"Oh, without you, a hunting expert, if the guards continue to hunt down that giant eagle in vain, maybe there will be casualties..."

"This is a matter of your country, and it has nothing to do with me! Since those elves are fighters who defend their home and country, they should have such awareness!"

"You really decided not to go?"

"No!" I nodded firmly.

"In that case." She sighed, "Our Highness Princess will be disappointed..."

"What? Your Highness Alisa?" I was shocked. "What does this have to do with her?"

"Oh, I haven't told you yet. She decided a long time ago that she would go to participate in the hunting operation against giant beasts. After all, she is also our princess. It is also the responsibility of the royal family to condolences to the disaster-stricken areas and participate in disaster relief." She looked at me Eyes said, "I chose to let you take this task, not only because of the request of the guards, but also for the sake of her safety."

"Are you crazy?" I widened my eyes, "She's just a student, how could she be allowed to do such a dangerous thing?"

"Don't underestimate her. She is a dignified Princess Saidian who has received elite education since she was a child. Her excellence is not limited to her studies."

"But does she have hunting and fighting experience?"

"It is this kind of actual combat that is necessary to gain the so-called experience, isn't it? Compared with your coming-of-age ceremony, this kind of experience is already much gentler, isn't it?" Roland suddenly corrected his words.

I froze for a moment.

"Don't think of the elves' royal family as flowers in a greenhouse. As the leader of the country, it is natural to take the responsibility of protecting the country and the people. Our elf king is a hero who died in the battle against the devil in the war of the abyss, the queen His Majesty also personally fought against the invasion of demons, and Princess Alyssa has their blood." She looked into my eyes and said, "It was she who insisted on participating in the disaster relief operation."

I can't help being silent.

Just then, someone rang the door in the office.

We all changed our countenance, looked at each other for a moment, and moved into action at the same time.She moved to the desk lightly and quickly and sat down solemnly and gracefully, while I threw myself on the chair where the guest was sitting and sat upright.

"Come in!" After adopting this normal posture for receiving guests, Roland answered the door with a steady voice.

"Excuse me, Dean." The door opened, and a clear voice flowed into the room, and the dignified figure of Princess Alyssa appeared at the door, "I'm here to talk about five days later... Huh, Classmate Brock?"

The moment she saw me, she opened her eyes slightly.

I got up from the chair and nodded to her: "Good morning, Your Highness Alisa."

"Your Highness, you came just in time." Roland smiled and waved, motioning for her to come in and sit down. "I'm discussing the hunting event that I will participate in five days later with Brock."

"Eh? Is Bullock going too?" The princess lifted her skirt and walked quickly to me, showing a worried look at me, "But... such a dangerous matter, how can I trouble you, Bullock? Woolen cloth?"

This princess is actually worried about me...

"I'm just asking about his intentions." Roland shifted his gaze to me with deep meaning.

Tsk, this bitch... was planned!

"Okay, okay, I get it, I will go together." I sighed helplessly, and raised my hands in surrender in my heart, "I am an experienced hunter anyway, and I will help."

Facing Princess Alyssa's pure gaze, I couldn't say no to it at all.And thinking that she might be injured or even killed in such a dangerous hunt, if I don't feel it, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well in the future.

It's really impossible to calculate Roland...

"Really? Thank you so much!" The princess's eyes lit up suddenly, and she stretched out her hand to me, as if she wanted to shake my hand. I also stretched out my hand reflexively, but she held it with both hands.

You can feel the warmth and softness of her slender hands in the palms and backs of your hands.

"Then let's do our best together, Bullock." She smiled purely like an angel.

I can only accept my fate... I sighed in my heart.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a treacherous smile flashing across Roland's face next to him.

I turned my head and stared at it, an elegant smile had already been put on that unbeaten face.

"It's really helpful that you are willing to go, our great hero." Roland said calmly, "Please rest assured, I have arranged other people to go with you."

"Manpower?" Princess Alisa and I said in unison.

"Yes, Angelika and Feilan, who were involved in solving the incident before, also expressed their desire to go together." Roland smiled, "Especially Angelica, she strongly expressed that if you go to Brock, she will Go anyway."

"Are they going too?" Princess Alisa covered her mouth in surprise.

"It's not surprising that Angelica would agree to go..." After all, that girl had said before that she wanted to go hunting with me, "Why would Feilan want to go?"

Shouldn't that guy really dislike such troublesome things?

"Perhaps because she has grown up by standing up in the incident before?" Roland winked at me, "As her older sister, I am really relieved."

I heard what she meant right away.

That guy, probably because of the recent incident, was commended for being in the limelight among the students and tasted the sweetness, and then this time he was instigated by Roland, so he raised his hand to participate in a feverish manner.

...After all, that idiot likes to show off in front of people.

"This...is not appropriate, just a few students..." I frowned.

If you think about it carefully, the composition of this team is very worrying.

Princess Alisa went to the disaster relief purely out of her own duty, and she lacked hunting experience.Although Angelica participated in a lot of hunting, her experience in catching small forest animals was of no use to the creatures of the Wild of Giant Beasts.As for that idiot Feilan... Uh, I really don't need to think about how to collect her body first?

I always feel that one person can't lead this kind of team.

"Of course I won't just let the students go. Although I can't go because of all kinds of troubles, I have arranged for the strongest and most experienced teachers in the academy to lead you." Roland said lightly.

Well, that's more or less...

Eh?wrong!The teacher with the strongest strength and the richest combat experience in this academy... isn't that...

