I forcefully stretched out the biscuit to its mouth, and it subconsciously took the biscuit into its mouth and began to chew.

This kind of herbivore spends most of the day eating and ruminating, and when it is not full, it will instinctively eat something when it is brought to its mouth.

"Hey! Why did you feed the deer with the snacks that others worked so hard for?"

I ignored the cries of dissatisfaction floating behind me, and silently retreated a few steps to stand with arms folded, carefully observing the deer in front of me.

As a result, the reaction came within a few minutes. The deer suddenly moved its body for no reason and let out a strange neigh.

At the same time, I clearly saw a certain change in its lower body.

"..." I turned my head to look at Miria.

Miria turned her face away without saying a word.

When I turned my eyes back to the deer, I was surprised to find that it was fixed on another stag.

Stag No. [-], who was grazing deeply, raised his head vigilantly as if he had noticed a carnivore, and immediately noticed the abnormality of his companion.

Stag No. [-], which was fed biscuits, panted heavily and approached Stag No. [-]. Stag No. [-] suddenly seemed to sense a crisis, turned around and ran away, and Stag No. [-] neighed, and spread its hooves to chase after it. give up.

Hey man, a biscuit actually made this buck ... fuck another buck?

I turned to look at Miria again.

There seemed to be a little cold sweat on Miria's expressionless face.

"Look at you, all the deer have been driven away." After a while, she said.

"Isn't it your fault?" I stared at her.

"Well, we must get the deer back quickly, or we will have to walk across in the afternoon."

"Don't talk about it like nothing happened! What the hell did you put in it?"

I knew it!This pervert really has a wicked heart!

Hey, we're not going on a picnic (6)

It was already two quarters of an hour before we followed the trail to find the two deer that had finally settled down, and walked back to the open land.

I saw three girls already sitting on the tablecloth spread out, Princess Alisa was setting the tableware, Angelica was taking out the pastries from the dining basket, and Feilan seemed to be cooking a ball of soup.

If I say "dump" to describe it, it's because she doesn't use a pot or wood to make a fire, but cooks the soup in a strange way that I have never seen in my life-she seems to use magic I took water from the stream to make a suspended water polo, and then threw the ingredients into it. The water flow inside the water polo kept the ingredients from falling out.She stretched out one hand and spread five fingers to manipulate the water polo, and the other held the staff and stretched it under the water polo, and a flame was lit at the end of the staff.At this moment, the boiling water polo has already been stained with a light soup color, and the surrounding steam is densely rising.

Then I just watched her divide the water polo and the ingredients inside into several well-proportioned small water polo, and then controlled them to float into the prepared bowls to serve.

Not a drop came out.

A race that is good at magic is really amazing, this is really the wildest way of cooking soup I have ever seen.

Although I really want to complain, but seeing everyone present except me put on a normal expression, it seems to say "Isn't this how the soup is cooked", "What are the pots and stoves?", "Whoever complains, who has no knowledge", I had no choice but to swallow what I wanted to say.

And Feilan's current appearance is not suitable for me to start a conversation—the moment her eyes touched me, her brows stood on end, she turned her face away angrily, and even let out a very explicit snort.

"Brock, it's so late." Angelica looked over and frowned slightly, "What... what did you guys do?"

The process of going deep into the jungle beast trail to find the deer made our whole body covered with grass blades, and we hadn't had time to clean it up on the way back.

Before that we actually wrestled with each other for a while, and I finally hugged her and twisted her arm to snatch the bag of those laced snacks and destroy them.

"I'm afraid you did something strange and came back?" Feilan suddenly interjected loudly. She sat cross-legged on the tablecloth with her arms crossed, squinting at me with knife-like eyes.

Feilan has seen Miruiya's runaway side before, and since then she has always misunderstood that I have some ulterior relationship with this **** knight... But under normal circumstances, she should not say this That's right.

It was directed at me, with the same hedgehog-like attitude as when we first met, obviously tainted by what had happened in the car ahead.

...so what happened then?

Angelica became nervous when she heard her words: "Really, really?"

"It's just an accident, uh... I accidentally scared the deer and let them go deep in the woods. We finally found it." I glanced at Feilan who was still looking at me with a murderous look, Casually made a half-true explanation.

"That's it." Miriah nodded expressionlessly, her unwavering poker face was still very convincing.

...I really want to ask how she managed to lie in front of others without changing her countenance.

"That's really a pain..." Princess Alyssa clapped her hands together, and took over the conversation in time, "It just so happens that the food is ready, so sit down and eat quickly. Ah, Mr. Miria, please sit here. "

In the end, everyone sat down on the tablecloth, eating dry food and pastries, and the freshly cooked soup... Well, in fact, the dishes are basically the same as what they usually eat in the college cafeteria.

But sitting in the shade of a tree like this, watching the leaf shadows split the sunlight into strands like a knife, sprinkle fine spots of light on the tablecloth, and listen to the clear stream not far away sliding over the pebbles, it is indeed something special. flavor.

It turned out to be a picnic...

