"That's not true, I'm just curious. It feels like you might be here to perform a mission."


Sera Marie snorted coldly, but she was surprised that the other party's guess was accurate. After all, she would come to this cruise ship, and she was indeed on a mission.

Soon, memories from five years ago flooded her mind, reminding her of Hanyu Shirasawa's terrifying skills, and her mission this time.

Immediately, a smile appeared on her face, and she spoke very kindly:

"Well, we are old friends, I don't know your name yet, what's your name?"


Hanyu Shirasawa was a little surprised why her attitude changed so quickly, but he still told her his name:

"My name is Hanyu Shirasawa, don't forget."

"Mr. Hanyu, hello."

"Okay, let's talk. With this sudden appearance, is there something you want to ask me for?"


Sera Marie was startled, she didn't expect this man to be so sensitive, she immediately smiled and said, "¨‖No, I just wanted to get to know you. I was too reckless five years ago, and I apologize to you here. I'm sorry, Hanyu gentlemen."

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa was overjoyed, if his "sixth sense" hadn't told him it was a lie, maybe he would have believed it.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will lie, without even blinking her eyelids.

But since he already knew it was a lie, for this mission, he could only use his tricks.

"It's okay, I don't care, after all, I was just protecting myself at the time."

"You are too modest, Mr. Hanyu. By the way, it is still a while before dark, do you want to go out and take a look around this cruise ship?"


As soon as they spoke, the two had already walked out of the cabin.

As soon as I came outside, I immediately felt that the sky was high and the sea was wide, and a brand-new experience filled my heart.

The design of the cruise ship is like a pyramid. They are now (with good money) in the corridor of the third city. If you look down, you can see the corridors on the first and second floors below. If you look up, you can see I saw that the space was gradually shrinking, and there were rows of corridors.

"Mr. Hanyu, come with me." Sera Mari led the way.

next time.

The two of them really just wandered around without doing any unnecessary actions. They almost went around the entertainment facilities on the cruise ship, and they roughly figured out the environment.

Not much to say, at least I know the first, second and third floors at the top, where the rich live, and the consumption is also the most expensive.

Of course, there are also the negative floors of the cruise ship, but ordinary people are not allowed to enter these floors, only the staff on the cruise ship can enter.

Time passed quickly.

It was almost evening.

Now after walking around, it was already dark, and Hanyu Shirasawa and Sera Mari also returned to the cabin.

Chapter 0229: Copy of Sera Mary: 2/3


late at night.

On the vast sea, a passenger ship is sailing on the sea.

In a cabin on the third floor.

Hanyu Shirasawa slept with his eyes closed. In fact, he didn't fall asleep at all, or he couldn't sleep a little bit.

After all, it was the first time for him to sleep on a cruise ship. From time to time, he would feel the cruise ship shake, which made him very uncomfortable.

It was at this time.

In a dark room.

He heard sparse voices, even though they were very small, but in this quiet environment, they were particularly clear.

Quietly, his closed eyes opened a crack, and he felt that there seemed to be a darker silhouette in the space in front of him.

Hanyu Shirasawa knew very well that this was a human figure.

And in this double room, apart from him, there is only one left - Sera Marie.

"What does this woman want?"

As soon as Hanyu Shirasawa had this idea, he found that the woman bent down slowly, almost her entire face was in front of him.

If it was like this at the beginning, he might be startled when he squints.

But fortunately, he had already squinted his eyes, and in addition to the darkness in the room, even Sera Marie couldn't find that he was squinting even if he got so close.

Sera Mari couldn't find it, but Hanyu Shirasawa could see it clearly. It was a pair of beautiful dark green eyes with 380 colors, which were wide open. From time to time, a flash of light flashed across her eyes, thinking of some bad idea.

next second.

With both hands of this woman, she held up something, one was a small cylinder and the other was a big cuboid.

at last.

Hanyu Shirasawa couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately opened his eyes wide and said:

"What are you doing?"


Sera Mari was obviously taken aback, and she backed away abruptly.

Hanyu Shirasawa turned over and got out of bed, and immediately turned on the light in the cabin.


The cabin lights up.

At the same time, Hanyu Shirasawa also saw clearly what was in Sera Mari's hands, a small flashlight in one hand and a camera in the other.

Looking at these two things, he said quietly:

"What are you trying to do? Light me up while I'm sleeping? Then take a picture of me?"


Sera Marie's eyes were a little dodgy, she paused for a moment, and decisively lied: "It's nothing, I'm just going to watch the sunrise on the sea, and I just want to record it with a camera."

"Then what were you doing standing beside my bed? Is there a sunrise on my face?"

"I just wanted to ask you to watch it together, but in the end I felt embarrassed to disturb you, so I gave up. I didn't expect you to wake up just now."


Hanyu Baisawa smiled lightly, he didn't believe her lie at all, he stretched out his hand directly, and said lightly: "In order to be able to sleep in peace, you should give me the camera."

Sera Marie was taken aback, raised her eyebrows and said, "Why should I give you my things?"

"Are you sure you don't want to give it?"



Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes, and slowly moved forward, approaching Sera Mari little by little.

Sera Mari took two steps back, her expression became serious, and within a distance of one meter of Hanyu Shirasawa, she resolutely pre-empted, raised her long legs and kicked it.

"Bullet time."

Hanyu Shirasawa whispered in his heart.

Watch the world slow down.

Look at the slowly kicking leg.

Little by little, he stretched out his hand to catch the position of the calf muscle, and slid his arm upwards, bringing his whole body closer. The other hand wrapped around Sera Marie's waist, and at the same time pressed down on the single bed behind her.

This is the description in the "bullet time" worldview.

But in the eyes of Sera Marie.

I just kicked it out, and then the following things were out of my control.

Seeing that Hanyu Baisawa followed his leg like a prophet, he stepped forward in an instant, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he had been pressed on the bed, and the kicked foot was also pressed back, and it was still pressed on his own. On the shoulders, it is directly in the posture of a straight horse.


Sera Marie's cheeks were flushed red, and she wanted to lower her thighs from her shoulders, but (cjdb) was pressed down, and she couldn't use any strength, so she could only stare fiercely at the man in front of her.

Hanyu Baisawa smiled and said: "If you obediently give me the camera, you won't be what you are now. Okay, let me say it again, give me the camera."

Sera Marie turned her head and replied bluntly: "I am in this state, you can take it yourself, you don't need to ask me at all."

"No, no, I'm a reasonable person, and I have to ask for your consent. Well, give me the camera."


Sera Marie almost fell ill from anger, this man is really abominable, murdering people is even more cruel, he is simply a bastard among bastards.

"Huh!" With a cold snort, her stubborn temper also came up, and she said lightly: "I won't give it to you, if you want it, you can take it yourself, otherwise you will just waste it like this."

Hanyu Baisawa thought of his mission, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "You make it difficult for me, it seems that I have to teach you a lesson, so that you can cooperate with me honestly."

"What do you want?" Sera Mari looked at him vigilantly, her hand holding the camera was already raised in front of her eyes, if Hanyu Shirasawa behaved recklessly, she would hit him directly on the head.

"Do nothing, just continue what happened five years ago."

"five years ago?"

"Forgot? Let me help you remember."


Sera Marie was stunned, her beautiful eyes widened, and the hand holding the camera hit him hard on the head.

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