"...several times." I finished speaking calmly.

Feilan was so choked that she couldn't speak.

I turned my face to Arsena: "Your Highness, don't look at her virtue, she is actually a person who is very afraid of loneliness. You know, she didn't have a good reputation here, after that incident What's more, she probably doesn't have many friends around now, so..."

"If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart!" Feilan frowned, slapped the table with her hand, pointed at my face and shouted, "Who is afraid of being lonely, tell me clear!"

"Is there anything to deny? Didn't you used to pester Roland even in sleep?" I glanced at her.

Feilan suddenly took a breath.

"Is there such a thing?" Arsena turned her head sideways after hearing this, "It's surprising that you still have such a cute side." She nodded to Feilan.

"Shut up!" Feilan blushed, glared at Alsena, and then stabbed her eyes at me, "You—"

"Oh? Is there a problem?" I looked at her calmly.

"Miss Ben fought with you!!"

Feilan turned over the table with shame and indignation, and rushed towards me.

Your Highness, don't you know about the big sword? (6)

"Okay, you'd better save some energy!" Facing Feilan who was rushing towards me, I just reached out and pressed her head with my palm, and pushed her back--if I worked hard, I couldn't possibly lose to This bean sprouts are elves.

"You bastard!" The idiot girl still refused to give up, with one knee bent on the table, her head struggling against my palm, and at the same time leaning out and stretching her arms trying to scratch my face.

But as a matter of course, she couldn't reach me with her arms being far shorter than mine.

"Miss Feilan, please calm down..." Arsena got up from her seat and tried to persuade her, but the angry Feilan obviously didn't listen at all.

This wrestling caused the large table between Feilan and me to vibrate violently, and then a loud sound of a heavy object falling to the ground suddenly sounded in the room.

The sound stopped us who were making a fuss, and turned our heads to look at the past at the same time.

What fell on the ground was the long flat box that Arsena put on the table to hold the sword after she came in. Because of the impact, the lid of the box was knocked open, and the whole box was knocked upside down on the ground.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Your Highness." I looked at Arsena apologetically, "I didn't mean to."

"It's all right, it's just a sword, it's not afraid of falling." Arsena smiled nonchalantly.

Feilan also calmed down, and honestly climbed down from the table with an uncomfortable expression, then glared at me resentfully: "It's all because of you!"

"Isn't it because of you rushing over here?" I spread my hands towards her.

"It's not because you talked nonsense first!" she retorted.

At this moment, Arsena, who was watching from the side, suddenly interjected: "You two have a pretty good relationship!"

"Where is it good?"

"Don't, stop talking nonsense!"

We glared at her together.

Arsena smiled wordlessly.

I looked at the upside-down box on the ground beside the table, went around and bent over to lift up the upside-down box. The sheathed long sword had fallen out of the box and lay quietly on the ground.

"Huh? Is this the sword?" My eyes widened in surprise.

The reason why I was surprised was because the scabbard of this long sword was covered with rust, which looked very old.

"I said Your Highness, is this a sword worth fifty gold coins?" Frowning, I put the box back on the table and picked up the sword on the ground, "It's so rusty that even the person who made it can't recognize it. "

"Doesn't this mean that it is an antique unearthed from the ruins?" Arsena shrugged disapprovingly.

I think those dwarves randomly found scraps from the warehouse to perfuse you, you are completely fooled and limping...

"Huh? This sword..." Feilan on the opposite side suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong with this sword?" I held the sword and shook it at her, "Do you recognize it?"

"It's nothing!" She turned her head away, but still squinted her eyes and glanced over, obviously caring.

"By the way, Mr. Bullock, can you do me a favor?" Arsena seemed to remember something, "Actually, this sword seems to be rusted, and when I just picked it up, I found that I couldn't pull it out at all. If you have more strength, can you pull it out for me?"

"Rusted?" I looked at the sword in my hand in surprise.

Arsena can wield that kind of huge war hammer, and her strength is definitely not small.Logically speaking, if it was only stuck to this extent due to rust, she should be able to pull out the sword easily.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." I still nodded, grabbed the hilt of the scabbard, and stretched my arms.

From the feel when holding it, I thought it could be easily pulled out, but unexpectedly encountered resistance, and the sword in the sheath did not move at all.

"Hmph." Feilan on the opposite side sneered.

"Why?" I saw that she seemed to have something to say.

"It's okay, just go ahead." She said with a deep expression on her face.

I didn't care about her, and gripped the long sword again, took a deep breath, and began to draw the sword with all my strength this time.

I am confident that I have the strength to tear apart ten pieces of fur that are piled up with bare hands, but surprisingly, under my full strength, the sword is still lazy and motionless in the sheath, as if the scabbard is nothing but a sword. integrated.

