【It’s still sunny, and it’s getting worse today. I really can’t write, and I feel sleepy when I write. I’ve been lying in bed for a whole day. 】.

Chapter 0249: Sera Marie who broke up directly

"You guys have a good idea."

Sera Mari looked at the shocked expressions of Miyamoto Yumi and the others, and offered to help out:

"For example, the katakana numbers stored in the mobile phone, although they all look like people's names, there are always a few that don't look like them. For example, there are two obvious ones, Xianqiaoshang and Dadujian, which are like place names. .”

"Yes." Miyamoto Yumi nodded: "These two names do look like some place names, I feel like I've heard them somewhere."

Xiaolan thought for a while and said, "Xianqiao Merchant, you are talking about Xianqiao Shopping Street, right? Dadujian...not the Dadujian Town Committee?"

"That's right." Sera Marie smiled: "So, looking at it this way, Aida is Aida Construction. Ishizawa Production is Ishizawa Production Company. And the numbers under these names, the first four digits, represent the time. For example, 1023, that is It's October 23rd. As for the number behind, it should represent the amount of money."

This time.

Small coffee shop.

fell into silence.

Sera Mari looked at Hanyu Shirasawa, and said quietly, "Don't you need to add something?"

Hanyu Baisawa said with a smile: "You just say it directly, and there is nothing to hide. The place where these events happened is inseparable from the rewarding Zhou Ping just now. Simply put, this is the bribery account of election funds 453 copies."

Miyamoto Yumi asked suspiciously: "Although the mobile phone problem has been solved, what happened to the man who died the night before yesterday?"

Hanyu Shirasawa's plot in the original book has organized the language:

"I don't know how much, it must be that he wants to use this account to blackmail Zhou Ping. He probably put the phone here on purpose. The person who called the next three times to inquire should be the person who traded, in order to get this cell phone."

"But why didn't that person come in the end, but why did he still call?"

Sera Marie interjected: "From the information we got, the man should be looking for some place, and he was in a hurry and didn't notice that the car was hit and killed. In other words, he may have mistaken the place of the transaction, Later, I found out another trading location, so I ran back to get my phone back, but in the end, an accident happened.”

Miyamoto Yumi frowned and said, "Is it really possible to make a mistake on such an important matter?"

"I think it should be." Supplied, turpentine, salt, salt, slack, suburban industry, 慊光, K,  Yun’s apology,  Yun’s support, Karma, Su,  thumb toad! ?/p>

a time.

Except for Hanyu Shirasawa and Sera Mari, the rest of the girls looked at each other in dismay.

The truth came out, but the truth was full of many surprises.

Miyamoto Yumi touched her chin: "So, there is nothing wrong with me?"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said: "If you want to make a contribution, you can continue. Of course, it's best to let Miwako come and help you deal with it."

"What credit?"

"Hey, don't you want to be so stupid? Didn't we just say that this is a bribe book, understand?"

"Oh~" Miyamoto Yumi suddenly realized, and then he was a little entangled: "But this evidence alone is not enough, right?"

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded: "This is really not enough, so you have to get the stolen goods. Next, you take Miwako to the other store that Ms. Azusa mentioned just now. If that guy didn't find the phone, he will definitely keep coming." Yes. At that time, you just need to catch him and search his house, and basically you will be fine."

"Really?" Miyamoto Yumi's eyes glistened, and she immediately took out her mobile phone: "Okay, I'll notify Miwako right away."

"By the way, I almost forgot to ask, why are you here to investigate this kind of thing today?"

"Well, because many people died at Xiben Pier last night, the criminal police didn't have time, so we had to help us investigate. Alright, I'll leave first, thank you very much this time. "

After Miyamoto Yumi finished speaking, thinking of the last time she kissed him by pretending to be asleep, she was still disgusted, her cheeks blushed immediately, she turned around and left.

Xiaolan said at this time: "Brother Bai Ze (cjdb), then I will go up too."

"Well, let's go."

Hanyu Shirasawa patted Xiaolan's head.

"Aunt Mary, goodbye." Xiaolan greeted Sera Mary again, picked up the sandwiches and juices on the table, and trotted away.

