Ke Xue: I have a copy of my wife's life Author: Write a book with [-] million words

Introduction: Hanyu Baisawa travels through the world of Conan and obtains a duplicate life system.

[Fei Yingli copy: (0/3)] [Fujimine Yukiko copy: (0/3)] [Belmode copy: ...]

[Customs clearance conditions: ...]

[Quest Reward: Unknown]

Fei Yingli: Hanyu Shirasawa, you bastard, how many women are there outside?

Fujimine Yukiko: Ah Le, interesting, really interesting...

Hanyu Shirasawa: I have something to say, everyone has something to say, what are you doing with a knife, wait... ah! ! !


Chapter 0001: Familiar People


Rice Flower Town, Rice Flower Park.

Today is Sunday, there are a lot of people here, most of them are adults and children come here to play.

"Xiao Lan, did you notice that Kudo Shinichi seems to have not come to school for a long time."

"is it?"

The girl named Xiaolan only had a flash of curiosity in her eyes, and she didn't pay any more attention. Instead, she started picking up her bag and looking for her own things.


A coin fell from the bag on the ground, and just as she was about to bend down to pick it up, she saw a figure appearing in front of her out of the corner of her eye, bending down to pick up the coin on the ground.


Hanyu Baisawa handed the coin in front of the girl, looked at the girl's spiky hairstyle, and at the same time confirmed what he heard just now, he heard the word "Xiaolan" just now, and now he is basically sure, this The place must be - Mao Lilan.

heroine of this world.

"you you......"

Xiaolan looked at the person in front of her, her body trembling slightly, the memories that she dared not recall, resurfaced again, and she even wondered if she was dreaming at this moment, or the person in front of her would never have appeared before.

"What's wrong?" Hanyu Baisawa was confused by the girl's expression, subconsciously looked at his clothes, and found that there seemed to be nothing wrong, then touched his face, could it be that there is something dirty on his face?

"I still have something to do, this is yours." Hanyu Baisawa thought of his own affairs, quickly took the girl's hand, put the coin in her palm, turned around and left with big strides.

"Wait..." Xiaolan was awakened by the cold coin in her palm, and wanted to call Hanyu Baisawa in front, but unfortunately she had already run away.

"Hey, Xiaolan, you're quite courageous this time, and you dare to strike up a conversation. If you go faster next time, it will definitely be fine."

Xiaolan suddenly felt her arms being hugged, and then a teasing voice came from her ear:

"Oh, what a pity, he is such a handsome guy. Since you have taken a fancy to him, then I won't rob you."

"No, Sonoko. I..."

Xiaolan wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to say it.

"Hee hee, I understand, I understand, ah ah ah."

Yuanzi looked at his best friend with a smile.

"It's really not, don't talk nonsense anymore." Xiaolan looked down at the coin in her hand, hesitated and said: "Actually, I just think he looks like a person, it really looks like... "

"Like a person?" Yuanzi's eyes immediately ignited raging fire of gossip, and asked impatiently, "Who is it, first love?"

Seeing that Xiaolan didn't answer herself, Yuanzi immediately shook her arm and acted like a baby: "Tell me, I really want to know."

"I'm sorry, Yuanzi." Xiaolan finally spoke, but her tone and expression were very solemn.

Yuanzi was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "What are you sorry for? What do you want to do?"

"I want to ask that person. I want to know if it's just a resemblance. Yuanzi, I'm really sorry that I can't accompany you today."

After finishing speaking, Xiaolan hugged her best friend fiercely, and then directly chased in the direction Hanyu Baisawa left just now.


The garden was silent, a little messy in the wind.

After half an hour.

Couldn't help muttering:

"The guy who values ​​sex and despises friends must have fallen in love at first sight, otherwise he wouldn't be like this. But he is really handsome, what should I do? I like it too."



the other side.

Hanyu Shirasawa did not leave Mihua Park.

He came to a gazebo where a guy in his 50s was waiting for him.

