"Senior, try to finish this book by noon today. If you don't finish it, I will be very distressed. By the way, don't get me wrong. I just want to ask you to do me a favor. If you It’s a bit difficult if you don’t know anything.”

"You don't want me to act with you, do you? If you think this way, I advise you to give up. I'm not a genius, and I won't learn it just by reading books."

Hanyu Shirasawa immediately thought of this possibility, after all, what he had in his hand was a book about acting and nothing else.

And there is nothing wrong with what he said. Although acting requires talent, you don't know anything about it, and you haven't seen how other people train. If you want to practice against others like this, it's really embarrassing.

"Senior, your guess is very accurate. But it doesn't matter. The main reason is that I want to practice. You just need to be a good tool."

You Xizi is a smart person, of course she knows that reading books is not enough.

So her goal has always been very clear, just needing herself is enough, but being alone is a bit boring, so she wants to need someone to accompany her.

"Ah this..."

"Senior, do you want to refuse?"

"No, I just thought of a question." Hanyu Baisawa suppressed the smile on his face, and teased: "Didn't you say you won't live long? Then what are you doing learning to act? There is not enough time."


You Xizi froze, and kept a motionless posture like this. She really forgot the lie she told, and if she didn't do it well, the lie would be exposed.


She returned to normal and started acting at the same time. The expression on her face was very exciting, depressed for a while, sad for a while, confused for a while, and finally showed a forced smile, and said in a low voice:

"Senior, you have read my diary. This is my wish. I am just fulfilling my wish. I don't want to fail to fulfill my wish when I die."

After speaking, he squeezed his eyes vigorously, as if he was about to squeeze out a few tears, but unfortunately nothing came out.


Hanyu Shirasawa was a little speechless, this dramatist girl was really performing anytime and anywhere, but the part where she shed tears at the end was a little distracted, which almost made him laugh out loud.

Yukiko may feel that it is not convincing enough, so she continued:

"Senior, in fact, a few years ago, the doctor said that I would not live for half a year. But in the past few years, medicine has developed too fast. Every time I feel that I am going to die, new drugs are developed. It prolongs my lifespan. So, it may not be long before a new drug will be developed, and I will live longer. These, I may still be able to use them when I study acting, maybe when I become a big star It’s possible that you will die when you die.”

"I see."

Hanyu Shirasawa still chose to cooperate with her, since he decided to pretend, let's pretend together.

Yukiko said gratefully:

"So, senior, you'd better read the book hard, and the two of us will practice sparring later."

"Okay, I don't care. By the way, what are you writing?"

"I'm writing the drama we're going to practice, and it's all original by myself."

Yukiko raised her head proudly, but she still kept her notebook tightly covered, not showing any intention of showing it to Hanyu Shirasawa.

After all, apart from writers, many people write things themselves, but they are actually embarrassed to show others.

This is also the reason why Youxizi and Hanyu Baisawa can chat like this. After all, the other party has finished reading her diary, which makes her feel a little ashamed, and she is also a little confused about Hanyu Baisawa. It means that it is a confidant, and it is a bit worse, anyway, it is a strange feeling.

"its not right."

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at her puzzled:

"You said that if you want to be a big star, you should write scripts, right? Why write dramas? It's rare to see dramas on TV these days, right? Are you going to become a star with this?"

"Senior, you have to start from the beginning. Drama is also a kind of performance, so it's okay for me to start with this first."

"I think you are deliberately making things difficult for me. It's better to act directly. Do you think I understand drama?"

"Oh, just follow along when the time comes, it's all up to me. By the way, there are still actions in the drama, and these have to be acted out."

"Sure enough, you are embarrassing me."

"Hahaha..." You Xizi couldn't help laughing, and even laughed with a heroic feeling.

After a while, the laughter stopped, she stared at her beautiful eyes, and said seriously:

"Senior, don't worry, I will teach you by hand when the time comes. I dare not say much, under the guidance of this genius, I must be better than elementary school students."


