"But... I won't give up!"

Yin Nianyan's eyes were ignited with raging confidence again!

From Yin Nianyan's point of view, the reason why he "fell out of favor" was because of that girl just now!

As long as he becomes more outstanding, even surpassing that girl, Lin Ye will definitely return to his embrace!

Yin Nianyan thought for a while, and suddenly said to Lin Ye with firm eyes:

"Student Lin, since this is the case, please help me get my father's company into my hands..."

Yin Nianyan's tone was full of determination!

just now!

The only thought left to Yin Nianyan by relatives is the company left by her father!

Hear it!

Lin Ye chuckled suddenly and said:

"This is no problem! It's just a trivial matter!"

Lin Ye also knew a little bit about Yin Nianyan's family affairs!


Yin Nianyan's grandfather's company was banned because it was a family business, but on his father's side, Yin Hongmao only committed the crime of embezzling public funds, and his company still exists!

It's just a company with a market value of more than one billion. For Lin Ye, it's just waving his hand!

But don't forget!

At present, Lin Ye has his own company, and the company also has two money printing machine projects, nuclear battery and super chip!Bayi Chinese Network

It can be said!

When these projects are officially on the right track, money is probably nothing more than a string of numbers to Lin Ye!


Chapter 112 The Conspiracy and Public Opinion of Smith and Baird

at this time!

In the dark palace of the beautiful country!

At this time, Baird's face was as purple as a pig's liver!

"What kind of waste are you fibs?! All of you fell directly?!"

Baird roared directly at Smith in front of him.


Smith did not immediately report the news of the arrest of all members of the Adolf team to Baird!

As for why Baird heard the news...


Now on the Internet, there are videos of when the Adolf team was arrested at that time!

Speaking of this, I have to mention the blood of the Chinese people!

This matter first caused an uproar in Huaguo, and then some patriots directly rushed it to the Facebook of the beautiful country!

Those beautiful Chinese people, seeing people from their own country being arrested by Chinese people, of course are extremely angry!


A peerless online scolding battle has begun!

The poor and beautiful country has only a few hundred years of inheritance. How can Huaguo have a long inheritance of thousands of years? .


In Huaguo, there are quite a lot of Jianxians who "come to us", and there are even countless people from Za'an applying to play!


These beautiful Chinese people were almost sprayed so that even their mothers didn't know each other!


This uproarious incident was also monitored by the network department of the beautiful country, so Baird was notified!


When Baird learned that a combat team of his own was arrested by all members in the territory of Huaguo, his eyes went dark and he almost passed out!

Now that the beautiful country and the Hua country are so stiff, the other party will definitely use this matter to criticize them!

the most important is!

That team member has performed so many missions is a big secret in itself!

"The matter of the electromagnetic cannon was not resolved last time, and now this moth has been made for me again!"

Veins popped out on Baird's forehead.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of bad news!


Smith's face is not good-looking either!

"Mr. President, I should indeed take part of the responsibility for this..."

Smith said to Baird with an ugly face.

Although they only lost a b-level team, they still have many such teams in fib, but it's a shame!

"My lord, what we should consider now is to rescue those wastes as soon as possible, or..."

Smith made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Anyway, we can't let them leak those secrets to Hua Guo now!"

Smith said with a stern look.

Although those personnel have undergone professional training, Smith cannot ensure that they will not leak the news completely!

Smith, who is familiar with the ancient civilization of China, knows that in China, there are such brutal torture methods as the "Ten Tortures"!


Even if all the members of this team are killed, they cannot be kept alive in the hands of the Chinese people!

Hear it!

Baird calmed down the anger in his heart a little, tapped his fingertips on the table with a gloomy face and said:

"I also know, but the key is how to implement the action..."

Hear it!

Smith rolled his eyes and suddenly came up with a bad idea!

"Master President, we can do this..."

A smirk appeared on Smith's face, and he told all about the plan he thought of just now and Baird.

after a long time...

After listening to Smith's plan, Baird's eyes suddenly brightened!

"Hmm... not bad! This is indeed a good method!"

"Then do it like this!"

Baird nodded in satisfaction.

Just now!

Smith proposed that the beautiful country not recognize the identity of Adolf and others, and then insisted that Adolf and the others were tourists from the beautiful country!


Use the pressure of public opinion to force Huaguo to let people go!

Even if the method proposed by Smith is unsuccessful, it will be fine for them to refuse to admit it when the time comes!


Their beautiful country is also shameless!

have to say!

Smith has developed the shameless level of the beautiful country to the extreme!


After discussing this matter, Baird suddenly changed the topic:

"By the way, Smith, last time you were asked to investigate the electromagnetic gun, how did you investigate it?!"

Baird looked at Smith and asked about the electromagnetic gun.


Hear it!

A wry smile suddenly flashed across Smith's face:

"My lord, during this period of time, I have sent countless spies to investigate, but... I still have no clue about this matter!"

After finishing speaking, Smith couldn't help feeling a little panicked in his heart!

For this strategic level of weapons, Smith is of course very concerned, so the investigation has never stopped!


For a long time, Huaguo's protection in all aspects has been very good!

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