Arsena launched an attack, swift as a mountain leopard pouncing on its prey.Although it is unclear what Arthas is going to do, the best thing to do when you have an advantage in a battle is not to give your opponent any chance.

It's just that her charge was abruptly blocked, and a pitch-black spear appeared out of thin air and straddled them, spinning and sweeping towards her face—in Alsace's current state, he could still cast spells.

In desperation, she could only stop her footsteps, her whole body leaned back, and the tip of the spear passed in front of her face.Holding the sword in her right hand, she swung the dangling spear away without any risk.

This is enough to buy time for Alsace.

The air seemed to vibrate, and it has been entrenched in the entire space. The uncomfortable cold atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and the pale texture covering the ground gathered from a distance towards the position where Alsace was standing.

"I have to admit that the biggest threat to me right now is not the mage who imprisoned me, but you." He put down his sword, stared at Arsena and said.

Black magic power gushed out from the black long sword, wrapped around his armored body, gradually infiltrated it, and dyed the armor black. At the same time, his body seemed to have been repaired. The momentum has waned quite a bit.

I understood, he took back the "Pale Palace" that covered the entire forest and had been resisting Roland's barrier.Instead of continuing to maintain the terrifying spell with an astonishingly large range, and releasing all the stored magic power, it was like pulling back a hand that had been wrestling with another person and starting to fight this side with all its strength.He intends to pour the rest of his strength into this battle of trapped beasts, giving priority to defeating Arsena in front of him.

He waved his hand, and a short rune on the black sword lit up, and two black spears condensed with magic power suddenly appeared, flying towards Arsena.

Then, when Arsena was busy swinging the sword to block the spear from left to right, he swung his sword towards the air again, another rune on the sword lit up, and the shadow under Arsena's feet suddenly expanded. Come, as if the entrance to the endless abyss opened.

"Foot!" I yelled.

The shadow suddenly churned as it expanded.

Fortunately, Arsena noticed the abnormal situation below in time, and in a hurry, she no longer cared about her appearance, and threw herself to the side and rolled out of the shadow range.

Clumps of black thorns broke through the ground in the shadows, and in the blink of an eye, they grew to a length exceeding the height of two people, each of which was covered with spikes that were as long as a human thumb.They writhed and entangled together, like countless giant pythons preparing to hang the prey that should have been caught by them. This is a deadly trap, and any flesh and blood body trapped in it will be soaked in blood, and then it will be like a piece of rag. Torn like that.

Arsena just got up from the ground, before she had time to rejoice that she was not turned into that rag, Alsace in black armor took the opportunity to approach her.

Arsena didn't even have time to straighten out her posture before she was forced to accept the heavy blow of the sword, and was immediately forced to retreat by the successive slashes.Watching her retreat steadily, I feel like my heart is about to be lifted into my throat.

It may be because there was a gap in the casting of the spell, so Alsace used his sword skills to make up for the offensive, not giving the opponent a chance to breathe, and without making any reservations, he once again took control of the battle situation.

It's not hard to imagine how eager he was to kill Arsena. After all, it was obviously a big risk for him to take back the "Pale Palace" that held Roland back, and he had to make a quick decision.

Arsena has never been able to find a chance to reverse her decline under his torrential offensive. On the contrary, Alsace found a weakness in her, and knocked the sword out of her hand with two consecutive heavy strikes. The long sword flew across the arc and flew to one side.

My fingers wrapped around the handle of the ax suddenly tightened, and for a moment I was about to throw the battle ax in my hand, but Arsena remained calm, not sticking to the weapon, holding the sword when the opponent thought he was winning When he swung it, he raised his foot and kicked hard on his plastron.

Taking advantage of the slight gap in the opponent's retreat, she turned and ran in a direction - but not the direction where her sword flew out.

She lunged at another weapon that was closer to her.

That's her warhammer that I left here when I fought with Arthas yesterday.

It was just that the moment she ran towards this weapon, she also left her back to her opponent.Arthas, who was repelled by her kick, raised his hand as soon as he stood firm, and pointed his black spear directly at her back.

Even I didn't have time to react, the black spear went straight to his prey, and at the same time he rushed forward like a black-winged vulture floating at low altitude, following behind the spear, The long sword that is always ready to be swung against his side is the sharp claw under his feathers.

At this moment, I felt my heart was empty. With that blunt and heavy hammer, it was impossible for Arsena to turn around and knock down the black spear. Even if she escaped miraculously, Arsa followed closely behind Si will also thrust the sword into her heart.

That stupid girl...she shouldn't have chosen that weapon!

But the moment Arsena grasped the handle of the hammer, a fluorescent field expanded around her, and the moment the spear shot into the field, it disappeared like a brick of salt soaked in water.

The appearance of the abnormality made Alsace unexpected. The magic power wrapped around him suddenly faded when he stepped into the domain, and he suddenly subconsciously covered his face with his hands, as if avoiding strong light. The pursuit slowed down in the last two steps.

