As if feeling that her IQ had been insulted, Feilan raised her brows and yelled, and angrily struck the ground with her staff.

The Death of the Unicorn (5)

"I've already figured out the whole story, that so-called 'prince'..." Feilan raised her eyebrows and looked at me, "It's a woman, right?"

"You already know?" I was a little surprised.

"There's nothing to hide when things turned out like this. When I stayed and looked at her yesterday, I felt that something was wrong. When Roland asked her, I asked her about it. I also learned from her about the sword. I have heard it there. Although I am not very willing to form a team with you, I am also partially responsible for this matter, after all, I helped you two to remove the seal of the broken sword." Feilan faced I put on a cold face, "So there is no other way, Miss Ben can only come forward to deal with it."

I stared at her blankly for a while: " are doing it for Roland."

As a mage, she definitely understands the current situation of Roland, who is maintaining the barrier alone, better than me.

Feilan's expression became tense, her eyes widened, as if she was about to shout a rebuttal at any time, but in the end she still pursed her lips and didn't say a word.

"Your idea is very respectable. However, I still have to tell you..." I carefully chose my words, "This matter really has little chance of winning. It is better to advise you to take refuge with others."

In my impression, Feilan is very weak. Whether it is her own strength or mentality, I think she is far from reaching a level that can be used on the battlefield.

But after she heard it, she turned to me with a bewildered expression: "Hey, I said you didn't understand the situation. I didn't listen to your approval! I'm going to be the captain, you two help me ,do you understand?"

"Now is not the time to play your temper." I sighed helplessly, "Why do you come to command? You don't even have the slightest combat experience?"

I still remember clearly the time you were caught and knocked unconscious by me using the invisibility spell on the sand.

I thought she would get angry because of this sentence, but in the end she just snorted at me, and then said slowly: "It's just because I have a way to lead people through this barrier, can you do it? "

"What?" My eyes widened immediately.

"I said that I have a way to let me, this girl, and you, an idiot who plans to use an ax to make a hole in it, enter the barrier. This reason is enough for me to be the team leader."

"You...are you serious?"

"Why do you doubt me? You don't even have the slightest experience in dismantling spells, do you?" Feilan raised the corners of her mouth, put on a smirk, and replied with what I just said.

I didn't answer.

Judging from the fact that she easily broke the seal of the Desolation Contract before, maybe she can really open a hole in the enchantment or something.

I almost forgot, she seems to be the senior chief student of the magic branch of this academy.

"By the way, I would like to remind you, don't try to coax me to open the enchantment and just throw it away after I use it. The black magic inside is now in full swing. If a person directly steps into the range of the spell and can't last a few seconds, he will be cursed." Falling down, and finally being drained of vitality, you better not think that you will be able to withstand it when you grow bigger! Of course, if this lady is in a good mood, I will give you a magic protection that can resist for a period of time It's not impossible, but it depends on your attitude..." She narrowed her eyes to look over, and paused here on purpose.

It sounds like she really needs her help right now.

Then coax her a few words.

"Okay, Miss Feilan is too small to see your ability, can you please raise your noble hand to help me open that barrier?" I read these words in a calm tone. over again.

"That's right! This is the attitude you should have towards Miss Ben!" The idiot was still happy, and didn't hear my sarcasm at all. He even walked over and patted my chest with the back of his hand, "Come on, say it again!"

Now I was taken aback by her action.

This guy... shouldn't he be disgusted with my physical contact?

"Hey, time is precious now, so don't make trouble." At this moment, Angelica calmly interjected.

"Tch..." Feilan finally stopped pestering me, she raised her head and glared at me, "Get out of the way!"

I obediently backed away and gave her the position in front of the barrier.

Feilan pressed the front end of the staff close to the barrier, and whispered a spell in her mouth.

Afterwards, the enchantment that I had tried my best to cut a crack just now "melted" like butter touched by a heated table knife.

"You're done, the entrance is fixed." Feilan retracted her staff when the entrance opened was wide enough for one person to pass through.

