33 In the sky, Haotian's figure descended.

Then, a black cloud struck the North Sea, and then Kunpeng's figure fell.

Finally, a golden rainbow flashed across the void and turned into the figure of Styx.

Haotian, Kunpeng, and Styx, the three powerful players, joined hands to help explain the teachings.

Haotian sneered all over his face: "Zhen Yuanzi and Queen Mother Xi, you two, mere quasi-sages, dare to defy the sky."

"I still want to protect San Xiao's three bragging bragging slaves, hehe, I think their father is a waste, if he dares to show up, I will slap him to death directly!!!"

On the side, Kunpeng also had a sneer on his face: "That's right, didn't Sanxiao always say how powerful his father is, but I don't think he shows up all the time, he's clearly a coward through and through."


The tables turned.

Countless disciples who explained the teachings became proud again.

just now.

There are two sub-sages here in Chanjiao, and their strength can be said to be even better!


Patriarch Bodhi sneered: "Hahahaha, Zhen Yuanzi, you still want to protect Sanxiao, you really don't know how to live or die, those three lowly bragging maidservants, their useless father, and you all deserve to die! !!"

Immediately with a big wave of his hand, he said directly: "Give it to me, all the great powers that appeared today will be killed!!!"

On the side, the three powerhouses sneered again and again, and the countless disciples of Chanjiao also looked fiercely.

All of a sudden, a terrifying power gathered together, moving towards Jiejiao, overwhelming them.



at this time.

Suddenly, there was a hum.

hum! ! ! !

The void exploded, and the color of the world changed.


Billowing purple air fell.

A goddess, with a face full of anger, descended from the sky.

28 The whole Honghuang couldn't help but look sideways, and couldn't help turning his head to look, wondering who made the move at this time.

"Nuwa Empress!!!"

"It turned out that Empress Nuwa is here!!"

"Great, Empress Nuwa also stood up for Jiejiao, Jiejiao can be saved now!"


Countless prehistoric creatures admired it one after another.

In particular, many monks of the human race cheered when they saw Our Lady of Nuwa make a move.

"As expected of the Holy Mother, she has great kindness in her heart and protects Sanxiao!"

Chaoge, King Zhou clapped the table and applauded.

In the court hall, there was also a burst of applause.


At this time, on Jinao Island.

Nu Wa finally appeared, and with her joining, the situation was reversed again.

Now the power of the Jujiao is even greater. After all, the Bodhi Patriarch and the Taishang Laojun are not strictly saints.

And Nuwa, as a saint, is certainly more powerful than the two thirty!

This time, the morale of Jiejiao was greatly boosted, and Chanjiao, who had some advantages in the beginning, became a disadvantage again.

Bodhi was not happy at all for a long time, his face was gloomy again, seeing that Nuwa was also obstructing him, he couldn't help cursing:

"Nuwa, are you crazy? How dare you disobey the order of the Taoist ancestor and obstruct the conquest of the gods? Do you know the consequences?"

"Could it be because of San Xiao's three lowly maids who can only brag?"

"The death of those three lowly maids is not a pity, but it's a pity that their useless father is not here, otherwise I will kill all of them."


Hearing this, Nuwa frowned and roared angrily.

Then he said to Bodhi Patriarch and Taishang Laojun: "Senior brothers, if you pass, even if Sanxiao doesn't have a father, you shouldn't insult them like this!!"

"Today, I won't watch anymore, San Xiao, I'm in Baoding!"

Hearing this, Bodhi Patriarch and Taishang Laojun were very angry.

"Nuwa, are you sure! Do you know what the consequences will be if the ancestor blames you?"

"Fengshen is appointed by Dao Patriarch!!"

"Just because of San Xiao, these three lowly bragging maidservants?!!"

However, Nuwa was unmoved, and shook her head, and the majestic coercion of the saint shrouded towards the teaching.

"Senior brothers, I have made up my mind. If you don't want to do a fight, you two senior brothers should retreat this time."

At this time, under the coercion of the saint.

The explanation is very unhappy here.

Why every time it's time for their revenge, someone always has to come out to protect San Xiao!

What's wrong with them scolding San Xiao.

These three lowly maidservants not only cut off the three flowers on the top of the Twelve Golden Immortals, but also lied all over, claiming that their father was a Daoist sage, a mythical Daluo.

This lowly servant girl deserves to die!

But someone always comes out to protect them!

This time, it was Nuwa again!

Thinking of this, everyone stared at Nu Wa angrily.

The Taishang Laojun and Bodhi were also full of anger when they heard this:

"Nuwa, we call you junior sister, I hope you don't know good and bad, Sanxiao's death is determined by the Taoist ancestor, the number of prehistoric days, you dare to disobey, and his father is a waste, are we wrong? !!!!"


at this time.

Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun was upset when he saw Nuwa appearing.

"Nu Wa dared to violate the number of gods. I don't know what is good or bad. The three lowly maidservants of Sanxiao are destined to die. Even if their useless father came forward, they couldn't stop them. They should be on the list of gods!"

"Hmph, since that's the case, I can't say that I have to do it myself!"

At this time, Hongjun made a decision, and then directly transformed a divine thought, intending to descend on the East China Sea.

That is, after he made his plan, he suddenly felt something was wrong with his body.

But after a sweep of divine sense, nothing abnormal was found.

Hongjun soon stopped caring and left.


Just after Hongjun left, a huge object, like a world, crashed through Zixiao Palace.

A pair of huge eyes, cold and heartless, open them!

hum! ! ! !

He is the ruler of the void who ranks among the rulers of the realm among the heavens and myriad realms.

He is also Lin Xuan's vanguard officer!




In an instant.

The entire Zixiao Palace was annihilated into dust! ! !

Boom! ! !

In the palace, countless gods and spirits saw this scene, and they were horrified and stunned! ! !

"This, what is this!!"

These gods are all following Taoist ancestors and cultivating Taoism. They usually feel that cultivating Taoism under Taoist ancestors must have a bright future.

After all, Daozu is No. 1 in the wild.

But now, what did they see.

A gigantic existence descended suddenly and shattered the entire Zixiao Palace! !

In their eyes, the Taoist Ancestor Dojo, which was extremely strong in the past, is now more fragile than a piece of paper!

"Then, what exactly exists!!!"

At this moment, countless gods, as well as other creatures living in the chaos, were shocked.

Then, they suddenly saw that time and space fluctuated, like ripples on the surface of water.

A pair of huge pupils burst open.

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