Arsena turned around abruptly and swung the warhammer in a circle. Every pattern on the warhammer was shining, like a torch sweeping away, hitting the opponent's side directly.

The bang of heavy metal strikes exploded, and the vulture floating towards its prey was knocked down abruptly.

Alsace was almost thrown into the air, and the armor covering his sword-holding arm was dented and cracked. He rolled on the ground again, and managed to regain his balance and climb up.

Smoke-like magical power began to flow out of his body again, apparently this once again severely injured his newly repaired body, and the glowing war hammer seemed to have some strange lethality on him.

"Glow Hammer..." His face twitched.

"The consecrated warhammer passed down from generation to generation by the royal family, King Leonas took it and killed the devil with all the heroes. You who have my memory should be familiar with it." In the light, the tall and straight figure is as awe-inspiring as a god descending from the earth.

It turns out that the war hammer has such power, I only used it as a stronger hammer yesterday...

I never imagined that Arsena, as a paladin, could display such a powerful force.

"Alright, it's meaningless if the weapons are not equal." Alsace gritted his teeth, and the smoke wrapped around the sword suddenly surged like a flame that had been fueled.The field that Arsena opened with the consecrated weapon seemed to have the effect of suppressing those abyssal spells, so he used the remaining mana to strengthen the offensive weapon, trying to reverse the outcome with a crucial blow.

The two rushed towards their opponents again, brandishing their respective weapons and wrestling.

Everyone can see that this is really the end of the battle. Alsace's body can no longer withstand the blow of the war hammer, but the magic power wrapped around his sword is burning like never before. curse.

Just one blow and the battle will be over.

The situation was still not good for Arsena. Speed ​​was the most important thing in this one-hit battle, but heavy weapons slowed her down. Although her strength was barely enough to fight with this hammer, it was not enough to fight like I swing it like that.

Although Alsace's body was in danger, he only needed to stab with the last bit of strength... Even if it was just a scratch, he could make Alsena die under the curse of the sword.

Forced back several times by the raised war hammer, he finally found a chance to break through the reach of the long sword, and stabbed the sword at Arsena who had just swung the hammer and smashed to the ground. The grounded warhammer blocks.

"Get away!" I yelled subconsciously.

At this time, you can only resolutely give up the weapon in your hand. No matter how important a weapon is, it is more important than life.

But Arsena made an unexpected move, instead of letting go of the handle of the hammer, she clenched it tightly, and instead of dodging backwards, she strode forward towards the edge of the sword!

Just like that, she propped the war hammer on the ground, grabbed the handle of the hammer, jumped up, and missed the poisonous snake-like blade with her body, kicked Alsace in the face, and then used this force to empty the air gracefully. Flip over and land firmly on the original stance.

I was stunned all of a sudden.

This kind of assassin's dexterous combat skills shouldn't appear on heavy warriors who use warhammers. Although this movement also relies on the strength of the waist and abdomen, it still requires more flexible joints and lighter muscles than their own. physique.Although a burly male heavy fighter can be mastered with hard work, it may be difficult to use it as smoothly as she does.

This is a combat technique suitable for female fighters. Obviously, her teacher taught her the most suitable combat technique for her as a woman.

Alsace hit the door in the face, and was kicked backwards. Arsena didn't miss this opportunity, and as soon as he landed, she swung the warhammer on the ground and attacked his breastplate with a battle cry.

The bright warhammer hit the armor hard, the thunderous explosion was deafening, the breastplate was instantly dented and deformed, and the black magic power spewed out from the gap of the armor like a broken silver bottle. This blow completely knocked Alsace down, he was like It fell heavily to the ground like a puppet with a broken string, its limbs were as limp as a dead snake, and even the precious black long sword slipped from his hand.


Arsena stood beside him, holding a warhammer in front of his face, looking down at him condescendingly: "You lost."

Alsace's face was really cracked like a puppet, and the magic power was continuously flowing through the cracks, which looked creepy.

He gasped violently, and struggled to utter a sound from his mouth: "This is the first time...the first time someone...refuses the gift of the desolate contract..."

"That's not a gift, it's just throwing something really important to me on the altar in exchange for a dream that looks good." Arsena shook her head coldly.

Arthas glared back at her: "If you lost me—"

"I didn't need you from the beginning." Arsena interrupted him, "I've been pretending to be a man all this time, just creating a perfect phantom in my heart that can't be denied by anyone. In that phantom dream, I have never dared to face my real self. I thought I had been wandering in the same place for five years, but now I finally made up my mind to move forward. There is a person who pointed out the direction for me! Now I You have to rely on your own hands and get the throne with your true self!"

Alsace was silent for a while, and finally squeezed out a ferocious smile from that cracked face: "Okay, since you call yourself king, then do it! Look, how ironic, you keep saying Wouldn't it be necessary to execute a usurper now that he would not sit on a throne of bones?"

