Uh-huh?what happened?Why do you suddenly feel a little cold in the room?

"No! That fool misunderstood all that time! I didn't do anything, really!" I explained, looking straight into her eyes.

I didn't do anything wrong!

"It doesn't look like you're lying..." As she said this, her expression still looked a bit reluctant.

When I messed around with Alsena twice before, she broke it untimely, which seemed to make me leave a "crime record" in her heart.

"Hey, are you really not going?" I turned to Feilan.

"No!" Feilan said categorically, "Anyway, Roland forced me to do this job... I didn't intend to listen to her!"

"Then there's nothing I can do, I can only stay there for the night." I got up from the chair, "It is basically certain that someone is playing tricks behind the scenes, and the target may be that Highness. Roland brought people into the woods to investigate, and tonight must not be taken lightly."

"Then I'll go too." Angelica also stood up, "Let me... watch the night for the two of you."

"Eh?" Feilan was stunned by the unexpected development.

"Then I will trouble you to stay here." I said to Feilan.

"Or, you can... go back to the dormitory alone." Angelica answered.

"Goodbye." Angelica and I walked towards the door together.

"Ah, that's right!" When I was about to go out, I thought of something, grabbed the doorknob and turned around, "This door can't be locked, if you want to stay here, you should be more careful."

After I finished speaking, I closed the door, and Feilan's completely dazed face was swallowed by the closed door.

"Let's go." I looked at Angelica beside me.

"Hmm." She nodded.

As a result, we had just turned around and walked more than ten meters, when there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the dormitory.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the dormitory was yanked open with a "bang".

"You two bastards!"

A crying voice came from behind, and Angelica and I turned our heads at the same time.

Feilan stood at the door, staring at us with teary eyes: "Don't leave me alone!"

Knew it……

shadow walker (5)

Tonight, the moon is bright and the stars are thin.

Me, Feilan, and Angelica walked along the forest path in turn, heading towards Arsena's dormitory.

"Hey, let me tell you, it's only a few minutes away. You don't have to be afraid of this, right?" I turned my head slightly and said to Feilan behind me.

"Who, who is afraid?" Feilan retorted as usual.

"Then please stop panting so fast, okay?" I said helplessly, "I'm getting a little nervous."

"I just like asking you to take care of me like this!" Feilan stared.

I sighed and turned my head back.

Along the way, this guy kept his arms folded and his shoulders shrunk, constantly vigilant about his surroundings, as if a monster would jump out of the shadows among the trees and eat her at any time.

By the way, this kind of formation was actually requested by Feilan. The path in the forest is very narrow, and at most two people can only walk side by side.And she didn't dare to take the lead, and she didn't want to be beaten to death, and she didn't want to have no one behind her, and at the same time, she was worried that I would make some tricks when I walked behind her, so we could only accommodate her and lined up in this order. .

Forget it, it's just a few minutes' walk anyway.

at this time……

"Wow!" A short, sharp wolf howl suddenly sounded from behind.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! On my back, hugging my neck from behind.

"Hey! What are you doing?" That wolf howl didn't mean anything to me, but her action really scared me a lot.

"Back, back, back! There's something behind!" Feilan, who was completely in a panic, was incoherent. At the same time, I clearly felt a soft touch on the back, and it rose and fell with her rapid breathing.

But what caught my attention the most was her arm wrapped around my neck—although the strength was not very strong, it still reminded me of the throat lock technique in our orc wrestling, which made me feel hairy.

"Hey, calm down..."

"No! Help! Help me!" She was still yelling.

Tsk, what a hassle!If possible, I really want to throw her over the shoulder and let her come down directly...

I really had no choice but to turn around with her, and cast a helpless look at Angelika, the last culprit: "I said you're fine, why are you making such a sudden noise?"

From the source of the sound, the wolf howl was obviously from her.

"I'm sorry, I'm happy." Angelica replied with a relaxed face, "Today's moon phase... makes me a little excited."

The gibbous moon phase, which is close to the full moon, also seems to inspire the wildness of werewolves to a certain extent.

"Hey, wake me up, it's just that this girl howled, don't be afraid of me being so virtuous!" I shook Feilan on my back.