The two of them didn't say anything when they met, they were just busy with their own affairs, but their eyes were watching left and right, as if they were confirming something.

Waited about 10 minutes.

The two finally looked away, looked at each other again, and finally nodded in unison.


Hanyu Shirasawa made a slight movement in his mouth, then he took out an envelope from his arms and handed it over, saying lightly:

"This is what you want. By the way, if you can, it's better to close the Internet cafe earlier. I think they have noticed it."

"Thank you."

Masayoshi Sato took it, and without opening it, he picked up another envelope and handed it over: "This is your reward this time, a total of [-], you can count it yourself."

"We have been working together for almost three months, and I still believe in you."

Hanyu Shirasawa put the envelope away, and then asked a question that had been on his mind for a long time:

"Police Sato is right, speaking of your level, if you want to find an informant, there should be a special person, why are you looking for a new person? And we didn't know each other before, so you trust me so much?"

When he learned about Kudo Shinichi from the newspaper, he knew that this was the world of "Detective Conan". It was also because of this that he recognized the person opposite him in several subsequent cooperations, which made him feel unbelievable. Confuse.

The person in front of me is Masayoshi Sato.

Many people may not know this, but when Miwako Sato is mentioned, they immediately understand that the other party is her father.

And this one in the original book has already died in the line of duty, so when he recognized the other party, he felt something was wrong, and he didn't understand what was going on, and why the other party was still alive until now. A time traveler appeared and saved him?

"Hehe~" Sato Masayoshi smiled, he is now in his 50s, and he is considered an old man: "I always do things based on my eyesight. By the way..."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, lowered his eyes, and continued to ask: "I don't know what's going on in your family, or what's going on with your parents. I can call them if something happens in the future .”

"Hey, hey, curse me, right?"

"Haha, no, it's just a normal inquiry, don't be angry."

"But to disappoint you, my parents are both dead."

"Yes... well..." Masayoshi Sato was stunned for a moment, then stood up and walked out slowly after a while: "Okay, I'm leaving first, I still have things to deal with."

"Walk slowly."

Hanyu Baisawa watched the other party go away a little bit, the expression on his face restrained, and he fell into deep thought:

"Why are you asking these questions all of a sudden? Is it pure or intentional? Could it be that he noticed that I appeared out of nowhere? Is he starting to doubt my identity?"

Also at this time.

There were rapid footsteps.

When he looked up, he found that the heroine Mao Lilan was running towards him in a hurry.

Chapter 0002: The system is finally activated


Xiaolan looked at Hanyu Shirasawa in front of her, trying to calm herself down:

"Thank you for picking up coins for me just now."

"You're welcome, it's all trivial."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and stood up slowly.

Before, he just wanted to make sure that he was lucky enough to meet the heroine of this world, but in the end he did meet, and now he is not in the same mood as he was at the beginning, but he has calmed down.

"Sorry, I still have things to do."

After Hanyu Shirasawa finished speaking, he was about to leave here.

"Wait a moment!"

Xiaolan shouted anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Hanyu Baisawa looked at the girl with some doubts: "Did you encounter any difficulties? If I can help, I will definitely help."

"No..." Xiaolan felt that what she was thinking was a little unbelievable, so she simply found another excuse: "Sir, I just want to thank you for your help just now, and I want to ask your name."

"Oh~" Hanyu Shirasawa nodded suddenly, and then said seriously: "Hi, my name is Hanyu Shirasawa, please give me your advice."

"You... hello..." When Xiaolan heard this name, her eyes turned red for some reason, and a weeping smile appeared on her face: "My name is Mao Lilan, please give me your advice. By the way, Mr. Hanyu, if it is convenient Would you like to exchange contact information?"

"Uh... yes."

Hanyu Shirasawa always felt that the heroine was a bit strange, but he still exchanged contact information with her.

"Huh..." Xiaolan took a deep breath, and tightly gripped the phone, as if she was afraid of losing it.

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