I immediately frowned.

Who could it be?

Angelica is the only one who occasionally comes over these few days. During the time she was recovering from her injuries, she would bring me meals when she was free, but that girl basically never knocked on the door and came in directly.

I walked over, pressed the handle and opened the door without thinking twice.

Standing in front of the door, a female elf in a knight's dress raised a familiar face to me, her cold eyes flickering.

"Long time no see." She softly said the words of reunion in a cold voice.

The face and the voice are like gears biting somewhere in the memory, but they appear blurred because of the dust, which makes people feel that time has changed, things are different...

No no no no no!The atmosphere and style of painting are absolutely wrong!

I came back to my senses.

Think back calmly, first of all, I know this female elf.

Yes, I know her, she is... er, a female elf knight, she is quite good at swordsmanship... Ah yes, she is also the swordsmanship teacher of this academy, her name is Mi...

What's going on?

And then, here comes the point, she's a pervert—yes!I was so impressed with this one that in fact the alarm went off in my head as soon as I saw her.

Thinking of this, I subconsciously prepared to close the door, but saw her frowning slightly in displeasure, and the hand on the side of the saber moved to the hilt very "naturally".

If you dare to close the door, you will die - so said her eyes.

Yes, I seem to have shut her out like this before.

The hero does not suffer from immediate disadvantages, so I temporarily moved my hand away from the doorknob.

"Uh, that..." I opened my mouth, but I still couldn't call out her name.

She seemed to realize that I couldn't cry out, and the displeasure between her brows deepened. After a while, she said, "It's me, Miriya Ashitello."

His expression was still cold, but his tone was filled with a sense of resentment.

Well, it's Miriah...

Well, strictly speaking... I remember.

I just don't want to think about it ahhhhhh! ! !

Damn it, she's back!I almost forgot that there is such a dangerous person here!

"It's Teacher Mi Ruiya." I laughed dryly, and finally managed to get the words out, "You...what's the matter?"

After hearing this, she suddenly straightened her face (I became nervous all of a sudden), took a step back (I seemed to be able to see the next second and she would gather momentum), and the hand on the side of the sword was still holding The hilt of the sword (the grip was even tighter, I already wanted to close the door and jump out of the window to escape).

However, to my surprise, she didn't do anything out of the ordinary next, but suddenly bowed to me.

Slightly similar to humans, elves' knight rituals.

"Student Bullock... No, Your Excellency." She lowered her head and solemnly changed her words, "I heard about the recent incident. During this period, you solved the incident and took on the responsibility of protecting all teachers here. In the name of a knight, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you for the important task of life."

I froze on the spot.

This guy...who is it?

Some changes are always like a shower, which comes unexpectedly (2)

"Are you here...to thank me?" I looked at her in surprise.

"Yes, as a teacher who has the responsibility to protect the students, and as a knight who takes it upon himself to protect the nation, I should have stood up when that dangerous incident happened." Miria stood tall and tall. With a solemn face, "It was you who stood up at a critical moment and fulfilled my mission for me who couldn't do my duty. I should thank you."

I just let myself calm down.

Think about things in a good direction, Brock, I remind myself in my heart.

Miria is not just a pervert, she is indeed a knight, an excellent fighter!

Think back quickly, my impression of her before I learned about her unknown side, the aloof image she maintains in front of people.

Yes, that side should be regarded as her real side. In the past, I also respected her as a warrior.

So I tried my best to let go of my vigilance, and replied in my usual polite tone: "It's just following the trend, it's not a big deal."

She turned her gaze into the house.

I sensed that she wanted to enter the house.

For a moment, my vigilance returned, but her cold and arrogant expression and eyes finally convinced me—yes, maybe through what I did this time, she finally reversed that " Orcs should fight elves, especially female knights", and understand that we orcs are also a proud and self-respecting race.

Moreover, it is still a bit impolite to refuse someone to come out when someone pays special visits to thank you.

So I sideways out of the way: "Would you like to come in and sit for a while?"

She nodded slightly, stepped across the threshold into the center of the room, and looked around the room.

"Sit down over there." I pointed to a chair next to the low table, then turned to the table where the sundries were placed, "Would you like tea or coffee?"

"Before that, please accept my thank you." She said behind my back.

"Thank you?" I turned around.

"Yes, I heard that you like hunting very much, so I went to the magic item store and ordered a tool for hunting." She stretched her hand to the inside of the cloak behind her, and the gift seemed to be pinned to her behind the waist.