Hanyu Shirasawa stopped talking to her, and looked at the book in his hand.

I'm just praying in my heart, don't write some non-human dramas and bloody dramas.

"By the way, senior, I want to ask you an important matter. It's been so long, what should I call you?"


Hanyu Shirasawa remembered that the two of them didn't seem to have reported each other's names.

He knew that Fujimine had Xizi, but the other party didn't know him at all.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he said slowly:

"You can call me Hanyu."

"Okay, Hanyu-senpai. My name is..."

"Don't rush to answer. I hope to see your name on TV in the future, so I can already understand that you have fulfilled your wish and become a big star."

"Wow, this proposal is good, so cool." You Xizi almost jumped up on the spot in excitement, she had already thought about it, and she must tell what happened today when she is famous on TV and interviewed in the future.

"Don't be cool, you'd better write quickly."

"Haha, Hanyu-senpai, I'm fast, you should read it quickly."

Time passed little by little.

Soon came noon.

Yukiko has finished writing the play, and Hanyu Baisawa has finished reading the book.

After the two had lunch, they both took the script of the play and watched it.

"Senior, are you ready?"

"Anyway, you taught me."

"Come on then."


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Chapter 0022: Yukiko Copy: 1/3


two hours later.

"Rest, take a break. Junior, I think it's almost okay, I really can't do it. Don't you feel embarrassed? Fortunately, no one else came here, otherwise I promise to run into you and die in front of you."

In the gazebo of Mihua Park.

Hanyu Shirasawa was lying on the stone table like a salted fish, still clutching the script of the play.

If possible, he really wanted to tear this thing off in his hand, out of sight and out of mind.

"Senior, you promised me this." You Xizi said with a smile: "You see that we have cooperated very well in front, come on, there is only the last paragraph left."

"I don't see anything good at all, I just feel embarrassed, can you let me go?" Hanyu Bai Ze knew that the drama was like this, he would never agree to her request, and practiced with her .


You Xizi didn't answer, just smiling like that.

Hanyu Shirasawa could no longer control himself at this moment, and began to think here and there:

"What did you say at the beginning? You even told me to teach me. But... I only saw you laughing at me from the beginning to the end. If it is possible, you still want to roll around on the ground twice to express how amazing you are." Happy? Don't deny it, I see everything in my eyes."

Hanyu Shirasawa, who has always had a good temper, really couldn't stand it now.

He felt that he should give up this task.

Anyway, the rewards given by the system are nothing special, it doesn't matter if you need them or not.

At this moment, he had already made up his mind in his heart. If he couldn't complete the task in two days, he would just give up and count it as a failure.

"Okay, okay, senior."

Yukiko held back a smile and came to Hanyu Shirasawa's back, pinched his shoulder and said:

"Senior, don't worry, there is only the last paragraph left. I promise, it will end in 5 minutes, and there will be no more performances like this."

"Are you sure?" Hanyu Bai Ze turned his head to look at her, his eyes full of distrust.


Yukiko nodded seriously.

"Okay, you said it. Let's start then."

"Hey, don't you take a break?"

"No, let's finish it sooner and end sooner, I really can't stand it anymore."

"OK then……"

Yukiko shrugged, took out her manuscript and looked at it, nodded to Hanyu Shirasawa, took a final deep breath, and was ready to start.

A sad expression suddenly appeared on her face, her eyes turned red as soon as she spoke, and filled with tears:

"Great God... I never wanted to be a princess, why did you torture me like this? Make me sacrifice my happiness for this war?"

Having said that, she looked at Hanyu Shirasawa, winking wildly.


Hanyu Shirasawa twitched the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, strode up to Yukiko, knelt on the ground on one knee, and said dryly:

"Your Highness, let me take you away."

"It's useless." You Xizi shook her head lightly, tears falling silently: "My father, please ask the wizard to put a curse on me. If I run away, I will have a seizure and die. Captain, you can go... you You shouldn't die with me."

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