Mori Kogoro looked at his daughter, then at Ikebo Jinghua, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and left after talking to her a few times.

He felt that this was no longer his daughter, it should be Chi Bo Jinghua's daughter.

A large group of people left.

Soon the snack bar was empty.

Hanyu Baisawa saw that only he and the three daughters were left, and asked with a smile: "Now that the matter is settled, do you want to play or go back?"

"Go back to Aunt Jinghua's house." He Ye was the first to express his opinion.

Chi Bo Jinghua smiled and said: "Xiao Lan, He Ye, you should buy some snacks and go back while there are things for sale here. I don't have any snacks at home, or you won't have anything to eat at night."


The two girls, Xiaolan and Ye, acted immediately and started shopping in the store next door.

Hanyu Baisawa took Chiba Jinghua's hand, came outside the snack bar, and said softly: "Send them away, do you have something to ask me?"


Chapter 0173: He Ye's Cleverness

Hanyu Shirasawa thought at first that Chiba Shizuka was going to ask himself about the murder.

The result was unexpected.

She didn't ask about this kind of thing, but talked about other things.

"Are you going back tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'm going to be with Xiaolan."

"I'm going to sell the property here, and then move to Dongying to be with you." Chi Bo Jinghua told his story.

Her life is actually very simple.

She used to live with her grandfather, and her parents never cared about her.

Later, after her grandfather passed away, only Hanyu Shirasawa suddenly broke into her life, and she lived like this for decades.

Although her father and mother left her a lot of property, she didn't care about these things at all. Now that she can find the other half of her life, she doesn't need to stay here anymore.

"Is that so..."

Hanyu Baisawa thought for a while, then refused, "Don't sell the property, let's keep it. Even if you don't need it now, our children will need it in the future."

Chi Bo Jinghua blushed, and said quietly: "I don't know if we will have children in the future, after all, I am not young anymore."

"Hehe, it's nothing." Hanyu Baisawa stepped forward and hugged her gently: "You are still young and beautiful in my eyes, and we will definitely have children in the future. Then you will teach him the way of swordsmanship and make him the most famous person in the world. The most powerful swordsman."

"But I'm not as good as you."

"No, you are better than me."

"Then why can't I beat you?"

"You will know in the future." Hanyu Baisawa smiled, although he is not going to reveal these secrets about himself now, but he will one day.

Maybe one day in the future, it is possible to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, which can benefit his own women.

Chi Bo Jinghua said: "By the way, I may not leave with you tomorrow, and I will find you a few days later."


"Then how do you plan to arrange my meeting with them?"


Hanyu Shirasawa felt that it was better not to talk about it, otherwise it would be a headache for a while.

This kind of thing is not easy to handle at all.

He can guarantee that if he gets involved, he will definitely be the one attacked by all the women, and he may not even be able to say a word by then.

Otherwise, without talking too much, it would be a very troublesome matter if only Xizi started making a fuss by himself.

"It's hard to answer?" Chi Bo Jinghua narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous breath flashed through them.

"Ahem." Hanyu Baizawa said with an embarrassed smile, "It's not convenient for me to come forward, you can contact them yourself when the time comes, I have already vaccinated them in advance. Even if you are one more person, they will be dissatisfied at most , won't say anything."

Chi Bo Jinghua was quiet.

Not talking.

Just staring straight at this man.

The atmosphere was delicate for a while.

for a long time.

She said faintly: "I suddenly understood what kind of man you are, or the side effect of your going back to the past made you have thoughts that you shouldn't have."

"What?" Hanyu Baisawa was dumbfounded by the words.

Chi Bo Jinghua gently stretched out her jade hand, stroked the man's face, and teased: "Could it be that you knew my name in this era, so you came into contact with me specially when you went back to the past, and then Come back and take me into the harem. Is that right?"

"It's really not, don't think about it, I will tell you later."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled wryly.

This is all due to the dungeon system. Although he is happy to do such a thing, he can't say it in front of a woman anyway.

Women tend to care less about things on their lips, but they actually care more about them in their hearts. Anyway, as long as they insist on singing the opposite tune, they are right.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, everything has already happened, if I regret it, I will suffer."

Chi Bo Jinghua rolled her beautiful eyes, and then talked about the business:

"If I meet them, get rid of them, and become the boss, you don't object to that?"

"As long as you can succeed."

"I'm not afraid of anyone fighting."


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled helplessly, although he knew it was a joke, he couldn't help being surprised.

If there is a real fight, among the current group of people and women, Xiaolan will not participate in the battle, and Belmode will not be able to come, so Fei Yingli and Yu Xizi are definitely not opponents.

Of course, it is impossible for them to fight.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Chi Bo Jinghua to become the boss by other means. It is estimated that no one in this group of people will become the boss, because no one will be convinced.

"Aunt Jinghua, we are back."

In the nearby shop, two girls came out with big bags and small bags, their faces full of excitement.

After all, no woman would refuse the pleasure of shopping. The more you buy, the more excited you will be.

Chi Bo Jinghua asked: "¨‖ Do you buy all the food?"

"No." He Yeda's eyes were full of malicious intentions, but it was aimed at Hanyu Shirasawa.

Xiaolan didn't hide anything, and said honestly: "We also bought some things that are very sour, bitter, spicy, and have a strange taste."


Hanyu Baisawa understood, and said quietly: "Could it be that you want to have some kind of punishing entertainment at night?"

"Hey, you must be scared." He Ye raised his head proudly.

"He Ye, you were the one who lost the most last night, aren't you afraid that you will be the one who suffers in the end?"

"Uh..." With cold sweat on He Ye's forehead, he remembered that he was the unluckiest of the four.

Chi Bo Jinghua reminded at the right time: "Look beside you."

He Ye glanced at the side, and then his eyes lit up: "Okay, I will be with Xiaolan at night, so it must be no problem."

If she is the least lucky among the four, then Xiaolan is the luckiest. Basically (well done) as long as she is in a group with her, she loses less and wins more.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "I don't care, as long as you don't play tricks at night."



Father on the other side.

Toyama Ginshirou and Hattori Heizo are here, their expressions are very silent.

for a long time.

Toyama Ginshiro asked: "Tell me, who killed those seven people?"

Hattori Heizo shook his head: "I don't know, what we policemen are most afraid of is the kind of people who kill people and turn around, even if they find clues, they don't know who it is."

"Yes. Listening to what Ms. Jinghua said before, only that guy 20 years ago could do it. Tell me, did he never die?"

"I don't know. If that's the case, what benefit did he get from making such a big commotion 20 years ago?"

"Oh, forget it, don't think about it, anyway, the dead are some criminals.".

Chapter 0174: Occupied by the girls

The next day.

Close to evening.

Rice Flower Town, [-]-chome, Hanyu Shirasawa's house.

"Miss Concubine, Miss Yuxiko, is this really all right?"

Miyano Akemi saw that the whole living room had turned pink, and said with some concern: "Will you be angry when Mr. Hanyu comes back? Anyway, Mr. Hanyu is a man, and he probably doesn't like the changes in his home." Is it like this?"

"I think it's beautiful."

You Xizi took a serious look at the living room she had arranged, nodded in satisfaction, and finally sat down on the sofa, waved her hands lightly and said with a smile, "Don't worry, he will definitely like it. I have the same vision as him."

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