"Hey, aren't you—" I felt my cheeks twitch unconsciously.

"That's right, I arranged for Teacher Miria to go with you."

Roland, who put his hands on the desk, had a provocative smile that I was very familiar with, a secretive and provocative smile.

Hey, we're not going on a picnic (2)

Five days later, I stood at the gate of the college, where a "carriage" pulled by two vigorous stags was waiting.

Lei Diao, who was promised by Roland to assist the elves here to hunt for disaster, is the day to set off today.

"... There is always a limit to the mind. Concentrating for too long is not entirely a good thing. It will bring too much burden to the spirit. In the long run, it is not good for the training of spells." Standing beside me Roland chattered beside me, "So, even if the purpose of meditation training is to focus, occasionally you need to relax and divert your attention."

I stared at her speechlessly for a long, long time before slowly opening my mouth: "Oh, this is why you somehow used spiritual magic to force me to share my vision with you every day when I was meditating on the elements, and then I flipped through it by myself." The reason for the pornographic picture book?"

The content of the so-called special training these days is actually not that complicated. What I want to learn is only the induction and interference of lightning, and applying it to deal with the innate lightning-calling ability of the Thunder Sculpture is just the tip of the iceberg in the shaman's magic.Normally speaking, taught by Roland, who is familiar with the theory of shaman spells and can easily use his own spells to imitate the Thunder Sculpture's calling thunder and winding arc, this kind of learning should have been a matter of getting twice the result with half the effort.

...But she really likes to make troubles so much that it's hard for me to concentrate on practicing.

"Those new books are all carefully selected masterpieces. I just want you to have a taste of the creative culture of our elves."

"Well, yes, you once again fully let me appreciate what a perverted race you guys are with long ears!" I held my forehead with a headache, "Hey, I say you! I spent five days trying to master one The spells are urgently needed on the battlefield, can't you bear with it once in a while and stop making fun of me?"

"It's fine as long as the result is good, isn't it considered barely reaching the progress?" She smiled indifferently.

"Is that the result of my continuous sleepless days to make up for it?" I sighed and scratched my hair, "I feel that my hair has fallen out a lot. If this kind of training continues for several months, I will go bald sooner or later. ah."

"This kind of trivial matter has been exposed. The important thing is that you have successfully become stronger. Be happy." Roland smiled and raised his arm and patted my shoulder.

"You, the culprit, should not say such generous words!" I complained loudly.

"Okay, look over there, they're coming!" Roland raised his finger and pointed to the distance, changing the subject.

That's right, I am not the only one in this academy who is going to participate in this dangerous hunt.

I looked along and saw Angelika and Feilan walking from the direction of the school building, and I couldn't help being stunned on the spot.

"Brock." As soon as Angelica met my eyes, she quickened her pace and came over, looked up at me, with a faint smile on her face, "We can go hunting together now."

"This hunting battle is different from the usual hunting. I said, what kind of dress are you wearing?" I looked down at Angelica who was wearing a plain white dress and a sun hat. I couldn't believe it. Blink your eyes.

"Eh? Isn't it good-looking?" She tilted her head and looked down at herself, with a little disappointment in her eyes, "I have chosen for a long time..."

"No, no, that's not the problem at all." I waved my hand, "I mean we're going on a hunt, this kind of dress...isn't right!"

Looking at it horizontally and vertically, it is an outing.

"Woo... I thought you would like it." She bowed her head cautiously and pinched the hem of her skirt. If she had animal ears now, those ears would definitely droop like a scolded wolf.

"No, I didn't say I hated it..."

This outfit doesn't look like an elf's costume in terms of style. It probably was brought from the human village where she lived in the past. To be honest, just looking at the visual effects, this outfit really matches her.

But no one would dress like this to go hunting!

"Hmph, little girl is like this, she gets agitated when she is a little active." A laughing voice came from the side, and Feilan, who was approaching with a staff, came meanderingly.

I turned my head and looked up and down at her—she was still dressed as usual, with an open-necked top and a short skirt, knee-high stockings on her slender legs, and a mage's cloak over the top instead of a coat.


"You put down the picnic basket in your hand before you talk..." I suddenly felt a sense of loss of strength.

We're not going on a picnic!

Is this duo that lacks a sense of crisis really okay?

"I said, you have signed up to participate in this hunt. Have you studied the kind of creature that you want to hunt, the 'Thunder Sculpture'? You should have read the biological illustrated book of the college, how much do you know?" Uneasy, I tried to ask.

"I remember...a big bird..." Angelica tilted her head.

"The name sounds amazing." Feilan shrugged.

"You two are here to mess with me!" Feeling deeply hopeless, I slapped my face hard.

These two silly girls are going to add food to Lei Diao!

"Everyone, I've arrived first." At this moment, Princess Alyssa's clear voice came into my ears.

I put my hand down and looked in the direction of the sound.

Dressed in a dignified frilly dress, wearing a sun hat, and carrying a picnic basket, Princess Alyssa strolled in. Today, she tied her long black hair into a three-strand braid and hung it in front of her, giving people A demure feeling.

"Good morning, Brock." She smiled.

"Well, good morning." I replied subconsciously, "This dress is..."

I could vaguely see that this long dress, like the white dress on Angelica, was not an elf-style dress.

"I bought it from a human traveler recently. How is it? Does it look good?"

"Not... not bad." I replied honestly.

"Hey, let me tell you, your differential treatment is too obvious." Feilan on the side suddenly frowned, and paused with her staff, "Your attitude is completely different from when you treated us!"

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