Yin Nianyan raised his head, and indifferently glanced at the middle-aged man who was talking to himself, his heart was full of ridicule!

Facing his father, Yin Nianyan has blind self-confidence, and it is absolutely impossible to do something illegal!

Yin Nianyan snorted coldly!

"Heh, tax evasion? It is estimated that your salary is not as much as my father's tax...?" Bayi Chinese Network


After the middle-aged man heard the words, his face froze!

Heartbroken old man!

My salary is not as high as your tax!

Although this is true, there is no need to say it...

Originally, this middle-aged man was doing Yin Nianyan's ideological work, but he was depressed by Yin Nianyan...

But this middle-aged man is a psychologist after all, he just smiled wryly in his heart, and immediately came back to his senses.

"The idea is a bit tricky...it seems that we have to change the plan..."

The middle-aged man looked at Yin Nianyan with flickering eyes, and his thoughts suddenly changed.

"Is it···?"

The middle-aged man pretended to chuckle, as if what Yin Nianyan said was ridiculous.

"No matter how much tax you pay, it can't change the fact of tax evasion..."

Seeing the middle-aged man, Yin Nianyan suddenly laughed, and suddenly felt provoked in his heart!

Is he questioning his beloved father? !

"What are you laughing at?! Don't make it up. If there is any criminal law, just sentence it directly!"

Yin Nianyan couldn't help asking the middle-aged man angrily!

Hear it!

The middle-aged man didn't refute, just shook his head slightly, and then stood up directly from the chair.

"Since you don't believe it, I have to let you see it with your own eyes..."

The middle-aged man walked slowly to Yin Nianyan's side, spread out the notepad in front of Yin Nianyan's eyes, and pointed to Yin Nianyan page by page:

"This is three years ago, your father falsely reported the tax amount, and privately transferred 3000 million from the company account..."

"This is the 1.2 million that your father transferred directly to his personal account in the name of purchasing two years ago..."

"And this is the 2000 million assets that your father transferred away privately last year..."


"All of the above have not been audited by the tax system! These are facts and evidence!"

"And the evidence is as solid as a mountain!"

Those evidences not only had Yin Hongmao's autograph, but also photos taken by surveillance cameras!

With enough evidence, it is useless to argue!

The middle-aged man purposely flipped the notepad to make a "crash", and Yin Nianyan's heart also jumped over the river and sea along with it!

There is a series of evidence listed above, but they are all true? !

And it's all evidence!

As the middle-aged men pointed out one by one, Yin Nianyan's face gradually turned pale!

"Impossible...absolutely impossible! My father would never do such a thing!"

Yin Nianyan muttered to himself in a daze, with a hundred disbeliefs in his heart!

In her impression, her father was a loving wife, Yin Zi (actually henpecked), and a kind person, how could he do anything illegal! ?

Regardless of Yin Nianyan's reaction, the middle-aged man opened his notebook again and narrated the following content:

"This is an incident where your younger brother Yin Zhiping gathered a crowd to fight, causing serious injuries to more than a dozen people! Although you have already settled it with money and threats to the family members of the other party, but if the victim pursues..."

While talking, the middle-aged man suddenly laughed mockingly, revealing his thick white teeth:

"We will do our best to send your brother to prison, and then sentence him to a few decades..."

Hear it!

Yin Nianyan's body trembled slightly in horror!

She knows everything about her younger brother!

At that time, if she and her mother hadn't stopped him forcefully, her father would have broken his brother's leg!

In the end, it took several million and invited an uncle to come forward to settle the matter

But Yin Nianyan didn't know how that uncle settled it!

Now it seems that there was an inside story at that time...


Seeing the unpredictable expression on Yin Nianyan's face, the middle-aged man knew that there must be a huge wave in Yin Nianyan's heart now!

"As long as some more powerful medicine is added, the opponent's psychological defense will collapse across the board..."

The middle-aged man thought to himself.


Chapter 36

So the middle-aged man struck while the iron was hot, and continued:

"Actually, these are small things... there are more serious ones!"

The middle-aged man deliberately pondered for a moment, filling out the tense atmosphere:

"You may not know that the history of your grandfather's fortune doesn't seem to be perfect..."

"Murder and arson, gang fights, and some more brutal..."

China in the last century was full of chaos and various gangs. However, under the crackdown in the past ten years, some people have turned from black to white, and started to start legitimate businesses!

Among them, Yin Nianyan's grandfather belonged to that group of people!

Although he seems to be a law-abiding and good citizen now, can he easily cover up what happened in the past?

Now when the middle-aged man mentions it, he directly brings out more than a dozen stains!

As the middle-aged man kept uncovering the old stories of the past, Yin Nianyan's complexion also became worse and worse!

She also didn't expect that there were so many shady things behind her family's back!

The middle-aged man didn't care about Yin Nianyan's face, he still said to himself:

"There is also your grandfather's real estate company, which bullies and oppresses the demolition households! Although no lives were hurt, there is a lot of money directly or indirectly involved..."

"and also········"


The middle-aged man gave n more examples, all of which were serious cases!

"Add it all up, your grandfather and your uncles, even if one person has two lives, it's not enough to punish..."

The middle-aged man finished speaking with a sneer, and the notebook just turned to the last page!

Hear it!

In Yin Nianyan's heart, apart from the horror, there was only a deep sense of horror!

If so many crimes are made public, the huge family will collapse immediately!

Yin Nianyan shuddered as if thinking of the result of his relatives being sentenced to indefinite term or even death penalty!

"no, do not want!"

Yin Nianyan's eyes were full of panic and fear, for fear that this kind of nightmare would happen to him!


Seeing Yin Nianyan trembling with fear, the middle-aged man knew that Yin Nianyan's psychological defense line at this time had been completely breached!

He winked at the middle-aged woman behind him, and the middle-aged woman immediately understood!

The middle-aged woman stood up and persuaded Yin Nianyan in a gentle voice:

"Miss Yin, don't worry, as long as you agree, the country will consider your contribution, and these things... we will treat it as if it never happened!"

"And you don't have to suffer in prison, you can go back home and live in harmony with your family!"

"Think about it, how harmonious it is for the whole family to reunite..."

"These beautiful things are all in your mind now..."

After the middle-aged woman finished speaking, the middle-aged man also sang "Bad Face" and said fiercely to Yin Nianyan:

"Of course! If Miss Yin refuses, I'm sorry, but you are not the only one involved..."

"Now your parents, brothers, even relatives and friends, their future is in your hands alone!"

"By the way! There seem to be quite a few people who committed crimes in your family..."

"You said, should we arrange the same cell for them in the prison?"


Hearing the middle-aged man's threat to Yin Nianyan, Li Jianguo couldn't help but think of the scene of a family reunion in prison, and almost burst out laughing!

"I'm going? This picture is too weird and harmonious..."

Li Jianguo secretly thought in his heart that this middle-aged man is really a ghost, to think of such a thing...

at last!

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