"You seem to have made a mistake..." Arsena held the warhammer steadily, stepped on his breastplate, and said indifferently: "I never fear blood on my hands, I just don't kill innocent people." That’s all. I kill you, not because the throne is not the throne, but because you should kill, everyone you want to kill—this includes people who are important to me.”

Before Arthas could react, Arthena slammed the hammer into his face, completing what I had failed to accomplish in yesterday's battle.

From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Feilan turning her face away, but in fact there was no bloody picture of brains splattering. Alsace's body "collapsed" like a sand sculpture the moment he lifted the Hammer of Glory , However, the black smoke rose up, and disappeared in an instant, and the armor on him was suddenly empty.

At this time, the enchantment covering the sky shattered, and the crystal-like magic power fragments fell like rain, shining bright red light in the air, and the blocked wind was finally able to pass through the gap in the enchantment and pour into this dead land. forest.

Arsena stood there, letting the wind mess her long hair. After a long time, she turned around and looked at me.

I thought she had something to say, but in the end she didn't speak, but silently moved her gaze to another direction.

The dead unicorn lay there quietly.

Epilogue: To the Future Queen (1)

The black tea is poured into a bone china teacup, stirring up steam.

Across a desk, Roland pushed the cup of poured tea together with the coaster: "How is the wound?"

After I recovered from my injury for two days, Roland, who had been busy with the aftermath, finally had time to summon me to have a chat with her.

"Fortunately, it's not that painful anymore, at least it won't affect your activities." I lifted my injured shoulder, "It's just..."

"Just?" The cup that Roland brought to his mouth stopped.

"It's just that there's no need to wrap me up like this all of a sudden, right? Is the school doctor messing with me on purpose?" I frowned, "I feel like I'm going to be dragged to be buried now."

Obviously there was only a sword wound on my shoulder, but when I went to change the dressing today, the school doctor somehow took a bandage and tied it all over my upper body, as if I was going to die soon.

"These bandages are not used to heal your wounds, they are used to heal the curse on your body. You didn't see the inscriptions sewn on the side of the bandage. The curse on your body is actually very heavy. When you came back, you could breathe a sigh of relief. With Alsena's holy light spell, I saved you. The two-day spell treatment should have helped you dispel most of it, but if you want to recover, you still need to recuperate for a while." Roland took a sip of tea, "I have told you The school doctor told me to take good care of you, otherwise she would write an application and drop her title."


No wonder the taciturn female school doctor kept staring at me, I thought it was just warning me...

"As expected of an orc's body, the shoulder wound pierced by a sword, smeared with ointment, sewed it up and wrapped it up for two days will be fine, but no matter how you put it on an elf, you will have to lie down for ten and a half days Yue, the school doctor was surprised by you."

That's natural, how can we be proud of the strong body that you bean sprouts can compare to?

I unconsciously raised the corners of my mouth.

"She also expressed to me yesterday that she wanted to dissect it and study it carefully. Oh yes, she also teaches biomedical courses to senior students..." Roland added.

I can't stop laughing.

Thinking back now, the school doctor's eyes were indeed a little strange... straight, like knives, a little creepy.

"She's been quite busy these two days. Because of Arsena's affairs, students have been rushing to the infirmary..."

"Ah?" I didn't understand, "I and a few teachers are the only ones who got hurt because of this incident."

"Oh, it's another matter. You've been recuperating for the past two days, so you don't know, Arsena, that child has disclosed her gender. As a result, a large group of students were shocked when they heard about it, and then ran to the school doctor. Said that she had a chest pain, and a few severe ones even passed out on the spot... Alas, young people are like this, they are easily agitated." She said with some emotion.

"Uh..." I really didn't know where to start complaining, and finally I could only follow the topic casually, "...She actually made this public."

"Yeah, this is her first step." Roland smiled while holding a teacup, "It's also thanks to you, hero."

"A great hero? I'm afraid it's hard for me to be worthy of my current virtue..." I smiled bitterly, "I almost died at the hands of that bastard again. If Arsena hadn't arrived in time at that time, I'm afraid There's a funeral going on now."

"I have heard everything from her. Without you, she would not have made up her mind to stand up at that time. She was able to win in the end because you severely injured the enemy first. Don't be humble, you saved All of us." Roland looked at me seriously, with a smile in his eyes.

"I just did what I wanted to do - I paid that bastard a blow." I replied calmly, reaching for my teacup.

"Oh? Isn't it for me?" Roland narrowed his eyes suddenly, with a sly smile, "I remember clearly what you said to me at that time."

"That..." I thought about it while holding my teacup, "Because I really thought that way."

Why did she bring this up on purpose?

Roland, who was still smirking a second ago, was startled for a moment, and then looked away.

"" She twirled her hair around her ears with her fingers uncomfortably, with a wry smile on her face, "I really don't know whether to say you are amazing or stupid..."

What does she mean?

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