Feilan looked at me tossing and tossing for a while, and said with a sarcasm: "Idiot, it is absolutely useless to pull hard like you. Do you only know how to use your strength but not your brain?"

What she said really reminded me.

"Isn't there any mechanism?"

I began to carefully grope for the edge of the hilt and scabbard, and Alsena also leaned over to search together, but we still found nothing after nearly 5 minutes.

"Could it be that some secret compartment is covered by rust?" I thought of this possibility.

"Ahem!" Feilan coughed loudly at this time—when Arsena and I began to carefully search for the mechanism on the sword, she coughed like this from time to time to show her presence. But those of us who have been focusing on looking for it have not paid attention to it.

"Forget it, I'd better go back and ask which professors in the college have research on props and cultural relics, and go to them to have a look." Arsena shook her head.

Feilan suddenly kicked the chair.

When I looked over, she suddenly looked away again.

I turned my face to Arsena again: "Why don't you go to Roland directly..."

Feilan stomped her foot again.

This time I ignored her and continued: "She is pretty well-informed."

"Okay, then let's go quickly." Arsena nodded, and put the sword back into the box as she spoke.

"Hello!" Seeing that we were about to pick up our things and leave, Feilan suddenly panicked for no reason, she slapped the table with one hand and stopped us.

"What time is it, Miss Feilan?"

"What's the matter with you?"

That's when we turned our attention to her.

"You, you..." She looked very angry, "Why don't you ask me?"

"Ask you?" Arsena and I said in unison and looked at each other.

"Did you see anything?" I asked Feilan.

"Of course!" Feilan flicked her long hair angrily, "It's thanks to all of you who foolishly searched for this kind of thing that can be seen through at a glance!"

"Just tell me when you see it, why are you holding back?" I couldn't understand what she was thinking.

Feilan was suddenly speechless, and her expression became a little stiff.

At this time Arsena suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment, and leaned over to me and whispered to me: "Mr. Bullock, Miss Feilan hopes that you will ask yourself."

"Eh? Why?" I don't understand at all.

"You're so straightforward, a girl's mind is very delicate. She just can't hold back her face, here you should—"

"Hey, you two bastards! I can hear you!" Feilan patted the table continuously as if to vent her anger, her cheeks were stained with a layer of blush.

Your Highness, don't you know about the big sword? (7)

"Then are you willing to help us take a look?" I really don't want to beat around the bush.

"Hmph, if you beg me with a more sincere attitude, I can think about it, but after all, my schedule is still very tight..." Feilan folded her hands and said pretendingly.

"That's it, since you have something to do, then don't bother me, goodbye." I was about to close the box.

"You! Can't you understand human speech?" Feilan suddenly became anxious, "Don't you know how to hold on?"

"Mr. Bullock, please be quiet first!" Arsena patted me on the shoulder as if she couldn't stand me, and then smiled at Feilan: "Okay, Miss Feilan, please don't I care about him. Actually, I bought this sword at a huge price. I really don’t know why it can’t be pulled out. We are really helpless. Now we can only ask you, hey, please let me take a look at this sword What happened to the sword?"

Feilan's eyes lit up as soon as she heard this: "This is the attitude of begging for help! Although it feels like a waste of time, since you all beg me so much, then I will help you as hard as I can. There is really nothing I can do about you." ah……"

"But how can I see your expression is quite happy?" I raised my eyebrows suspiciously.

The corners of the mouth couldn't be restrained raised, obviously it's because he's secretly happy in his heart.

"Go to hell!" Feilan glared at her viciously.

Arsena, who was standing next to me, stomped on my foot calmly.

What's wrong with these two?

Arsena took the sword out of the box again and pushed it in front of Feilan.

"You two really lack the ability to sense. This sword is obviously sealed." Feilan glanced at the sword on the table.

"Seal? What is that?" I asked cooperatively.

"It is to use complex magic formulas to limit the power of props. Basically, some mages add them in order to prevent their magic props from being misused by others. You can understand that some people don't want this sword to be used by others. An invisible lock, and you just happen to have no key." Feilan explained to us.

"Is this sword really a treasure?" I was stunned.

It's really hard to imagine that someone would spend that kind of energy on a handful of broken copper and iron.

"Anyway, it probably won't be an ordinary sword. There are so many magic tools made in the shape of a sword, so it's not unusual." Feilan said lightly.

"But according to what you said, the so-called 'key' should only be available to the person who cast the seal. Only he knows how to unlock the seal." Arsena raised her hand.

"If you don't have a key, just pick the lock. There are many 'informal' ways to unlock the seal. Luckily for you, this lady's specialization happens to be here." Feilan smiled confidently.

"This sounds like a complicated process..." I stopped talking at this point, swallowing the sentence "Are you really good at it" just in time.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Feilan seemed to sense what I was preparing just now, and stared at me with some displeasure.

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