"The black magic inside won't flow out from here, right?" I looked down, with Roland's enchantment as the boundary, the outside is still normal, but inside, because of the power of the sword, on the land that has become barren Covered with a pale texture, filled with the breath of death, I am a little worried that this kind of thing will continue to spread out from this opening.

"It's okay, big ritual spells like 'Pale Palace' basically have a strict outline and structure, and the shape of the range of the spell is fixed." Feilan didn't care, "As long as the enchantment that restricts it is not complete. If it collapses, it cannot continue to expand, and the only thing to worry about is whether the guy who cast the spell will slip away from here."

"I'm afraid he won't escape." I gripped my tomahawk tightly.

I had a hunch that guy was inside waiting for me to pass.

Angelica took the lead and stepped across the edge of the enchantment, stepping onto the land polluted by the breath of death. She, who was extremely resistant to the curse, stood inside without showing any discomfort.

"Okay, didn't you really want to go in just now? Hurry up now!" Feilan faced me and poked her finger inside.

"I said, did you forget something?" I reminded "politely".

She gave an impatient "tsk", shook her staff very perfunctorily at me, and said something that I couldn't hear clearly-so I'm not sure if there was a curse in it spell.

Immediately, I noticed that there seemed to be a pale white light flashing around me, which was fleeting.

"That's the end?" The protection spell was cast unexpectedly easily, which made me a little worried, "Is it really all right?"

"You still doubt Miss Ben's spells?" Feilan frowned displeasedly, "Don't worry about it! My Holy Spirit's protection can at least allow you to walk in the 'Pale Palace' for half an hour! Now you Strengthened by this lady's spell, there is nothing to be afraid of, so stop talking nonsense and hurry up."

... Why does it sound unlucky when I say this?

However, I closed my mouth obediently, and plunged into the barrier. The moment I stepped in, I felt as if I was submerged by a cold tide, and a coolness pierced my heart, and the thin air made it difficult to breathe. It became unsmooth—but fortunately, the uncomfortable reaction was nothing more, and Feilan's spell seemed to have worked.

Feilan also cast the same spell on herself and walked in, she stood in front of Angelica and me as a matter of course, and waved her hand arrogantly: "Okay little ones, come with me now! "

This guy really thinks of himself as the team leader... Forget it, let her go.

When I was about to take a step, I subconsciously turned my head and looked in a certain direction outside the barrier.

"Brock?" Angelica looked over suspiciously, "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, let's go."

The Death of the Unicorn (6)

We came to the entrance of the forest path, and the depths of the woods were full of dead trees, and the path that was originally covered with green shade was covered with dead leaves and grass.Not only that, there are also a lot of dead animals scattered under the trees - insects, squirrels, birds, snakes... The number of these animals is already amazing, but they have been hiding in the trees on weekdays, so it is not easy to detect.Roland's enchantment seemed to block the air flow from the outside world, and he couldn't feel even a breath of wind between the dead trees, which made the place even more lifeless.

"It will be a long time since I won't be able to hunt." Looking at the lifeless forest, Angelica sighed regretfully.

I just simply said "huh".

The black magic spreading on the land can be dispelled, and the trees can also be replanted with the help of the life magic of the elves, but it will probably take a long time until the animals reappear in this forest and completely restore the ecology here.

Feilan's face was livid, and she looked as if she already regretted doing this.The animal carcasses that have become ubiquitous on both sides of the trail will make the scalp tingle for ordinary people, not to mention her who is a clean freak.

"To fight together, I think we need a basic tactic." I looked at Feilan and said solemnly, "I don't know much about your elves' spells, and I don't know how much skill you have as a mage. But I still have a few times hunting experience with the shaman in the clan. I will be responsible for the frontal assault in the battle, and you have to hide away. Find the right time to attack him with the right spell, or support him I, do whatever you want, but you must pay attention to keeping a distance from the enemy."

Feilan's face turned ugly when she heard this, and just as she was about to blurt out the curse of "I don't need you to teach me", I added in time: "What do you think of this strategy, Captain?"