"Well, I'm going to work on that too." Don't worry about it? /p>

for a short time.

Only Hanyu Shirasawa and Sera Mari were left sitting face to face.


Hanyu Shirasawa was about to speak when Sera Mari interrupted:

"You haven't answered my question yet, what's your relationship with Qianying?"

"Cough." Hanyu Baisawa resolutely pretended to be stupid: "I don't know what you are talking about, I only know that our relationship is unusual."

"Relationship, what is our relationship?" Sera Marie gently pushed the hat on her head.

The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched: "Hey, wouldn't it be turning your back on someone?"

"On the cruise ship back then, it was just a vent before dying. And you wouldn't think that I would be grateful to you if you saved me, right? As for what happened the night before, you forced me, and I only temporarily It’s just to paralyze you, I don’t want to hurt myself.”

Marie Sera folded her hands together, and she said some heartless words, and her eyes and attitude revealed the meaning.

Hanyu Shirasawa's ability "sixth sense" is telling himself that this woman is lying, and they are all duplicity.

He was very helpless, knowing what was going on, it must be that Sera Marie couldn't accept that she had another woman, even if she wasn't sure, she was more or less doubting.

"Qiankage, you have given me a big problem..." Hanyu Baisawa muttered in his heart, but he didn't intend to complain, he just felt that he was cheated by a woman.

that's it.

The atmosphere was dead silent.

Sera Mari is ruthless, Hanyu Shirasawa's thoughts are racing.

half an hour.

Sera Marie stood up: "Okay, that's all. From now on, we have nothing to do with each other."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Hanyu Shirasawa was speechless, so he hurriedly donated the money to him./p>

On the road outside.

He grabbed Sera Marie's hand and dragged her directly to the black Mazda on the side of the road.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Sera Marie struggled.


Hanyu Shirasawa didn't say a word, but his face was a little dark, he opened the passenger door, and pushed the woman in.

Seeing the angry expression on this woman's face, he complained speechlessly in his heart:

"It's quite like that... I don't have the strength to resist at all. I almost thought I was born with supernatural power."

"Ah...women, they are all born actors."

Chapter 0250: Injured Bai Ze, start copy

Time flickers.

Ekota Town.

Qianying home.

In the living room, Chikage, who had just finished making lunch, saw the door opened, and her good friend Sera Marie walked in with a calm expression, but she still had a lollipop in her mouth.

"You came back in time, hurry up and have lunch." Qian Ying greeted with a smile.

Sera Marie squinted her eyes, but said nothing, she went directly to the dining table and sat down, looked at the three dishes and one soup on the table, and then at Chikage who came over with rice.

"Hey." Qianying smiled and put a bowl of rice and a pair of chopsticks in front of her.

Sera Marie didn't move, took out the lollipop in her mouth, licked it lightly, and said softly, "I met that person again in the morning."

Qianying rolled her eyes and asked curiously, "Who is it?"

"You don't know?" Sera Marie asked back.

"How would I know if you didn't tell me?" Qianying grinned angrily.

Sera Marie said quietly: "Since you don't know, what do you mean by what you said to me last night?"


As soon as this was mentioned, Qianying felt a little helpless.

Thinking of Hanyu Baisawa's reminder to make indirect remarks, but she has no experience in this field, so she accidentally slipped her tongue last night, the situation at that time was quite embarrassing.

But fortunately, Sera Marie didn't get too entangled, otherwise she almost couldn't hold on and told the truth of the matter.

"Cough, it's nothing, nonsense, don't worry about it."

"Don't worry." Shiliang Marie said quietly: "You are my best friend, of course I don't care about it. It's just that after meeting that person in the morning, I will give that person..."

Hearing this, Qianying was slightly taken aback, then swallowed nervously: "What did you do to that person?"

"Ha ha……"

Sera Marie let out an inexplicable laugh, took a deep look at her, and gritted her teeth fiercely.

With a "click", the lollipop in his mouth shattered.

Qianying thought of a certain possibility, widened her beautiful eyes, her body trembled slightly, her eyes were full of fear.



the other side.

Four chome.

Hanyu Shirasawa's house.

At this time, he was not the only one here, but Miyamoto Yumi and Sato Miwako were also there.

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