The time when Miria locked the door from behind and twisted off the key created a psychological shadow.


I glanced at Angelica who was looking at the leg of lamb on the long table with bright eyes.

With this girl present, His Royal Highness shouldn't do anything strange.

"Okay, both of you, hurry up and take your seats." Alsace nudged our backs from behind, "Please feel free, don't be restrained."

Angelica, who got the master's permission, immediately rushed to the side of the long table and sat down excitedly, and then began to look for food that could be started immediately.

After making some choices, she first fell in love with the prosciutto placed on the porcelain plate, grabbed the table knife inserted into it and cut off a large piece, then grabbed it with one hand and bit down, narrowing her eyes with happiness.

The food provided by the college is all vegetarian. Due to limited conditions, she and I can only hunt by ourselves and then simply bake it.After leaving the human village and coming here, she probably hasn't tasted this kind of exquisitely cooked meat for a long time.

"It seems to suit your appetite. It's great." Alsace walked over with a smile, took out a set of tableware from the stacked tableware at one end of the long table, put it in front of Angelica, and took another plate The cheese passed over, "The first-class prosciutto from Angus Ranch is the correct way to eat it with the smoked cheese from the same locality."

Then he took another napkin, walked around to Angelica's side, and carefully helped her pin the napkin into her collar: "Come on, don't get your clothes dirty."

To my surprise, Angelica didn't seem to resist his physical contact, and turned her head to him with a sweet smile: "Thank you."

With this well-behaved look, there is no trace of the impolite look that locked on the other party with sharp eyes a few minutes ago.

Completely tamed by the opponent with food...

"Mr. Bullock, come and eat too." Alsace leaned on the back of the chair and waved to me.

"It's okay, I'll just... just take a look." I casually shied away, and my eyes unconsciously glanced aside.

Then I noticed the armor in the corner.

"Huh? This armor isn't..."

"Do you still have an impression? It is the suit I wore when we first met. This armor is quite heavy, but it is quite suitable for strength training." Alsace walked to the armor and introduced it to me. Said, "It's a pity that the academy doesn't allow me to walk around in clothes anymore."

That's right, it was indeed the set of tin cans that Alsace wore when he met him during the exam.

The armor here has obviously been carefully wiped and maintained, and it is shiny-except for the right hand gauntlet.

Noticing that the gauntlet looked dull, I went over and wiped it with my finger, only to find a little dust on it.

"Your Highness, you forgot to wipe your gauntlets." I casually reminded.

"I didn't wipe this part on purpose." He smiled at me.

"Why?" I frowned suspiciously.

"Because..." he said slowly, narrowing his eyes at me, "That's the place you held, Mr. Bullock."

I froze on the spot.

"Do you remember? When we first met, you stretched out your hand to give me a hand. I still remember the warm touch at that time..." He said, looking at his right hand with nostalgia.

Fart, don't be sensational!How do you feel "warm touch" while wearing gauntlets?

"After that, I shook hands with you twice with that gauntlet. When I put this set of armor here, I made up my mind that that gauntlet will never be washed again!" He stared at me seriously s eyes.


I think my current expression is probably similar to eating a fly.

I really couldn't look directly into his fiery gaze, so I subconsciously staggered my gaze, looked at the wall on the other side, and forcibly changed the subject: "Then, are those weapons in your collection?"

"Are you interested in these?" Alsace approached enthusiastically, "Yes, these are collections I purchased from various places, but they are actually just a small interest that is not well known. There are some They are relic antiques bought from the expedition team, and some are custom-made products produced by famous workshops."

I silently took a step back to keep a distance from Alsace, and then began to scan the collections hanging on the wall one by one.As a fighter, I do have a little interest in weapons.

Most of these collections hanging on the wall are extraordinary at a glance.

It looks like a long sword with inscriptions from some ages, a short-handled warhammer full of power and carved with a wolf's head, the shape is reminiscent of the paired cross-bladed war blades of bats with wings spread, a plain wooden sword, and a shield. With a beautifully carved caged sword in his hand...

Um?Wait, wooden sword?

Thinking that I was dazzled for a moment, I turned my gaze back, and was surprised to find that there was indeed a wooden sword hanging there—no matter how carefully I looked at it, I couldn’t see anything special. It was used in the academy on weekdays. There is no difference at all with the training sword.

But here this wooden sword hangs side by side with these gorgeous collectible weapons, and occupies the most prominent position in the middle.

"Your Highness, what happened to that wooden sword? It doesn't look like anything valuable." I asked.

"No, it's the most valuable collectible here." Alsace shook his head lightly, then looked me in the eye with smiling eyes, "Because it's the wooden sword you used, Mr. Bullock. "

I felt my mind go blank for a moment.

"Do you remember? It was the sword you used during the fencing exam. After I took it from you, I also got a good grade in the exam. After the exam, I applied to the school engineering department to buy this sword. It's down. Huh? What's wrong with you, Mr. Bullock? You don't look very well, is there something wrong?" He looked over with concern.

"I'm fine..." I murmured.

...I really want to break through a floor-to-ceiling window and escape right now.

Once again, the prince in front of me made me feel a deep sense of fear.