Well, it's the same as drinking and eating meat as much as you want before going out, so it's not bad to relax a little now.

At this time, I also changed my mentality.

Holding the soup bowl, I unconsciously glanced at everyone's faces one by one. Miria was chewing slowly with a piece of dry food. Princess Alisa was whispering to Angelica, who was holding the soup bowl. Listen in silence.Then, when I saw Feilan, she noticed my gaze and immediately frowned.

Don't look at me with those dirty eyes—her eyes seem to say so.

I had to look away.

I really want to figure out what's going on...

I thought about it, and fixed my eyes on Princess Alisa, and when she accidentally met my eyes, I winked at her.

She noticed it right away, blinked her eyes in doubt, then quietly got up and moved to sit next to me.

"What's the matter, Classmate Bullock?" She asked in a low voice.

"Well, let me ask." I also lowered my voice, and quietly glanced at Feilan twice, "Before, in the car... Well, Feilan suddenly lost her temper... Can you tell me what happened at that time? ?”

"Well..." Princess Alisa looked away, smiled awkwardly, and then replied irrelevantly, "Student Brock, haven't you had a good rest recently?"

"Yeah... what's wrong?"

"Well, you dozed off in the car..."

"It's normal."

"And then you leaned in."

"Get up? How did you get up—" I got stuck halfway through the question.

I suddenly reacted.

It's just a very common thing - dozed off in the car, and then accidentally leaned his head on the shoulder of the neighbor.

I was sitting side by side with Feilan at that time.

"No...it's purely an accident." I also felt a little embarrassed.

"I understand." The princess put on a look of understanding.

"It's just that I accidentally leaned on my shoulder and the reaction is so big..." I scratched my cheek.

Although it was my fault, it was obviously just an accident... That guy's reaction at that time was as intense as if I reached out and touched her butt on purpose, so why do you hate me so much?

At this time, Princess Alisa's face became a little weird: "...not the shoulders, classmate Bullock."

"Huh?" I couldn't help being taken aback.

"Because...Brock, you are taller, so that..." She hesitated to speak, "You fell to the side, but... you fell directly on top of her head."

"..." I was stunned.

"Well, you put your body on her shoulders, and then put your face on the top of her head. She can't push you away, and she can't wake you up." Princess Alyssa explained to me carefully.


"At that time, you rubbed against her hair as if you had found a pillow. That... seems to have smelled... Brock?"


Please Your Highness, let me reflect in my heart first.

I raised my hand and wiped my face: "... Didn't she punch me on the bridge of the nose then?"

With her temperament, she must have exploded on the spot if she was so frivolous.

"Well, I stopped her in time...and then you woke up while I was still persuading her."

...I really want to kill myself who is so dishonest in Sleeping Zi.

Still, think about how to find an opportunity to apologize...

If you don't listen to the words of the orcs, you will suffer in front of your eyes (1)

It was completely dark when we arrived at our destination.We arrived at a campsite in the woods. Temporary tents were lined up neatly around a large open space. We could vaguely see improvised simple tree houses on nearby trees, with pillar-like poles propped up on tents. In the middle, there are illuminating spars emitting soft light above, and a bonfire is dyed in the center of the open space, and elf guards in cloaks are holding bows and arrows and half kneeling on the trees to guard.

Miria stopped the car outside the camp, and immediately a female elf guard jumped down from the tree and came forward to salute: "Sir, you are finally here."

I saw Miria nodded through the small window: "Where is Nia now?"

"The captain of the guard is still in the meeting hall. She told us to take you there as soon as you arrive. Please park the car here, sir, and we will take care of it for you."

Miria looked back and said, "Here we are, get out of the car."

All of us stepped out of the car one by one, and the guards who greeted us first saluted the princess: "Greetings, Your Highness."

Princess Alisa returned a reserved smile.

Then the guards swept over Angelica and Feilan: "Ah, you guys solved the Demon Sword incident—"

When her eyes touched me, she paused as if frightened, and then looked away immediately.Then she didn't ask me, but turned to Miria: "Well, sir, this is..."

"Yes, this is Brock Bloodaxe, the helper requested by the captain of the guard." Miriya nodded expressionlessly, "He has hunted the giant storm eagle and will be helpful to your actions."

"Okay, then everyone, follow me to see the captain of the guard, this way please..." The guard ended the topic early, spread his hands to indicate the direction, and then took the lead.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't dare to meet my eyes.

Even if I heard the rumor that I showed my skills in the incident, after all, the elves outside saw me for the first time, and they were not as accustomed to my existence as the teachers and students in the academy.

It would be better to say that this attitude is already very polite. After all, the reference to the reaction of these long ears that I have experienced before seeing me for the first time is to run away screaming, or like Princess Alyssa Sitting on the ground so scared and then...

Uh, don't want to.

The guards led us to the largest tent in the entire camp. After opening the curtain, I saw several heavily armed female elves in the brightly lit tent surrounding a long table with a tactical map.

Standing in the innermost part, the tall female elf whose armor pattern was slightly different from the other guards raised her head, and greeted Miria first: "You are here, teacher, you are safe."

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