All the girls were very curious about this, so they all took out their mobile phones and started searching the webpage.


They made a sound of surprise.


"Wow! It really looks like it."

"How can someone look so similar?"

"Xiaolan, did you see it?" Yuanzi excitedly hugged his best friend's arm and kept shaking it.

"Yeah." Xiaolan nodded, looking at the pictures found on the webpage, her eyes were also shining with curiosity.

She didn't believe it at first, but when she saw the person in the picture, she couldn't help but not believe it. After all, there are pictures and the truth.

At the same time, Xiao Lan would not believe that she and this Princess Mira are sisters, after all her father has never been to this country, and it is impossible for her to cheat so far.

Kobayashi Chengko and Sato Miwako finally felt a big rock in their hearts. Even if they still had some doubts, they were not as strong as they were at the beginning.

Miwako Sato has already made up her mind, she must ask her father carefully after returning from get off work today.

As for her mother, she didn't believe that her mother would cheat.

"Hehe." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, picked up the tea again and tasted it slowly.

This kind of feeling of knowing the plot is good. It is really flattering to reveal the news from time to time.

"That..." Xiaolan couldn't help talking, staring at Hanyu Baisawa without blinking: "Mr. Hanyu, why do you pay attention to people who look like me?"

The atmosphere that was just a little better came to an abrupt end.

The unusual tacit understanding of all the girls this time focused their eyes on the only man in the room, and Hanyu Shirasawa finally felt a little bit of pressure.

"Why?" Xiaolan asked again, her nervous heart almost stopped, and the figure appeared in her mind again, in sharp contrast with the man in front of her.

Sonoko cupped her hands on her face, looking at her good best friend as if forcing Hanyu Baisawa to confess, looking at her with the feeling that her daughter has finally grown up.

"Cough cough."

Hanyu Shirasawa started lying directly:

"Actually, I saw a picture of Princess Mira on the Internet, and then I met Aoko Nakamori not long ago. I took her as Princess Mira. Then I met Xiaolan, and I was basically sure about the three of you. They just look alike, not the same person."

"That's it..." Xiaolan's tone was a little disappointed, but she also seemed relieved.

"Crack!" Sonoko slapped himself on the forehead hard, and was very speechless to Hanyu Shirasawa, such a good opportunity wasted like this.

Miwako Sato stood up at this moment, and said, "Hanyu, since I'm fine, I'll go to your house and see if there's anything missing."

"Isn't it necessary?"

"How could it be unnecessary, I have already recorded it, and now it is up to you."

"Okay." Hanyu Shirasawa stood up.

"Let's go too." Xiaolan and Yuanzi made a request together.

Xiaolin Chengzi couldn't help but blushed a little, and stretched out her hand silently, it seemed that she wanted to go too.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "Okay, then let's all come together.".

Chapter 0031: Start a new copy

"Hey, it's pretty clean."

Yuanzi looked around in the living room, his eyes couldn't help but light up a little.

But he heard that if a man lives alone, he is very casual, which will make the house look very sloppy.

Sato Miwako asked: "Hanyu, please check if you lost anything. From your description, I can tell that the person must be after you. If it is just stealing, I will definitely not let it go." From Miss Xiaolin's house."


Xiaolan and the others nodded along.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "I remember she seems to have entered my bedroom."

As he spoke, he came to the door of the bedroom, opened it, and froze immediately.

What was in front of me was a mess, scattered all over the floor, even the clothes in the bed and closet were not spared.

Hanyu Shirasawa couldn't help but turn dark, and suddenly felt great resentment towards Belmode in his heart.

If you want to find something, just look for it, why make his bedroom such a mess, it's really disgusting.

"Mr. Hanyu, let me help you."

Xiaolan took the initiative to walk into the bedroom, and skillfully began to tidy up the mess.

After all, when she was at home, she did all the housework, and she always kept it very clean.

"Let me help too." Xiaolin Chengzi joined in.

Sonoko and Miwako Sato looked at each other, feeling a little awkward standing here, and finally helped clean up together.

Xiaolan turned her head, saw that her best friend was packing things, but she looked furtive, and asked quietly:

"Sonoko, what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for paper balls."

"what does it mean?"

"It's not convenient to tell you." Sonoko picked up the quilt casually, sniffed it lightly at the tip of his nose, and then nodded in satisfaction on his own.

Xiaolan looked even more puzzled: "What are you doing here?"

"I just smell it for fishy smell."

"What are you talking nonsense about?"

"Oh, you don't understand." Yuanzi glared at his best friend, thought for a while, and leaned closer to her ear, and whispered.

After listening.

Xiaolan's whole face was scaringly red, she looked around nervously, suppressed her voice very low, and complained: "Yuanzi, how could you think like that, you don't want to be ashamed."

Sonoko smiled and said, "Xiaolan, I'm checking for you. I saw these on the Internet, and I heard they are very accurate. You see, Mr. Hanyu didn't make the kind of mistakes that those people on the Internet said. It's someone worth entrusting, you didn't choose wrongly."

"Oh, I really don't know what you're talking about."

Xiaolan really couldn't keep up with her best friend's brain circuit, so she could only clean up silently and ignore her no more.

Four people work very quickly.

Just 5 minute.

The original messy bedroom has become clean and tidy.

Back in the living room, Hanyu Shirasawa poured tea for them one by one in order to thank them for their help.

"Thank you so much, I will treat you to dinner when I have time."

"Mr. Hanyu, that's what you said." Sonoko was not polite.

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said, "Well, I said so."

"Haha, that's great. I will make you fulfill your promise when I have time."

"Okay, I will definitely not refuse."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded.

This garden is really lively, and the proportions are very good, so it won't make people feel annoying.

Miwako Sato asked: "Hanyu, did you check just now, is there anything missing?"

"No." Hanyu Baisawa's eyes were full of smiles, but there was no smile in his heart.

Today's incident also reminded him that in the future, if you have something, you must not leave it at home, or you will not be able to find it if you lose it.

Fortunately, Belmode didn't pay attention to his family's money, otherwise the small money earned in the past three months would be gone.

"Beep beep..."

Listening to the sound, Sato Miwako slowly took out the vibrating mobile phone.

Glancing at the number above, she pressed the answer button:

"Officer Mumu, is something wrong?"

"Satou, have you dealt with it? We have a new incident here, and we don't have enough manpower. We need your help."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Miwako Sato hung up the phone after finishing speaking, and stood up: "Sorry, I have something to do. Xiaolan, Sonoko, do you two want to come with me? I happen to be on my way."

"it is good."

Xiaolan and Sonoko also felt that it was time to leave, so they said goodbye to Hanyu Shirasawa and Kobayashi Sumiko, and left with Sato Miwako.

As soon as they leave.

The living room fell silent.

Only Kobayashi Sumiko and Hanyu Shirasawa were left.

Xiaolin Chengzi looked at him for an instant and only himself was left, without the initial boldness, becoming a little unnatural, and his cheeks were slightly flushed.

"Miss Kobayashi." Hanyu Shirasawa said easily.

"Yes." Kobayashi Chengzi responded nervously, stirring her hands together uneasily.

"Well, I just want to ask, did that woman say anything special when she was alone with you, or did you remember anything?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Lin Chengzi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "She said something, I still remember it."

"Is it convenient for you to talk about it?"


Xiaolin Chengzi didn't ask why, but just repeated everything she could remember:

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