"Human court struggles... To be honest, I don't dare to say how much I understand, but I think we'd better not think too optimistic about everything." Roland looked into my eyes and said, " You're not the only one with danger lurking around you, so we can't let the slightest sign of trouble go unnoticed."

I'm afraid Roland tied me and Alsena together, not just for my consideration.

"Then... what do you want me to do?"

"There's nothing you need to do. I just want to remind you to pay more attention to your surroundings. If there is anything wrong, just report to me in time. Rather, it's better not to do extra things. Don't forget As I told you, if you get into any trouble here, it is very difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen." Roland said seriously, "I will arrange investigations for recent incidents in the academy, and if there is any progress, I will As I told you, you only need to worry about yourself."

"I'm just afraid that after things happen, I can't help myself." I sighed.

It is not once or twice that Lao Tzu has been passively involved in trouble here.

"As for Arsena's matter... You also have no room to intervene. The person who delivered the message from Helgia should arrive here in a few days, and the child will probably have to stay here no matter how unwilling he is." Get ready to go back to China within this week. Don't worry, I will make other arrangements for your safety."

"It was arranged by you, so I can't be relieved..." I replied absent-mindedly, and turned my head to look out the window where the night was getting dark.

Arsena is leaving here—I don't know why, I always feel that I have no real sense of this fact.

It's really weird, I should feel lucky to have a troublesome person by my side...

shadow walker (2)

Even after thinking about it all night, I still couldn't decide whether I should tell Arsena directly about her father's decision, or pretend I didn't know anything and wait.

But the next morning, when I went to Alsena's palace-like dormitory by the woods with this anxious mind, I found that my troubles had become superfluous.

Hergia's messenger has arrived—he has arrived at the academy at a speed that neither I nor Roland could have expected.

When I walked through the path in the forest and came to the edge of the woods, from a distance, I could already see Arsena, who was usually dressed like usual, standing in the open space in front of the dormitory.

In front of her stood a muscular man with the appearance of a warrior—a human being, and he was also wearing a cavalier costume with the national emblem of Helgia, his identity was self-evident.

Sensing the unusual atmosphere at the scene, I stopped before stepping out of the woods, and stood here quietly watching.

Arsena at this moment, from her demeanor, was definitely not calm.Contrary to her usual calmness and elegance, she glared at the knight in front of her with a hint of anger in her eyes: "Father, he... really said that?"

"Yes." The knight looked much calmer in comparison, "He said it himself, he said that everything you did made him feel embarrassed."

"It's been five years... I always thought that he would understand as long as he worked hard!" Arsena clenched her fists, her shoulders trembling slightly due to depression, "Where did I not do enough?"

"No, I think you've done a good job and always have." The knight replied without hesitation.

However, this sentence caused Arsena to burst out: "Then why—"

"Your Highness!"

The knight's somewhat stern and distressed call brought Arsena back to her senses.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you, Mr. Wikas." Arsena lowered her eyes, and then forced a wry smile, "Well, the father also thought that I would be like this, so he sent you here on purpose, right? , the arrangement is really good..."

Wikas... Isn't that the werewolf knight Arsena mentioned who served as her teacher?

It turned out to be him.

After a while of silence, Wikas said: "Your Majesty did indeed assign me the task of picking you up, but it was actually scheduled to be five days later. This time, I rushed here arbitrarily for a day and a night. My feet Cheng is faster than any messenger's horse, and I hope to let you know the news sooner."

"Is it to make me mentally prepare in advance?" Alsena still lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"No..." Wikas was speechless for a moment.

"Mr. Wikas, you said that I have always done a good job...but I don't think so." Arsena raised her face, "I did one thing wrong from the beginning, that is, being a parent The king's daughter was born into this world."

"No!" Wikas suddenly opened his eyes wide, and eagerly denied it. He wanted to say something, but was stopped by Arsena's eyes.

"If I was born as a boy, my father, and all of you, don't have to be so embarrassing, right?" A painful self-deprecating smile appeared on Arsena's face.

Wikas looked at Arsena in bewilderment, suddenly half-kneeled down, and without hesitation put one knee on the soil of the forest: "Your Highness, no matter who you are or what decision you make, I will On your side."

But these words obviously did not bring any comfort to Arsena. She stared down at Wikas for a long time, then slowly said, "Five days later, right?"

Wikas, who was kneeling on the ground, froze for a moment, then raised his head: "Yes."

"Okay, thank you for telling me." Arsena's voice could not hear any emotion, "I see, I will be ready."

"Your Highness..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Arsena shook her head lightly, "I will make arrangements for the things here."

Wikas also seemed to see that she didn't want to talk anymore, his throat moved, as if swallowing what he was about to say.

"Okay, then I'll go back first, you take care of yourself." He bowed his head to Arsena again.

Althea nodded at him.

Wikas got up, turned and left in the direction of the school building. After walking a few steps, he suddenly seemed to have noticed something, stopped and looked around - this action made me nervous, and subconsciously moved behind a tree Hid his figure.

Wikas didn't seem to notice me, so he withdrew his inspection gaze, continued to walk forward, and left here.

Althea was the only one left in the clearing.

She stood there motionless, expressionless, like a statue.