"Are you a bit hungry? Let's sit down and eat something together now." Alsace spread his hands in the direction of the long table.

Angelica was nibbling on a half-cooked steak drizzled with sauce, oblivious to our conversation.

Tsk, damn it!Why do I have to be afraid and afraid of such a sissy prince?With Angelica around, no matter how exaggerated this stalker is, he probably won't be able to do anything!

I tried my best to suppress the uneasiness that came to my heart, strode over, and sat down on the seat next to Angelica.

Angelica, whose cheeks were stuffed with food, noticed that I was seated, and cut a piece of meat from her own plate and handed it to me: "Woolok... It's hot, let's try it too (Blok, this one) It’s delicious, you should try it too).”

"I can take what I can, you can eat it yourself, and you can talk after swallowing what's in your mouth..." I smiled wryly at her.

"Oh (oh)." She swallowed what was in her mouth, and then sent the meat from the fork into her mouth.

At this moment, a "thump" sounded beside him.

I glanced sideways and saw Alsace move a chair, sat down firmly on the other side of me, and then smiled at me.

"...Your Highness, don't you sit across from me?" I said after a moment of silence.

"It's convenient to talk like this." He responded without changing his expression.

What's the situation with three people sitting side by side at such a big table?

However, at this time, I discovered another interesting thing.

"Your Highness, the chair you are sitting on is not the same as ours." I frowned slightly.

Angelica and I sat under the high-backed dining chairs that matched the long table, and the chair Alsace moved for himself was not only obviously shorter than ours, but also had a much colder style. , looks a bit out of place here.

"Huh? Wait, why do I feel that this chair... seems to have been seen somewhere?" I suddenly felt that this chair looked familiar.

"You still have the impression that this is actually the chair of the academy library." Alsace said.

"Why did you move a chair from there to sit on—" My question got stuck in my throat.

"Because this is the chair you sat on." Alsace smiled calmly and said the answer I just realized.

At this moment, the fear that I had finally suppressed in my heart surged out again, and began to swim in my limbs.

I slowly moved my gaze down to the two legs behind the chair he was sitting on.

These two chair legs have obvious traces of patching with wood.

I remembered that the first time I met this guy was when I was invited by Her Royal Highness Princess Alyssa to review in the library and was about to leave.

At that time, this guy was wearing a heavy armor and sat on the chair I was sitting on, and then fell on his back.

That's the right chair.

"Actually, in that library, I have been paying attention to you since we first met." ——Suddenly, I recalled what he said to me.

"I bought this chair, took it back and repaired it. Whether it's eating, reading or studying, I always sit on this chair."

Alsace's voice made me raise my head again, and I saw him slowly lean his back on the back of the chair, and cast a meaningful look at me.

I hold my breath.

I said, did this guy break his head at that time...

I'm going to call the police! ! !

real trouble will always come after you (5)

I really shouldn't be here...

Facing Alsace's sea-blue eyes, there is only one thought in my mind.

"Mr. Bullock." At this moment Alsace suddenly said, "I think we can start now, right?"

"Start, start?" I suddenly felt flustered, "Start what?"

"What else? Drinking, of course!" He smiled.

"No, this... I suddenly don't really want to drink."

Before I came here, I was really tempted by this, but after I came here, I suddenly didn't want to drink a drop of wine.

I always feel that he will take advantage of the maneuver to do something...

"Come on, it's rare that they're all here." Alsace stood up self-consciously, and leaned forward to bring the wine bottles on the table closer, "Come on, which one do you want to enjoy first? The tribute from the royal city High-grade mead, raspberry wine and cider from the Western Forest, coconut wine from the island, or..." He paused here, then narrowed his eyes slightly, "I..."

"You?" I was taken aback.

"...I made the wine myself." He took another bottle without any label and put it on the table.

"You still make wine!?"

Will you die if you don't talk too much and pant?

"When I was 14 years old, I learned how to make it from the palace winemaker out of curiosity. I didn't expect that he would specially seal up the small barrel of wine I made by hand until it was handed over to me two years later, saying this I can drink it with my important people. There are only three bottles of this wine. I gave one bottle to my father and drank it with him that day. He was very happy at that time. I dedicated the other bottle to my mother. It was put on her grave on her birthday, ah she passed away when I was very young. And then this is the last bottle.”

"No, no, no, I don't drink this kind of wine too much, so, I'd better drink that bottle, I think that bottle is good." I waved my hands again and again, pointing at a bottle of wine casually in a hurry.

"Oh? Honey wine? You are very discerning. This is a superb product brewed with the finest honey and clear spring water produced in the suburbs of Wangcheng. It is made with recipe spices and mint. It is very delicious. It is a sin to waste any drop. Without hesitation, he took the bottle of amber wine in his hand, picked up a knife and carefully opened the seal on it.

Fortunately, he didn't insist...

I'm making up nonsense about not being used to drinking wine. Except for the local wine brewed from grain in the tribal tavern, I have never drunk other wines at all.

Regardless of whether the bottle of wine he brewed by himself has been tampered with, I really can't bear such a great significance.

Hey wait... I originally planned not to drink a drop of alcohol!

I reacted abruptly.

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