Sweeping through these people one by one, he discovered an astonishing thing, and quietly said it:

"It seems that none of them is a simple person. Even the worst ones are the sons of the chairman of some companies. I also saw the children of several high-ranking officials and the children of congressmen. Maybe I don't know when What happened, but if the parents behind these people work hard together, it is still very easy to suppress some news."


Everyone opened their mouths, wanting to say something, but they couldn't say anything in the end.

None of them are idiots, they have already reminded them so clearly, they basically understand.

Some of the things that happened back then must have been aimed at some rich, powerful, and powerful people. As for what role Chi Bo Jinghua played in it, they didn't know.

However, there should be an idea in my heart, but I don't know what happened, so I can't be sure.

at last.

After dealing with this group of people, Chibo Jinghua came to Hanyu Baisawa and said with a smile:

"Sorry, I'm late. I didn't expect them to be so enthusiastic. It really bothers me."

"Aunt Jinghua, it's nothing."

"That's right, Miss Jinghua, this kind of scene is rare."

Except Hanyu Shirasawa, Mori Kogoro and the others are all responding politely.

Just finished greeting.

The banquet officially began.

After a while, the host came to the stage to speak, and what he said were all unnutritious words.

The next step is to invite Lika Barre, Mike Nord, Ray Katis, and three stars to come out.

But after a while, another person appeared on the scene to make trouble. It was a reporter from Chicago who came here with three stars, named——Ed Mike.

But no matter how lively it is above, no one pays much attention to it except some people below.

at this time.

Hanyu Shirasawa happened to be beside Chiba Shizuka, saw many people's eyes attracted by what happened ahead, so he spoke quietly:

"Xiao Jing, just now I heard someone call you the legendary female swordsman. I didn't expect that you have cultivated to such a level that you are still called a legend."

When Chi Bo Jinghua heard his words, her body froze.

half an hour.

Shaking his head lightly, without saying a word, he turned sideways, not knowing what he was doing.

But Hanyu Shirasawa saw it.

Puzzled in my heart, I said, "¨‖Crying? Did you just wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes? It should be, I read it right. Did I say something wrong? Why are you crying?"

Just when he was thinking wildly.

Chi Bo Jinghua has turned around again, with a slight smile on his face, and said softly: "Don't listen to those people's nonsense, I am not some legendary female swordsman, I am just an ordinary woman."

"Hehe, if you were all ordinary women, there would be no ordinary women in the whole world."

After Hanyu Baisawa finished speaking, he became more and more concerned about the second small dungeon, and really wanted to see what happened at that time.



time flies.

An hour in the blink of an eye.

The banquet is over.

Although some people made trouble at the beginning, it still had no effect.

Just when Hanyu Baisawa and the others were about to go back to the upstairs room to rest, they were actually notified that they could not go up, saying that the three stars were going to do something special, and asked them to wait outside the restaurant for a while.

Although they didn't know what to do, many people saved face and came outside the restaurant.


They finally knew what was going on.

It turned out that the three stars wanted to take advantage of the night time to turn on some lights in the rooms where they stayed upstairs and light them up in the shape of a "K" letter, just in line with the name of the 3K World Restaurant.


Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, and he remembered that he was going to die soon.

After all, both Conan and Hattori Heiji are both Shinigami, if they don't kill everyone, it's really not giving Shinigami face.

He didn't intend to stop it, anyway, the dead were none of his business, and he remembered that the case was easy to solve, and he only needed to be reminded to solve the case, and he didn't worry about the time when he crossed the [Dungeon] at night.



There was a loud "bang" from upstairs.

Chapter 0159: Live with three women


3K World Restaurant.

The police in Osaka arrived 15 minutes after the murder.

The leader of the team is Otaki Goro Police Department, an old acquaintance of Hattori Heiji.


Many people gathered in the corridor, looking at the room where the murder took place.

Otaki Goro closed the notepad in his hand, and said: "The deceased Ed Mike was a reporter. It is said that he has been making money by slandering others. From this point of view, today at the banquet with him The three stars in the conflict are suspected. The murder weapon is a revolver, and there are no fingerprints on it, which is very difficult. Heiji, do you have any clues?"

next to.

Hattori Heiji is here.

Conan is also there, and Kogoro Mori is also there.

After all, these three are detectives, and they are most concerned about such dead people.

Of course, there must be more than this few people, Xiaolan and the others are all there.

Hanyu Baizawa said indifferently: "Mr. Police Officer, we were all asked not to come up at that time. Only those three Mr. Stars are here to turn on the lights."

"I see." Otaki Goro nodded, thoughtfully: "So, the murderer is among these three stars?"

Conan said: "Not necessarily, Mr. Ed 077 Mike can come up, it means that there are other people upstairs at that time, it may not be."

"Smoke detection." Hanyu Baisawa reminded: "It is not long before the time of the incident, go for detection. If it continues, the murderer may have been cleaned up."

"It makes sense." Otaki Goro nodded: "Sir, thank you for your reminder."


He hurriedly called his subordinates.

Start testing everyone in the restaurant.

Even if Hanyu Shirasawa and the others had an alibi, for the sake of fairness, they would all be tested together.


Everyone was gathered here, waiting for the test results.

"Brother Bai Ze, do you think the murderer can be found out this way?" Xiaolan asked worriedly.

"I don't know. After all, it took some time from the police to here."

Hanyu Shirasawa remembered that in the original work, nothing was detected.

And it seems that as long as there is a shooting in the original book, the murderer can't be detected immediately, which is a bit outrageous.

But fortunately, he remembered the plot and thought of a key thing in it, which should be resolved quickly.


The detection is complete.

Everyone has no smoke reaction.

Otaki Goro stood up and said helplessly: "Well, although everyone is not suspected for the time being, please don't leave this restaurant, we will continue to investigate."

"Mr. Police Officer." Hanyu Baisawa spoke again: "Which places did you test?"

Otaki Goro was stunned for a moment, wondering why the other party asked such a simple question, but he still answered: "The gunpowder smoke reaction from the test pistol is usually the jacket and pants. Is there any problem?"

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it?" Hattori Heiji thought about it and thought there was nothing wrong.

Conan frowned, and said in a low voice: "Unless you didn't hold the gun with your hand when you fired it, but you used some mechanism to fire the gun, then it might not be detected on your body."

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, and said quietly: "What you are talking about is usually an automatic pistol, and the smoke will be sprayed out when the eggshell is ejected. But the murder weapon is a revolver, and you will not forget the most critical point Bar?"


The pupils of the three shrank slightly.

Obviously, they remembered the difference between these two pistols.

Otaki Goro patted himself on the forehead immediately, and shouted: "When the revolver is fired, the smoke will radiate from the gun body. Therefore, the surface of the shoe cannot be missed..."

Seeing that they understood, Hanyu Shirasawa didn't say anything more, leaving the rest to them.

"Brother Bai Ze, you are amazing." Xiao Lan praised without hesitation.

"Indeed." Kazuha (cjdb) nodded along, glanced at Hattori Heiji again, and said with a chuckle, "Some people, with such a great reputation, keep saying that they are some kind of detective. It’s a shame that you can’t even think of that.”

Hattori Heiji:"......"

Conan: "..."

The two of them looked at each other, seeing helplessness in each other's eyes.

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