Props for hunting?It should be a small tool such as a hunting knife suitable for cutting meat and skinning. Although the woods are destroyed now, there may be a chance to use it in the future.

And after all, it was the other party's wish.

"You're too polite..." When she took out the things and handed them over, I reflexively took them.

Then, I was stunned.

What she handed to me was a coil of rope.


The scene suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, I looked at the rope in my hand, and then at her: "Why did you send me a coil of rope?"

"Sometimes you need to use a rope to bind your prey when hunting, right? This rope is made of special materials and is very strong. Even the woolly mammoth in the north may not be able to break free." She met my gaze, Answer calmly.

...Although you occasionally use ropes when hunting, it's very strange when you get involved with such things.

And why is it pink?

I already faintly smelled something strange.

"And this rope has a special function..." Mi Ruiya suddenly pulled away her collar, stretched her hand in, and groped deep into her chest.

"What are you doing?" I subconsciously took a step back in shock.

But she pulled out a piece of paper with small characters from inside her clothes and handed it to me: "This is the manual."

Are all the places where your elves hide things so weird! ?

Suddenly I remembered that Roland seemed to have done the same thing.

I looked at her suspiciously, and silently took the piece of paper.

The paper is covered with dense elven characters, I can only recognize a few individual words, and I can't read them well, but in a certain paragraph, several common characters are marked separately, and the fonts are several times larger than those elven characters.

I stared at those words, subconsciously read them one by one, and then frowned suspiciously.

I don't understand the meaning at all. It's just a syllable, and I can't read the meaning.

As a result, two seconds passed, and without warning, the rope in my hand suddenly moved, like a sleeping snake waking up.

The feeling of the rope slipping across my palm made me shake my hand subconsciously in shock, but the snake-like rope pounced on Miria.

Miriya's expression was indifferent, and she stood there with her hands behind her back very cooperatively, letting the rope crawl on her body.The rope was folded in half around her neck, and the two ends of the folded rope were knotted from top to bottom in a dizzyingly complicated way, passed around her breasts, and went back and forth from bottom to top. before, through those knots and then looped back to the back, and at the same time tie the knots on the back, and the loop that was threaded back to the neck was separated into two sections and looped back to the armpits, crawling on her body in this wonderful sequence, and finally Pulling and tightening from side to side, the ropes in front of her gathered into a tortoise-like hexagon, and finally stretched to her back, tying her hands behind her back.

The scene fell into a dead silence like a grave.

I looked at Miriya, she looked at me, neither of us spoke.

After a long time, I spoke.

"That..." I pressed my forehead with some headaches, "Can you explain it to me?"

"The special function of this magic tool is that it will automatically bind the prey after saying the command." Miria explained to me calmly.

"I saw this, I want to ask what's the matter with this binding method?" Once again, I looked at her long body with two tortoiseshell hexagons tied around her abdomen, and her body was highlighted by tightly binding various parts. rope.

I find this binding very familiar.

"This method of tying is called **." She explained to me lightly.

ah!Thank you so much for the clarification... I remembered.

Isn't this the special binding method of binding elves that often appears on the cover of Roland's restricted books! ! !

"By the way, the orthodox ** should be bound like this with a hexagonal tortoise shell pattern. People often regard similar binding methods with diamond-shaped patterns as **, but that is actually wrong. Strictly It's just a simplified version of the diamond rope binding." She added.

You really understand...

But I don't want to know this kind of useless knowledge at all, okay? ! !

"Then why is it automatically tied to you?" I endured my headache and continued to ask questions.

"The runes woven into this rope have been specially set, and the automatic binding will only respond to female elves." At this time, a flaw appeared on her frozen face, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, showing He showed a smug expression, "And I added some requirements when ordering, so that this rope will only respond to me."

Feeling the headache getting worse, the whole hand involuntarily pressed hard on the forehead, and the fingers sank into the hair.

"...Didn't it be used to tie prey?" I asked in a suppressed voice after a moment of silence.

"Shouldn't it be a matter of course for orcs to hunt female elves?" she answered as a matter of course.

? "..."

After a dead silence, she spoke: "Have you been caught!?"

An expectant smile appeared on her face, and she could no longer find the slightest feeling of arrogance just now.

I finally couldn't bear it anymore, took a deep breath, and let out a roar that resounded throughout the room: "I fucking knew!!!"

Some changes are always like a shower, which comes unexpectedly (3)

Hearing her say "I got caught" in an expectant voice is really nostalgic...

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