, "This session should be over, I'm going to go on stage."

The queen's expression changed suddenly, and when she turned around, she saw Hestalia standing behind her, her expression becoming more and more rigid.

It seems that she remembered the rude behavior of the Dragon Queen to her in the past.

On the list of victims who were psychologically shadowed by Hesteria, the Elven Queen was enough to make a note.

"Roland, I'm going back to deal with business." She declared calmly.

"Farewell to Your Majesty." Roland bowed his head with a smile, retracted the projection spell, and the Queen's figure disappeared.

Hestalia took the second place on the podium next to me.

"Brock, you should have known from Roland, the conditions of the contract?" Hestalia turned her head and looked over.

Through the blindfolded black cloth, I can still feel her piercing gaze.

"Yes." I replied, looking ahead.

"So, what are you going to do?" I could feel her eyes getting sharper.

Although I am immune to her coercion, the thorny feeling she exudes at this moment is obviously purely due to her emotions.

The majestic dragon queen is now bound by a contract to fulfill a request of mine, which should be quite an embarrassing thing for her.

But it doesn't matter, I will answer this question.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything." I replied seriously, "If you think it is necessary, I can make a request to use up this contract."

Hestalia was obviously stunned for a moment: "Can't do anything?"

"Yes, nothing." I nodded.

"You..." Hestalia was silent for a while, and finally turned her face away, "Idiot, spoil the fun."

Then, I heard a displeased "hum" sound from her nose.


Why does he seem to be unhappy instead! ?

"You are really out of touch, Brock." Roland's voice sounded in my head.

After Mi Ruiya, who was ranked third, came to the stage, Roland also came over, and handed over a receipt embroidered with gold: "Congratulations, you have won a one-week luxury board and lodging vacation package at Huxin Island Resort. The time is from next From the first to the seventh of the month."

Seven days of vacation, you can live a quiet life for a while.

"Is the time fixed? Is it okay to ask for leave consecutively next month? You won't say that you can't approve it at this juncture." I looked at Roland with some concern.

"Please don't worry about this. At the beginning of next month, in order to celebrate the establishment of a new peace treaty between Saidian and neighboring countries, the college will hold a group excursion to participate in the celebration at that time. This coincides with this. You don't have to worry about schoolwork and Asking for leave." Roland smiled.

"That's pretty sweet." I nodded.

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