The stiff atmosphere that remained at the scene made me hesitate, but I soon realized that I had promised to come to her at this time in advance, and it would be unnatural if I didn't show up at this time, and the longer it took, the more so it would be.

So I came out of the woods and walked slowly towards Althea.

"Mr. Bullock?" Althena noticed me.

"Morning, good morning, Your Highness." I tried my best to keep my tone and expression the same as usual, but it was self-defeating. I stumbled on the first word I opened my mouth, and even I could feel it on my face. His expression was a little stiff.

"You..." Arsena obviously sensed my unnaturalness, "Did you hear that?"

"...um." Realizing that there was nothing to deny, I nodded.

"It made you see the inappropriate side." Arsena laughed at herself again.

I don't know what to say.

"Father called me back. I will leave in five days. I want to say goodbye to you." She continued.

"Is that so..." I thought for a while, and finally I could only dryly squeeze out this sentence.

"I made an appointment with you to practice swords today, although I feel very sorry...can I talk about it later?" She lowered her eyes, "Now I want to be alone for a while."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Thank you for your understanding. I'll look for you later." Arsena bowed her head to me blankly, turned around and walked towards the dormitory.

Looking at her back, I hesitated for a while, but in the end I still didn't make a sound.

I don't have the position of meddling in her affairs-this reason makes me feel stuck in my throat.

"Mr. Bullock..." Arsena stopped when she walked to the door, turned her body slightly, and squeezed out a sad smile at me, "Why do you say... I was not born in this world as a boy up?"

Looking at the aggrieved and distressed expression, I held my breath and couldn't say a word.

In the end, I could only watch helplessly as her figure disappeared through the door.

After that, she didn't come to see me until the sun went down.

The next day, I still didn't see her.

shadow walker (3)

For two full days after that Helgian knight came, I didn't see Arsena again.

Without her around, my life went back to the way it used to be.

No, is it really the same as before?

In the past two days, more than once, such questions would pop up in my heart inexplicably.

Obviously it should be like this, but I always feel that something is wrong.

But soon, I found that I didn't have the extra energy to think about this issue.

On the third day, just as what Roland and I were worried about before, weird things happened around me.

In the evening of that day, I rushed into Roland's office in a hurry: "Roland!"

"Brock? I'm about to call you over..." Roland behind the desk slowly raised her head, and the moment her eyes touched me, she immediately frowned, "You're carrying a dead rabbit What are you doing here?"

That's right, in my hand right now, I'm holding a completely dead rabbit carcass that's as cold and hard as a stone.

"Something's wrong, there's something wrong in the woods! When I was hunting just now, I saw a circle of fields where the trees and grass were all fucking dead!" I took a slow breath, "Then a bunch of these died on the ground. Stuff, rabbits, squirrels, etc. The animals died... in a strange way, without a single wound, but I checked, and it doesn't seem like they were poisoned."

The scene was really shocking. All the creatures in the circle died, as if the giant hand of death had grabbed that place.

To my surprise, Roland didn't show much surprise when he heard what I said.

"Sure enough..." She muttered.


"Pick up the rabbit and bring it here for me to see for myself." She beckoned to me.

I stood in front of the table, raised the rabbit to chest height and approached Roland slightly.

Roland narrowed his eyes, the color of his pupils changed for a moment, and then he frowned in disgust: "Tsk, there's a stench of black magic!"

"dark magic?"

"The common name for abyss spells is a series of spells whose power comes from demons. There is a large category of spells in this spell system. The effect is to capture the life and soul of creatures and turn them into their own magic power. These dead things, it seems They are all used as 'food' by people who know black magic."

"That is to say... the enemy has sneaked in?" I put down the hand that was holding the rabbit, and my expression tensed.

"Well, in fact, my investigation has also made progress." Roland pointed to the table, and I noticed a map spread out on the desk.

With just one glance, I recognized that it was a map inside the college. The locations of the college's buildings, roads, open spaces, and woods were all clearly drawn on it.

What is interesting is that there are more than a dozen places marked with crosses on this map.

"What do these marks mean?"

"In the past two days, several professors of the college and I have set up detection enchantments around the college. Once we detect an abnormal magical reaction in the area, we will mark the corresponding position on the map. As you can see, This is the result of the summary. I summoned the students who were present at the places where magic reactions occurred in the school building to inquire, and found that the same supernatural phenomena appeared at the scene at the time. Then I tested it for two days , we found that the response was not random and uniform across the academy, but rather concentrated in a certain area."

"Woods?" I noticed the dense marks on the top of the woods on the map.

"Yes, it's in the woods next to you and Arsena's dormitory. Almost every few hours, there will be a magical reaction in this forest. The frequency is much higher than other places, and the magical reaction is the fastest. Strong." Roland pointed to the map with his slender pale fingers, "I told you before that the scene of the supernatural events in the school building did not leave traces of magic spells. But the corpse in your hand has already A remnant of magic power begins to appear."

"It's already certain that someone is playing tricks!" I raised my voice.

Judging from where these visions are concentrated, the target of the black hand behind the scenes is either me or Arsena.

Which side will be the elf main battle faction against me, and the assassin against that girl?

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