"Eh? Eh?" Feilan seemed to have finally regained some of her thinking ability, and opened her closed eyes a little bit to look at Anjielica, "It's... are you calling?"

Angelica gave an understatement "hmm".

"Damn girl, did you do it on purpose!" Feilan became angry with a slap on the ground.

"You want to fight for yours, can I trouble you to get off my back now?" I interrupted in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Feilan suddenly held her breath, and finally noticed that she was lying on my back, still hugging my neck tightly.

She let go and jumped down like an electric shock, and the moment she landed, she distanced herself from me, her face flushed, and she was so embarrassed that she didn't know where to put her eyes.

"Your staff..." Angelica picked up the staff she threw on the ground and handed it back to her.

"Tsk!" Feilan grabbed her and gave her a hard look.

"Brock." Angelica stood in front of me and looked up seriously.


"Me too..." For some reason, her eyes fell on my shoulder.

"You too? What do you want to do?" I was at a loss.

"Forget it, it's nothing." She suddenly shook her head again and stopped talking.

Sometimes I really don't understand what this girl is thinking...

After a few minutes, we finally stepped out of the woods and arrived at Alsena's dormitory.

"This, this is the residence of the prince?" Feilan exclaimed when she saw the palace-like so-called single dormitory, "This kind of special treatment is too exaggerated."

"The guy paid for it himself." I explained to her.

"Damn rich!" Feilan muttered.

"I haven't seen her recently, and I haven't seen you with her..." Angelica moved closer to me and asked me in a low voice.

"Something happened..." The whole story cannot be explained clearly in a few words, and now I can only vaguely explain it, "Okay, the light is still on in the room, she should be inside, let's go in first. "

I walked to the door and raised my hand to knock.

at this time……

Clang—the sound of metal knocking suddenly sounded through the door panel.

I couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Then followed by the sound of tables and chairs being overturned.

I suddenly felt a chill run down my back.

This movement... is not right!

"Brock!" Angelica shouted sharply from behind.

Immediately I pressed the doorknob—the door was locked.

The situation was urgent, and I didn't have time to think about it. I took two steps back and kicked the lock hole in the door.

With the sound of the door lock parts breaking, I kicked the door open with brute force, and I plunged in without hesitation.

Rushing into the hall, what unfolded in front of me was a shocking scene:

The tables and chairs were overturned and scattered. In the center of the hall, Arsena in her pajamas was slumped on the ground, standing in front of her was a pair of heavy knight armor. The "armor" held a long black sword in its hand. Facing her like a lamb to be slaughtered.

The sound of breaking the door made them all look this way at the same time.

"Mr. Bullock...?" Alsena looked at me blankly—from her appearance, it seemed that she was not injured.

I glared at the figure of the assassin wrapped in heavy armor, and let out a battle cry out of the anger welling up in my chest.

Then I took advantage of the blankness of the other party, grabbed a chair dumped at my feet and threw it over there.The chair hit the "tin can" impartially, making him take a few steps back.

At the same time, the two people behind also rushed into the room.


Feilan was obviously stunned on the spot, but Angelica immediately let out a menacing growl from her throat.

The scene suddenly became many-to-one, the assassin just glanced at our side, then turned around decisively, jumped over the overturned long table with unimaginable agility in heavy armor, and walked towards a floor-to-ceiling window. Go straight to the past and leap forward.

The floor-to-ceiling windows clanged and shattered, and the steel body broke out of the window, and was swallowed by the night in a blink of an eye.

"Look at her!" I left this sentence and stepped forward to catch up.



Feilan and Angelica's shouts didn't stop me, but when I rushed to the broken floor-to-ceiling window, I remembered in time that I was still unarmed. The next weapon - Althena's hammer.

I used to swing this warhammer on my shoulder, went back to the window and jumped out of the room, chasing the assassin in the direction where he was fleeing without hesitation.

shadow walker (6)

The assassin fled to the depths of the woods, and my tracking was soon lost—the footprints made by the foot armor on the trail turned halfway to the trees beside the road, submerged into the shadows among the trees, The intertwined roots and overlapping layers of fallen leaves make it difficult to discern the traces he left in time.

But I quickly thought of a way.

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