These words were quite effective, and immediately made her expression soothed, and she even had a feeling of joy: "It's... alright, sure."

I feel that I am getting used to how to get along with her more and more, as long as I praise her casually, I will go to heaven, this girl is actually really easy to fool.

"It's better for me to restrain you head-on, right?" Angelica suddenly spoke up, "I'm not afraid of that guy's sword, and it's okay to get stabbed once or twice, but it's different for you, Brock. "

"No, you have relatively few means of attack. If you face it, you will basically just wrestle with that guy, and it will become a situation where we can't help you. Also, don't be too confident in your physical strength. The werewolf's healing Although the ability is powerful, it is also critical. If the eyes and neck are pierced by the sword, even you can't hold it. That guy will probably focus on me. The timing of throwing him or biting his hand gives me more chances to attack."

"Okay." Angelica nodded. She had always trusted my proposals when we were hunting together.

"But where should we go now?" Angelica looked at me, then turned her gaze to Feilan.

This is indeed a problem. This forest is not big or small, and it is not without trouble to find someone.

Feilan was stunned, obviously she hadn't considered this issue at all.

Just look at me and say, this kind of inexperienced team leader cannot be trusted!

"Hey girl, don't you have a good nose?" She thought for a while, "Can't you find him by smell?"

"The smell of dead things is everywhere in the woods now, even if you put your nose on the ground, you can't smell it." Angelica shook her head.

"This...forget it, I'll use the scrying spell, let's look for it as we walk, the sword should have a more obvious magic reaction." Feilan pursed her lips, at least she came up with a way, " But I guess he has already spotted us when we entered the 'Pale Palace', so it's useless to find him first and sneak attack."

"I don't think so." I said in a deep voice, "He should be waiting for us there."

"Where?" Feilan didn't understand.

"You don't need to look for it, I have a clue." I stepped into the path step by step.

A few minutes later, I led them to the open field yesterday.

After passing through the narrow animal trail and bypassing the dry tree trunk several times, the eyes suddenly opened up.

As I expected, he stood there.

It's just that the appearance is a little different from yesterday - although he is still wearing the same full-body armor as yesterday, the armor is covered with a strange black color.I can feel it, that is the same magic power that I saw yesterday from the black smoke coming out of that sword, and that magic power soaks this armor.

That pale, decadent aura was particularly strong around him, as if even the air here had been killed by him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." He held the long sword and said without turning his head, as if he was not talking to us, "I knew you would definitely come."

Originally, the helmet covering his face would make his voice dull, but when he opened his mouth, there was a clanging sound like metal clashing, and there was an echo, which almost made people think that the sound was coming from all around.

I'm afraid that the huge magic power obtained by the creature that devoured the entire forest not only soaked his armor, but also affected his body that was originally shaped by magic power.

"Of course I have to come, I have to settle a bill with you." I took a few steps closer and faced him head-on.

"That was not my intention. I hope that injury yesterday didn't make you suffer too hard." His voice was full of a smile.

"It's okay, you can pay with your head." I lifted the tomahawk.

"Only brought two more guests?" He let out a rumbling laugh. "As the audience attending the enthronement ceremony, it seems that there are still a little less, or are you ready to change your mind at any time? Take them as the congratulatory gift you brought me ?”

"If you want to play house, I suggest you start with something simple. It may be more difficult for a lunatic like you to play the king from the beginning." I retorted in a cold voice.

"You'll know right away if it's playing tricks or not." He raised his long sword and pointed the tip at me.

At this moment, I suddenly froze.

Because I noticed that the long sword in his hand was stained red—it was blood, and the blood that had just dried up stained his sword.

All the creatures in this forest have already been killed by his spell, so what else needs him to kill with his sword?

I moved my eyes from the sword to the ground, and traced the drops of blood on the ground to the source.

The source of the blood was somewhere on the edge of the open field.

It was a juvenile unicorn, which had been dead for a long time, and its white fur was soaked in dark red dried blood.

"Blanket..." I heard Angelica murmur behind me.

Shadowbane and Warhammer (1)

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